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Iran kills 1 Pakistani soldier, 3 injured.

We should ignore iran as it has nothing to offer to us despite being our neighbour.Afghanistan has much more to offer to Pakistan in long run,this is the reason i have always said to enhance relations with Afghanistan and if possible end all sort of diplomatic relations with iran.
People have big balls behind the keyboard...

It would be easy considering Iran is an isolated state hated by most of the world. Your allies in Syria are going to fall in the next few months. You would take atleast a year.
The fundamental question Pakistan should ask to themselves. If Iran is a friendly country, why Iran and its military does not take Pakistan army into confidence while chasing a terrorist inside the Pakistan border? I beleive that honestly Iran is not anti Pakistan..But again the Iran's love for Pakistan should not mean that Iran will not act against terrorist who are anti Iranian...And if Pakistan is Iran;s friend, the Iran should trust Pakistan that Pakistan is taking enough measure so that none of Iran's terrorist are patronage insider Pakistan by any party.. ...But based on the conduct of the Iran, it seems even they do not trust Pakistan and its army in punishing Irans terrorist or helping Iran to nab terrorist....

It is always an excuse by Pakistan for India that whenever there is a pressure on Pakistan to rein in terrorist then it gives an excuse that terrorist are not state sponsored rather by non state actors...And that trick always works for India ....But when Pakistan applies the same trick for Iran, it is somehow is not working....And that is why inspite of being so friendly country, Iran Army do not even trust to take Pakistan army into confidence while chasing down terrorist...As per report if Iran Army went 2 km inside Pakistan border, then i feel that Iran is not crossing the border not attack Pakistan rather to secure their own border....So Pakistan Army should introspect itself that why all neighouring nation including India, Iran and Afganistan are feeling that terrorist are getting safe heaven in Pakistan and Pakistan Army and Gov is not able to flush them out...If Pakistan is not doing it for India, it makes sense...But why it is for Iran and Afganistan...That is where Pakistan is loosing its credibility
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Pak Army FC has NEVER targeted or Killed any Iranian Guard till now !!

Pakistani based Insurgents and Iranians based insurgents have killed Iranians and Iranian Border Guards without a doubt, but that does not translate to giving Iranian Mullah Govt to target our Pak FC guards and kill our soldier & destroy our vehicle, who are trying to help Iran.
RIP soldier!!

But why is it that Pak hasn't answered back to this firing??

Exercising tactical restraint. This incident is going to spark a total rethinking of Iranian image in Pakistani power circles. We have all options on the table including responding with proxy warfare. Iran will certainly have fun dealing with insurgencies from every single border for a sustained period of time. Arab states will outgrow Iran economically and militarily in a decade - then Iran can sit and bite peanuts.
Everything to do with the topic. A wake up call for Pakistan to realize that they've got a backstabbing illegal mullah state on their other side which is constantly threatening for war. I think it's time for a joint US-Pak invasion.
We are fighting from all the sides and we are doing very well. No Intervention is needed from any country. Its your duty to secure your own borders not Pakistan's. The reply can be given in a same manner if anything happens again. Better deal with your own matters.

So , How should Iran deal with the terrorists who run towards Pakistan ?

If Iran does what you say , then we'll have same situation for years .

Pakistan should either attack these terrorists or lets Iran to take care of it , We've already lost enough soldiers in this border and its the time for a reaction .
Horus said: ↑
Iran is attacking us when we need soldiers on both Indian and Afghanistan borders...Iranian generals know that very well. This is called backstabbing. Iran was the most popular country in Pakistan in all PEW surveys....this is going to change. Iran backstabbed us, Israel needs our airspace to take out Natanz, we can just look the other way and Iran will learn its lesson without us ever pulling the trigger against Iran.
Don't you think you are over-reacting maybe? It could be just one off accidental incident. I mean how many time you had issue with Iran really.

1.) Today
Iranian guards kill Pakistani soldier near border

2.) Feb 21, 2014
Iran-Pakistan Border Commission forms committee on border violations
Iran-Pakistan Border Commission forms committee on border violations

3.) Nov 18, 2013 protesters-in-balochistan-demonstrate-against-border-violation-by-iran

Protesters in Balochistan demonstrate against border violation by Iran – The Express Tribune

4.) Dec 05, 2013 Iranian forces violate Pakistani border, fire 24 rockets
Border violation: Iran fires four mortar shells into Pakistan – The Express Tribune

5.) June 09, 2013 Iranian forces violate Pakistani border, fire 24 rockets
Iranian forces violate Pakistani border, fire 24 rockets

& you google it, you will find many more
RIP to the dead.

The reaction from the Pakistani members is mind blowing!!! from the calls of killing Iranian soldiers to the nuking of Tehran!!!!

As it appears there is a great deal of anti Iranian sentiment and hatred amongst the Pakistani members, I always taught that the majority of Pakistanis held positive view of Iran.
nothing of sorts will happen… iran and pakistan in the end of the day are brotherly countries…. these people calling for killing iranians are idiots of pakistan who wouldn't do or say shit if india did something.. but they see iran which a fellow muslim country and they say these things..
its not like iranian officials ordered this attack…. it was just one **** up soldier.
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