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Iran Nuclear Deal. Good or Bad for Turkey?

Is the Iran nuclear deal good or bad for Turkey?

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In Turkey, Mixed Reactions to Iran Nuclear Deal

ISTANBULThere is a mixed reaction from the Turkish government to the nuclear deal negotiated with Iran by the P5 plus 1 countries. The prospect of the ending of Iranian sanctions is seen by Ankara as providing major trade opportunities but concerns remain that the settlement will strengthen its neighbor and only deepen the growing sectarian rivalry in the region.

Turkey’s economy minister Mehmet Simsek tweeted "great news for the Turkish economy,” on hearing the internationally negotiated deal with Iran over its nuclear program. Simsek predicted a surge in investments and trade between the neighbors with the nuclear deal set to lift international trade sanctions on Iran.

Later this year, a preferential trade agreement between Turkey and Iran is set to come into force. Experts were predicting even before the nuclear deal the trade agreement could double business within two years.

But former senior Turkish ambassador and vice chairman of the Turkish Asian Centre for Strategic studies Murat Bilhan voices caution over the deal.

"In the short term I think Turkey might benefit from that, because of the opening of the sanctions on Iran, but it might change negatively in the mid term and long term. Because there Iran will rise as a very big star in the region," he said.

While welcoming the deal, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu called for Tehran to review what he described as its “sectarian driven policies.” Both countries accuse one another of pursuing regional polices through the prism of the Shiite-Sunni Islamic divide, none more so than the Syrian civil war.

Fear of an empowered Iran

Ankara is one of the strongest backers of Sunni rebel groups seeking to bring down the Tehran backed Assad regime. International relations expert Soli Ozel of Istanbul’s Kadir Has University says while Ankara will be relieved a conflict over Iran has been averted, it remains concerned over an empowered Tehran.

"Everybody’s concern is that, Iran off the hook, with really cascades of money coming its way, maybe gradually, but it will be coming its way, would continue the same way," said Ozel. "We do not know it will, we do not it know it will not. That may very well be a function of what the power struggle in Iran looks like. "

There is also potential long-term fall out for Ankara. Since the Iranian revolution, Ankara has been Washington’s closest ally in the region. But Bilhan says if the nuclear deal opens the door to a rapproachmont between Tehran and Washington that could be Ankara’s loss.

"If they rise as new partners and sincere partners of the United States, then they might be rivals of Turkey and other partners of America, the Saudis. So might they just change the whole scene."

Already observers cite increasing irritation, if not concern, over the perceived shared goals of Washington and Tehran in the battle against the Islamic State. The fear in Ankara is it could ultimately be the loser, if as predicted the Iran nuclear deal ushers in a new era for region.

In Turkey, Mixed Reactions to Iran Nuclear Deal

I think economically it is good for Turkey but in the long term they will become a bigger headache than they are now. If Turkey had a switzerland like policy than the deal would be good for Turkey no doubt but as long as Turkey is active in the region they will be a problem.
Turkey can become a way to sell Iranian crude and gas through their soil. Also, railway and highway link too to export minerals, raw material and even finished products too.
Don't be jelly of our 'Award Winning' Tarmac and Concrete industry, billions are coming Turkeys' way.
You made a mistake, just admit it. Turkey is building Tabriz-Bazaragan highway, about 300 km. That's it. No need to twist. :D
You made a mistake, just admit it. Turkey is building Tabriz-Bazaragan highway, about 300 km. That's it. No need to twist. :D

Turkish companies have already setup sister companies in Iran. We'll be building your subways too :)
Turkish companies have already setup sister companies in Iran. We'll be building your subways too :)

Again, only parts of Tabriz subway. Please, don't try to outsmart an Iranian about Iran. ;)

Although I welcome Turkish companies presence and investments in Iran, you shouldn't get ahead of yourself to start making things up.

Another thing, we are building metro lines in 4 other cities, all by Iranian companies, including Tehran metro, which will be largest metro system in whole region when all lines are completed (I think it already is).

So don't try to imply that you can do something that we can't do by ourselves, like making highways or subway. Every country, including Iran, welcomes foreign presence and investment. Turkish companies will invest hundreds of millions of dollars for Tabriz-Bazargan highway and Tabriz metro.
Again, only parts of Tabriz subway. Please, don't try to outsmart an Iranian about Iran. ;)

Although I welcome Turkish companies presence and investments in Iran, you shouldn't get ahead of yourself to start making things up.

Another thing, we are building metro lines in 4 other cities, all by Iranian companies, including Tehran metro, which will be largest metro system in whole region when all lines are completed (I think it already is).

So don't try to imply that you can do something that we can't do by ourselves, like making highways or subway. Every country, including Iran, welcomes foreign presence and investment. Turkish companies will invest hundreds of millions of dollars for Tabriz-Bazargan highway and Tabriz metro.

You don't see Turkey requesting Iran to build it's subways or highways or power stations.. ;)
You don't see Turkey requesting Iran to build it's subways or highways or power stations.. ;)

Why does everything have t be a dick measuring contest? So the thread is about whether the Iran deal will be beneficial for Turkey or not. Turkey already has, and will get plenty more, contracts in Iran (from construction to white goods). So that's good by any measure. And now that it's good, you say: "yeah, but Iran has to import those things because it can't do it itself". That's silly.
Why does everything have t be a dick measuring contest? So the thread is about whether the Iran deal will be beneficial for Turkey or not. Turkey already has, and will get plenty more, contracts in Iran (from construction to white goods). So that's good by any measure. And now that it's good, you say: "yeah, but Iran has to import those things because it can't do it itself". That's silly.

Okay :D
True long term is not a good thing for tURKEY. but in short term Turkey wil benefit lot economically from this deal. Long term however as Iran grows stronger and its economy improves, it will be a tough rival/challenger to Turkey in the region, especially economically, as Iran can bsically carry out every project Turkish company are doing in the region. So the competition will be even more tougher for Turkey, im not even mentioning about regional influence as well, it will give Iran more room/leverage in dealing with other countries in the region.:)

Turkey has always, and will always be able to stand on it's own feet. No need for oil, gas. No need to be 'afraid' of competition. Turkey today doesn't have a lot of influence in the middle east (not to flame), and it does not have Iran to thank for it. So no, Iran's influence will NOT get any bigger, it's influence will remain in those places who are open for that influence (mostly Shia areas/countries). So no, Turkey doesn't lose anything here. At best those dumb Pakdef/WAFF dick measuring contests will get more even (who has more tanks, who has more modern assault rifles etc). But actual influence in the region will remain just the same. There is Western backed influence (Sunni lands and west) and non-western influence (mostly Iran, and perhaps Russia/China way, way behind the curtains).

So net: Turkey will get a nice economic boost, and not lose anything else.

Yeah, that's what she said .
Yeah, that's what she said .

You don't see Turkey requesting Iran to build it's subways or highways or power stations.. ;)

Wow, an answer of wisdom and intelligence.

We didn't 'ask' Turkey to build it, they are interested in investment because it has benefits for them. That can be one of the most stupid arguments I've ever heard.

France, for example, invests in U.S, not because of mutual interests, but because U.S can't do shit on its own, lol.

You see? By insisting on one simple mistake and instead of accepting it, you are going lower with each single post. If I were you, I'd just stop, lol. Making a mistake is something, trying to make it bigger by insisting on it is something else.

Actually I have no problem to admit we can't do some specific activity on our own, no country can claim it can do everything on its own, even if it can, it may cost higher.

This is an investment opportunity for Turkish companies, it's not like they are doing a favor for us. :lol:
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Wow, an answer of wisdom and intelligence.

I'm savoring every post :)

We didn't 'ask' Turkey to build it, they are interested in investment because it has benefits for them. That can be one of the most stupid arguments I've ever heard.

France, for example, invests in U.S, not because of mutual interests, but because U.S can't do shit on its own.

You see? By insisting on one simple mistake and instead of accepting it, you are going lower with each single post. If I were you, I'd just stop, lol. Making a mistake is something, trying to make it bigger by insisting on it is something else.

Actually I have no problem to admit we can't do some specific activity on our own, no country can claim it can do everything on its own, even if it can, it may cost higher.

This is an investment opportunity for Turkish companies, it's not like they are doing a favor for us. :lol:

It's okay, I know it's difficult for you to accept it. Turkey has better manufacturing techniques than Iran does, you'll have world-class subway and highway thanks to Turkish companies and their offsprings in Iran. :D
I'm savoring every post :)

It's okay, I know it's difficult for you to accept it. Turkey has better manufacturing techniques than Iran does, you'll have world-class subway and highway thanks to Turkish companies and their offsprings in Iran. :D

The only things that are hard for me to accept here are: 1- lying 2- low quality posts with lies. You chose the second method.

I never claimed Iran is more advanced than Turkey, you wrote a lie, and I trashed it, now you are embarrassing yourself by insisting on it and adding new things to it. :)
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The only things that are hard for me accept here are: 1- lying 2- low quality posts with lies.

1- I'm sorry if truths are difficult for you to accept.. 2- That's like, your opinion man :D

I never claimed Iran is more advanced than Turkey, you wrote a lie, and I trashed it, now you are embarrassing yourself by insisting on it and adding new things to it. :)

It isn't a lie, Turkey is building all the Major Highways in Iran. :D :D BTW how many major highways are being built in Iran atm :D
1- I'm sorry if truths are difficult for you to accept.. 2- That's like, your opinion man :D

It isn't a lie, Turkey is building all the Major Highways in Iran. :D :D BTW how many major highways are being built in Iran atm :D

Ok, I accept it, Turkey is a Supa powa . :D
I think we better not waste any more time.
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