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Featured Iran intends to block strait of Hormoz

Hahaha.. This will only force the neighbouring countries to finally attempt an invasion on iran and dethrone the gov't.

Daddy US is unable to mount a real attack on Iran so how will tiny minions do so? i'm unsure which planet you're living on..
@ali_raza @Titanium100 ..
Guys (or girls!)..why don't you put that star of david on your avatar so that we can have "frank and open" discussion....Semites are people too ....do not be shy of your race. ..We Persian know you ..We saved your *** and built your Temple (on the second thought maybe it was not such a good idea!..lol)..We know you have a love/hate relationship with your Arab cousins..but hey one does not choose his/her family...come out of the closet and put that avatar on..:woot:
buddy u r like just newly popped popcorn
as is most of ur country men
i m on this forum since 15 years
people know me well
u please put on those isfahani jew symbols please
and who u r ?
finance minister of saudis to know these things
how much money u think is transfered for weapons buying can u back it up with figures
do u know trade balance between americans and saudis
do u know america is biggest market for saudi oil
do u know how many billions saudis make each day from investing in us firms and stocks
do u know how influential r saudis in washington
u dont right
go figure these things out before coming up with ur baseless agenda against arabs in general

I can confirm for you that I am not nor have I been the saudi finance minister. I am" new pop corn" as you like to call it (which must makes you what? old stale pop corn?) I how ever know the nature of the U.S dollar and how it is printed and what an absolute scam it is since it is not backed with anything except its position as the petrol dollar which makes your Saudi master's nothing more than the Uncle Scams ATM. in regards to all the investments that your saudi masters have made in the U.S it all amounts to nothing because we have the case of our deposed Shah to know that despite all the "investments" the U.S had no hesitation in dropping him once they deemed him to be no longer useful. the U.S has only but one master and it definitely is not you Arabs who they have disparaged in their media since the birth of Hollywood! hell we even saw with our own eyes how much the U.S came to saudi barbaria's aid in the Aramco attack despite the hundreds of billions if not trillions that the saudi cash cows have paid the U.S as protection money ever since they agreed to adopt the petrol dollar.
buddy u r like just newly popped popcorn
as is most of ur country men
i m on this forum since 15 years
people know me well
u please put on those isfahani jew symbols please
Lol...an Omani semite whose highest achievement has been 15 years on this forum..well you just pointed out yourself why arabs are so backward . 300 million arabs in 22 countries all colonized by Europeans...and by the way for your information...we Persian saved your shit hole of oman in 1970s from going to the dogs..so next time you tax your brain in this forum to write something about iran remember without iranians you still be among the savages of arabia killing each other.
Lol...an Omani semite whose highest achievement has been 15 years on this forum..well you just pointed out yourself why arabs are so backward . 300 million arabs in 22 countries all colonized by Europeans...and by the way for your information...we Persian saved your shit hole of oman in 1970s from going to the dogs..so next time you tax your brain in this forum to write something about iran remember without iranians you still be among the savages of arabia killing each other.
hold on
when did u guys saved us
who r dogs?
r u nuts?
we were the ones who negotiated nuclear deal for u guys
cos no one trusted u guys
Man...I am dealing with a bunch of Juveniles in here....Why don't you read some history of your tinny country instead of spending 15 years in here...

I help you....Read this and be informed ....and by the way this Popcorn helped with that war!!!.. 15000 Iranian troops were in Oman helping your sultan to keep his throne. It was a secret war.

Iranian troops boarding for Oman


Famous Iranian singer entertaining troops in Oman
Oman: How the Shah of Iran Saved the Regime
A Forgotten Page of History · The Sultan of Oman, Qaboos Ibn Said, who died in January 2020, waged, at the beginning of his reign in the seventies, a war of several years against a Marxist rebellion in the Dhofar. It was with the support of British troops and later Iranian air and ground forces; in an operation conceived entirely by the Shah himself that the Sultan secured his rule. In a future article, we shall deal with the reconstruction period that followed these events.


Translated from French by Noël Burch.
“Iran has never won a war…” One of the countless falsehoods that President Donald Trump spouts day after day completely overlooked a significant feat of arms accomplished by Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi’s imperial regime, overthrown by the Khomeini Revolution early in 1979. In those days, the massive interventions of the regular Iranian army were greeted with enthusiasm in Washington by democrats and Republicans alike. Interventions which had made possible the hovercraft conquest, on 30 November 1971, of three Arabian islands in the Gulf (Abu Musa and Greater and Lesser Tombs, which were supposed to go to the United Arab Emirates and which these still claim to this day). Made it possible above all to come to the rescue of the Sultan of Oman in his southern province of Dhofar. An Iranian contingent, spearheaded by half of an “elite” brigade, carried out massive helicopter operations with “American-style” logistics support.
It all began, or almost all, in 1965 with the formation in Dhofar of an armed movement of social and national emancipation which challenged the power of a “backward-looking” sultan, Said Bin Taimur (father of Qaboos) as well as British military and political control over the whole region.
The Dhofar Liberation Front was gradually radicalised until it became, in 1968, The Popular Front for the Liberation of the Occupied Arabian Gulf. Having adopted Marxism, it became a threat to Western oil interests, its ambition being to unify in a “Greater Oman” or a “Greater Gulf,” independent and republican, the Sultanate and London’s main protégés: Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait.
This national project—or this dream—was attractive to nationalists and progressives but was very worrisome for those who would much rather look forward to a fragmented future of tribal “self-segregation” rather than a vast nationalist dilution.

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But rather than confront the mounting perils with modernising reforms which the modest beginnings of the oil revenue era would have made possible, Sultan Said Bin Taimur, retrograde and obstreperous, clung to the most unpopular restrictions. He remained holed up in his palace in Salalah, the capital of Dhofar, almost surrounded by zones “liberated” by the separatist fighters.
When a second hotbed of insurgencies appeared in northern Oman, Her Majesty’s government grew alarmed to see the fighting come closer to the Gulf oil facilities. It engineered a palace revolution, conceived and carried out in July 1970 by the British military high command. The Sultan’s Baloch guardsmen were overwhelmed by a commando operation led by British officers. Said was replaced by his 29-year-old son Qaboos, a graduate of the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst.1
At that point in time, the legitimacy of this new sultan was just about null and would remain so for several years. Qaboos was heir to a power controlled by the British and what was at stake in the ongoing conflict was the extermination of separatist fighters who were all Omanis. In the zones they had liberated, they implemented progressive social and economic policies in the teeth of an essentially foreign power.
At the time, two thirds of Oman’s national budget were absorbed by a war conducted by a Defence Council composed exclusively of British nationals, with the exception of Qaboos. In the field, the” Omani” army, was commanded by British officers while the foot soldiers and non-coms were mainly mercenaries recruited among Pakistani Baloch. The only truly Arab unit was a battalion sent to the rescue by King Hussein of Jordan.
The British general John Graham, who had conceived and ordered the coup against his employer, and who was in command of the operations carried out against the Dhofar revolutionaries on the ground, in the air and at sea, was also worried about his legitimacy. For this reason, he liked to claim his struggle was part of the Cold War and made many “personal” declarations of “Omani patriotism,” like this one in 1971:
Today, in addressing my soldiers and officers, I no longer speak of ‘crushing’ or ‘overcoming’ the rebellion, but of ‘liberating our Dhofar brothers from the oppression of extremist communists, cruel and treacherous foreigners.’
It is true that at the time Beijing, via the regime’s number two, Lin Biao, implemented a policy of Marxist-Leninist proselytism, fuelling the Front’s anti-imperialism and separatist ambitions, to the point of distributing, in mid-1971, copies of the Little Red Book in Dhofar.
Following its fusion in December 1971 with the National Democratic Front for the Liberation of Oman and the Arabian Gulf which was active in central Oman2, the Popular Front for the Liberation of the Occupied Arabian Gulf, to its credit, preserved its independence—and its reputation—by spurning ideological “ready-mades,” whether from Beijing or, subsequently, from Moscow, successive pro-viders of limited and then more consequent aid in weaponry. This aid was mostly Soviet which, after the end of 1971, became increasingly substantial, culminating in 1975 with the supply of shoulder-launched surface-to-air missiles SAM 7.
Above all, the Front refused to accept the collaboration, military or administrative, of any foreign advisors at all, and by enlisting only "Omanis”—along with a few Bahrainis3—preserved its national character in order to develop its political struggle in the Muscat region, in central Oman and as far as the nascent Emirates. In the liberated areas of Dhofar, tribalism was discouraged, and new social relations were instituted, with specific roles assigned to women, including on the field of battle.
As for Qaboos, he was gradually taking over the civil control of his country, scrapping his father’s unbelievable archaism and slowly but surely increasing the Omanisation of his army, being careful, however, not to exaggerate this trend. At An-Nahar, in 1973, he declared: “Arabisation should not be carried out to the detriment of military efficiency”. This progress had been made possible by the country’s modernisation, financed by the rapid development of its petroleum industry and the soaring oil prices from the end of 1973.
In Dhofar, the escalation of hostilities was intense during the first two years of the new sultan’s rule. But the British failed to reconquer the liberated zones as they had planned but did manage to sap the pre-eminence of the Front with intensive bombings and thanks to the firqat watania, " turncoat” tribes bribed to give up the fight. The British had learned to control unruly populations in Malaysia, Kenya or Borneo. Their techniques of anti-guerrilla warfare included notably foodstuff blockades, destruction of crops and livestock, poisoning water supplies, demolishing homes, medical facilities and medicinal supplies.
In July 1972, the Front failed in its attempt to storm the fort at Mirbat, strategic point on the last coastal strip under British control outside the Salalah Plain. However, in January 1973, Colonel Hugh Oldman, Omani Defence Secretary, admitted in a press conference that the United Kingdom had not been able to hinder the activities of the Liberation Front in Dhofar and that, moreover, the movement made itself felt on a daily basis in the political life of the sultanate and even in that of the Emirates.
These were the circumstances in which a providential surprise was forthcoming: an offer of services from the Shah of Iran. He wanted to make a regional display of power was in fact champing at the bit to put to a full-scale test what was by regional standards an exceptional military machine, developed through large-scale purchases of US armaments.
This covert motivation was cloaked in the paranoia which the Western media had been cultivating at the time around the Ormuz Straits, described as the “vital artery,” the “carotid,” the “jugular vein” of the Western world. Yet the Front’s declarations and the obvious interests of a potentially “independent” Oman ruled out in advance any threat to petroleum shipping.
The Shah Reza Pahlavi justified his intervention in Oman by declaring:
Just imagine that these savages should seize the other bank of the Ormuz Straits, at the mouth of the Persian Gulf. Our life depends on that. And those people at war with the Sultan are savages. They may even be worse than communists.4
So, at the end of 1973, an Iranian expeditionary force landed in Dhofar, spearheaded by a half-brigade with helicopters and an artillery battalion which quickly went into action with the support of Phantom fighter bombers and a couple of naval units. Its first mission was to wrest from the revolutionaries what they called the “Red Line.” This was a strategic highroad running due North from Salalah through the hills of “green” Dhofar (so-called because of the effects of the monsoon from July to December) and establishing connections with Thamrits and Muscat via the desert. That takeover was meant to impede the progress of the mule and camel caravans supplying the “liberated zones” in the East, the furthest removed from the Yemeni border.
Once the Red Line had been conquered, it was entrusted to a Jordanian battalion. The Iranians were ordered to set up, further to the West, two fortified lines running from North to South, i.e., from the desert to the sea and cutting through the most densely populated liberated zones. Thus the “Damavand Line,” named after the highest mountain in Iran, now ran parallel, towards the border with Yemen, to a series of fortified outposts (the Hornbeam Line), the first elements of which had been established by the British the year before.
The British themselves, no longer having to cope directly with the Front, began to organise, from their desert air base at Sarfeit, not far from the Yemeni border, commando operations designed to disorganise the Front’s supply routes to the South. The latter, having learnt the lesson of its first real military reversal, decided, 1974, to restrict once more its action and ambitions to a single area of the sultanate by becoming the Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman (PFLO).
The fighting again escalated, Iranian power made itself felt with bombings and the deployment of an artillery fire power “in the Soviet manner,” with canons flown at considerable expense by heli-copter into the heart of the Front’s sanctuaries. In September 1974, Jim Hoagland, special correspondent for the International Herald Tribune sent this report from the battlefield:
By admission of Oman’s own security services, the plans [to eliminate the revolutionaries] have been upset by what happened to the Iranians on Friday in Dhofar. An Iranian unit 200 strong, sent to attack a strategic height between Manston and Akloot, came under fire from 30 or 40 guerrillas before they could take up their position. In the hand-to-hand fighting that followed, the guerillas killed ten Iranian soldiers before withdrawing without a single casualty—as the security services admitted.
The reports from the Imperial Army soon told of the lack of preparation and low morale of troops in rapid rotation “so that each man should get his baptism of fire”. But it would have taken much worse to restrain the Shah, who stepped up his efforts in 1975. He was determined to obtain com-plete victory, since to be content with the status quo would have made a very bad impression on the foreign coalition, considering the disproportion of the forces involved.
While the British losses on the ground were becoming increasingly difficult to conceal, the Iranian losses did not seem to bother the Shah who remarked:
I think it was a brilliant success [rather than a failure]. Precisely because, despite their casual-ties, each day the morale of our soldiers improved. Besides which, the enemy also sustained loss-es. And anyway, an army, its job is to kill or, at a pinch, be killed. Especially on such difficult ground.5
In the air, the Phantoms not only bombed the PFLO’s liberated zones but also nearby South-Yemen which provided logistics support. All told, the revolutionaries claimed to have shot down 25 planes and helicopters during the 1975 raids. An Iranian pilot was encountered in Dhofar who had managed to land his helicopter after it had been damaged by small arms fire. Lieutenant Ash-rafian told how he was “saved by the rebels” who pulled him out of his aircraft “and took him into the jungle because the British were dropping bombs on the helicopter” to eliminate traces and equipment.6
During that decisive year 1975, the coalition which was defending the Sultan’s power in Dhofar consisted of around a thousand Britishers, including the general staff, at least 3,500 Iranians, 800 Jordanians, 2 to 3,000 Pakistani Baloch, Omani Baloch and Omani descendants, Israeli advi-sors7 as well as 1,200 Dhofari auxiliaries, gathered together in “strate-gic hamlets” according to the Nixon doctrine in Vietnam: “Let Asians fight Asians”.
A few days before Qaboos announced the defeat of the rebellion in January 1976, the special cor-respondent in Oman for the Times of London reported his observations as to who really wielded power in Oman: "Most of the civil servants and all the army officers I met, with one single exception, were British. Major General Perkins himself [commander-in-chief of the Omani army] assured us that ’if Great Britain were to withdraw from Oman it would be catastrophic’ […]. Serving in Oman was very useful for the training of officers posted out here. […] It is the only country in the world where you can wage a war like this one, a large-scale war using every kind of weapon.
Iranian troops, whose conflictual relations with the British had always been an open secret, re-mained in the country until the fall of the Shah, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini having decided, even before he came to power, that they had no business being there. The victory over the rebels was to mark a new stage in the political life of Oman.
I hope Iran does so we can finally liberate south Azerbaijan.

You could not even liberate a kitten out of a plastic bag. Those Azerbaijanis have historically slaughtered your kind, pick up a history book and learn about Shah Ismail. I think the Kurds being liberated from Turkey is a much more likely scenario and inevitable given their rising population.
Forget about the another axe which I won't mention now will never allow advancement into the holy lands. With the remaining Algeria, Morocco and Tunisa being reserves becuase they won't be needed.

There is only HOLY BETRAYAL in the holy lands of Saudi Arabia.

You mention about the armies of Egypt, sudan, qatar, Kuwait and wat not. They are in yemen and got their backside handed to them by the impoverished yemeni ppl. LOL. There is no end to wet dreams is there?
Iran is seriously one of the biggest paper tigers in modern era and I would even go as further to say that the most overrated country and based on false analysis.

I am telling you this folks Azerbaijan without any help can devastate Iran forget about the Gulf-Sudan-Egpyt-Jordan axe.

Extremely overrated to the point that poster like the one I was discussing with would drink his own piss and say it's lemonade they are extremely deluded on top of that. Just like The Kurds and Armenia time will come to them.

It mostly reminds me about the Kurds before the Turkish they were talking some alot of mad shit as if they were US-China combined lool. As I said before Iranic euphoria is weak sauce. Your extremely overrated and people see you that way.

All these countries I mention have zero respect towards Iran including Azerbaijan! You are welcome to beef yourself up as much as you like
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Iran is seriously one of the biggest paper tigers in modern era and I would even go as further to say that the most overrated country and based on false analysis.

A paper tiger that is slapping your kind around left and right and using you as chess pieces whilst you're hiding the skirts of the Americans for protection.

I am telling you this folks Azerbaijan without any help can devastate Iran forget about the Gulf-Sudan-Egpyt-Jordan axe.

Azerbaijan could be dismantled with a few missiles, your saudi arabia is not that far behind.

Extremely overrated to the point that poster like the one I was discussing with would drink his own piss and say it's lemonade they are extremely deluded on top of that. Just like The Kurds and Armenia time will come to them

It's called walking the talk. Your kind merely talks, nothing more. Furthermore, given your desperate attempt to deny obvious realities such as how your country was attacked by Iran, this is what one calls delusions.
It mostly reminds me about the Kurds before the Turkish they were talking some alot of made shit as if they were US-China combined lool. As I said before Iranic euphoria is weak sauce. Your extremely overrated and people see you that way.

These Kurds are still a far more capable force compared to the pathetic competency of the Al Sauds.

All these countries I mention have zero respect towards Iran including Azerbaijan! You are welcome to beef yourself up as much as you like

Respect of irrelevant nations means nothing. Most of these countries are artificial states like Saudi Arabia, UAE etc.
A paper tiger that is slapping your kind around left and right and using you as chess pieces whilst you're hiding the skirts of the Americans for protection.

Azerbaijan could be dismantled with a few missiles, your saudi arabia is not that far behind.

It's called walking the talk. Your kind merely talks, nothing more. Furthermore, given your desperate attempt to deny obvious realities such as how your country was attacked by Iran, this is what one calls delusions.

Azerbaijan? You don't even have the capability to take out a village of 5000ppl let alone a whole country. This is what I was talking about drinking his own piss.

In the real world you will get your shit pushed in real hard. Azerbaijan seems to be more armed on paper then you and honestly despite the manpower difference I wouldn't even put it beyond the azeris to shock you once more again lmao! This is a huge possibility. History repeating itself.

Honestly you would scream to United nations in such scenario and I would bet they won't come
Azerbaijan? You don't even have the capability to take out a village of 5000ppl let alone a whole country. This is what I was talking about drinking his own piss.

Azerbaijan is the size of my garden, dismantling them will be even easier than dealing with the likes of Saudi Arabia, which is saying alot.

In the real world you will get your shit in real hard. Azerbaijan seems to be more armed on paper then you

They can't even deal with Armenia. Admittedly, they are still more competent than the utterly useless Saudi military but still, they're easy prey.
I wouldn't even put it beyond the azeris to shock you once more again lmao! This is a huge possibility. History repeating itself.

Azerbaijan was basically an Iranian territory not long ago. Try using some history books. This level of ineptitude is quite humiliating to witness.

Honestly you would scream to United nations in such scenario and I would bet they won't come

Screaming to the UN is reserved for the likes of Saudis after getting attacked by Iran. As if the UN would actually help you.
Azerbaijan is the size of my garden, dismantling them will be even easier than dealing with the likes of Saudi Arabia, which is saying alot.

They can't even deal with Armenia. Admittedly, they are still more competent than the utterly useless Saudi military but still, they're easy prey.

Azerbaijan was basically an Iranian territory not long ago. Try using some history books. This level of ineptitude is quite humiliating to witness.

Screaming to the UN is reserved for the likes of Saudis after getting attacked by Iran. As if the UN would actually help you.

They are not the size of your garden. This is where you have been making massive mistakes you can't take out a city. Without having a hydogen bomb and not a small one but a very very large one only the Americans may have such massive bombs and even that can't completely ruin a city on impact. In reality you can't take out the smallest of villages.

So you will end up with the Azeris hitting you hard and pushing you back and you will resort to throwing alot of men at the problem but it won't be solved as the azeris will ethblish air superiority and take fire-control
I don't think Iran will attempt closing off the Hormuz Strait, but this project is probably designed so Iran won't fall victim if the US closes the strait.
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