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Iran kills 1 Pakistani soldier, 3 injured.

Topic isn't about India

Pakistan has an indigenous tank just like the Iranian tank, has its own missiles like Iranian missiles, has its own fighter to match Iranian fighters (if you can even count those), is inaugurating its own subs as pointed out to you that will no doubt be of a better quality than the toys the Iranians deploy. Now Pakistan does have nukes which Iran does not but the only thing Iran seems to have that Pakistan does not is a subscription with adobe photo shop.
We want 2 Iranian soldiers DEAD!!!!

No we can't.... this is what the CIA and co wants to happen... destabilization on Iran and Pak border... Iran needs to understand the script and stop doing that... they need to know the value of the last few stable Islamic countries.... The winds started blowing in the opposite direction in Iran for the last few months, they r starting to get Love from the USA and even at that point i was of the view that things might go down between Iran and Pak.. if Iran wants to get good relations with the west they need to play their part in trying to destabilize Pakistan... and this is what Iran is trying to achieve, get back good links and fk ur bro...
Agosta 90b aren't Pakistani submarines , its simply licensed construction... so no

Pakistan has full transfer of technology. Stop derailing !

Modern slaves? Lol don't make me laugh there are plenty of Pakistanis on this forum living in Arab countries who never complain of any such thing. Secondly last I checked there are quite a few Iranians in Arabian countries as well some say nearly a million in UAE. If they treat Pakistanis as slaves I wonder how they treat their "majoosi" friends. That being said no doubt if Arabs gave a shit about Iranians enough to offer more visas or even to take them in as refugees like your parents were afforded in Pakistan there would a shit ton more Iranians in Arab countries.

This muppet was born in Pakistan. Beat that!
This thread is filled with nonsensical propaganda from Pakistani posters. Pakistan is nowhere near to compete with Iran that is a leading nation among Muslim nations in lots of fields. Backbone of any successful nation is its economy, education, technology and of course its line of defense. Pakistan is nowhere near competing with Iran in anything other than maybe defense because of its fortunate nuclear status. In all other fields and walks of life, Pakistan sucks bad no matter if its about energy, higher education, civilian science, industry, manufacturing or any other comparable sector. I was shocked to read the other day that Iranians are building world's highest dam on their OWN resources. Initially this mega project was awarded to the chinese but when the deal came through the elected and not rigged parliament of Iran, they chose to hand over the project to an Iranian firm. Thus their resources and capital are spent on building of their nation, providing cheap renewable energy to all Iranians.:
Bakhtiari Dam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
International rankings of Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now compare only THAT marvelous feat of Iranians with unsolvable energy crisis in Pakistan where we are begging IMF, World Bank to help invest and build our dams for us for the last few decades. What a bunch of losers and irrationalist bigots!
Pakistan to get $1.1bn from IMF in December: Dar - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
This thread is filled with nonsensical propaganda from Pakistani posters. Pakistan is nowhere near to compete with Iran that is a leading nation among Muslim nations in lots of fields. Backbone of any successful nation is its economy, education, technology and of course its line of defense. Pakistan is nowhere near competing with Iran in anything other than maybe defense because of its fortunate nuclear status. In all other fields and walks of life, Pakistan sucks bad no matter if its about energy, higher education, civilian science, industry, manufacturing or any other comparable sector. I was shocked to read the other day that Iranians are building world's highest dam on their OWN resources. Initially this mega project was awarded to the chinese but when the deal came through the elected and not rigged parliament of Iran, they chose to hand over the project to an Iranian firm. Thus their resources and capital are spent on building of their nation, providing cheap renewable energy to all Iranians.:
Bakhtiari Dam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
International rankings of Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now compare only THAT marvelous feat of Iranians with unsolvable energy crisis in Pakistan where we are begging IMF, World Bank to help invest and build our dams for us for the last few decades. What a bunch of losers and irrationalist bigots!
Pakistan to get $1.1bn from IMF in December: Dar - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
And we have nowhere near the same amount of natural resources. All these things you've listed have been achieved from investment from oil money.
This thread is filled with nonsensical propaganda from Pakistani posters. Pakistan is nowhere near to compete with Iran that is a leading nation among Muslim nations in lots of fields. Backbone of any successful nation is its economy, education, technology and of course its line of defense. Pakistan is nowhere near competing with Iran in anything other than maybe defense because of its fortunate nuclear status. In all other fields and walks of life, Pakistan sucks bad no matter if its about energy, higher education, civilian science, industry, manufacturing or any other comparable sector. I was shocked to read the other day that Iranians are building world's highest dam on their OWN resources. Initially this mega project was awarded to the chinese but when the deal came through the elected and not rigged parliament of Iran, they chose to hand over the project to an Iranian firm. Thus their resources and capital are spent on building of their nation, providing cheap renewable energy to all Iranians.:
Bakhtiari Dam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
International rankings of Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now compare only THAT marvelous feat of Iranians with unsolvable energy crisis in Pakistan where we are begging IMF, World Bank to help invest and build our dams for us for the last few decades. What a bunch of losers and irrationalist bigots!
Pakistan to get $1.1bn from IMF in December: Dar - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Pakistan also went through sanctions for its choice to go nuclear. The only difference is Pakistan doesn't have oil fields to help keep it afloat whereas Iran has boat lands and growing Indian and Chinese economies that need plenty.
Iran seems to be playing with fire watch out Iran or your a$$ might get burned real bad .... brothers killing brothers what a shame , shame on you Iran you stink.
seal your borders ....
@Commandant @rahi2357 @kollang
If it's so easy, why can't Iran seal the borders from the Iranian side?

Unlike Pakistan, Iran does not have her forces bogged down in major military offensives in FATA nor tied down on one border (India) against a hostile neighbor claiming her territory, so such a "sealing of the border" from the Iranian side should be a peace of cake.
that's strange considering your parents took you to US from the "paradise that is Pakistan", what would you call them? cowards or really smart.

My parents didn't come as refugees and did not run away from Pakistan. In fact my mother visits every year and I myself own property in Pakistan despite having been there only twice when I was younger. :) You are comparing apples to oranges Indian. :lol:
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