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Iran kills 1 Pakistani soldier, 3 injured.

No one over here says that these insurgents come from Pakistan and therefore it's their responsiblity to take action instead they're planning and threatening to attack us , why? I don't know ...

Uh.... what do you think these FC forces were doing so close to the border? The fact is your government asked Pakistan to send more forces near the border, Pakistani FC responds by sending a patrol near the Iranian border which if the events that have transpired are true were attacked by Iranian fire. So basically Pakistan obliged and its paramilitary troops got shot at in return, now I don't think your boys knew these were Pakistani forces but this event does show that your boys are either trigger happy or there is a lack of communication between both countries.
Iran is attacking us when we need soldiers on both Indian and Afghanistan borders...Iranian generals know that very well. This is called backstabbing. Iran was the most popular country in Pakistan in all PEW surveys....this is going to change. Iran backstabbed us, Israel needs our airspace to take out Natanz, we can just look the other way and Iran will learn its lesson without us ever pulling the trigger against Iran.
Don't you think you are over-reacting maybe? It could be just one off accidental incident. I mean how many time you had issue with Iran really.
Horus said: ↑
Letting Israeli Air Force use our airspace will be a reasonable option.
Israel would say-- thanks, but no thanks!

So, after US, Israel is able to influence indians thought also....:p:
That is the difference insurgents kill you Iranians, and if Pakistan Army FC helps you, you target FC vehicle and kill our FC soldier. How pathetic is that!!!

How do you know Iranian did it on the purpose and it wasn't an accident? and those insurgents come from your country not from sea .... when you can not control your borders base upon charter of the united nations we've got the right to take actions within your territories ....
OMG, why do you try to expand your enemies list by adding Iran ? we are not your enemy... despite all terrorists attacks conducted by insurgents from your territories we've never consider you as enemy and we will never ...

What was President Khatimi doing in New Delhi as a chief guest on Indian republic day, while we had 400,000 soldiers lined up, eye ball to eye ball against India.

Please cut the bullshit about the terrorists, you treat your own citizens like niggars. If they pick up guns against you they become terrorists. Pakistan has arrested the top tier of Jindullah and handed them over to Iran. No thank you, that won't be happening anymore.
How do you know Iranian did it on the purpose and it wasn't an accident? and those insurgents come from your country not from sea .... when you can not control your borders base upon charter of the united nations we've got the right to take actions within your territories ....

Haha, and the US has the right of action to invade and bomb you for being an illiterate mullah country which threatens to lead the Muslim Ummah into war against Israel and Saudi Arabia every day.
Friendly Fire.... R u aware of the term?????? Google it Plz..:coffee:

May be you have put blinds!!!
Understand that this is NOT a friendly fire,...a soldier lost his life.
read this...

To Pakistani Brothers.

Hold your fire - We can't fight on 3 fronts - lets admit our limitations - bite our anger - wait for an opportunity and strike back when it suits us the most. Iran backstabbed us today, we can follow when it fits our bill!
OMG, why do you try to expand your enemies list by adding Iran ? we are not your enemy... despite all terrorists attacks conducted by insurgents from your territories we've never consider you as enemy and we will never ...
In my opinion, the administrator of this website perfectly reflects the thinking of the Pakistani elites. His call for violence against Iran, and opening its airspace for israel isn't just the rantings of a loon. Keep that in mind.
We have an expression : When there is a fire, the wet wood and dry wood burn together

where were you Pakistanis when these so-called Jaish al-Adl and Jundallah motherfucker terrorists attacked and killed our innocent people, not once or twice, so many times they have used your land to attack us and then they run there, they think they can play hide and seek with us, but one day it will come, the time for our retaliation

It's better that you try to secure your borders instead of talking, it seems that you just talk, your border is open as shit, thousands of terrorists can come and go easily, right under your nose

we have lost a lot of lives, lots of families are mourning for losing their sons, brothers and fathers right now
It's not like that we hate you or we would be pleased to see your misery, but if we don't say it's all your fault, we can say most of it is because of your mistakes ...

Pakistan has lost way more in terms of deaths than anyone else in the region. The fact is despite that the Pakistan-Iran border is probably the lest volatile of all of Pakistan's borders. That is a credit to the FC of Pakistan that they have stamped down on the largest movements that were on the Pakistani side of the border. Jaish ul Adl and Jundullah are Iranian Baluch movements that arose due to failed policies of your government. Now you say they strike you guys and then run to hide in Pakistan and to that I say you asked Pakistan to set up a larger presence on its side of the borders now what exactly do you think these Pakistani paramilitary were doing anyway? Cuz it sure looks like Pakistan was trying to listen to Iranian complains only to find our troops fired upon and one being put to rest. This is basically a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation for Pakistan.
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