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Iran has the highest nominal GDP in the Middle East: post JCPOA potential

Excellent:...Iran has one of the lowest Debt to GDP ratios in the world..2%:cheesy:

The figure is 32 percent for Russia, 33 percent for South Korea, 59 percent for the United Arab Emirates (UAE), 63 percent for Turkey, 68 percent for Malaysia, 83 percent for Qatar, and 96 percent for Japan

Highest GDP of the region and at only $ 7.12 Billion dollars debt Iran is almost debt free..That is called fiscal responsibility. (I cheer for Mullahs when they deserve it and this one they deserve a good cheer!)

This is the reason we are hated by western countries the most. IMF-GDP of 1.1 trillion USD while lowest possible debt. We are challenging the system.
This is the reason we are hated by western countries the most. IMF-GDP of 1.1 trillion USD while lowest possible debt. We are challenging the system.
I hope you wont get disappointed next year when IMF present its data.
as then there wont be any 4200 toman dollar
I hope you wont get disappointed next year when IMF present its data.
as then there wont be any 4200 toman dollar
GDP is by definition the monetary value of goods and services produced in a given year in a given country.....so no mater what exchange rate is used that intrinsic value does not change....if you work hard your country progress your GDP will increase and you will see the effect on the standard of living...regardless of what one dollar is in your local currency..
I have lived in multiple countries and I have truly felt the higher GDP of Iran.

True GDP is something that you feel not a table made up by others.

My only downside for Iran is higher land and car prices.
If only you could fix that

You cannot pay the price of a Manhattan house and a Ferrari for something lower in Tehran.
I have lived in multiple countries and I have truly felt the higher GDP of Iran.

True GDP is something that you feel not a table made up by others.

My only downside for Iran is higher land and car prices.
If only you could fix that

You cannot pay the price of a Manhattan house and a Ferrari for something lower in Tehran.
High prices for some commodities is an indication of high demand and low production for that commodity...that is why Raisi government at the get-go promised 4 million housing and 3 million car production annual...if he achives those two promises alone you will see the fantastic effect on the GDP..he knows that and I am happy he knows that..lol
GDP is by definition the monetary value of goods and services produced in a given year in a given country.....so no mater what exchange rate is used that intrinsic value does not change....if you work hard your country progress your GDP will increase and you will see the effect on the standard of living...regardless of what one dollar is in your local currency..
think , the produced goods and services valued in Rial , you convert them to dollar , you can convert them with 4200 Dollar or 27000 Dollar
Mostly Surani Kurds flee to Turkey to go to Europe. Occasions non Kurds also leave Iran because they like Europe. Sweden and Germany and Netherlands are their destination mainly.

No one really flees Iran for Turkey.

IMF said Iran has the highest GDP. Get over it kid.

Nominal GDP. Turkey's PPP is double that of Iran. Actually we have a massive Iranian immigrant problem, which is widely known fact among Turks. Iranians and Afghans constantly engage in petty conflicts and fights within Turkey. In most cases they are illegal which means most of them are unaccounted for.

One last thing before i leave, just wait for your turn Erdoğan will come for you too.

Excellent:...Iran has one of the lowest Debt to GDP ratios in the world..2%:cheesy:

The figure is 32 percent for Russia, 33 percent for South Korea, 59 percent for the United Arab Emirates (UAE), 63 percent for Turkey, 68 percent for Malaysia, 83 percent for Qatar, and 96 percent for Japan

Highest GDP of the region and at only $ 7.12 Billion dollars debt Iran is almost debt free..That is called fiscal responsibility. (I cheer for Mullahs when they deserve it and this one they deserve a good cheer!)
They have the lowest debt because no one wants to lend them any money or are capable of doing so due to sanctions. Its not something that is done by choice. Iranian economy is fundamentally handicaped and flawed precisely due to the Mullahs. Look into Iranian Bonyads. This is why Iranian goods and companies are ridiculously uncompetitive.
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Nominal GDP. Turkey's PPP is double that of Iran. Actually we have a massive Iranian immigrant problem, which is widely known fact among Turks. Iranians and Afghans constantly engage in petty conflicts and fights within Turkey. In most cases they are illegal which means most of them are unaccounted for.


They have the lowest debt because no one wants to lend them any money or are capable of doing so due to sanctions. Its not something that is done by choice. Iranian economy is fundamentally handicaped and flawed precisely due to the Mullahs. Look into Iranian Bonyads. This is why Iranian goods and companies are ridiculously uncompetitive.

PPP of a sanctioned country means nothing because the country's economic system is not part of the international, esp western markets.

The real marker of the wealth of a nation is its GDP which IMF gave to Iran at 1.1 trillion USD. It will probably be around 1.5 Trillion USD if JCPOA is gone.


And I have been to Turkey a dozen times, my family members studied in Koc University, I have never seen any Iranian gang there as you are making it up. We are from Khoy.

As for goods and companies, we can open a separate thread on what goods Iran produces and exports, compared to Turkey. That is the only true marker instead of a claim by an irrational nationalist on the internet.
They have the lowest debt because no one wants to lend them any money or are capable of doing so due to sanctions. Its not something that is done by choice.

No, it's an ideological-political choice, rooted in the Iranian leadership's belief in economic self-sufficiency which both Imam Khomeini (r.a.) and his successor Imam Khamenei (h.a.) insisted upon, and which enabled Iran to be where she is now in developmental terms. Western sources aren't reliable on Iran.
Nominal GDP. Turkey's PPP is double that of Iran. Actually we have a massive Iranian immigrant problem, which is widely known fact among Turks. Iranians and Afghans constantly engage in petty conflicts and fights within Turkey. In most cases they are illegal which means most of them are unaccounted for.


They have the lowest debt because no one wants to lend them any money or are capable of doing so due to sanctions. Its not something that is done by choice. Iranian economy is fundamentally handicaped and flawed precisely due to the Mullahs. Look into Iranian Bonyads. This is why Iranian goods and companies are ridiculously uncompetitive.
i have seriously problem when they said fuel in iran is rationed and is three time the price of fuel in usa. For God sake the free oil is13 cent per liter and rationed one is 7cents per liter is more like 1.19$ today
No, it's an ideological-political choice, rooted in the Iranian leadership's belief in economic self-sufficiency which both Imam Khomeini (r.a.) and his successor Imam Khamenei (h.a.) insisted upon, and which enabled Iran to be where she is now in developmental terms. Western sources aren't reliable on Iran.
and also don't have the ability to get the loan , otherwise Iran never was shy about foreign investment and loans
and also don't have the ability to get the loan , otherwise Iran never was shy about foreign investment and loans

The Islamic Republic has always prioritized keeping indebtedness low, especially as far as more hazardous short term loans are concerned, because avoidance of the imperialist-devised debt trap is seen as a political-ideological imperative.

In 2018, the Supreme Leader declared he had personally intervened to prevent several governments from receiving loans from the IMF and World Bank.


میخواستند وام بگیرند، بنده نگذاشتم

در طول سالهای گذشته، در دولتهای مختلف، چندبار میخواستند از بانک جهانی یا صندوق بین‌المللی پول، وام بگیرند، بنده نگذاشتم؛ جلویش را گرفتم؛ مقدّمات را فراهم کرده بودند که این کار را انجام بدهند. اینکه ما از بیگانه طلب بکنیم و متعهّدِ در مقابل بیگانه بشویم، این خطای بزرگی است؛ باید اقتصاد درون‌زا باشد.

بیانات در اجتماع زائران و مجاوران حرم مطهر رضوی



So there is definitely a conviction of political nature underlying Iran's low debt, much rather than inability to obtain loans. Keeping debt levels low has been a deliberate Islamic revolutionary policy, and it is also an aspect of the concept of a Resistance economy outlined by Supreme Leader Khamenei.
Nominal GDP. Turkey's PPP is double that of Iran. Actually we have a massive Iranian immigrant problem, which is widely known fact among Turks. Iranians and Afghans constantly engage in petty conflicts and fights within Turkey. In most cases they are illegal which means most of them are unaccounted for.


They have the lowest debt because no one wants to lend them any money or are capable of doing so due to sanctions. Its not something that is done by choice. Iranian economy is fundamentally handicaped and flawed precisely due to the Mullahs. Look into Iranian Bonyads. This is why Iranian goods and companies are ridiculously uncompetitive.

Illegal immigrants from Iran are mostly Sorani Kurds. Their aim is not Turkey. It is West Europe.

Turkey and Greece are just on the way. They stay until they make it to the next step.

Nobody leaves Iran for Turkey. They do leave Iran for Europe for higher quality of social freedom in Western Europe like dancing and bars and clubs.
Can anybody post here the financial gains Iran might have post JCPOA ?
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