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Iran nuclear deal reached

Washington froze billions of dollars in Iranian assets in the wake of the 1979 Islamic Revolution that saw Iranians storm the US Embassy and capture 52 American hostages.

Now those $ are getting unfroze. Basically, that money belonged to the pre-revolution Iran.
Washington froze billions of dollars in Iranian assets in the wake of the 1979 Islamic Revolution that saw Iranians storm the US Embassy and capture 52 American hostages.

Now those $ are getting unfroze. Basically, that money belonged to the pre-revolution Iran.

your point ?
. .
1- that mod can defend himself
2- read my posts ...

3- our Foreign ministry still didn't publish full text of this deal ..... and it speak volumes ... why they need to hide it if that is so good .... why western diplomats talk about " Stop , Shout , Ship " diplomacy !?
I don't want to get fooled ...

چرا وزارت خارجه برای رفع ابهامات، تمام جزئیات "توافق ژنو" را منتشر نمی‌کند؟ - مشرق نیوز |

what is point of deal when we have our own explanation of the deal and they have their own !?


if your ego let you , then read all of this links ... we give up everything for nothing ...

especially this ...

1- That mod are trying to be patient and judge fair.
2- i read.

3-foreign minister published full text of this deal with details, the amount of money doesnt mean Full text. you already fooled yourself my friend,

the deal is deal and nothing cant change it. there is nothing wrong in deal as i know.

hosseinian?? is it source? how he could calculate it? can you calculate for us? the number of centrifuge, the amount that they can enrich, amount of our uranium deposit. i dont know them.

please read it.

ما در كاهش تنها يك كار انجام مي‌دهيم و 20 درصد توليد نمي‌كنيم. ما آنچه را پذيرفتيم كه ظرف يك ساعت در صورتي كه تصميم بگيريم تنها اتصال بين دو آبشار را كه در حال عادي 5 درصد توليد مي‌كند و در صورتي كه متصل باشد 20 درصد توليد خواهد كرد از بين برود و ظرف حداكثر كمتر از يك روز باز و بسته مي‌شود، اين بحثي است كه در شوراي عالي امنيت ملي شده است.
وي ادامه داد: بخش دوم را كه به نظر بنده كاهش نيست اما در بخش مربوط به كاهش آورده‌ام كه كسي نگويد كم فروشي مي‌كني اين است كه نيمي از اورانيوم 20 درصد را تبديل به اكسيد تبديل مي‌كنيم كه اين كار را در حال حاضر انجام مي‌دهيم و از روزي كه شروع كرده‌ايم حدود 470 كيلو اورانيوم 20 درصدي توليد شده و تاكنون نزديك بيش از نيمي از آن به اكسيد تبديل شده است و نيم ديگري كه باقي مانده است قرار است 100 كيلوي آن تبديل به اكسيد شود كه برنامه ما انجام اين كار بوده و نيم ديگر كه قبلا بحث اين بود كه به خارج فرستاده شود تبديل به 3.5 درصد خواهيم كرد.
ظريف گفت: از نظر من تبديل به اكسيد كاهش نيست و تبديل به 3.5 درصد را كاهش مي‌دانم. اين صرفا كاري است كه ما به عنوان كاهش انجام مي‌دهيم و يك كاهش ديگر نيز ممكن است تفسير شود كه در جدول آورده‌ام و آن اين است كه توليد سانتريفيوژ جديد محدود مي‌كنيم به تعدادي كه نياز داريم براي جايگزيني سانتريفيوژهاي خراب شده موجود؛ با توجه به اينكه ما اصلا قرار نيست سانتريفيوژ جديدي نصب كنيم و قرار است توانمندي حفظ شود و افزايش پيدا نكند. من اين مطلب را نيز كاهش عنوان كرده‌ام و اين در حالي است كه در حال عادي وقتي نمي‌خواهيم سانتريفيوژ نصب كنيم توليد سانتريفيوژ محدود به آن چيزي است كه نياز داريم. مخصوصا اينكه ما از نظر فني توليد سانتريفيوژ نسل 1 را به مصلحت نمي‌دانيم. به دليل آنكه نسل 1 بايد تبديل به نسل‌هاي بعدي پيشرفته‌تر شود و آنها توليد شوند. آنچه كه اينجا توافق شده اين است كه اين اقدام صورت گيرد.

my opinion, what we get in this deal, if it will remain same in next 6 months. we can call it a miracle. because i expect they take all we have got, not just nuclear program, our missile technology and laser technology. Frankly, we have no leverage in front them. day by day the situation is getting worse and we are going to be more weak..few months later we would not be able to sell even a barrel, no money exchange. in the other hand, our economy would be collapse and that time there wont be Islamic republic to have nuclear program or missile technology or whatever else.

now the existing of islamic republic and iran is in danger. go be thankful that they just leave 20% and still could keep others.

they easily can continue sanctions til our economy collapse and people be hungry.

make a dream is easy, but we cant live in dreams.
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President al-Assad hails Iran nuclear agreement
Nov 27, 2013


President Bashar al-Assad congratulated President Hassan Rouhani of Iran and the friendly Iranian people on the agreement clinched in Geneva between Iran and P5+1 countries over the Iranian nuclear file.

During a phone call with President Rouhani on Wednesday, President al-Assad said the success of the Iranian diplomacy in reaching the agreement derived from the steadfastness of the Iranian people, their commitment to their rights and the unswerving stance of the Iranian leadership based on preserving Iran's sovereignty and independent decision.

President al-Assad said the achievement comes to enshrine the right of developing countries in acquiring peaceful nuclear energy, adding that the achievement bolsters Iran's regional and international position.

President al-Assad saw that Iran's achievement will reflect on Syria due to the strategic relation between the two countries.

President Rouhani, for his part, reaffirmed Iran's standing by Syria in its war against terrorism , hoping that peace would prevail all over Syria.

Earlier in the day, President Rouhani affirmed to the Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu during their meeting in Tehran the importance of establishing security and stability in Syria, expelling terrorists and ending the crisis peacefully.

Last August, President al-Assad affirmed, in a cable sent to President Rouhani upon his election as Iran's president, Syria's resolve to continue bolstering friendship ties and cooperation with Iran, on top confronting Western and US schemes and their tools in the region.

Syria has welcomed the agreement struck in Geneva between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the P5+1 countries as it maintains the interests of the Iranian brotherly people and recognizes the right of the Iranian people to use the nuclear power for peaceful purposes.

Iran and the P5+1 countries have reached an agreement last Sunday over the Iranian nuclear program that recognized Iran's uranium enrichment process.
. .
Sallam ....

It Is Public Support For Diplomacy That Pushes Obama
The people of the United States have a very different view on war and peace than the politicians, think tankers and journalists in Washington DC.

Consider this sentence from a NYT Mark Landler piece about the (alleged but yet unproven) Obama shift from military might to diplomacy:

It is harder for a president to rally the American public behind a multilateral negotiation than a missile strike, though the deep war weariness of Americans has reinforced Mr. Obama’s instinct for negotiated settlements over unilateral action.
That sentence is completely wrong. The U.S. public is much easier to convince of negotiations than of missile strikes. Noise from some hawkish politicians in Washington, which Landler probably confuses with the public opinon, does not give the real picture. Two recent polls clearly express that.

When Obama wanted to strike Syria 59% opposed such an attack with only 36% supporting it. While only 20% oppose negotiations with Iran 75% support them.

It is not, as Lander claims, that the public wants missile strikes and is against diplomacy. It is Obama who wanted the missile strikes on Syria and it was public opinion that pressed Congress and him not to launch such strikes. It was Russian, not Obama's, diplomacy that gave him a way out from the missile strikes he had planned. It is likewise the public that presses for negotiations with Iran and that would not support any new war against it.

Landler somewhat claims that Obama takes the lead in the turn towards a more sane and diplomatic U.S. foreign policy. That is just not the case. Obama may use the current diplomacy with Iran, which is still preliminary, only to later justify a war. The U.S. public is much less hawkish than Obama and the general consensus in Washington. Obama is for now simply following the public's lead because - as the aborted Syria strikes showed - he can no longer ignore it.

M of A - It Is Public Support For Diplomacy That Pushes Obama

the comments are interesting as well ...
. .
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President al-Assad hails Iran nuclear agreement
Nov 27, 2013


President Bashar al-Assad congratulated President Hassan Rouhani of Iran and the friendly Iranian people on the agreement clinched in Geneva between Iran and P5+1 countries over the Iranian nuclear file.

During a phone call with President Rouhani on Wednesday, President al-Assad said the success of the Iranian diplomacy in reaching the agreement derived from the steadfastness of the Iranian people, their commitment to their rights and the unswerving stance of the Iranian leadership based on preserving Iran's sovereignty and independent decision.

President al-Assad said the achievement comes to enshrine the right of developing countries in acquiring peaceful nuclear energy, adding that the achievement bolsters Iran's regional and international position.

President al-Assad saw that Iran's achievement will reflect on Syria due to the strategic relation between the two countries.

President Rouhani, for his part, reaffirmed Iran's standing by Syria in its war against terrorism , hoping that peace would prevail all over Syria.

Earlier in the day, President Rouhani affirmed to the Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu during their meeting in Tehran the importance of establishing security and stability in Syria, expelling terrorists and ending the crisis peacefully.

Last August, President al-Assad affirmed, in a cable sent to President Rouhani upon his election as Iran's president, Syria's resolve to continue bolstering friendship ties and cooperation with Iran, on top confronting Western and US schemes and their tools in the region.

Syria has welcomed the agreement struck in Geneva between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the P5+1 countries as it maintains the interests of the Iranian brotherly people and recognizes the right of the Iranian people to use the nuclear power for peaceful purposes.

Iran and the P5+1 countries have reached an agreement last Sunday over the Iranian nuclear program that recognized Iran's uranium enrichment process

So Iran is now tricked by the Money; the economy will get some fresh air; the People in Iran start to feel how it is like to be normal; and then the World power will want to hit the Assad regime.

What will the answer be?
. .
Aero and I are being hopeful. A couple of years ago such a deal would not have been realistic to think about but now it's becoming a reality. Similarly, when there's a reason to hope, we should.

Everything was realistic to think as it was never a deadlock with Iran although the state policies and selected presidents ambitions experienced what consequences they might face by violating world agreement they signed. Hope could do nothing while you want to try something with closed and illogical mind. Yours prompt comment is reflection of lack of understanding of whole scenario while some one is talking here in row of increased human heart beat by bringing brothers and friends in geopolitical world.
I think it is a good deal ,We did not lost anything And If the Us derogate the contarct,it will her dirty feature to Iranian and muslim people and world.:tup: :tup:
Sallam ...

It is not official so this is only for my fellow countrymen ....

رئیس پژوهشکده یقین تاکید کرد: در این شش ماه عقب نشینی، اگر آمریکا به تعهداتش عمل نکرد، کشور ما چیزی از دست نمی دهد، مذاکرات ایران با 1+5 بازی بر اساس جریان برد برد است که در هر حال ایران برنده میدان است. رسالت نظام، تنها مسئله هسته ای نیست، آن ها با پرونده هسته ای ما مشکل ندارند، آن ها می خواهند قدرت ایران را زیر سوال ببرند.

عباسی گفت: تضعیف تیم مذاکره کننده ایرانی در مذاکرات اخیر به دلیل اشتباهات دولت پیشین در جریان انحرافی 88، 11 روز خانه‌نشینی رئیس جمهور سابق و درگیری های دو قوه، باعث کم شدن قدرت تیم مذاکره کننده فعلی شد. در جریان فتنه 88، 50 درصد قدرت دولت رو به اضمحلال رفت.

وی افزود: مذاکرات ایران با 1+5 در دولت احمدی نژاد، مذاکراتی با شاکله و بر مبنای همین مباحثی بود که چند روز پیش صورت گرفت؛ اما به دو دلیل؛ امتیاز ندادن از سوی جلیلی به دولت های غربی و خصومت 1+5 با سیاست مطرح شدن هولوکاست از سوی احمدی نژاد این موافقت صورت نگرفت.

تحلیل حسن عباسی از مذاکرات ژنو
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