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Iran kills 1 Pakistani soldier, 3 injured.

Shariqattari said: ↑
What do you expect from firing guns of border security guards, surely it will claim life,, so what .... we have many more ready to take his position.
see this where lies the difference...your attitude would have been very different had this incident happened on your eastern borders

Exactly....... :P
The timing suggest another path to be investigated, and that is if India (and/or others) was proven to assist some Pakistani insurgents, than it might just be steering trouble for Pakistan on a third front., Not only the Iranians whom have been back-stabbed many times in the UN by their supposedly friend India, but by Pakistan too, and has to act prudently.. This is the well known law of the third party (A third party is always involved in any conflict between two parties).
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Pak Army FC has NEVER targeted or killed any Iranian Guard till now !

Pakistani based Insurgents and Iranians based terrrorists have killed Iranians and Iranian Border Guards without a doubt, but that does not translate into giving Iranian Mullah Govt excuse to target our Pak FC guard and kill our soldier & destroy a vehicle, while they are running after militants on Iran's govt behalf.

very tragic incident to kill a FC soldier and injure 3.
but what about the thawing US and Iran relations???
Arab world is already fuming over this new development.

The 'thaw' is not going to work as the current Iranian political system was a product of American and British meddling into Iran's internal affairs. The west wants Iran's nuke program gone before they lift the crippling sanctions, something Iran won't agree to.
Just so that you know. Pakistan doesn't really give a 'befitting response' to India. Maybe it did long back.

In 2013, India killed almost twice as many Pakistanis as Pakistan did to India.
24 Pakistanis died while 13 Indians died.

In 2014, so far India has killed around 19 Pakistanis while 13 Indians have died.

As you can clearly see, Pakistanis end up losing more men and women on the border than Indians.

And the only reason you hear that our villagers are mass evacuated and moved to safer areas is because our logistical ability is greater and the Govt is more responsive. As the country becomes richer you will find still larger numbers of civilians being evacuated and faster. The reason is not because of some new earth shattering Pakistani response, but better Indian preparation and funding that comes with a growing economy.
you mean India kills more civilians???
MM_Haider said: ↑
In principle Pakistan's army has training on RELIGIOUS ground. The narrative of Pakistan army is not nationalism but ONLY religion, Jihad, Naara e Takbeer etc. Indians started firing and they got the befitting response from pakistan Army that India had to evacuate at least 20 thousand villagers from nearby areas of border. US attacked Salala check post, they got such a response that Secretary of State had to apologize for that incident. US navy SEALs OBL raid was successful but at the same time we find a stealth chopper shot down. but we see whenever Iran attacks or provokes attack, our army remains silent, our FO remains mum. we see almost same situation when Afghan army attacks on western borders.
It is now high time that Army should change the narrative from religious to nationalist. This is the only way to secure our border from our Muslim neighbors.
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Just so that you know. Pakistan doesn't really give a 'befitting response' to India. Maybe it did long back.
In 2013, India killed almost twice as many Pakistanis as Pakistan did to India.
24 Pakistanis died while 13 Indians died.
In 2014, so far India has killed around 19 Pakistanis while 13 Indians have died.
As you can clearly see, Pakistanis end up losing more men and women on the border than Indians.
And the only reason you hear that our villagers are mass evacuated and moved to safer areas is because our logistical ability is greater and the Govt is more responsive. As the country becomes richer you will find still larger numbers of civilians being evacuated and faster. The reason is not because of some new earth shattering Pakistani response, but better Indian preparation and funding.

By your definition, biggest won wars was World War2 ....
Exactly....... :P
Now understand why your men are quite ....its because UN has already snubbed you and you've a reputation to maintain.In short Pakistan would not risk escalating this situation and its not because Iran and Pak 're brothers as you concluded.It was an ignoratio elenchi!!
Your soldiers understand it better that 3 neighboring countries are coordinating. And ergo this silence.
The fundamental question Pakistan should ask to themselves. If Iran is a friendly country, why Iran and its military does not take Pakistan army into confidence while chasing a terrorist inside the Pakistan border? I beleive that honestly Iran is not anti Pakistan..But again the Iran's love for Pakistan should not mean that Iran will not act against terrorist who are anti Iranian...And if Pakistan is Iran;s friend, the Iran should trust Pakistan that Pakistan is taking enough measure so that none of Iran's terrorist are patronage insider Pakistan by any party.. ...But based on the conduct of the Iran, it seems even they do not trust Pakistan and its army in punishing Irans terrorist or helping Iran to nab terrorist....

It is always an excuse by Pakistan for India that whenever there is a pressure on Pakistan to rein in terrorist then it gives an excuse that terrorist are not state sponsored rather by non state actors...And that trick always works for India ....But when Pakistan applies the same trick for Iran, it is somehow is not working....And that is why inspite of being so friendly country, Iran Army do not even trust to take Pakistan army into confidence while chasing down terrorist...As per report if Iran Army went 2 km inside Pakistan border, then i feel that Iran is not crossing the border not attack Pakistan rather to secure their own border....So Pakistan Army should introspect itself that why all neighouring nation including India, Iran and Afganistan are feeling that terrorist are getting safe heaven in Pakistan and Pakistan Army and Gov is not able to flush them out...If Pakistan is not doing it for India, it makes sense...But why it is for Iran and Afganistan...That is where Pakistan is loosing its credibility

Nah man...see typical Pakistani logic is

Pakistani A : Oh we are getting bombed. We are getting bombed.

Pakistani B : Who bombed us? Americans? We should ask for blood money.

Pakistani A : Nah...wasn't the Americans.

Pakistani B : Oh was it the Taliban? Were they good Taliban or bad Taliban? If good Taliban, they are just wayward brothers. bring them into the fold. If they are bad Taliban, lets get the good taliban from the bad taliban on to our side making them good-bad taliban....rest are still bad taliban till they become good-bad taliban and proceed with Operation Zarb e whatever.

Pakistani A : Nah...wasn't them.

Pakistani B : Then must be Indians. Ghaas khayenge. Nuke chodenge. Eenth ka jawab pathar se dengey. Islam Islam Islam. Keell Yindooooooo.

Pakistani A : Nah...wasn't them. Was the Iranians.

Pakistani B : Oh.......we are Ummah. Call NS an idiot. Call democracy a sham. Military ko bulao. Ghairat beghairat discussions. Kill more Shias in Pakistan.

Its business as usual man. Pakistani blood boils only when Indians are involved. Rest of World is allowed to take pot shots and its kosher. The last border the Pakistanis had peaceful was Iran and there she blows!
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