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Iran Nuclear Deal. Good or Bad for Turkey?

Is the Iran nuclear deal good or bad for Turkey?

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Feb 9, 2014
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In Turkey, Mixed Reactions to Iran Nuclear Deal

ISTANBULThere is a mixed reaction from the Turkish government to the nuclear deal negotiated with Iran by the P5 plus 1 countries. The prospect of the ending of Iranian sanctions is seen by Ankara as providing major trade opportunities but concerns remain that the settlement will strengthen its neighbor and only deepen the growing sectarian rivalry in the region.

Turkey’s economy minister Mehmet Simsek tweeted "great news for the Turkish economy,” on hearing the internationally negotiated deal with Iran over its nuclear program. Simsek predicted a surge in investments and trade between the neighbors with the nuclear deal set to lift international trade sanctions on Iran.

Later this year, a preferential trade agreement between Turkey and Iran is set to come into force. Experts were predicting even before the nuclear deal the trade agreement could double business within two years.

But former senior Turkish ambassador and vice chairman of the Turkish Asian Centre for Strategic studies Murat Bilhan voices caution over the deal.

"In the short term I think Turkey might benefit from that, because of the opening of the sanctions on Iran, but it might change negatively in the mid term and long term. Because there Iran will rise as a very big star in the region," he said.

While welcoming the deal, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu called for Tehran to review what he described as its “sectarian driven policies.” Both countries accuse one another of pursuing regional polices through the prism of the Shiite-Sunni Islamic divide, none more so than the Syrian civil war.

Fear of an empowered Iran

Ankara is one of the strongest backers of Sunni rebel groups seeking to bring down the Tehran backed Assad regime. International relations expert Soli Ozel of Istanbul’s Kadir Has University says while Ankara will be relieved a conflict over Iran has been averted, it remains concerned over an empowered Tehran.

"Everybody’s concern is that, Iran off the hook, with really cascades of money coming its way, maybe gradually, but it will be coming its way, would continue the same way," said Ozel. "We do not know it will, we do not it know it will not. That may very well be a function of what the power struggle in Iran looks like. "

There is also potential long-term fall out for Ankara. Since the Iranian revolution, Ankara has been Washington’s closest ally in the region. But Bilhan says if the nuclear deal opens the door to a rapproachmont between Tehran and Washington that could be Ankara’s loss.

"If they rise as new partners and sincere partners of the United States, then they might be rivals of Turkey and other partners of America, the Saudis. So might they just change the whole scene."

Already observers cite increasing irritation, if not concern, over the perceived shared goals of Washington and Tehran in the battle against the Islamic State. The fear in Ankara is it could ultimately be the loser, if as predicted the Iran nuclear deal ushers in a new era for region.

In Turkey, Mixed Reactions to Iran Nuclear Deal

I think economically it is good for Turkey but in the long term they will become a bigger headache than they are now. If Turkey had a switzerland like policy than the deal would be good for Turkey no doubt but as long as Turkey is active in the region they will be a problem.
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it could boost our economy.. but we have to look how Iran is acting the last 30 years.. specially the last years then we see what will happen in the fuutre with a stronger Iran..

the west will never abondon Iran.. I always said it and will repeat it.. they both belong to the indo european language "family"

germans for example say that iranians are their distant cousins and are fascinated of persian culture.. dont let you fool yourselfs with anti mullah propaganda.. without mullah or less mullah they would be like twins..

besides that iran has oil and gas..

also they will use iran as a counter part of turkey and saudi arabia to destabilizise turkey and saudi arabia..
creating kurdistan and splitting saudi arabia is their main goal.. we can fool ourselfes with nato membership and partner of west while they officially show kurdistan map on nato meeting...

you will see it, if the iranians dont fck this this deal up and begin peacefull steps towards israel then the social /political rehabilitation of Iran will happen.. iran would get what we cannot get what they refuse to give us..

or just portray this in your imagination:

- Irans actings in Irak and Syria..
- no one really cares or complains.. they are already good with them..
- but our little (really small) self defence operations in Irak has been banned and "marked with the label of shame"..
- also we have to carry the burden of natos syria operations..

so we could benefit for a while or longer but there are side effects, I dont think Iran will change their politicy towards turkey
Iranian Nuclear deal is just the beginning of new regional order in which Iran would definitively have an important role but not the 'leading role', with this nuclear deal Iranian have shown their strength & flexibility at the core national issues & their willingness to resolve the disputes at the negotiation table if the price is right, on the other hand west has demonstrated their ability to increase the cost of non-cooperation without any active aggression.

The issues of Middle east are much bigger then Asad regime or the emergence of ISIS in different parts of middle east particularly at the doorstep of Iran & KSA, its not about energy resources or extremism but its about the POLITICAL & ECONOMIC WORLD ORDER.

This deal is the first attempt of Iran after revolution to align herself as an STATE with the POLITICAL WORLD ORDER in a serious hope to get the Economical alignment with world in return, so this deal is just the beginning more will follow with the passage of time.

Now the effects of this deal on Turkey (or even on Pakistan) is depend who deeply & strongly TURKEY will keep herself associated with rest of the world, due to this STRATEGIC & ECONOMIC importance of Turkey will be effected positively as it is a very well known tactic of the 'rest of world' to not let any country having the potential to influence the region unchecked.
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''I think economically it is good for Turkey but in the long term they will become a bigger headache than they are now.''

It is too early to talk about that but my vote is, good.
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Ofcourse they would become a headeache and thats exactly one of the reasons i think this will be good for Turkey. We were litteraly the only country in the region that enjoyed Economic boom and rapid domestic defence industry developemt, Iran can rival this. This means there will be fierce competition which in itself would increase funding and shorten the development of certain weapons systems as they would be prioritized. We were/are taking our sweet time developing certain weapons.

Naturally economically this would also be good for both countries. Turkey never really had a strict Anti-Iran policy to begin with so there shouldnt be that much political interference.
I think economically it is good for Turkey but in the long term they will become a bigger headache than they are now. If Turkey had a switzerland like policy than the deal would be good for Turkey no doubt but as long as Turkey is active in the region they will be a problem.

We are a headache only for those who consider us enemies. If Turkey considers us as enemies, then you are welcome to think that way.

Besides, prior to 2006, sanctions against Iran were practically negligible compared to now, if Iran was a 'headache' for you then, it will be now, and if not, then there is nothing to worry about.
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We are a headache only for those who consider us enemies. If Turkey considers us as enemies, then you are welcome to think that way.

Besides, prior to 2006, sanctions against Iran were practically negligible compared to now, if Iran was a 'headache' for you then, it will be now, and if not, then there is nothing to worry about.
Honestly Turkey had pretty good relations with Iran until Syria started, if the Syrian civil war wasn't going on then I don't think the deal would be a long term headache. In the short term its good because Turkey needs export markets to replace the lost middle eastern markets like Syria, Iraq, and Libya. Actually if this whole Arab spring garbage didn't start I think the region would have been in a very good place today.

I don't think you were a headache in 2006 because Turkey and Iran imo were not stepping on each others toes at that time.
Honestly Turkey had pretty good relations with Iran until Syria started, if the Syrian civil war wasn't going on then I don't think the deal would be a long term headache. In the short term its good because Turkey needs export markets to replace the lost middle eastern markets like Syria, Iraq, and Libya. Actually if this whole Arab spring garbage didn't start I think the region would have been in a very good place today.

I don't think you were a headache in 2006 because Turkey and Iran imo were not stepping on each others toes at that time.

But thats the thing, When we have problems which can be solved in a parallel direction there are no problems. But when we need solve problems where Ideology comes into place.We clash and Neither of us will budge which results into destroying the things we sought to build up.
Ofcourse they would become a headeache and thats exactly one of the reasons i think this will be good for Turkey. We were litteraly the only country in the region that enjoyed Economic boom and rapid domestic defence industry developemt, Iran can rival this. This means there will be fierce competition which in itself would increase funding and shorten the development of certain weapons systems as they would be prioritized. We were/are taking our sweet time developing certain weapons.

Naturally economically this would also be good for both countries. Turkey never really had a strict Anti-Iran policy to begin with so there shouldnt be that much political interference.

ther will no rivalery with Defence industry, they will buy a lot of chinese and russian equipment. Nothing more, and ther so called projects will disappear. only thing with what they are good is ther ballistic missiles.
Fact is Iran is and was supporting Terror and terrorists around the world. They will continue this policy. There is no Separation of power, no control mechanism in that Country which is far away from universal ethical standarts. Macchiavelist policy will go on. Iran will Keep to be an underdeveloped Country and only an simple energy supplier for the market. Turks should not hope to make big Business with Iran. Obama is not an peacemaker, he was pressed to lift the Embargo for EU's prosperity. If he wouldn't lifted Embargo EU wouldn't sign TTIP. Now both markets will Profit, EU depends on Exports , the domestic consuptiom is low. Bank interests are going against %0. Also the USA can raise their Export to EU. That's the main reason. Iran will try to shorten and cheapen the Gas- and Nafta Transport routes, they will not build Pipelines through Turkey, cause they see Turkey as competitor and historical enemy. They will force Pipelines through Nothern Irak and Northern Syria to the Mediterannean. That will correlate with USA's "New Middle East Project"and of course Israel's policy. In this Project -Thats a part of the Deal- Iran will be the only Country which will be not divided. Now ask why Israel will Profit . Easy , Israel Needs a strong defencebelt and strong ally in Near East. Kurd are best suited. Iran will tolerate with secret understanding.The biggest Energy Export Terminals of the world will be built in Israel and Bypass Turkey. With huge gas and Nafta exports from Iran, Nothern Irak and Israel also Russian power on the EU will be minimized.
At last landlocked Oil and Gas rich Kaschstan,Türkmenistan and Uzbekistan will jump on the energy Train, Trans-Iran Pipelines -excluding Turkey- will help to increase the Export of their huge reserves. The global energy for the next 100 years will be ensured.

Existing routes, Connection to Iran will be soon established


New Pipelines to Askhalon and Haifa will be build.





It is very interesting that the UIGUR ISSUE exploded short time before Turkish President's strategic visit to CHINA and of course todays BOMB ATTACK in SURUC maybe regarded as a pawn in CHESS.
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I believe this can be the best opportunity for Turkiye if we can handle it. They have a huge market which is very good for our goods-products.

I am afraid as long as Erdogan in charge and controlling my country, we have little percentage but i still believe this would be great opportunity for us.
it could boost our economy.. but we have to look how Iran is acting the last 30 years.. specially the last years then we see what will happen in the fuutre with a stronger Iran..

the west will never abondon Iran.. I always said it and will repeat it.. they both belong to the indo european language "family"

germans for example say that iranians are their distant cousins and are fascinated of persian culture.. dont let you fool yourselfs with anti mullah propaganda.. without mullah or less mullah they would be like twins..

besides that iran has oil and gas..

also they will use iran as a counter part of turkey and saudi arabia to destabilizise turkey and saudi arabia..
creating kurdistan and splitting saudi arabia is their main goal.. we can fool ourselfes with nato membership and partner of west while they officially show kurdistan map on nato meeting...

you will see it, if the iranians dont fck this this deal up and begin peacefull steps towards israel then the social /political rehabilitation of Iran will happen.. iran would get what we cannot get what they refuse to give us..

or just portray this in your imagination:

- Irans actings in Irak and Syria..
- no one really cares or complains.. they are already good with them..
- but our little (really small) self defence operations in Irak has been banned and "marked with the label of shame"..
- also we have to carry the burden of natos syria operations..

so we could benefit for a while or longer but there are side effects, I dont think Iran will change their politicy towards turkey

I have been hearing all these conspiracy theories for sometime now, and they are ridiculous and stupid. For 30 years, Sunni states in ME are talking about 'secret alliances' between Iran and the west, but what we see in reality is that it's actually Arabs and Turkey who have a strategic alliance with the west and U.S, have billions of dollars in contracts and buying arms from them. For God's sake, you are the one who is in NATO, not Iran.

Stop treating the Iran deal as an 'Iran-US alliance or something like that. We only got some of our rights and removal of sanctions that were wrongfully imposed on us, nothing more. These conspiracy theories are just pathetic.

Fact is Iran is and was supporting Terror and terrorists around the world. They will continue this policy. There is no Separation of power, no control mechanism in that Country which is far away from universal ethical standarts. Macchiavelist policy will go on. Iran will Keep to be an underdeveloped Country and only an simple energy supplier for the market. Turks should not hope to make big Business with Iran. Obama is not an peacemaker, he was pressed to lift the Embargo for EU's prosperity. If he wouldn't lifted Embargo EU wouldn't sign TTIP. Now both markets will Profit, EU depends on Exports , the domestic consuptiom is low. Bank interests are going against %0. Also the USA can raise their Export to EU. That's the main reason. Iran will try to shorten and cheapen the Gas- and Nafta Transport routes, they will not build Pipelines through Turkey, cause they see Turkey as competitor and historical enemy. They will force Pipelines through Nothern Irak and Northern Syria to the Mediterannean. That will correlate with USA's "New Middle East Project"and of course Israel's policy. In this Project -Thats a part of the Deal- Iran will be the only Country which will be not divided. Now ask why Israel will Profit . Easy , Israel Needs a strong defencebelt and strong ally in Near East. Kurd are best suited. Iran will tolerate with secret understanding.The biggest Energy Export Terminals of the world will be built in Israel and Bypass Turkey. With huge gas and Nafta exports from Iran, Nothern Irak and Israel also Russian power on the EU will be minimized.
At last landlocked Oil and Gas rich Kaschstan,Türkmenistan and Uzbekistan will jump on the energy Train, Trans-Iran Pipelines -excluding Turkey- will help to increase the Export of their huge reserves. The global energy for the next 100 years will be ensured.

Existing routes, Connection to Iran will be soon established


New Pipelines to Askhalon and Haifa will be build.





It is very interesting that the UIGUR ISSUE exploded short time before Turkish President's strategic visit to CHINA and of course todays BOMB ATTACK in SURUC maybe regarded as a pawn in CHESS.

What on earth are you talking about? Instead of having 40 posts a day, try making some sense please. Iran is an underdeveloped country? And are you saying that while living in a 1st world country?
it could boost our economy.. but we have to look how Iran is acting the last 30 years.. specially the last years then we see what will happen in the fuutre with a stronger Iran..

the west will never abondon Iran.. I always said it and will repeat it.. they both belong to the indo european language "family"

germans for example say that iranians are their distant cousins and are fascinated of persian culture.. dont let you fool yourselfs with anti mullah propaganda.. without mullah or less mullah they would be like twins..

besides that iran has oil and gas..

also they will use iran as a counter part of turkey and saudi arabia to destabilizise turkey and saudi arabia..
creating kurdistan and splitting saudi arabia is their main goal.. we can fool ourselfes with nato membership and partner of west while they officially show kurdistan map on nato meeting...

you will see it, if the iranians dont fck this this deal up and begin peacefull steps towards israel then the social /political rehabilitation of Iran will happen.. iran would get what we cannot get what they refuse to give us..

or just portray this in your imagination:

- Irans actings in Irak and Syria..
- no one really cares or complains.. they are already good with them..
- but our little (really small) self defence operations in Irak has been banned and "marked with the label of shame"..
- also we have to carry the burden of natos syria operations..

so we could benefit for a while or longer but there are side effects, I dont think Iran will change their politicy towards turkey

I think you´re a troubled young lad. So many contractions in one post, makes my head spin. Okay, the west will never 'abandon' Iran. Sure, they only ruined Iran for the past 35 years, but aside from that, thei're butt budies. Indeed. (ps: to idiots who don't understand, these sanctions were supposed to have changed the regime MANY years ago, and oh yeah, the war they forced on Iran which was much bloodier than the Turkish war for independence, which many fools conviniently forget).

2. Iran wants a Kurdish state. RIGHT. Iran wants a Kurdish state. I can't add anything to that, it's so idiotic. Think before you speak, Timur.

I believe this can be the best opportunity for Turkiye if we can handle it. They have a huge market which is very good for our goods-products.

I am afraid as long as Erdogan in charge and controlling my country, we have little percentage but i still believe this would be great opportunity for us.

If there is one thing I can credit Erdogan with, it's that he does try to expand exports and goes on many trade/economic trips abroad. So I think Turkish-Iranian trade will boom, by quite a bit actually.

This deal will first and foremost benefit both nations economically. What happens politically, and what has been decided behind the scenes of this nuclear deal, is anybody's guess. I do think with a high degree of certainty that the two big dogs of the middle east won't ever start a shooting war. It's too destructive and the gains would be minimal.
Yes I do. Have you ever been in Türkiye ? May I ask you what export goods you can present me ? Except oil and gas. Some pistaches and carpets. Maybe we can make some deal, after embargo was lifted. And please dont tell me about East Turkey. Development goes with full effort. What about Irans development in his East - Sistan Belucistan. Maybe time will come and you will suffer severe headache and more, than we have now. Have a good day. Serpentines make mind crazy.


And never forget to be his Masters Dog, Germanys who delivered you in real nuke capability.

They say " mein Kerl ist Perser ein ganz perverser "; its a proverb.
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And never forget to be his Masters Dog, Germanys who delivered you in real nuke capability.

They say " mein Kerl ist Perser ein ganz perverser "; its a proverb.
Dude, I can't understand you at all, let's leave it.
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