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Iran kills 1 Pakistani soldier, 3 injured.

are you all crazy ?

why so much hate against Iran in our society ? Because its a shia Republic ? I have read so many over reactions and warmongers here in PDF against Iran.

not hate .. but a strong Retaliation ... if we keep quite today , tomorrow they will Fcuk us , and this time Doggie Style ..
Iran did warn pakistan.
No, they were whining and ranting - the first question goes to them - what exactly are they doing to prevent cross-border movement into their territory? The Iranians make a ton of money from cross-border smuggling from Iran (Oil, drugs, weapons, human trafficking and other goods) and their border guards/troops are involved in that (as are Pakistani border guards I'm sure), so they can't really have it both ways.

Allowing criminal activity of any kind to flourish will leave huge openings that will be exploited by terrorist groups using the same networks.
not hate .. but a strong Retaliation ... if we keep quite today , tomorrow they will Fcuk us , and this time Doggie Style ..

Under NS, dont expect strong retaliation. He'd rather fill up bank than give military/ FC a green light. I think these matters should be left to military to decide if and when they need to respond.
Under NS, dont expect strong retaliation. He'd rather fill up bank than give military/ FC a green light. I think these matters should be left to military to decide if and when they need to respond.

that's not political stuff , i will blame army on that ...
I could stop laughing


but why so much hate against Iran in our society ? Because its a shia Republic ? I have read so many over reactions and warmongers here in PDF against Iran.

Now is good time to remind people of the following problem we have.

When india is acting as the aggressor against Pakistan and call is made to break their back in retaliation , people with roots in india get gripes
When afghanistan is acting as the aggressor against Pakistan and call is made to break their back in retaliation , people with roots in afghanistan get gripes
When iran is acting as the aggressor against Pakistan and call is made to break their back in retaliation , people with from Shia sect get gripes
When Militants ( from Sunni sect ) are acting as the aggressor against Pakistan and call is made to break their back in retaliation , people with from Sunni sect get gripes

Why can we not put OUR national interest over everything else ?
I deeply offer my condolence to your martyr, God may bless him ....
Iran has lost around 3000 border guards in its borders with Pakistan and Afghanistan something that Iran couldn't bear anymore.
Last nights we lost to more border guards in fighting with insurgents coming from Pakistani territories, two insurgents were killed and several others were injured.

Insurgents in Pakistan Stepping Up Iran Strikes
TEHRAN — Sunni insurgents in Pakistan increased attacks on Iranian border posts in the southeast of the country this week, employing methods similar to those used by Islamic State militants in Syria and Iraq.

In one instance, a car bomber struck a fortified base near the city of Saravan, killing a senior officer and prompting Iranian commanders and politicians Thursday to call upon Pakistan to control its borders. On Tuesday, three police officers were killed in an ambush after responding to a distress call.

These were only the latest in a series of attacks. Last month, insurgents rammed a vehicle laden with more than 1,000 pounds of explosives into one of the outer walls of a central base before launching a surprise attack with a convoy of pickup trucks carrying 70 insurgents, a senior military official told the Fars news agency this week.

The official, Brig. Gen. Mohammad Pakpur of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, said the attackers had been repelled only after a long firefight and the arrival of reinforcements, flown in by helicopter from other bases.

The Iranian-Pakistani border cuts straight through the Sunni tribal area of Baluchistan, which has been volatile for the past 15 years. In the past decade more than 3,000 Iranian border guards have been killed in gun battles with drug-smuggling gangs, but in recent years the fighting has grown more sectarian.

A Sunni extremist group, Jaish ul-Adl, or the Army of Justice, has been carrying out a program of harassment, derailing trains and conducting assassinations and bombings. It demands independence, but Iran has accused its leaders of working for the United States and Saudi Arabia.

In a statement on Edaalat News, a blog said to be run by Jaish ul-Adl militants, the group took responsibility for the attack on the police officers. “The Jaish ul-Adl organization hereby informs the public that the fighters of Baluchistan have attacked Saravan’s Aspich base located 10 kilometers away from Saravan and killed two staff and a conscript,” it said. “Details will be announced later.”

In recent months Iran has directed a lot of its resources to protecting its western and eastern borders. The attack on the border post in the south, basically a well-defended fort in the middle of nowhere, is not the first. In 2013, “bandits” killed 20 border guards, Iranian officials announced, saying that in retaliation they executed 16 Sunni extremist prisoners on death row.

Iranian officials are now warning Pakistan that they are considering going into its territory on hot-pursuit missions. “The Pakistani government has practically no control over the border areas, and if they really cannot control the common border, they should tell us so that we ourselves can take action,” Esma’il Kowsari, a leading lawmaker, told the Tasmin news agency on Thursday.
that's not political stuff , i will blame army on that ...

Yes well, army/ FC still needs approval to respond in kind or strike inside Iran which makes it political. Defending against an incursion is all army's/ FC's job. And its not as simple as in movies. You need to have intel or a situation developing like the one right now to be constantly alert.
Yes well, army/ FC still needs approval to respond in kind or strike inside Iran which makes it political. Defending against an incursion is all army's/ FC's job.

exactly . when we face LOC violation from India side , do our army wait for politicians to order for Retaliate ?? NO NO NO
Different countries, different relations, different THREAT LEVELS, different responses - what exactly do you find hard to understand about this?

They warned of this potential incursion more than 24 hours ago, one of their key ministers made a public announcement. The onus is on Pakistan to have made contingency plan to prepare for any potential Iranian incursion. This is another failure by Pakistan it's government and military/FC. They were firing for 6 hours continuously, and not a single act of retaliation came. You can craft up any rational or excuse you want but neither is valid and sensible.
exactly . when we face LOC violation from India side , do our army wait for politicians to order for Retaliate ?? NO NO NO

They hold back a lot. If they don't fire at all it will cause an uproar in country against army. One last institution public still has trust in. You'll see the difference once army is given a free hand like modi gave his.
Hey guys cool down please, as an Iranian I would like to present my condolences for the losts, but it is most probably a fake news, as Iranians want nothing but stability and prosperity for the both side of the border in that region.
I hope the news be fake but if true;
Then this years number of casualty in that region caused by Saudi Arabian funded Wahhabi terrorists:
Iranian Soldiers:
Pakistani Soldiers: 2
They hold back a lot. If they don't fire at all it will cause an uproar in country against army. One last institution public still has trust in. You'll see the difference once army is given a free hand like modi gave his.

dont tell me army need an order to go Free Hand

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