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Iran intelligence minister: Army officer involved in assassination of chief nuclear scientist

What I would like to ask both "brotherly nations" why can't they hire a washed out IDF officer and do the same in Tel Aviv?
It is 2021 and Israel still assassinates scientists of other nations (Pakistani nuclear scientists in London, Canadian suppergun scientist in Geneva and Iran's nuclear scientists (7 of them so far) . These murders have had little effect on the outcome of any project. However the policy represent the small minded and barbaric nature of Israeli elite. They still live in 1930's and 1940's "German third reich" where eliminating an individual with "Sensitive Knowledge" would result in a program being defeated.
Someone should tell these professional murderers that it is 21 century and NO individual no matter how smart he/she is will not be indispensable. Science and Tech in 21 century and in countries that have vast scientific communities are not dependant on individuals..By murdering these civilians they only expose their true "barbaric" nature. These nations will have long memories and the day will come eventually where they have to answer.
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