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Iran kills 1 Pakistani soldier, 3 injured.

If your criticism is based on facts and is civil and rational, then you won't get a ban - if all you want to do is throw around abuse and gali galoch without attempting to understand or analyze the issues involved, then expect to be censured.

no no why i would use Gali Galoch man .....

Its not lack of balls but act of wisdom how many enemy you want in your border ?

to me it is lack of balls ... wisdom ?? my foot , what if india intentionally kill your army man ... would you say the same ??
Its not lack of balls but act of wisdom how many enemy you want in your border ?

Thats the question now for GHQ. Afghans, Indians and NATO are bad already now Iranians also doing the same.

If Pakistan kill a single Iranian guard it will complicate the things.
one soldier lost his life ... would you say the same , if Taliban kill a FC ???
oh , its nothing , just a FC jawan ... no worries ...!! this is BS ...
FC , Rangers are our border guards , soldiers of Pakistan , they didnt join FC to die like this , and their friends and officers sitting in barracks and enjoying milk shake ..
no one is talking about letting them to continue firing at our soldiers...
as some one here posted lets establish a proper military channel with them on the border...
and if this happens again RETALIATE in the same language...
no no why i would use Gali Galoch man .....

to me it is lack of balls ... wisdom ?? my foot , what if india intentionally kill your army man ... would you say the same ??

I think the FC was outnumbered, lack of training and equipment to fight a eqaul battle with the Iranian border guards, may be the FC even lack in communication assets/Items and did not know how to order or call for support and get order from higher command ! It could be also that they have never fired a bullet ?
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Iranians could have easily defended their border, took some defensive measures and placed extra troops to take care of the situation from their side but instead they chose to show their incompetence and frustration of not being able to do anything so they fired across the border and killed a soldier in gross violation of Pakistans sovereignty.
no one is talking about letting them to continue firing at our soldiers...
as some one here posted lets establish a proper military channel with them on the border...
and if this happens again RETALIATE in the same language...

dude , that is not how armies behave ...
when did the last time we heard Pakistan give a strong reply to any army , besides India ??
remember Salala incident ?? that was US , you can do Sh!t about them , but they are Iran ... still no answer .. pity ..

I think the FC was outnumbered, lack of training and equipment to fight a eqaul battle with the Iranian border guards, may be the FC even lack in communication assets/Items and did not know how to order or call for support and order from higher command ! It could be also that they have never fired a bullet ?

its more than killing a One FC , its about the reputation of our army ., which i am sorry to say i dont see so much high right now .. been beaten by Iranians border guards ? who's next ?
Dont understand why Iran is alienating itself. I mean where is the response to the many scientists assassinated in "accidental" blasts, the minds that are far more valuable than ordinary citizens? A response more than "omg, you sooo dead now" threats against Israel.

There is something else going on behind the scenes, I think.
no no why i would use Gali Galoch man .....

to me it is lack of balls ... wisdom ?? my foot , what if india intentionally kill your army man ... would you say the same ??

India is already a military threat and long term problem over kasmir ,any unprovoked attack by India should be answer accordingly but why you will escalate bitterness with Iran . i think strongly protest about this firing is right decision at this moment when you are already embroil with many problem .
Thats the question now for GHQ. Afghans, Indians and NATO are bad already now Iranians also doing the same.

If Pakistan kill a single Iranian guard it will complicate the things.

I think making Iran a enemy will only embolden your existing enemy .
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