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Featured Iran intends to block strait of Hormoz

Well if it was an act of war then why don't you just claim it and save people from the speculation?

Because all those involved know it was actually Iran, for Iran to come foolishly and claim to do it is to come out as aggressor in front of UN. It's called plausible deniability.

So is this your best argument? Saudis did not retaliate because Iran did not openly say it was behind it? What a pathetic form of argument.

Your statements are contradicting itself. Iran knows where Saudi Arabia is located if they really wanted WAR they know where to find them

Where is the contradictions? Do you even know what that word means? Iran attacked Saudis directly, what more do you need? a troop based invasion?

true some Non-state actors taking responsbility.

Nobody thinks it was non-state actors except you. And you're pretending to believe it because you know how embarassing it is for your to openly admit it was Iran. You're not hiding anything though, everything is obvious. You only come across more desperate by hiding from the obvious.

Don't contradict yourself be clear in your statements and don't jump from south to north in an instance.

Lets try this again, and more simplified version for you to understand.

1- The only "non-state actors" that took responsibility were the Houthis
2- They are based South
3- It is nigh impossible for the Houthis to have been behind that attack
4- This is once again obvious to anyone with any understanding of this attack

You can quote 100000 millions of articles talking about competence within the Saudi Army. I won't count on that if I were you.

In other words, I should rely on fantasy instead of facts, like you?

You couldn't even defeat non-state actors in Syria and Solemani went to Russia and Sucked cxxked to get help. the competence issues goes both ways I think.

Difference is, Iran stopped the march of terrorists for years before Russia even came into the conflict.
Meanwhile, saudis cannot even protect their own backyard and are defeated by Iranian proxies.

You lost 1000 soldiers till date.

But your incompetence is historical not only from this generation but from 100s of generations back in incompetency .

Repeating this debunked drivel again will not help you out. Iran's capabilities are admired by its adversaries meanwhile your own allies see you as incompetent.

Here is another article for your to pretend not to see:

Saudi Arabia Can’t Win Its Own Battles
A good reason for the kingdom not to wage them

Don't tire yourself and dont over beat your chest. You know where to find them and act of war bla bla. They are right next to you soon if that is what you wanted you would have pursued it stop lying or exaggeration.

Iran has found them and made the move, and waiting for the Saudis to do anything remotely similar. All I hear are cricket noises.

What a masterful strike by Iran.

Because all those involved know it was actually Iran, for Iran to come foolishly and claim to do it is to come out as aggressor in front of UN. It's called plausible deniability.

So is this your best argument? Saudis did not retaliate because Iran did not openly say it was behind it? What a pathetic form of argument.

Where is the contradictions? Do you even know what that word means? Iran attacked Saudis directly, what more do you need? a troop based invasion?

Nobody thinks it was non-state actors except you. And you're pretending to believe it because you know how embarassing it is for your to openly admit it was Iran. You're not hiding anything though, everything is obvious. You only come across more desperate by hiding from the obvious.

Lets try this again, and more simplified version for you to understand.

1- The only "non-state actors" that took responsibility were the Houthis
2- They are based South
3- It is nigh impossible for the Houthis to have been behind that attack
4- This is once again obvious to anyone with any understanding of this attack

In other words, I should rely on fantasy instead of facts, like you?

Difference is, Iran stopped the march of terrorists for years before Russia even came into the conflict.
Meanwhile, saudis cannot even protect their own backyard and are defeated by Iranian proxies.

You lost 1000 soldiers till date.

Repeating this debunked drivel again will not help you out. Iran's capabilities are admired by its adversaries meanwhile your own allies see you as incompetent.

Here is another article for your to pretend not to see:

Saudi Arabia Can’t Win Its Own Battles
A good reason for the kingdom not to wage them

Iran has found them and made the move, and waiting for the Saudis to do anything remotely similar. All I hear are cricket noises.

What a masterful strike by Iran.

Well if it was an act of war then why don't you just claim it and save people from the speculation? Your statements are contradicting itself. Iran knows where Saudi Arabia is located if they really wanted WAR they know where to find them save me the BS and re-cycled narrative it won't work with me as it is a weak point and where some Non-state actors taking responsbility. This is what cowards resort to or take claim for it lmao.

Don't contradict yourself be clear in your statements and don't jump from south to north in an instance.

You can quote 100000 millions of articles talking about competence within the Saudi Army. I won't count on that if I were you. You couldn't even defeat non-state actors in Syria and Solemani went to Russia and Sucked cxxked to get help. the incompetence issues goes both ways I think.

But your incompetence is historical not only from this generation but from 100s of generations back in incompetency .

Don't tire yourself and dont over beat your chest. You know where to find them and act of war bla bla. They are right next to you son if that is what Iran wanted they would have pursued it stop lying or exaggeration. Never took resbonsibility and never over-commited to pursuing an actual war?


You are going nowhere with me. As I would debunk all your lies and you even admitted to 5 points already in ungraciously manner. denied the 6th point blatantly while fully knowing it is true.

Your trying to come from a very pointless angle which is not working. I already proved my points that militarily you are the weaker link. You can go circle jerk all sorts of nonsensical articles cuz I proved my 6 points and you admitted atleast 5 of them
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Well if it was an act of war then why don't you just claim it and save people from the speculation? Your statements are contradicting itself. Iran knows where Saudi Arabia is located if they really wanted WAR they know where to find them save me the BS and re-cycled narrative it won't work with me as it is a weak point and where some Non-state actors taking responsbility.

Don't contradict yourself be clear in your statements and don't jump from south to north in an instance.

You can quote 100000 millions of articles talking about competence within the Saudi Army. I won't count on that if I were you. You couldn't even defeat non-state actors in Syria and Solemani went to Russia and Sucked cxxked to get help. the incompetence issues goes both ways I think.

But your incompetence is historical not only from this generation but from 100s of generations back in incompetency .

Don't tire yourself and dont over beat your chest. You know where to find them and act of war bla bla. They are right next to you son if that is what Iran wanted they would have pursued it stop lying or exaggeration. Never took resbonsibility and never over-commited to pursuing an actual war?


You are going nowhere with me. As I would debunk all your lies and you even admitted to 5 points already in ungraciously manner. denied the 6th point blatantly while fully knowing it is true

So that's it? You're reduced to just copy and pasting the exact same comment? You're the perfect representation of Al Saud and their type, but on the internet i.e can't fight and need someone else to come to their rescue.
Your trying to come from a very pointless angle which is not working.

Which angle? The one where Iran attacked Saudis directly?

I already proved my points that militarily you are the weaker link.

All debunked already, I am waiting for you to present something new.

You can go circle jerk all sorts of nonsensical articles cuz I proved my 6 points and you admitted atleast 5 you can't undo that

My only admission so far is that the saudis military is too incompetent to use any hardware adequately enough. And you agreed to it.

Edit: this one is a good read too:

Why would Iran raise the stakes by attacking Saudi Arabia?

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But your incompetence is historical not only from this generation but from 100s of generations back in incompetency .
What incompetency? we hit Athens in a way that it never raised again ... we defeated Romans killed and captivated their emperors ...
War in Yemen & current situation of Arab world is clear sign of sheer incompetency ...
So that's it? You're reduced to just copy and pasting the exact same comment? You're the perfect representation of Al Saud and their type, but on the internet i.e can't fight and need someone else to come to their rescue.

Which angle? The one where Iran attacked Saudis directly?

All debunked already, I am waiting for you to present something new.

My only admission so far is that the saudis military is too incompetent to use any hardware adequately enough. And you agreed to it.

Edit: this one is a good read too:

You have to be legit dumb pursuing some dead end argument. You see you are claiming their was a ghost where there was none. This is so pointless. You can come with millions of articles they wanted anything behind some non-state actors taking the blame yada yada things go full circle you are quouting click baits as if it is a holy bible.

Militarily, Manpower, and technology you are inferior it won't change coming with 10000s of click bait articles.

Quoting pointless articles
Black blod large texts as if it is going to signify anything worthy to note.

You can claim alot of things but I told you it is a coalition. not just 1 country you went berserk on one country and highlighted things yada yada.

You can jump up and down it won't change they have edge on you and you kinda admitted
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You have to be legit dumb pursuing some dead end argument. You see you are claiming their was a ghost where there was none.

Well given you basically pretend anything you don't like does not exist then this is not a surprising statement. This is your entire strategy so far: rejecting facts given to you.

This is so pointless. You can come with millions of articles they wanted anything behind some non-state actors taking the blame yada yada

Not a single one of those articles claimed that. I have already given you direct proof that your own allies stating the attack was done by Iran proper. But again, you merely refused to absorb the truth.

things go full circle you are quouting click baits as if it is a holy bible.

I am fully aware you did not even read those articles, those are posed for people that want to see the reality. Meanwhile you keep copy and pasting the same comments.

Militarily, Manpower, and technology you are inferior it won't change coming with 10000s of click bait articles

Iran is superior to the saudis in every manner possible. Those articles are written by experts, intelligence officers, military officials etc, I would say that's more of a respectable form of reference than some Persian Gulf Arab hiding behind false flags on the internet, no?

Quoting pointless articles

Pointless because they debunk your altered sense of reality?

Black blod large texts as if it is going to signify anything worthy to note.

Signifies a direct rebuttal to your claims.

You can claim alot of things but I told you it is a coalition. not just 1 country you went berserk on one country and highlighted things yada yada.

That coalitions exists on paper or fantasy, nothing more.

You can jump up and down it won't change they have edge on you and you kinda admitted

Once again, straw-man. I never claimed they have an edge, but I have said the exact opposite overall.

Edit: Why do you keep editing your posts I have already replied to? Make statements and stick to them.
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Well given you basically pretend anything you don't like does not exist then this is not a surprising statement. This is your entire strategy so far: rejecting facts given to you.

Not a single one of those articles claimed that. I have already given you direct proof that your own allies stating the attack was done by Iran proper. But again, you merely refused to absorb the truth.

I am fully aware you did not even read those articles, those are posed for people that want to see the reality. Meanwhile you keep copy and pasting the same comments.

Iran is superior to the saudis in every manner possible. Those articles are written by experts, intelligence officers, military officials etc, I would say that's more of a respectable form of reference than some Persian Gulf Arab hiding behind false flags on the internet, no?

As I said already I have made my point clear to you no need to repeat myself. If you think you are superior then you have the right to keep your delusions. As does everyone.

Everything is bs talk from you as I perviously state your special kind of deluded just like the Kurds and Armenians perhaps blood relations some of the Iranic romanticism delusion coming thru.

But I am not gonna bother with that.

You already kinda admitted 5 points it was enough. You will get your chance to showcase what you got but you will certainly fold like your predecessor did once. I am not impressed with Iran militarily whatsoever and I see them for who they truly are which means I rate them as they should. I don't jump into hyperbolics.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. In due time indeed in due time
As I said already I have made my point clear to you no need to repeat myself. If you think you are superior then you have the right to keep your delusions. As does everyone.

So far your "points" have not been backed by anything, I have provided you with ample sources. I think you should check the definition of delusion, you are satisfying its definition quite considerably.

Everything is bs talk from you as I perviously state your special kind of deluded just like the Kurds and Armenians perhaps blood relations some of the Iranic romanticism delusion coming thru.

On the contrary, I have been objective and on point, your refusal to even deal with the facts tells me your are quite insecure in facing the realities of your kind.

But I am not gonna bother with that.

You tried to bother with it, but you failed.

You already kinda admitted 5 points it was enough.

You can keep repeating this lie if you makes you feel better, but I think I have told you enough times that your 5 points was debunked by me. You're once again showing a symptom of delusion.

You will get your chance to showcase what you got but you will certainly fold like your predecessor did once

Iran has already attacked Saudi Arabia. What other chance are you waiting for? When Iran has invaded and occupied Saudi Arabia?

I am not impressed with Iran militarily whatsoever and I see them for who they truly are which means I rate them as they should. I don't jump into hyperbolics.

No one cares whether you are impressed or not. You know nothing about military and warfare given your comments. The experts are impressed by Iran, as they should. Here is the famous Israeli Uzi Rubin openly admiring Iranian capabilities, and this was even before Iran's attack on your Abqiaq:

Now, find me a single sane person that speaks in such terms regarding you Saudis. Your adversary, i.e Iran openly calls your capabilities as pathetic as do your allies.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. In due time indeed in due time

Whilst you're fantasising about some "due time", Iran is busy attacking you from all around. Just make a move and you'll see how long you will last. The Americans will drop you (their milking cow) at the first sign of a conflict.
btw for now all international traffic use omani waters

Would you have a source for this? Had never heard of it, and I assume it would have made some headlines. As far as I know there just aren't enough practicable shipping lanes in either Iranian or Omani waters to sustain the massive tanker traffic entering and exiting the Strait.

that attack on aramco facilities was to enrage saudis to act

I'd be surprised if it weres o, since Iran isn't really interested in full fledged war against Saudi Arabia. It was more of a discrete and calibrated message, which would be rather typical for Iranian policy.

iranians played there cards foolishly giving up many important clues which led to sulaimani elimination

I wonder how drone strikes on Saudi Aramco could have given any clues for the planning of the attack on Qassem Soleimani. Can't see the relation here.

as that hadith goes
all persians will be eliminated before the final war
there itch for war will be attended in due time

Would you care to point us to the hadith in question? Never heard of an authenticated hadith presenting genocide in a positive or welcoming light.

Iran isn't itching for war. Given the extreme levels of zionist and American hostility faced by Iran, if war was really Iran's goal, it wouldn't be that hard for Tehran to invite some form of aggression.

This pipeline is good for Iran but Iran just can't stop allies specially american Navy. Real life is different. Statements are just statements.

We shall see if and when the US tries to stop all civilian Iranian oil tankers and cargo ships from exiting and entering the Strait of Hormoz. Until then, official statements from Iran will not be proven wrong but shall remain valid.
So far your "points" have not been backed by anything, I have provided you with ample sources. I think you should check the definition of delusion, you are satisfying its definition quite considerably.

On the contrary, I have been objective and on point, your refusal to even deal with the facts tells me your are quite insecure in facing the realities of your kind.

You tried to bother with it, but you failed.

You can keep repeating this lie if you makes you feel better, but I think I have told you enough times that your 5 points was debunked by me. You're once again showing a symptom of delusion.


Iran has already attacked Saudi Arabia. What other chance are you waiting for? When Iran has invaded and occupied Saudi Arabia?

No one cares whether you are impressed or not. You know nothing about military and warfare given your comments. The experts are impressed by Iran, as they should. Here is the famous Israeli Uzi Rubin openly admiring Iranian capabilities, and this was even before Iran's attack on your Abqiaq:

Now, find me a single sane person that speaks in such terms regarding you Saudis. Your adversary, i.e Iran openly calls your capabilities as pathetic as do your allies.

Whilst you're fantasising about some "due time", Iran is busy attacking you from all around. Just make a move and you'll see how long you will last. The Americans will drop you (their milking cow) at the first sign of a conflict.

Don't forget even trump admitted that the Saudis would be speaking Farsi in two weeks if it was not for the U.S holding their delicate little hands LoL!!! Saudis are only good at buying weapons and even with their $64 billion defense budget they can't even handle the Houthis and the Yemeni Army let alone Iran. Saudis are really a pathetic little joke that only their mentally handicapped worshippers think are such a great power!
Would you have a source for this? Had never heard of it, and I assume it would have made some headlines. As far as I know there just aren't enough practicable shipping lanes in either Iranian or Omani waters to sustain the massive tanker traffic entering and exiting the Strait.

I'd be surprised if it weres o, since Iran isn't really interested in full fledged war against Saudi Arabia. It was more of a discrete and calibrated message, which would be rather typical for Iranian policy.

I wonder how drone strikes on Saudi Aramco could have given any clues for the planning of the attack on Qassem Soleimani. Can't see the relation here.

Would you care to point us to the hadith in question? Never heard of an authenticated hadith presenting genocide in a positive or welcoming light.

Iran isn't itching for war. Given the extreme levels of zionist and American hostility faced by Iran, if war was really Iran's goal, it wouldn't be that hard for Tehran to invite some form of aggression.
sorry to say but u have no idea about hormuz
its narrowest point is 21 km which is still huge
and international shipping is using omani route from early 70s
my source is myself i m from oman
that british tanker which was caught by irgc was out of coarse by a mile feom omani waters
still it was in international waters but not omani
Don't forget even trump admitted that the Saudis would be speaking Farsi in two weeks if it was not for the U.S holding their delicate little hands LoL!!! Saudis are only good at buying weapons and even with their $64 billion defense budget they can't even handle the Houthis and the Yemeni Army let alone Iran. Saudis are really a pathetic little joke that only their mentally handicapped worshippers think are such a great power!
lol at u and lol at trump who was bailed out dozen times by saudis in past
by that logic u think trump is anty china isn’t he
lol nuff said
sorry to say but u have no idea about hormuz
its narrowest point is 21 km which is still huge
and international shipping is using omani route from early 70s
my source is myself i m from oman
that british tanker which was caught by irgc was out of coarse by a mile feom omani waters
still it was in international waters but not omani

lol at u and lol at trump who was bailed out dozen times by saudis in past
by that logic u think trump is anty china isn’t he
lol nuff said
Trump uses the saudis as his personal ATM. That's about the only thing they are good for!!!

Just to be clear when I say saudis I mean the house of saud and not the people of Arabia who are suffering under these treacherous crypto jews!
sorry to say but u have no idea about hormuz
its narrowest point is 21 km which is still huge

Width is one thing, depth another. Also secure navigation rules, in particular minimum distance massive oil tankers, need to be taken into account to avoid collisions.

From a document released by the US Energy Information Administration:


Now from the looks of it, there is indeed one inbound and one outbound lane inside Omani waters. So I stand corrected on the fact that in Oman's half, bidirectional traffic is actually possible (but not by a wide margin!).

However, it doesn't change much to the question at hand: what Iran has said is that they will act to impede international traffic only if the US tries to impose a maritime blockade on Iran. And that sounds like a legitimate form of retaliation, and it is credible too.


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Trump uses the saudis as his personal ATM. That's about the only thing they are good for!!!

Just to be clear when I say saudis I mean the house of saud and not the people of Arabia who are suffering under these treacherous crypto jews!
and who u r ?
finance minister of saudis to know these things
how much money u think is transfered for weapons buying can u back it up with figures
do u know trade balance between americans and saudis
do u know america is biggest market for saudi oil
do u know how many billions saudis make each day from investing in us firms and stocks
do u know how influential r saudis in washington
u dont right
go figure these things out before coming up with ur baseless agenda against arabs in general
Width is one thing, depth another. Also secure navigation rules, in particular minimum distance massive oil tankers, need to be taken into account to avoid collisions.

From a document released by the US Energy Information Administration:

View attachment 680017

Now from the looks of it, there is indeed one inbound and one outbound lane inside Omani waters. So I stand corrected on the fact that in Oman's half, bidirectional traffic is actually possible (but not by a wide margin!).

However, it doesn't change much to the question at hand: what Iran has said is that they will act to impede international traffic only if the US tries to impose a maritime blockade on Iran. And that sounds like a legitimate form of retaliation, and it is credible too.
dear friend 11 km of omani water is more the enough for two even three rows
and another thing
gulf of oman is very deep area
this is same geographic area which leads to gawadar being deepest seaport so u can get an idea the undesea fang is rocky with deep ravins ideal for huge ships
@ali_raza @Titanium100 ..
Guys (or girls!)..why don't you put that star of david on your avatar so that we can have "frank and open" discussion....Semites are people too ....do not be shy of your race. ..We Persian know you ..We saved your *** and built your Temple (on the second thought maybe it was not such a good idea!..lol)..We know you have a love/hate relationship with your Arab cousins..but hey one does not choose his/her family...come out of the closet and put that avatar on..:woot:
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