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Iran leadership is coward and liar

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Well already knew the fact that the mullahs are liars and cowards that can only kill unarmed people. They have proven that multiple times.
Pointed this few days ago out. The puppet shia camp in Iran is the biggest helper of zionism. They have only a big mouth nothing more.
After all their words is that all the 'revenge' they can get? A fake and staged missile strike with only 4 missiles on target, without proper payload and alerting the Americans so that there would be no US casualties? It's a farce, an insult to the Iranian people. It means the leadership of the regime are very weak, they fear any US action. So the message to the world from Iran is that Americans can do all they want, even killing Khamenei wouldn't cause war nor a real retaliation. Even the dead poor Taleban armed with only AK47 kill more American soldiers.
Oh please look who is talking? Pakistani leadership buckled under little pressure from Saudi's. Pakistani incapable leadership can't even stand to Saudi's America is totally different ball game.
So come on dude go check your haramkhor corrupt and pussy leaders then talk about Iran. Facts are facts
Fukin coward leadership Kashmir under curfew what the hell your leadership did in past 180 plus days nothing don't have even balls to close airspace for India. At least Iranians tried and took a risk. Pakistani leadership is more coward than Malaysia. They don't have army no nuclear but still straight talk. Pakistan on other hand with so many people good military and nuclear weapons still more coward than Lebanon
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Pointed this few days ago out. The puppet shia camp in Iran is the biggest helper of zionism. They have only a big mouth nothing more.
I don't see how you can conclude that the mullahs are helping "Zionism" (I assume by Zionism you mean Israel). But I do agree that they are paper tigers whose primary preoccupation is survival and theft of Iranian people's treasure.
I don't see how you can conclude that the mullahs are helping "Zionism" (I assume by Zionism you mean Israel). But I do agree that they are paper tigers whose primary preoccupation is survival and theft of Iranian people's treasure.
It's just bunch of shia haters just because Iran represents Shia they are biased or else their Saudi daddy can smack them left right up down and the quietly call him Ya sheikh
Iran hates us because we are slaves of Saudis and UAE we still are not independent but a colony of US Saudi UAE and British . That's it nothing else

Our leaders our military our establishment treats average Pakistani like shit but lays red carpet for foreigners and enemies. PAKISTNI PEOPLE beat the shit out of enemy of Pakistan and our military and establishment treated him with more respect than they would show an average Pakistani. My question is why? We an average Pakistani is worthless for our establishment? Why
Why our establishment let go the very people who suck the blood out of average Pakistani? Why?
Why when Pakistani nation wants to fight and our military backs off? Why?
Why when they promise us that they won't be beggars and they still go on to become one? Why
Why they have more confidence on foreign money than confidence on hard work and potential of average Pakistani? Why?
So basically our establishment hates us so before we point fingers at other countries how about calling out the criminals in our country?

Why hate for Solemani? He took on US Israel and Saudi's in middle east. For right reason or wrong I won't indulge in that discussion but one thing is for sure he had balls and inwish one of our Pakistani general who would do even half of that job in Kashmir I would be satisfied. Afghanistan I accept is marvelous record for Pak army but this curfew is an open challenge let's see what we do. Then we can talk about some other country until then keep the mouth shut and your hands off keyboards if you can look at yourself in mirror

Could you plz close this thread
@waz i second that I have never asked for any thread to be closed because I respect freedom of speech but this one is just hate mongering. I'm not a big fan of Iran but for the interests of Pakistan and especially at the time when we need to be careful and show bit respect. Thanks
hey wahabi creature are u burniung i see *** painkiller not works .go fire rescue with water pipe and have fun psycho gey maybe pipe works for that hell
attention:dont push so mouch it can come out from front wc hole
big claims chest thumping and all farsibans could manage was hit 2 empty tents! it looks like farsi Mullahs begged usa to allow and launch missiles on their empty tents to save their a** in public!!

so usa can kill all their generals and all iran will do is shout and launch duds?


You are missing the point. Pak doesn't challenge US nor it gives threat to US. This is Iran where the whole leadership is giving threat to US i.e. breaking the leg of US, will punish US but in the end the whole world saw such a pathetic attack on US bases where there was no causality.

What was the point of such a extreme rhetoric if the whole leadership had to go for face saving afterwards.
are you in there and see no life lost lol you have not even flag but in this site full of wahabi soudi creature like you have no balls to fight with yemenies let alone usa .when you can dont put babay pamper in abrams m2 come and speak smelly gey .oh when you pie yourself in that bmt what you do?
1 change it its hell smelly lik yourself
2 eat it maybe make you brave
we are coward and the only country officially f up US base for first time after WW2.We thought the US would respond. And we would find the excuse for the next attacks. But Trump opened his arms for peace.!

There are countries near us where Trump can with one tweet sell all adult diaper on that country...
Who would have thought the Iranian Mullahs are actually smart lol. You've got be special kind of stupid to pick a war with the United States. Spotty teenangers and their experience in Call of duty think Iran or Pakistan can defeat US, if Russia and China combined can't take on US then forget 3rd rate regional countries, US could wipe out most Iranian military targets from the air within a few days and totally cause a collapse of Iranian regime, no surprises the Iranian Mullahs realised that so they put on a show and backed down meanwhile also shot a passenger airline by mistake.
what about you wahabii creature afraid of soudi lol.shit sub insects soudi who dirty yhwmselves when hear iran name order some brave people and they are bow to this stupid soudi wahabi so plaese go cheng your baby pamper it smell kill us and if u can clean yourself and go to ur boss he give you some dry bread to eat ok
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