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Iran : Israel is the most dangerous threat to the world

The original Culture of Persia and Persians was beautiful and nice,But now............................

BTW,Any stats about estimated persians in this whole world??
bla bla bla.

Fact: your regime does not give a damn about ethnic cleansings of Azeri Muslims, on contrary, its supporting Armenia.
Fact: in 32 years ur regime did not send a single soldier to fight Israel. Saudis sent, Morocco sent, Pakistan sent, USSR sent, even Cuba sent, Iran did not.
Fact: your regime supports brutal secular Baath regime in Syria. Who removed hijabs from women, tortured and killed Muslim Brotherhood guys by tens of thousands.

So even if you honestly belive in what u say, ur regime laugh about it. Israel is just a political tool to rule the mob.
1/ Sorry but there was a strong problem between azeris and armenians, nd we should not be blamed for this. what was the position of Iran was honest: we always had good relation with Armenians. And if you check really what happened: you'll see that they were some azeris who started tis conflict by cleansing Armenians, so i don't get why you blame us?
2/ yes it is bad? Iran sent many in Lebanon. We have some famous martyr who went there. I din't mean everything was done right but this is a fact Iran instead attacking Israel is supporting allies. that's another kind of policy.
3/ i guess you know the situation there. this is complicated.
i guess you watched the great movie Valtz with Bachir? this is about Lebanon but see what can be the situation , explosive.

but i agree the regime is using USA and Israel as political tool and brainwashed some people, a minority but active with mouth opening activity.
This is an entity which can't even define its borders or more to the point is not willing to so it can continue stealing other peoples land.

Wrong - Israel has defined borders with Egypt and Jordan which accepted its legitimate existence

This is an entity which has nukes but won't declare them and won't be too fussed with using them either.

Wrong - what do you care if Israel declares it or not? Not that Israel never obviously never used WMD, it never threatened to use nuclear weapons and even is not ready to declare their existence in its possession.

This is an entity which practices apartheid against those who are not the Jewish 'race'.

Wrong - 20% of Israeli citizens are non-Jews, mostly Palestinians.

This is an entity who occupies land which doesn't belong to it.

Wrong - Israel was established in the Jewish historic homeland. It belongs no less to Jews than to Arabs.

This is an entity which continues to build on land which it doesn't own.

Wrong - the State of Israel owned most of the lands in the country, like the British and the Jordanian authorities in the past.

This is an entity which doesn't allow people to worship in their sacred sites.

Wrong - The holy places in Jerusalem and all around Israel are open for all religious people while the holy places for Jews were not open to them until 1967 under Jordanian and Egyptian occupation.

This is an entity which has attacked its own allies to lay blame on its enemies.


This is an entity which has bombed Lebanon more than once.

Wrong - Lebanon bombed Israel much more times.

This is an entity which used massive military strength against an imprisoned population in Gaza.

Wrong - Israel exercised its legitimate right for self defence against the barbaric terror organisation known as Hamas.

This is an entity which dropped munitions in Lebanon as it retrieved amongst defeat for the sole cause of killing innocent people.

Wrong - Israel used only legitimate weaponry accepted by the international community.

This is an entity which has used chemical weapons on people.

Wrong - complete nonsense, Israel used only weaponry legitimate by international norms

This is an entity which holds countless women and children in prisons.

Wrong - Israel only imprisoned people convicted in terrorism.

This is an entity which believes God allows them to take land by any means.

Wrong - Jews believe that they should live in their own state in the holy land just like they used to for centuries.

This is an entity which uses the suffering of Jews in history to further advance its brutality.

Wrong - Israel is one of the most liberal and tolerated country in the world.

This is an entity which is war mongering right now looking for a war which would cause death and destruction to the region.

Wrong - all Israel's wars were a result of Arab and Iranian attempts to destroy Israel or terrorise it.

This is an entity which targets trees and crops so others can't earn a living.

Wrong - Israel helped all the people under its control to prosper.

This is an entity which uses bulldozers to kill innocent protesters who come from around the world.

Wrong - a single case of a militant who made provocations and behaved in irresponsible manner and is to be blame for his death.
This is an entity which uses piracy to highjack vessels and kill those on board.

Wrong - Israeli soldiers enforced a legitimate blockade on a terror organisation and acted out of self defence against maritime terrorists.

This is an entity which revels in fascism.

Wrong - Israel is the only liberal democracy in the Middle East which only includes dictatorial and autocratic regimes.

This is an entity which used terrorism to become an entity.

Wrong - Israel fight to protect its citizens against terrorism.

This is an entity who pays its foot soldiers to write propaganda on it's behalf on the internet.

Wrong - Israeli soldiers have much better things to do.

This is an entity which allows its troops to wear t-shirts which have pregnant women as targets.

Wrong - Slandering taking out from Der-Strimer.

This is an entity which has twisted Judaism to argue its legitmacy.

Wrong - Judaism means the existence of a Jewish state in the Jewish historic homeland.

This is a temporary entity.

Israel will continue to exist and to flourish while the Muslin civilisation is doomed to continue to decay.
This is a temporary entity.
Thorugh our long history we had many enemies. You are not the first and not the last who wants to destroy us, but you are most pathetic one for sure.

lol! fact?!
yes fact. You cant refute facts I posted. Your regime is most hypocrite regime in human history.
1/ Sorry but there was a strong problem between azeris and armenians, nd we should not be blamed for this. what was the position of Iran was honest: we always had good relation with Armenians. And if you check really what happened: you'll see that they were some azeris who started tis conflict by cleansing Armenians, so i don't get why you blame us?
First of all, first victims and refugees in conflict were actually Azeris.
Secondly Iran poses itself as protector of Muslims it sheds crocodiule tears about Palestinian refugees from 60 years ago, in same time to did not give a damn when Armenia made ethnic cleansing and expelled hundreds of thousands of Muslims, they even supported Armenia in the conflict.


This region was entirely cleansed from Muslims (for comparison in Jerusalem today live 6.5 times more Muslims than lived in 1948).

2/ yes it is bad? Iran sent many in Lebanon. We have some famous martyr who went there. I din't mean everything was done right but this is a fact Iran instead attacking Israel is supporting allies. that's another kind of policy.
If they honestly believe that Israel is a threat and must be destroyed they should send all divisions they can against Israel.

3/ i guess you know the situation there. this is complicated.
i guess you watched the great movie Valtz with Bachir? this is about Lebanon but see what can be the situation , explosive.
Well they dont care about explosiveness when they support destruction of Israel (if it hapens there will be a huge slaughter and civil war with millions of killed). They supported revolt in Egypt and Bahrain (later failed). So whats wrong if Muslim Brotherhood will come to power in Syria just like in Egypt? Oh because secular regime in Syria is their ally. Political alliance first, Islam second :lol:
Foolish.. Israel is one of the nation surrounded by unfavorable environment. We can say Israel is in hostile situation. we have seen in past nations around Israel launched an attacked on Israel. Resulting into 6 day Arab war. But god helps and support the good side. It may happen that Israel has some hard attitude but that is neede to survive in such hostile conditions..
Foolish.. Israel is one of the nation surrounded by unfavorable environment. We can say Israel is in hostile situation. we have seen in past nations around Israel launched an attacked on Israel. Resulting into 6 day Arab war. But god helps and support the good side. It may happen that Israel has some hard attitude but that is neede to survive in such hostile conditions..

change your flag to israHELL ;)
The man said it was an 'excellent' suggestion: The assassination of a US President. A praise made by a Pakistani citizen posting on a US hosted server. Smart.

He was exposing some Zionists are so devious that they would want to have Obama killed and blame it on Muslims. If we suggested this about Zionists we would be told its a conspiracy theory
Well mob in Muslim countries considers Israel as threat, but their leaders who know the real situation dont considers Israel as a threat.

Yea because some of them have been bribed.
Foolish.. Israel is one of the nation surrounded by unfavorable environment. We can say Israel is in hostile situation. we have seen in past nations around Israel launched an attacked on Israel. Resulting into 6 day Arab war. But god helps and support the good side. It may happen that Israel has some hard attitude but that is neede to survive in such hostile conditions..

This is typical of some Indians. A nation of 1.2 billion hopes by being sycophantic to Israel they will be assisted against Pakistan and Kashmir

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