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Featured Iran intends to block strait of Hormoz

They are not the size of your garden.

it's called relativity, something beyond your understanding.

This is where you have been making massive mistakes you can't take out a city. Without having a hydogen bomb and not a small one but a very very large one only the Americans may have such massive bombs and even that can't completely ruin a city on impact.

Go back to sleep. I don't need someone at your level trying to teach me how to achieve paralysis of nations. Pin point strikes on strategic sites can achieve that goal. Just ask your al saud about their Abqiaq warning strike.

So you will end up with the Azeris hitting you hard and pushing you back

hitting with what? your imagination?

and you will resort to throwing alot of men at the problem but it won't be solved as the azeris will ethblish air superiority and take fire-control

Azeris could not even establish air superiority over Armenia. Iran could wipe out their entire airforce with ease.

You don't have a clue what you're talking about. Then you wonder why people see your kind in the way they do, militarily speaking. Sheer incompetence.
it's called relativity, something beyond your understanding.

Go back to sleep. I don't need someone at your level trying to teach me how to achieve paralysis of nations. Pin point strikes on strategic sites can achieve that goal. Just ask your al saud about their Abqiaq warning strike.

hitting with what? your imagination?

Azeris could not even establish air superiority over Armenia. Iran could wipe out their entire airforce with ease.

You don't have a clue what you're talking about. Then you wonder why people see your kind in the way they do, militarily speaking. Sheer incompetence.

You are the one who has inflated Iran's capabilities based upon many falsehoods that has been piling up thru the years.

Honestly speaking Iran is the biggest paper tiger in the world. Countries like Vietnam and Thailand are tougher overcoming and better equipped but they are not overrated like Iran nothing to see there honestly.

You can inflate yourself to kingdom come but nobody gives a shxxt
You are the one who has inflated Iran's capabilities based upon many falsehoods that has been piling up thru the years.

Sure, falsehoods such as humiliating saudi arabia by taking out 50% of their Abqiaq with a few strikes.

Honestly speaking Iran is the biggest paper tiger in the world.

One that has repeatedly put your kind under its boots. As shown already, only your kind are seen in such terms, even in the eyes of your own so called allies.

Countries like Vietnam and Thailand are toguher overcoming but they are not overrated like Iran.

Now you're just putting ghiberish togethers as replies. At least put more of an effort in your comments. These weak replies are too underwhelming.
They are not the size of your garden. This is where you have been making massive mistakes you can't take out a city. Without having a hydogen bomb and not a small one but a very very large one only the Americans may have such massive bombs and even that can't completely ruin a city on impact. In reality you can't take out the smallest of villages.

So you will end up with the Azeris hitting you hard and pushing you back and you will resort to throwing alot of men at the problem but it won't be solved as the azeris will ethblish air superiority and take fire-control

In what world would Azerbaijan beat Iran in a military conflict? You have some sort of hatred for Iranians, that much is clear so you're simply trolling and causing unnecessary problems here. Just say it and be done with it, you hate Iran and Iranians so you will do and say whatever it is you need to in order to justify your utterly delusional positions.

Iran has the largest precision Ballistic Missile arsenal in the region with cruise-missiles and long-range armed drones numbering in the thousands of units. Top that with literal world-class radars/COVERAGE and SAMS nested within a strong IADS network. Azerbaijan wouldn't be able to do much damage to Iran at all.

Multiple members here have shown via REAL-WORLD evidence what a conflict between Azerbaijan and Iran would like, and it would be the worlds largest 'Turkey'-shoot. Azerbaijan has little to no ability in defending against the type of heavy-hitting munitions Iran will be using. Iran's FATEH line of Quasi-BM's alone would wipe up any meaningful Azeri military asset and the drones and air-force can come in and clean up the rest.
You are the one who has inflated Iran's capabilities based upon many falsehoods that has been piling up thru the years.

Honestly speaking Iran is the biggest paper tiger in the world. Countries like Vietnam and Thailand are tougher overcoming and better equipped but they are not overrated like Iran nothing to see there honestly.

You can inflate yourself to kingdom come but nobody gives a shxxt

Completely erroneous deduction based on nothing but misguided hatred about a peoples and country you know little to nothing about.

Get a life and stop bothering us with your insane ramblings.
In what world would Azerbaijan beat Iran in a military conflict? You have some sort of hatred for Iranians, that much is clear so you're simply trolling and causing unnecessary problems here. Just say it and be done with it, you hate Iran and Iranians so you will do and say whatever it is you need to in order to justify your utterly delusional positions.

Iran has the largest precision Ballistic Missile arsenal in the region with cruise-missiles and long-range armed drones numbering in the thousands of units. Top that with literal world-class radars/COVERAGE and SAMS nested within a strong IADS network. Azerbaijan wouldn't be able to do much damage to Iran at all.

Multiple members here have shown via REAL-WORLD evidence what a conflict between Azerbaijan and Iran would like, and it would be the worlds largest 'Turkey'-shoot. Azerbaijan has little to no ability in defending against the type of heavy-hitting munitions Iran will be using. Iran's FATEH line of Quasi-BM's alone would wipe up any meaningful Azeri military asset and the drones and air-force can come in and clean up the rest.

Completely erroneous deduction based on nothing but misguided hatred about a peoples and country you know little to nothing about.

Get a life and stop bothering us with your insane ramblings.

This is where you have made an error. Their missile are not precise as mentioned they missed to hit many long distance targets and hit a cargo plane fearing US strikes.

There drones would be useless against Azerbaijani jamming tools, and Jets in that sense Azerbaijan will claim air superiorty so the only thing they will have to do is throw men at the problem and they will get pushed back slowly. If Azerbaijan is given enough munitions to continue they may push them back enough to Tehren.

This kind of defeats has happened in this region and country many times. The Irans themselves are not strangers to major military upsets.

Broski they are overrated I am telling you this man. It has nothing to do with my hatred for them
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This is where you have made an error. Their missile are not precise as mentioned

You can tell the Americans that:


they missed to hit many long distance targets

Show me these "misses".

and hit a cargo plane fearing US strikes.

You do realise ballistic missiles are not surface to air missiles, right? Seriously, this level of ineptitude is odd.

There drones would be useless against Azerbaijani jamming tools

Jamming tools worked well for Saudis when Iran attacked, didn't it?

in that sense Azerbaijan will claim air superiorty

Already debunked this drivel.

so the only thing they will have to do is throw men at the problem and they will get pushed back slowly. If Azerbaijan is given enough munitions to continue they may end.

Azerbaijan's army is too small, seeing these comments really highlites to me your people just appear to innately lack military mindset.

This kind of defeats has happened in this region and country many times.

Name one in modern times.

The Irans themselves are not stranges to major military upsets

It's called history, all nations faced defeat. The important thing is present and future, at present time in which you're being outmatched by Iran, with ease.
This is where you have made an error. Their missile are not precise as mentioned they missed to hit many long distance targets and hit a cargo plane fearing US strikes.

There drones would be useless against Azerbaijani jamming tools, and Jets in that sense Azerbaijan will claim air superiorty so the only thing they will have to do is throw men at the problem and they will get pushed back slowly. If Azerbaijan is given enough munitions to continue they may end.

This kind of defeats has happened in this region and country many times. The Irans themselves are not stranges to major military upsets

This is just not true at all, you're knowingly lying to me, yourself and everyone else (who cares to listen) in face of the Ayn-Al Assad strike which resolutely proved the accuracy of Iranian Ballistic Missiles and their tactical value in the field of battle. The Aramco attack and various other Iranian operations in the past have been clear in showing this. Time will only make such weapons even more accurate and reliable, so your unfounded claims of their inaccuracy don't hold up against REAL-WORLD EVIDENCE.

Anyways, once all Azerbaijani military assets that would pose a credible threat to Iranian forces are destroyed, armed drones and the Air-force could easily come in and start dropping even more precision munitions against any remaining forces. Azerbaijans conventional military isn't all that large, or do you just prefer to think Azerbaijan can take on Iran just because? Don't answer that, it was a rhetorical question...
You can tell the Americans that:

View attachment 680487

Show me these "misses".

You do realise ballistic missiles are not surface to air missiles, right? Seriously, this level of ineptitude is odd.

Jamming tools worked well for Saudis when Iran attacked, didn't it?

Already debunked this drivel.

Azerbaijan's army is too small, seeing these comments really highlites to me your people just appear to innately lack military mindset.

Name one in modern times.

It's called history, all nations faced defeat. The important thing is present and future, at present time in which you're being outmatched by Iran, with ease.

This is the most flagrant and in your face example of Dunning-Kruger Effect I've ever come across in my life. I'm so close to just labeling him as clinical insane due to just how erroneous his incessant babblings about Iranian military capabilities are...
This is the most flagrant and in your face example of Dunning-Kruger Effect I've ever come across in my life. I'm so close to just labeling him as clinical insane due to just how erroneous his incessant babblings about Iranian military capabilities are...

It's a coping mechanism, his kind have to resort to these altered sense of reality for mental reasons. If they had to face reality, they would not be able to handle it. It's not surprising, given the utterly useless nature of their ruling elites and militaries. Anyway, just play with this guy, anything more is a waste and beyond their capacity to understand.
This is just not true at all, you're knowingly lying to me, yourself and everyone else (who cares to listen) in face of the Ayn-Al Assad strike which resolutely proved the accuracy of Iranian Ballistic Missiles and their tactical value in the field of battle. The Aramco attack and various other Iranian operations in the past have been clear in showing this. Time will only make such weapons even more accurate and reliable, so your unfounded claims of their inaccuracy don't hold up against REAL-WORLD EVIDENCE.

Anyways, once all Azerbaijani military assets that would pose a credible threat to Iranian forces are destroyed, armed drones and the Air-force could easily come in and start dropping even more precision munitions against any remaining forces. Azerbaijans conventional military isn't all that large, or do you just prefer to think Azerbaijan can take on Iran just because? Don't answer that, it was a rhetorical question...

Ayn Al- Assad strike how is that even relevant to a moving war? They warned the Americans on before hand to exit it was sort of plan to ease their population mourning.

It couldn't even destroy one tiny building how is that even useful against Azerbaijan maybe because you got high on the cool aid they were selling. Let me tell you this broski. Azerbaijan has more know how and access to more knowlegde and has more equipment and can get resupplied from every direction where as Iran will have difficult resupply once it runs dry. Please the Iranians missed even Ayn assad with many missiles aside from hitting once.

Azerbaijan may not be the same size nor do they have the same population numbers but what they have superior over the Iranians is quality, technology and equipment.

The Armenians are more armed then the Iranians on paper and they can't really counter much of Azerbaijan what makes you think Iran can? However the only solution they can do is throwing manpower at the problem which will not solve it
Ayn Al- Assad strike how is that even relevant to a moving war? They warned the Americans on before hand to exit it was sort of plan to ease their population mourning.

It couldn't even destroy one tiny building how is that even useful against Azerbaijan maybe because you got high on the cool aid they were selling. Let me tell you this broski. Azerbaijan has more know how and access to more knowlegde and has more equipment and can get resupplied from every direction where as Iran will have difficult resupply once it runs dry.

Azerbaijan may not be the same size nor do they have the same population numbers but what they have superior over the Iranians is quality, technology and equipment.

The Armenians are more armed then the Iranians on paper and they can't really counter much of Azerbaijan what makes you think Iran can? However the only solution they can do is throwing manpower at the problem which will not solve it

No Azerbaijan most definitely does not hold the qualitative edge over the Iranian military as a whole, not even close lol.

Iran has better SAMS, better IADS, better precision munitions (more numbers as well), more tanks and armored vehicles, more soldiers, can wage the same Drone based warfare they can but at a staggeringly higher pace, larger Air-force, WAY BIGGER CONVENTIONAL MILITARY FOOTPRINT in general. Azerbaijan simply doesn't have enough man-power nor military strength to tackle the Iranian state head-on. This a face you won't reconcile with, so I don't care what you have to say lol.

If Iran were to decide to strike Azerbaijan with a wave of missiles, that first wave alone would disable Azerbaijan's ability to adequately operate within the theatre of war. Unlike Iran's hardened, attrition proof doctrine, Azerbaijans conventional military infrastructure would be decimated well within a week and within a month, it'd be all gone (literally). Pray tell how Azerbaijan will be "pushing Iran all the way to Tehran" when Azerbaijan has nothing left to PUSH WITH.

Also Iran has tactical real-time Ballistic Missile capability ready to go without much planning. The Ayn-Al Assad strike was forewarned for POLITICAL reasons, and political reasons alone. Iran could have obliterated that entire base that very night Haj-Qassem was killed but chose to not due long-term strategic planning, but I feel like this is a point that will allude your general understanding on the matter...
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Ayn Al- Assad strike how is that even relevant to a moving war? They warned the Americans on before hand to exit it was sort of plan to ease their population mourning.

Not suprising, the military value of the attack is beyond your understanding. The point of the strike was to show them accuracy of Iranian missile and that had Iran wanted, it could have killed hundred/thousands of them.

It couldn't even destroy one tiny building

Right, sure:

how is that even useful against Azerbaijan maybe because you got high on the cool aid they were selling.

Believe me, if anyone appears intoxicated here, it's you and your hilariously out of touch mental gymanstics.

Let me tell you this broski. Azerbaijan has more know how and access to more knowlegde and has more equipment and can get resupplied from every direction where as Iran will have difficult resupply once it runs dry.

1- Their military is simply too small- This is a military fact even a child could understand
2- Where would they be resupplied?
3- Iran is not saudi arabia or azerbaijan, it supplies its own needs

Azerbaijan may not be the same size nor do they have the same population numbers but what they have superior over the Iranians is quality, technology and equipment.

Iran is more advanced than Azberijan is almost every aspect and far, far more superior in terms of numbers.

The Armenians are more armed then the Iranians on paper

Which paper is this? show it to us. Is it the same one that claimed saudis have a capable military?

and they can't really counter much of Azerbaijan what makes you think Iran can? However the only solution they can do is throwing manpower at the problem which will not solve it

A country that lacks even basic UAVs is more capable than Iran apparently. Is this new delusions suppose to be your way of deflecting from the topic on saudi arabia?
Ayn Al- Assad strike how is that even relevant to a moving war? They warned the Americans on before hand to exit it was sort of plan to ease their population mourning.

It couldn't even destroy one tiny building how is that even useful against Azerbaijan maybe because you got high on the cool aid they were selling. Let me tell you this broski. Azerbaijan has more know how and access to more knowlegde and has more equipment and can get resupplied from every direction where as Iran will have difficult resupply once it runs dry. Please the Iranians missed even Ayn assad with many missiles aside from hitting once.

Azerbaijan may not be the same size nor do they have the same population numbers but what they have superior over the Iranians is quality, technology and equipment.

The Armenians are more armed then the Iranians on paper and they can't really counter much of Azerbaijan what makes you think Iran can? However the only solution they can do is throwing manpower at the problem which will not solve it

Omg.... you can't be serious....WHAT!?!?!

Welp, that totally sealed the deal. You don't know what it is you're talking about at all, like AT ALL.

Lmao, Armenia being more armed than Iran on paper? WOW I mean WOW.

You are an absolute disgrace to this Military Forum and I mean this in a sympathetic way 'broski'.
Not suprising, the military value of the attack is beyond your understanding. The point of the strike was to show them accuracy of Iranian missile and that had Iran wanted, it could have killed hundred/thousands of them.

Right, sure:

Believe me, if anyone appears intoxicated here, it's you and your hilariously out of touch mental gymanstics.

1- Their military is simply too small- This is a military fact even a child could understand
2- Where would they be resupplied?
3- Iran is not saudi arabia or azerbaijan, it supplies its own needs

Iran is more advanced than Azberijan is almost every aspect and far, far more superior in terms of numbers.

Which paper is this? show it to us. Is it the same one that claimed saudis have a capable military?

A country that lacks even basic UAVs is more capable than Iran apparently. Is this new delusions suppose to be your way of deflecting from the topic on saudi arabia?

Dude....like in the past there have been those who've said obviously stupid ignorant stuff about Iran but this guy takes it to a WHOLE different level.

Never would I ever have imagined someone in 2020 would even remotely prose that Armenia OF ALL NATIONS, is more armed than IRAN. This takes some SPECIAL mental gymnastics to reconcile with...

No Azerbaijan most definitely does not hold the qualitative edge over the Iranian military as a whole, not even close lol.

Iran has better SAMS, better IADS, better precision munitions (more numbers as well), more tanks and armored vehicles, more soldiers, can wage the same Drone based warfare they can but at a staggeringly higher pace, larger Air-force, WAY BIGGER CONVENTIONAL MILITARY FOOTPRINT in general. Azerbaijan simply doesn't have enough man-power nor military strength to tackle the Iranian state head-on. This a face you won't reconcile with, so I don't care what you have to say lol.

If Iran were to decide to strike Azerbaijan with a wave of missiles, that first wave alone would disable Azerbaijan's ability to adequately operate within the theatre of war. Unlike Iran's hardened, attrition proof doctrine, Azerbaijans conventional military infrastructure would be decimated well within a week and within a month, it'd be all gone (literally). Pray tell how Azerbaijan will be "pushing Iran all the way to Tehran" when Azerbaijan has nothing left to PUSH WITH.

Also Iran has tactical real-time Ballistic Missile capability ready to go without much planning. The Ayn-Al Assad strike was forewarned for POLITICAL reasons, and political reasons alone. Iran could have obliterated that entire base that very night Haj-Qassem was killed but chose to not due long-term strategic planning, but I feel like this is a point that will allude your general understand...

I thought you were smarter then the philospher hype drinker whom I have demoted to troll level and beneath my precious time.

Just look how ridiculous you sound I will qoute on this nonsense: If Iran were to decide to strike Azerbaijan with a wave of missiles, that first wave alone would disable Azerbaijan's ability to adequately operate within the theatre of war.

Do you think war is some sort of Dragon balls scenario where one guy says fire-ball an a whole universe is smoked and destroyed?

First of all the claims of them having better SAMS and precision munition is bs and unproven groundless propaganda on paper they are inferior to Armenia when strictly speaking of qualitative.

This is gonna be one hell'va dog-fight my niiiigga where Iran will be edged out qualitative and in most realistic and sound scenario pushed back.
Dude....like in the past there have those who said obviously stupid ignorant stuff about Iran but this guy takes it to a WHOLE different level.

Never would I ever have imagined someone in 2020 would even remotely prose that Armenia OF ALL NATIONS is more armed that IRAN. This takes some SPECIAL mental gymnastics to come to...


He thinks a ballistic missile is used as surface to air missile, what more can you expect from them in terms of cognition regarding military.
I thought you were smarter then the philospher hype drinker whom I have demoted to troll level and beneath my precious time.

Just look how ridiculous you sound I will qoute on this nonsense: If Iran were to decide to strike Azerbaijan with a wave of missiles, that first wave alone would disable Azerbaijan's ability to adequately operate within the theatre of war.

Do you think war is some sort of Dragon balls scenario where one guy says fire-ball an a whole universe is smoked and destroyed?

First of all the claims of them having better SAMS and precision munition is bs and unproven groundless propaganda on paper they are inferior to Armenia when strictly speaking of qualitative.

This is gonna be one hell'va dog-fight my niiiigga where Iran will be edged out qualitative and in most realistic necessary pushed back

I am NOT YOUR NIGGA, shut-up and go back to sleep or something
He thinks a ballistic missile is used as surface to air missile, what more can you expect from them in terms of cognition regarding military.

We need Serpentine (or some MOD) to come back and ban certain members who are so wrong with their information that they ruin the thread due to their EXTREMELY severe ignorance on the topic-matter and subsequent vehement reluctance in accepting basic facts presented to them.

I just can't believe I'm sitting here reading this insane dribble, I really can't grasp it lol.
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