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Iran kills 1 Pakistani soldier, 3 injured.

This thread is filled with nonsensical propaganda from Pakistani posters. Pakistan is nowhere near to compete with Iran that is a leading nation among Muslim nations in lots of fields. Backbone of any successful nation is its economy, education, technology and of course its line of defense. Pakistan is nowhere near competing with Iran in anything other than maybe defense because of its fortunate nuclear status. In all other fields and walks of life, Pakistan sucks bad no matter if its about energy, higher education, civilian science, industry, manufacturing or any other comparable sector. I was shocked to read the other day that Iranians are building world's highest dam on their OWN resources. Initially this mega project was awarded to the chinese but when the deal came through the elected and not rigged parliament of Iran, they chose to hand over the project to an Iranian firm. Thus their resources and capital are spent on building of their nation, providing cheap renewable energy to all Iranians.:
Bakhtiari Dam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
International rankings of Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now compare only THAT marvelous feat of Iranians with unsolvable energy crisis in Pakistan where we are begging IMF, World Bank to help invest and build our dams for us for the last few decades. What a bunch of losers and irrationalist bigots!
Pakistan to get $1.1bn from IMF in December: Dar - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Do you really think iran can compete with pakistan? Lets leave the nukes aside even without them iran is no match for pakistan whether it be airforce or the army...navy might be equal. Apart from that you talk about economy and stuff please do remember iran is isolated in any potential conflict iran would be left alone in the world even other isolated nations like n.korea would support pakistan..,just the isolation thing puts iran down
This conversation was overheard on the VHF Guard (emergency) frequency 121.5 MHz while flying from Europe to Dubai. It's too good not to pass along. The conversation went something like this...

Air Defense Radar: "Unknown aircraft at (location unknown), you are in Iranian airspace. Identify

Aircraft: "This is a United States aircraft. I am in Iraqi airspace."

Air Defense Radar: "You are in Iranian airspace. If you do not depart our airspace we will launch interceptor aircraft!"

Aircraft: "This is a United States Marine Corps FA-18 fighter. Send 'em up .. I'll wait!"

Air Defense Radar: (no response ... total silence).:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
My parents didn't come as refugees and did not run away from Pakistan. In fact my mother visits every year and I myself own property in Pakistan despite having been there only twice when I was younger. :) You are comparing apples to oranges Indian. :lol:
Well considering my last post got me a warning from the mod ... I would let you enjoy your troll fest here. This thread ain't worth getting banned.
Look at all these Pakistanis posting pictures of Iranian equipment because Iran has finally manned up on its border with Pakistan, who needed a lesson. No wonder all your neighboring countries are pissing on you, or why your people are hated throughout all Europe. Pakistan is a failed state, which shouldn't have been created in the first place. There is no historical reference to any Pakistani state, nor does something as the 'Pakistan people' exist. Your army has difficulties with fighting rebels deep inside Pakistani territory, and you need US and Arab aid to keep your nation together.

It isn't a surprise that Iranians have more respect for India and Indians than for everything that is related to Pakistan.

Manned up? You killed folk who had no hostile intention towards you. Lesson? What may that be then? You can't and never will be able to teach anyone any "lesson", case on point the Iraq v Iran war. How many other "lessons" have you taught to other countries!

Our people are hated, and yours are treated like kings right in Europe? Not allowed to study here, spied on by the secret services, stopped and airports and so on, yet you have a go at the common man, pathetic.

Who needs a historical reference from you anyway. Our people came from an advanced civilisation.

As for your relations with India, don't make us laugh. I have lost count the amount of times I have seen Iranians referring to Indians as dot heads, and dark people and so on. If they make friends of the hour for you because you need them to face us then go right ahead.
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And we have nowhere near the same amount of natural resources. All these things you've listed have been achieved from investment from oil money.
Haha troll! Israel has none of the cheap and oil gas available to other Muslim states, yet their state has achieved a booming economy based on startups, innovation and high-tech exports. GDP per capita of Israel is $35,000, including ethnic minorities such as Arabs, Bedouins, Druze etc. Now compare this with some other notable petroleum rich Muslim majority states:

RankCountryGDP Per
Capita[4]GDP (PPP)
Total ($US B)[5]
3 United Arab Emirates$42,000$200.4
2 Kuwait$40,700$150.2
7Saudi Arabia$20,400$581.3
15State of Palestine$2,900$ N/A
17Gaza Strip$2,494$ N/A

Its a shame, I know, don't even mention it!
I was told by my Iranian friends that they're sick of Pakistani terrorists entering their soil and killing their border force who are usually young adults. The fact they seemed most pissed about is Pakistan not doing anything to control the flow of those terrorists and providing them a safe haven. How true is this?
Do you really think iran can compete with pakistan? Lets leave the nukes aside even without them iran is no match for pakistan whether it be airforce or the army...navy might be equal. Apart from that you talk about economy and stuff please do remember iran is isolated in any potential conflict iran would be left alone in the world even other isolated nations like n.korea would support pakistan..,just the isolation thing puts iran down

Iran need not to fight Pakistan. All it has to do is to export its vast oil and gas reserves to other countries but Pakistan. Let Pakistan suffer financially, economically and energy wise.
@Commandant @rahi2357 @kollang
If it's so easy, why can't Iran seal the borders from the Iranian side?

Unlike Pakistan, Iran does not have her forces bogged down in major military offensives in FATA nor tied down on one border (India) against a hostile neighbor claiming her territory, so such a "sealing of the border" from the Iranian side should be a peace of cake.

First of all no one penetrates from Iranian territories to your territories, second we've sealed most of our borders the rest we'll be done next year ... having your forces bogged down somewhere else doesn't mean that you can abdicate you responsibility .
Well considering my last post got me a warning from the mod ... I would let you enjoy your troll fest here. This thread ain't worth getting banned.

I am trolling? Last I checked I only responded to soheils retarded comments.
I was told by my Iranian friends that they're sick of Pakistani terrorists entering their soil and killing their border force who are usually young adults. The fact they seemed most pissed about is Pakistan not doing anything to control the flow of those terrorists and providing them a safe haven. How true is this?

I have a few Iranian friends and they say the same thing. But let's not add fuel to the fire. ;)
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