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Iran Laser Weapons

Iran Atomic Energy Organization AEOI made 1-KM range Laser Weapon, which could NOT be aired

Rouhani is making fun of nuclear achievements. The guy cannot recognize the difference between a gramophone and a drone killing laser weapon. When You call this peanut brain the president, you insult intelligence of 6 billion people on earth.
How can you defeat EM pulses:

The Asimo robot will be burnt with a simple hand held EM gun.

Robots will not burn with a simple hand held EM gun as neither tanks or helicopters are defeated this way.

It is childish to think mirror deflects high power laser back to the enemy.

Yet there are numerous ways of defeating laser:
1- Thermal blooming:
Atmospheric thermal blooming has been a major problem, still mostly unsolved and worsened if there is fog, smoke, dust, snow, rain or purposely dispersed obscurant chemicals in the air. Essentially, a laser generates a beam of light which needs clear air, or a vacuum to work.

2- Defocusing techniques:
Laser beam has to focus on a point for a reasonable time.

Yet there are numerous ways of defeating laser as this is the age old Irresistible force paradox:

Irresistible force paradox
An example of this paradox in non-western thought can be found in the origin of the Chinese word for contradiction (Chinese: 矛盾; pinyin: máodùn; lit. 'spear-shield'). This term originates from a story (see Kanbun § Example) in the 3rd century BC philosophical book Han Feizi.[2] In the story, a man was trying to sell a spear and a shield. When asked how good his spear was, he said that his spear could pierce any shield. Then, when asked how good his shield was, he said that it could defend from all spear attacks. Then one person asked him what would happen if he were to take his spear to strike his shield; the seller could not answer. This led to the idiom of "zìxīang máodùn" (自相矛盾, "from each-other spear shield"), or "self-contradictory".

But this doesn't mean laser should be overlooked by Iran, contrary to the obsolete 20th century ballistic missiles that have not aged well after the Cold War:

Laser | A breakthrough in the development of a powerful laser
Sometimes promotional videos for overseas customers reveal what can not be said here: Elbit's Hermes 900 UAV with laser interception system.


https://archive.is/11M0r/5b9c8418ea60dcb8db2f4e34494cc21be8ade755.jpg ; https://archive.is/11M0r/8169c3401e83c6e971a86235ecb072f05b806223/scr.png ;
http://web.archive.org/web/20210412205931/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EymGkyWXMAEcAIY?format=jpg&name=medium ; https://twitter.com/ndvori/status/1380782729994895362

1. Elbit's Hermes 900 UAV with laser interception system.

Jan 8, 2020

Indeed, the enemies are already light years ahead in this field.

Imagine the same sequence of a division but with humans replaced by 100% robotic vehicles, and robotic infantry, all armed with defensive lasers, covered by robotic laser UAVs, and on top of that all connected and recharged from LEO by the U.S. Starlink orbital array!




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