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Iran : Israel is the most dangerous threat to the world

I don't see any reason why you can't be a proud Iranian(Persian), and being a Muslim. You can be proud of your histroy, and still be a Muslim in my mind. Islam is not a cluture, it is a religion. Just because things are done in a certain way in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, ect.. doesn't mean its part of Islam, it part of their culture, take it or leave it, up to you... All Egyptians are very proud of their histroy, and our culuture is somewhat diffrenet from other cultures in the region, but we are proud Muslims. Islam was not forced on us, thats why we have the biggest Christian group in the Middle East, and i am sure Islam was not forced on you guys in Persia As well.
where did i exactly said that i dont like iran and im not proud of my ancestors or cyrus and etc?
but 1st of all im proud to be muslim
Well mob in Muslim countries considers Israel as threat, but their leaders who know the real situation dont considers Israel as a threat.
Well mob in Muslim countries considers Israel as threat, but their leaders who know the real situation dont considers Israel as a threat.
those who dont believe that israel is terrorist are not muslim leader and new region gonna be a hell for isreal and those puppets your leaders installed .
So how many Jews support the assassination of a US President? You are still a coward in my eyes. You praised the idea but instead of adopting it you are doing a runaround on your praise by calling it support of Jews.

So answer the question, coward: Do YOU support the assassination of a US President?

Do not create in anger what you lack in reason.Your pattern of reasoning is clearly fallacious.

So how many Jews support the assassination of a US President?

The answer to that question even you cannot answer clearly. And you can't simply drag me to look for it in probabilistic terms.

The pattern of reasoning is fallacious because people with biases or questionable motives do sometimes offer good arguments.You cannot simply assume that because a person has a vested interest in an issue, any position he or she takes on the issue must be false or weakly supported.

Do not be afraid to speak. You are quite safe in Pakistan. This forum may draw the attention of appropriate authorities thanks to your stupid comment but what do you care, right?

You need to elaborate on that.This time with reasoning...
Do not create in anger what you lack in reason.Your pattern of reasoning is clearly fallacious.

So how many Jews support the assassination of a US President?

The answer to that question even you cannot answer clearly. And you can't simply drag me to look for it in probabilistic terms.

The pattern of reasoning is fallacious because people with biases or questionable motives do sometimes offer good arguments.You cannot simply assume that because a person has a vested interest in an issue, any position he or she takes on the issue must be false or weakly supported.

You need to elaborate on that.This time with reasoning...
Still trying to dodge, eh? That Jewish newspaperman was visited by the Secret Service for what he publicly wrote. YOU called what he wrote an 'excellent idea'. So answer the question: Do YOU support the assassination of a US President?
those who dont believe that israel is terrorist are not muslim leader and new region gonna be a hell for isreal and those puppets your leaders installed .
Your leaders also dont consider Israel as a threat. They use Israel just:

1) To distract own population from internal problems.
2) To gain popularity in Muslim world.

Thats all :) In fact Iran is most hypocrite regime in history. It sheds crocodile tears about Palestinians and in same time supports Armenia who made biggest ethnic cleansing of Muslims.
Still trying to dodge, eh? That Jewish newspaperman was visited by the Secret Service for what he publicly wrote. YOU called what he wrote an 'excellent idea'. So answer the question: Do YOU support the assassination of a US President?

Time after time the fish get caught in the net. You are the one who is dodging from the get go.

You think you are the only one who is educated in every argument here. Well guess what you are so wrong mate.Cheers
Time after time the fish get caught in the net. You are the one who is dodging from the get go.
Nope. It is YOU who are still dodging, coward. When you praise something as an 'excellent idea' you are not praising the person who proposed the idea. Calling something an 'excellent idea' usually mean you agree with it -- at least in principle. But that is fine for now. You realized you said something really stupid. :lol:
Nope. It is YOU who are still dodging, coward. When you praise something as an 'excellent idea' you are not praising the person who proposed the idea. Calling something an 'excellent idea' usually mean you agree with it -- at least in principle. But that is fine for now. You realized you said something really stupid. :lol:

Should I need to recall my question again? :lol:

We both think stupid.We both are cowards.

The difference is I am stupid enough to admit it and you are stupid enough of not admitting it.:rofl:

I think it will settle the score between us. :lol:
Your leaders also dont consider Israel as a threat. They use Israel just:

1) To distract own population from internal problems.
2) To gain popularity in Muslim world.

Thats all :) In fact Iran is most hypocrite regime in history. It sheds crocodile tears about Palestinians and in same time supports Armenia who made biggest ethnic cleansing of Muslims.
you dunno about our leaders as much as you dunno about our people
we have a word in islam that is actually a word to mohamad(PBUH) Grandson and based on that we will accept anyone that is his friend as friend and any enemy that he had is our enemy ,we all know who was muhammad top enemy and did anything to stop them so here is the thing we iranian as muslim will accept anyone who stand against crulity and not bow to arrogant so its not that they want to distract us no you get it all wrong ,it is all about what we have in our heart ,we all hate you because you and your being is based on injustice and tyranny.
once those muslim aweken they will find out that who is their enemy ,and when that happen well thats enough if being in liveing this way that we like will make us popular so what wrong with that we will live our life!

ofcource there is iranian here that dont like it this way but this is the way it is you are not whole iran neither am i. people votes made that choice before.
where did i exactly said that i dont like iran and im not proud of my ancestors or cyrus and etc?
but 1st of all im proud to be muslim
This post was meant for PGK, my bad sir
you dunno about our leaders as much as you dunno about our people
we have a word in islam that is actually a word to mohamad(PBUH) Grandson and based on that we will accept anyone that is his friend as friend and any enemy that he had is our enemy ,we all know who was muhammad top enemy and did anything to stop them so here is the thing we iranian as muslim will accept anyone who stand against crulity and not bow to arrogant so its not that they want to distract us no you get it all wrong ,it is all about what we have in our heart ,we all hate you because you and your being is based on injustice and tyranny.
once those muslim aweken they will find out that who is their enemy ,and when that happen well thats enough if being in liveing this way that we like will make us popular so what wrong with that we will live our life!

ofcource there is iranian here that dont like it this way but this is the way it is you are not whole iran neither am i. people votes made that choice before.
bla bla bla.

Fact: your regime does not give a damn about ethnic cleansings of Azeri Muslims, on contrary, its supporting Armenia.
Fact: in 32 years ur regime did not send a single soldier to fight Israel. Saudis sent, Morocco sent, Pakistan sent, USSR sent, even Cuba sent, Iran did not.
Fact: your regime supports brutal secular Baath regime in Syria. Who removed hijabs from women, tortured and killed Muslim Brotherhood guys by tens of thousands.

So even if you honestly belive in what u say, ur regime laugh about it. Israel is just a political tool to rule the mob.
Here we go again, PERSIAN_GOD_KING comes and ruins a perfectly fine topic with his religious bullshit. You've made it clear time and time again that you have wet dreams about reviving some 2,000 year Iranian history and do not like Islam. We get your point, but this is not 2000 BC, it is 2011. No people are today what they were 2000 years ago. Now please stop hijacking threads.
This is an entity which can't even define its borders or more to the point is not willing to so it can continue stealing other peoples land.

This is an entity which has nukes but won't declare them and won't be too fussed with using them either.

This is an entity which practices apartheid against those who are not the Jewish 'race'.

This is an entity who occupies land which doesn't belong to it.

This is an entity which continues to build on land which it doesn't own.

This is an entity which doesn't allow people to worship in their sacred sites.

This is an entity which has attacked its own allies to lay blame on its enemies.

This is an entity which has bombed Lebanon more than once.

This is an entity which used massive military strength against an imprisoned population in Gaza.

This is an entity which dropped munitions in Lebanon as it retrieved amongst defeat for the sole cause of killing innocent people.

This is an entity which has used chemical weapons on people.

This is an entity which holds countless women and children in prisons.

This is an entity which believes God allows them to take land by any means.

This is an entity which uses the suffering of Jews in history to further advance its brutality.

This is an entity which is war mongering right now looking for a war which would cause death and destruction to the region.

This is an entity which targets trees and crops so others can't earn a living.

This is an entity which uses bulldozers to kill innocent protesters who come from around the world.

This is an entity which uses piracy to highjack vessels and kill those on board.

This is an entity which revels in fascism.

This is an entity which used terrorism to become an entity.

This is an entity who pays its foot soldiers to write propaganda on it's behalf on the internet.

This is an entity which allows its troops to wear t-shirts which have pregnant women as targets.

This is an entity which has twisted Judaism to argue its legitmacy.

This is a temporary entity.
bla bla bla.

Fact: your regime does not give a damn about ethnic cleansings of Azeri Muslims, on contrary, its supporting Armenia.
Fact: in 32 years ur regime did not send a single soldier to fight Israel. Saudis sent, Morocco sent, Pakistan sent, USSR sent, even Cuba sent, Iran did not.
Fact: your regime supports brutal secular Baath regime in Syria. Who removed hijabs from women, tortured and killed Muslim Brotherhood guys by tens of thousands.

So even if you honestly belive in what u say, ur regime laugh about it. Israel is just a political tool to rule the mob.
lol! fact?!

what kind of muslim regiom coaprate with israel name one :qatar azerbaijan
you tell me what you gonna do to a goverment that support sepratist in your county ,btw we have no sepratist in azerbaijan but the spent money and time on that.

how do you think hezbullah and hamas trained and equiept ? by syria?! and then who equiept syria dont tell me USSR! if it wasn't for our support no one backed syria in this way.
another fact that all your goverments afraid of is : IRGC QODS special taskforce! you tried to make a terrorist face of them but people of world wasn't stupid enough to believe that.there is iranian in israel maybe in jeruselam i know there is some in you goverment(muslims) but hell you are not soppose to know! we wont fight this war like those that you mentioned we will destroy you from within like what supreme leader said:
We will answer threats with threats. Anybody who thinks of attacking the Islamic Republic of Iran should be prepared to receive strong slaps and iron fists from the Armed Forces, from the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran, from the Islamic Revolution’s Guards Corps and from Basij: all supported by the great Iranian nation. And America, its regional puppets and its guard dog – the Zionist regime – should know that the response of the Iranian nation to any kind of aggression, attacks or even threats will be a response that will make them collapse from within.

thats why you scared of us not saudi arabia or qatar or etc.

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