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Iran, India may join US war in Afghanistan

Bless, Afghanistan people would be under a slaungter by India Army
Strikes to be with Pak consent: Obama

* US president rules out ‘hot pursuit’ by US troops into Pakistan
* Says Islamabad needs to be held more accountable

WASHINGTON: Washington will strike Al Qaeda and Taliban targets in Pakistan “after consulting with” Islamabad, US President Barack Obama said in an interview aired on Sunday.

He said US troops would not go in hot pursuit of extremists across the Afghan border into Pakistan – but demanded Islamabad hold up its end of the anti-terror struggle.

“I haven’t changed my approach,” Obama said in the CBS programme “Face the Nation”, referring to US missile strikes. “If we have a high-value target within our sights, after consulting with Pakistan, we’re going after them.”

But asked if he would send US troops on the ground into militant safe havens inside Pakistan, Obama stressed: “No. Our plan does not change the recognition of Pakistan as a sovereign government.”

“We need to work with them and through them to deal with Al Qaeda,” he said. “But we have to hold them much more accountable.”

The US president said the average Pakistani had begun to think over the last several years that “this is somehow America’s war and they are not invested. What we want to do is say to the Pakistani people – you are our friends, you are our allies. We are going to give you the tools to defeat Al Qaeda.”

The US president said the focus of the war on terror against Al Qaeda had been lost over the last seven years, referring to his predecessor George W Bush’s diversion of resources to Iraq.

“We are going to make sure that they cannot attack US citizens, US soil, US interests, and our allies’ interests around the world.” agencies

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
There are some very strong ties btw Iran and Pakistan even stronger than ISI-Taliban

Thanks to the likes of retarded and merciless organizations like Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and monsters like Riaz Basra these ties have been weakened a lot.
Do not count on Pakistan-Iran ties to hold back Iran in case Iran is offered a more lucrative deal in its own interest by the US.
Title says India and Iran would join US war, but the story says they would cooperate in normalisation. Both points are poles apart.
Nice retort but I've reported the post.

It's racist. Nuff said...
a concerted effort to get out from underneath that leverage and that it's very, very workable. So do others...

You plan to negate Pakistan's significance by asking the Indians to ‘re-label’ 75% of NATO’s logistics up as ‘civilian cargo’, ship it all out to sea again and send it through a country under crippling sanctions from the US and allies. This plan you consider ‘viable’, 'reliable', ‘nearly as cheap’ and critical in your strategy to coerce Pakistan and win in Afghanistan. Okay then good luck.:lol:
"Okay then good luck.:lol:"

Why thank you! That was surprisingly pleasant.

Yes. This is a HUGE diplomatic issue that must be worked as we've come to realize that we'll not see your army move west anytime soon and must prepare other contingencies.

That these include exactly all the hurdles you indicate shows the seriousness with which we're viewing matters. Clearly, such a shift will entail possible changes to America's geostrategic posture but that's all subject to discussion.

What's most important is how we might benefit in Afghanistan and at what cost elsewhere. At this point for a variety of reasons, we're prepared to try extrordinary things to get out from underneath your leverage.

It's onerous and truly limits our freedom of action. If you become our enemy then we have to consider how to supply Afghanistan and continue the fight from there and do so without benefit of the Khyber route.

Beginning to work these issues now is prudent as matters could deteriorate rapidly and without warning.

Openly everybody does so but did the Russians forgot wat US did to them when they were in Afghanistan and Dont you Read abt Russians having that dream of USSR again..

For the significant part, that which you speak of was a private venture.

In counterbalance there is a certain Russian arms dealer network who had sold off much of the post cold war arms stockpile to the African sub continent and other volitile regions, fueling some of the world’s most terrible conflicts over the past decades. The
main ringleader has been arrested quite recently in a joint international sting operation.

The SAS tracked him down several months ago, but unfortunately he slipped the net at that point; suspicions of tip offs lead to some 'interesting' negotiations. Back channel communications and some clever intelligence sharing did however lead to his eventual arrest.

The total sum of all this is that the private venture "American interference" and "USSR interference" has already played out to be a zero sum game in Afghanistan. A line has been drawn under it.

I can therefore absolutely guarantee you that our Russian Partners are firmly on the inside when it comes to the transit route for men, equipment and materials, and that increasing alignment of concerns in the upcoming meetings in The Hague and Moscow, between NATO & the SCO are entirely endorsed by the Permanent 5.
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S2..I have heard that Mr. Bush have greeted Iranians new year in Farsi language!
I also heard that his tone of speech was very friendly!

I also heard that NATO has been allowed to transit through Iran! Is it true?

I hope that in this change of mood IPI gas pipeline will get green signal.
That these include exactly all the hurdles you indicate shows the seriousness with which we're viewing matters.

Actually to me it exposed how insecure and paranoid you are in regards to Pakistan and its role in the WoT, little else. But sure why not? I mean if Pakistan suddenly started...dunno openly arming and training insurgent forces who kill US service-men you'll have to turn to the other country in the neighborhood that hates your guts completely AND more extensively arms and trains insurgents murdering US service-men in Iraq (in Afghanistan too according to US commanders).

Heck everyone can dream right? Your dreams don’t have to be realistic to expose your mentality. You're no friend of Pakistan, but then again Captain America only befriends his own interests;)...which you think lie with Iran now. So who am I to burst your bubble?

You enjoy your ‘extraordinary’ dreams now. Sure the Iranians will help you out dealing with Pakistan, no really…they might even shut down their nuclear program if you ask them politely. I mean if you think about it the US has much more in common with Iran than with Pakistan (I just hope your cargo doesn’t get mixed up with Hezbollah and Hamas shipments while it’s there:agree:).

Sweet Dreams!:D
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'India willing to join terror fight in 'Af-Pak' - India - The Times of India

'India willing to join terror fight in '******'
16 Apr 2009, 0033 hrs IST, Gautam Adhikari, TNN

NEW DELHI: If the international community wanted its involvement in fighting terror in the ****** region, India would be willing to oblige, PM
Manmohan Singh said.

In a conversation with members of the Editors’ Guild, the PM was asked what New Delhi would do in response to a US suggestion that India should involve itself in the new ****** policy being developed by Washington. ‘‘We are worried about the growth of terrorist elements both in Afghanistan and Pakistan,’’ he replied. ‘‘If the international community and US work to eliminate terror, we are willing to cooperate with them.’’

Singh appeared very worried about Pakistan’s stability. ‘‘A strong, prosperous and democratic Pakistan is in India’s interest,’’ he said. What if terrorists gained control of nuclear weapons next door? ‘‘Not likely,’’ he said. He was confident that Pakistan’s nuclear assets are in particularly safe hands
just curious why is ****** (reverse of PAK-AF) edited. I dont see the reason why it would be offending to someone.
indian had been more than willing to jump in the boat of this GWOT. Someone asked about the offence-well yes this would be another attempt to sandwich Pakistan and another reason for india to malign Pakistan, only this time by use of force.

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