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Iran kills 1 Pakistani soldier, 3 injured.

How do you know Iranian did it on the purpose and it wasn't an accident? and those insurgents come from your country not from sea .... when you can not control your borders base upon charter of the united nations we've got the right to take actions within your territories ....

We were hearing similar rants from pi$$ TV when your soldiers were abducted few months back and you claimed them to be in Pakistan but later found inside Iranian territory...keep your own backyard in check and stop discriminating Sunni's for such non sense to stop,we have no interest in your God Forsaken country...
In my opinion, the administrator of this website perfectly reflects the thinking of the Pakistani elites. His call for violence against Iran, and opening its airspace for israel isn't just the rantings of a loon. Keep that in mind.

LOL most of the administrators and mods on this side are pro PTI, which is the most anti elite party in Pakistan, so no.
How do you know Iranian did it on the purpose and it wasn't an accident? and those insurgents come from your country not from sea .... when you can not control your borders base upon charter of the united nations we've got the right to take actions within your territories ....


It is a mistake by Iran which will be responded, and Iranian know that too.
can i ask you that how much is your education ??? did you pass a geography lesson in your schooL?

Our geography was good enough to bomb Afghanistan so it is for Iranian reactors. Iran cannot do anything if we also facilitate a western attack on Iranian nuclear installations. All we need to do is to allow Israeli jets to refuel in our airspace, then they have enough range to strike and exit back to the red sea without getting to invade airspaces of Arab states.
What was President Khatimi doing in New Delhi as a chief guest on Indian republic day, while we had 400,000 soldiers lined up, eye ball to eye ball against India.

What is your point? King Abdullah was the guest in 2006. Would you fall out with the Saudis too?

What about China? Xi Jinping just visited India recently.
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Did any FC target Iranian Border guards and killed Iranians ?

RIP Brethren.
Well, Iranians claim that their super duper IRGC can annihilate USA in a week. :rofl:
Yet, they cannot even distinguish who are they fighting against :lol:

Letting Israeli Air Force use our airspace will be a reasonable option.
Well, it seems that Israel would be welcome by almost every neighboring country of Iran to use their airspace.
what is pakistan becoming?? jesus christ!

we not that much of lowlifes yet

At the moment, a punching bag.

But on a serious note, I have a question. In laymen's terms the whole idea behind this aggression is that, "If you can handle it, we'll come and do it for you" right?

So, if we do consider the possibility of militants from Pakistan crossing into Iran and breaking through, that would not only be a failure of Pakistan to contain the problem but also failure of Iran border guards to repel the attack. In a nutshell, "because we failed too, now we are coming to vent our anger on you"?

Secondly, the report says that the FC shaheed was in the vehicle along with others injured. Below is a picture of a few FC vehicles.

One HAS to be in close enough range to clearly recognize who it belongs to, esp people who often see each other on borders. It very well could have been a deliberate attack.
RIP to the dead.

The reaction from the Pakistani members is mind blowing!!! from the calls of killing Iranian soldiers to the nuking of Tehran!!!!

As it appears there is a great deal of anti Iranian sentiment and hatred amongst the Pakistani members, I always taught that the majority of Pakistanis held positive view of Iran.
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