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Have you ever been to Israel?

you dont need to live in israel to know their behavior,they are so rude, impolite and racist when they are talking to you in the internet or meet them in other countries, it's enough to know how they are.
you dont need to live in israel to know their behavior,they are so rude, impolite and racist when they are talking to you in the internet, it's enough to know how they are.

I have met them in real life as well. Very rude people. There is a sense of self entitlement with them.
I have met them in real life as well. Very rude people. There is a sense of self entitlement with them.

hey man, you answered me so fast! i just edited my last post and then i see you said same thing.
you dont need to live in israel to know their behavior,they are so rude, impolite and racist when they are talking to you in the internet or meet them in other countries, it's enough to know how they are.

Yes, they are rude and arrogant, but that doesn't make them racist.
I suggest still not to call all of them like that, there are lots of people in Israel who are against Netanyahu military politics.
Yes, they are rude and arrogant, but that doesn't make them racist.

are you sure? have not you seen how many times they use humiliating words for Persians in PDF?

Here we can find some good Pakistanis, Iranian, Indian, Turkish members and some bad members, only show me one Israeli member who is polite and trying to be nice, who There isn't hatred is his voice.

I suggest still not to call all of them like that, there are lots of people in Israel who are against Netanyahu military politics.

I have never said all of them ,It seems most of them. the only good Israeli that i have seen was a teenage girl, til now.
are you sure? have not you seen how many times they use humiliating words for Persians in PDF?

Here we can find some good Pakistanis, Iranian, Indian, Turkish members and some bad members, only show me one Israeli member who is polite and trying to be nice, who There isn't hatred is his voice.

That's because they continuously hear Iranian threats in their media, and how bad the Iranians hate them. I don't think in real life we would have problems with each other.
That's because they continuously hear Iranian threats in their media, and how bad the Iranians hate them. I don't think in real life we would have problems with each other.

we continuously hear Israelis threats in our media too. then how we can find some Iranians who are nice with them and try to defend them like you?
we hear these things against them too. then how you can find some Iranian who are nice with them and try to defend them like you?

Israel never threatened to wipe Iran of the map, or use slogans like 'to free Jerusalem we need to walk through Karbala'. Why did we never hear Israeli threats against Iran before the revolution? Did you never thought about the fact that those Palestinian-loving-mullahs have ruined our reputation in the world? Even when Palestinians were rallying for Saddam Hussein?
Israel never threatened to wipe Iran of the map, or use slogans like 'to free Jerusalem we need to walk through Karbala'. Why did we never hear Israeli threats against Iran before the revolution? Did you never thought about the fact that those Palestinian-loving-mullahs have ruined our reputation in the world? Even when Palestinians were rallying for Saddam Hussein?

dont change the subject ,:offtopic: It's another story and has no related to our discussion.
it's as same as America, we had good relathionship before 1979. but i still can see many good and many bad americans.
why most of Israelis are rude,impolite and racist? why you cant even find a good one in The PDF?
you indians realy deserve to be poor and got f*** cause there is no brain on your small heads.and we were always richer than you even when there was nt any oil discovered.
uh and take a look at this.we are producing things that a bl (india) cant produce

LOL , stuff that India can't produce? Most of the stuff in this thread is primitive technology what India produced in the 1980s. No wonder no one buys this **** and all you export is crude oil. You dickbrains need to evolve and produce stuff that actually sells in today's world , not this obsolete junk
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