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Featured Iran intends to block strait of Hormoz

Does iran have capability ? This oil is going to countries like China, Pakistan, India japan and other powerful countries.

Iran is establishing 1000 km oil pipeline from Goreh to port of Jask to avoid strait of Hormoz for exporting oil. Within a short period of time Iran will be able to fulfill its threats about strait of Hormoz ... or Iran is able to sell its oil openly or no one in the region will sell a drop of oil 🙂

I thought you were smarter then the philospher hype drinker whom I have demoted to troll level and beneath my precious time.

You're incapable of replying to the points, that's why.

Do you think war is some sort of Dragon balls scenario where one guy says fire-ball an a whole universe is smoked and destroyed?

That is not just a matter of his opinion, it is shared by experts. No one expects you to understand, we're replying to you just to humilate you.

But here is an expert's view on the subject:

I'd say anime like "dragonball" is probably more on your level however.

First of all the claims of them having better SAMS and precision munition is bs and unproven groundless propaganda on paper they are inferior to Armenia when strictly speaking of qualitative.

Iran downed the countless UAVs such as RQ-170 and recently RQ-4:


Remind me again how well Armenia is dealing with UAVs?

Like proven already, your reality is essentially twisted.

This is gonna be one hell'va dog-fight my niiiigga where Iran will be edged out qualitative and in most realistic necessary pushed back

They will do as a good a job as your kind did when Iran attacked Aramco.
He thinks a ballistic missile is used as surface to air missile, what more can you expect from them in terms of cognition regarding military.

I'll say this as well whilst I'm here.

Dadash, I'm actually in tears from laughing so hard (not even kidding). It's like a bad-comedy done by some down-syndrome kid who thinks too much of himself xD. This dude is trying to give us a TED TALK about Iran but he's only droning on like an idiot lmao.

Oh my god, I wonder what he's going to say next :sarcastic:
You're incapable of replying to the points, that's why.

That is not just a matter of his opinion, it is shared by experts. No one expects you to understand, we're replying to you just to humilate you.

But here is an expert's view on the subject:

I'd say anime like "dragonball" is probably more on your level however.

Iran downed the countless UAVs such as RQ-170 and recently RQ-4:

View attachment 680489

Remind me again how well Armenia is dealing with UAVs?

Like proven already, your reality is essentially twisted.

They will do as a good a job as your kind did when Iran attacked Aramco.

VAY KHODA!! shekamam dareh dard mikooneh az khandeh xD
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No Azerbaijan most definitely does not hold the qualitative edge over the Iranian military as a whole, not even close lol.

Iran has better SAMS, better IADS, better precision munitions (more numbers as well), more tanks and armored vehicles, more soldiers, can wage the same Drone based warfare they can but at a staggeringly higher pace, larger Air-force, WAY BIGGER CONVENTIONAL MILITARY FOOTPRINT in general. Azerbaijan simply doesn't have enough man-power nor military strength to tackle the Iranian state head-on. This a face you won't reconcile with, so I don't care what you have to say lol.

If Iran were to decide to strike Azerbaijan with a wave of missiles, that first wave alone would disable Azerbaijan's ability to adequately operate within the theatre of war. Unlike Iran's hardened, attrition proof doctrine, Azerbaijans conventional military infrastructure would be decimated well within a week and within a month, it'd be all gone (literally). Pray tell how Azerbaijan will be "pushing Iran all the way to Tehran" when Azerbaijan has nothing left to PUSH WITH.

Also Iran has tactical real-time Ballistic Missile capability ready to go without much planning. The Ayn-Al Assad strike was forewarned for POLITICAL reasons, and political reasons alone. Iran could have obliterated that entire base that very night Haj-Qassem was killed but chose to not due long-term strategic planning, but I feel like this is a point that will allude your general understand...

I thought you were smarter then the philospher hype drinker whom I have demoted to troll level and beneath my precious time.

Just look how ridiculous you sound I will qoute on this nonsense: If Iran were to decide to strike Azerbaijan with a wave of missiles, that first wave alone would disable Azerbaijan's ability to adequately operate within the theatre of war.

Do you think war is some sort of Dragon balls scenario where one guy says fire-ball an a whole universe is smoked and destroyed?

First of all the claims of them having better SAMS and precision munition is bs and unproven groundless propaganda on paper they are inferior to Armenia when strictly speaking of qualitative.

This is gonna be one hell'va dog-fight my niiiigga where Iran will be edged out qualitative and in most realistic and sound scenario pushed back.
I thought you were smarter then the philospher hype drinker whom I have demoted to troll level and beneath my precious time.

Just look how ridiculous you sound I will qoute on this nonsense: If Iran were to decide to strike Azerbaijan with a wave of missiles, that first wave alone would disable Azerbaijan's ability to adequately operate within the theatre of war.

Do you think war is some sort of Dragon balls scenario where one guy says fire-ball an a whole universe is smoked and destroyed?

First of all the claims of them having better SAMS and precision munition is bs and unproven groundless propaganda on paper they are inferior to Armenia when strictly speaking of qualitative.

This is gonna be one hell'va dog-fight my niiiigga where Iran will be edged out qualitative and in most realistic and sound scenario pushed back.

Why are you copying and pasting the same comment?
I'll say this as well whilst I'm here.

Dadash, I'm actually in tears from laughing so hard (not even kidding). It's like a bad-comedy done by down-syndrome kid who thinks too much of himself xD. This dude is trying to give us a TED TALK about Iran but he's only droning on like an idiot lmao.

Oh my god, I wonder what he's going to say next :sarcastic:

VAY KHODA!! shekamam dareh dard mikooneh az khandeh xD

With these people you just want to give them enough rope to hang themselves and then just sit back and laugh. It is a tragicomical situation what Iran has done to these people. They're reduced to this level of existence.
As a matter fact Saudi Arabia alone could defeat Iran's paper tiger army who have historically been upset to many times.
The saudis couldnt defeat the houthis......and that was with american help.



The irony was that in this particular battle most of the "saudis" werent even saudi,they were yemeni,sudanese and whoever else the SOS could scrape up to fight for them....,so hey,maybe you werent totally wrong about that " global hub with many nationalities " schtick after all. :sarcastic:
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If Iran were to decide to strike Azerbaijan with a wave of missiles, that first wave alone would disable Azerbaijan's ability to adequately operate within the theatre of war.

Yeah that pretty much sums it up nicely. Theirs nothing there that Iran isn't capable of striking.
You could not even liberate a kitten out of a plastic bag. Those Azerbaijanis have historically slaughtered your kind, pick up a history book and learn about Shah Ismail. I think the Kurds being liberated from Turkey is a much more likely scenario and inevitable given their rising population.
°Laughs in Aliyev°
Iran officially has not taken side between Azerbaijan-Armenia, but given the Azeris have lost almost10% of their entire 50,000 soldiers, I would not be laughing in your case.

Azerbaijan has allowed wild pigs to eat their soldiers corpses. I won't post the video. Meanwhile, Iran went to the world and back to retrieve Iranian martyrs from ISIS like Hojaji. including releasing of ISIS Prisoners simply to retrieve the dead. Azerbaijanis lack honour.
Azerbaijan has allowed wild pigs to eat their soldiers corpses. I won't post the video. Meanwhile, Iran went to the world and back to retrieve Iranian martyrs from ISIS like Hojaji. including releasing of ISIS Prisoners simply to retrieve the dead. Azerbaijanis lack honour.

i saw that video too. thats exactly how the mafia got rid of people they killed back in the 70s and 80s.
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