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Iran kills 1 Pakistani soldier, 3 injured.

wow, I can see too much of "gheyrat" from you guys.show some to the terrorists whom you host as well.I am sure that will solve all your internal problems.:)

come on guys.dont nuke us.lets chill out.nobody knows what has happened in the area so far.lets wait until the details are provided.
Everyone had better relations with Iran when the shah was in power including Arabia and Pakistan. Everyones sick of this regime– I am sure the Iranian people more than anyone else – time for their corrupt hypocritical regime to GO! I sincerely have nothing but respect and admiration to the Iranian people, their culture and history.

Iran & Saudis always play their proxy war in other muslim countries especially in Syria, Pakistan, Bahrain & Lebanon.. They are such cowards that they can't face each other in any war rather always busy in destabilizing other muslim countries. One creates conspiracies in Bahrain resulting loss of innocent lifes, other created tensions in Syria and result is loss of life of poor muslims. We hate ISRAEL & USA for killing muslims, what about they cowards & b***ards, who istigates people to kill people of other sect.

Take example of Pakistan, When Zardari was President, he being SHIA was always inclined towards Iran & we saw Iran gas pipeline project & now as Nawaz is PM, he has close ties with Saudi Arabia, there is extreme unrest in the camp of Iran & they are building close ties with INDIA to counter (Projects including building sea port to counter the effect of Gwadar Port). Further, they think they have right to destabilize any country (Bahrain), but when it bounces back to them, these cowards cry hard...

When Nawaz takes power Hardliner extremists (SSP- Banned but working by changing name) start killing Shias & when PP is in power Shias start killing them through their outfit named Sipah Muhammad (Banned but working by changing name). Besides Saudis are involved in making hundreds thousands of Madressas to spread the version of Royal Family (i.e. Salafis), they cruelly divided our society & takes revenge from Iran by instigating & helping the extremists.

IN SHA ALLAH, muslim umma will get rid of these so called Salafi & Shias who have acquired these two states in last century.

If i could , i would Bomb Saudi Royal Family & Iranian Khomeni Regime & all will be good not only Pakistan but rest of Ummah.

They are not the representatives of Islam, although they appear to be....
i dont know what is wrong with our forces why they dont retaliate.sab hi pakistanio ki chitrol kar raha han kabhi india kabhi iran kabhi afganistan kabhi USA
Inspector General Frontier Corps (FC) Ejaz Shahid said Pakistani forces will answer any Iranian attack in the future. “Pakistani forces will respond to Iranian forces in the future if they invade or carry out any attack on Pakistani territory,” he said.
Just like Noora-bragging that he will do this, that he will do that but nothing happens.
I agree now, Pakistan should NEVER have GAS pipeline deal with Iran, and waste billions to give to Iranians...as long as the Iranian Mullah terrorists are on charge. And y not cut whatever little you have over Pakistan....second u r known to start wars with ur antique old Meseum army...and get ur *** handed back to you, as it was done in Afghanistan in 1990s.

just for the record.. we are now ruling western middle east with this old meseum army... and yet we got the upper hand cause we have military blood in our body and true and right commandin in our minds...and here i dont wana argue about our great army that they use right weapon in right place so they are victorius,..

secend if u think you have a new brand great army, plz i honestly ask you to tel your army to block the fu*** border of iran-pakistan to this damn terorist. and solve your security problems inside... cause if we found them any were in this world, it not important if its syria or iraq or yeman or where where where... we kill them like insects...

and again sorry for your army lose. jut a mis calculation...
wow, I can see too much of "gheyrat" from you guys.show some to the terrorists whom you host as well.I am sure that will solve all your internal problems.
come on guys.lets chill out.nobody knows what has happened in the area so far.lets wait until the details are provided.

Gheyrat is impulsive thing, many are unware:p:.... After all the mess you created in IRAQ & Syria, i bet if you try to enter Pakistan we will come so hard at you that you will never think of interfering in any country.....
It's what we've been demanding for a long time, you lost 1 FC and your countrymen over here wanna wage a war against us but we've lost 3000 borders guards and we just ask you to seal your borders.

Pakistan was the one who handed Jandullah chief to Iranian, Didn't it? Pakistan has been helping Iranian Border Guards, including getting them free recently when the drunk tards get kidnapped by some terrorists.

Pakistan is not threatening War on Iran, but infact however Iranian border guards continued firing for six hours, Pakistani forces did not retaliate to the terrorist offense of the neighbouring country.

Pak FC men were after militants when Iranian Border Guards decide to cowardly attack our FC vehicle.

Pakistanis are asking for REVENGE !!!
Stop hosting terrorists and sending them across the globe and maybe you wont get attacked so much form every country

why dont you worry about your own terrorists in your own backyard in north east India, dont poke your nose in our affairs.
Pakistan Military should start treating Iranians like they treat Indians. They won't dare cross the line again.
Imran Khan said: ↑
these mullah's dogs iranis need some real reply .send some block-52 to burn mullah ***
Then U see thousands of Iranian Ballistic missiles and so on... , wahabi follower/Supporter

In Pakistan, enemy is enemy , its not about Shia or Sunni when fighting against enemy. Don't show your loyalty with INDIA by hitiing posts unprovoked.
And about your missiles, we are really scared.........:cheesy::cheesy:

Someone save us, iranians are going bomb us.....:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
raptor22 said: ↑
It's what we've been demanding for a long time, you lost 1 FC and your countrymen over here wanna wage a war against us but we've lost 3000 borders guards and we just ask you to seal your borders.
Pakistan was the one who handed Jandullah chief to Iranian, Didn't it? Pakistan has been helping Iranian Border Guards, including getting them free recently when the drunk tards get kidnapped by some terrorists.
Pakistan is not threatening War on Iran, but infact however Iranian border guards continued firing for six hours, Pakistani forces did not retaliate to the terrorist offense of the neighbouring country.
Pak FC men were after militants when Iranian Border Guards decide to cowardly attack our FC vehicle.
Pakistanis are asking for REVENGE !!!

Saudis & iranis are utter bast****. They are cowards and can either attack unproveked or create tension in Muslim countries by creating conspiracies of Sunni Shia conflicts....
We have an expression : When there is a fire, the wet wood and dry wood burn together

where were you Pakistanis when these so-called Jaish al-Adl and Jundallah motherfucker terrorists attacked and killed our innocent people, not once or twice, so many times they have used your land to attack us and then they run there, they think they can play hide and seek with us, but one day it will come, the time for our retaliation

It's better that you try to secure your borders instead of talking, it seems that you just talk, your border is open as shit, thousands of terrorists can come and go easily, right under your nose

we have lost a lot of lives, lots of families are mourning for losing their sons, brothers and fathers right now
It's not like that we hate you or we would be pleased to see your misery, but if we don't say it's all your fault, we can say most of it is because of your mistakes ...
al-Hasani said: ↑
What's with you and camels, clown? Camels are excellent animals and Iran is full of them. They originate on the Horn of Africa and that's also were most of them are found. We actually import them.
Of course this concerns me when one of your fake wannabe Arab Mullah supporters started mentioning my country here.
Besides KSA is a longstanding friend of Pakistan and so is the Arab world so you need to keep calm and mind your own business. I write whatever I want to as long as I follow the rules. Get that into your empty skull once and for all.
kiss US a***s to be some one... if u think u can counter iran better see who rules the western middle east now ! we stand alone and we proud of our religion or way and our independence ! dont fool us to answer your foolish words any more... i leave your mind to gods hands... gods know better what to do with wahabie saudie

Lick Indians foot, only they will come to save you. Mind it better, it is Pakistan not Iraq or bahrain, you a**holes
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