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Iran kills 1 Pakistani soldier, 3 injured.

I was told by my Iranian friends that they're sick of Pakistani terrorists entering their soil and killing their border force who are usually young adults. The fact they seemed most pissed about is Pakistan not doing anything to control the flow of those terrorists and providing them a safe haven. How true is this?
I've been told by my russian friend that this is you on facebook. how true is this?
LOL. Egypt received similar amounts of aid from US in the same time:

Aid to Egypt by the Numbers | Center For Global Development

Alot. Pakistanis keep blaming US for aiding Israel while deliberately forgets how much aid US has provided to Pakistan since its inception or to other Muslim states.
United States foreign aid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

US has also sanctioned Pakistan before, has it ever sanctioned Israel? Also $71 Billion is not similar to $121 Billion there are $50 billion reasons why they are not similar. We are not talking about small amount of peanuts here, not to mention you disregard Egypt's territorial size and its population. So in conclusion wtf are you saying and why are you trolling?

@Horus I think this dude is an Indian, Pakistanis cannot be so dumb. Please look into it.
It's what we've been demanding for a long time, you lost 1 FC and your countrymen over here wanna wage a war against us but we've lost 3000 borders guards and we just ask you to seal your borders.

It is your mess and you need to sort it out on your land sir. Iranian govt should stop issuing these childish warning and better to get in touch with GOP.
Guys, i don't know why nobody is talking about the incident .....

I mean isn't there something fishy in the article.
Iranian border guards continued firing for six hours. However, Pakistani forces did not retaliate to the offensive of the neighbouring country.

This is something that i don't understand. If you are being fired, you retaliate with fire. This is common military rule. You don't need to ask to PM for permission to engage. Commander of the military unit will give the order to fire by his iniative.
So we're getting somewhere , as you're saying terrorist groups like Jundullah and Jaishuladl are doing a hide and seek game in the borders of Iran and Pakistan .. they enter from your territories and attacked Iranian (civilian and guards) and then run away to Pakistan ....
first you need to seal your borders, then you gotta fight with these groups or let Iran to deal with them if you are no capable ...

Uh I think I asked before but none of you Iranians answered me. What do you think Pakistani FC was doing so close to Iranian borders? I doubt they would like to go over there for a cup of tea to spend some time the only reason they would be there is to check on something probably because of the request your government made.

Guys, i don't know why nobody is talking about the incident .....

I mean isn't there something fishy in the article.

This is something that i don't understand. If you are being fired, you retaliate with fire. This is common military rule. You don't need to ask to PM for permission to engage. Commander of the military unit will give the order to fire by his iniative.

Due to the history of the Baluchistan conflict there is minimal PA military presence, there is only paramilitary FC of Pakistan made up of local Baluch and Pashtun volunteers.So yes military rule of engagement would mean PA would have shot back but this attack was on FC targets who do not have such a free hand compared to the PA. Compare PA openly firing back at Indians to see the difference. Anyway now the FC command says they are authorizing their men to fire back in the future so we will see.
This thread has become just like good old Indian bashing threads to Iran bashing thread. When will ignorant Pakistanis wake up from their slumber and smell the tea provided by current illegitimate and ineffective government of PMLN? Political pundits have accused (they still accuse) Pakistani military leadership for intervening in civilian leadership, thus derailing the so-called "democracy" of Pakistan. Such strawman illogical arguments gives me a huge laugh. What civilian leadership are we as a nation witnessing these days? Not a single word from the rigged PM Noora Sharif regarding Indian or Pakistani violations at LOC. Not a single word regarding dead soldier on Pak-Iran border? Where is the unelected leadership of Pakistan that got more than 1 crore votes in recent elections? If its the job of opposition leaders to react when sovereignty of Pakistan is violated by another nation, why not hand over real power to them instead of rigged puppets ruling Pakistan these days? At least they have balls to stand up against Indian or Iranian so-called aggression instead of being in complete silent mode like unexisting President of Pakistan.
Iran need not to fight Pakistan. All it has to do is to export its vast oil and gas reserves to other countries but Pakistan. Let Pakistan suffer financially, economically and energy wise.
Sorry we dont need iranian oil the usa already offered us an alternative from central asian states not to forget the middle east as well. Apart from that we have coal and gas reserves in balochistan sindh and punjab which are among the largest in the world. The worlds second largest uranium deposits are in pakistan as well hence we are building nuclear power plants with the help of china. Give us 5 years and see we would have a surplus of power! Dont underestimate us
Pakistan zindabad
34 page on an unconfirmed news, let see how far you can go. :lol:
anyway if it's true, Pakistanis can enjoy their-style answer from us: "you haven't provided any evidence".
Shut up Indian, last I checked India is the largest importer of weapons on the whole planet. Also Pakistan does build its own tanks, has its own fighter, and has its own missiles. Btw hows your fighter coming along again? Pakistan has to buy and build things of quality since India has a quantitative edge but if Pakistan wanted to build junk and parade it around during military parades I am sure it would already be done but we have already seen Iran laughed at the world over for the same thing so it is not worth it.

Then please build common sense and good memory to learn from past mistakes. Tu kon Mein Khamakha.
This thread has become just like good old Indian bashing threads to Iran bashing thread. When will ignorant Pakistanis wake up from their slumber and smell the tea provided by current illegitimate and ineffective government of PMLN?

Ye lo, yaha pe bhi PTI agenda. :rofl:

Pakistanis view Iranians/arabs and turks as master muslims.. many cite their linages to them , usually the rich affluent ones. almost all rich landlords Pakistanis think they are foreigners. this mindset of Pakistani is the reason they are docile in dealing with western neighbours.

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