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Iran Goes After Dogs And Their Owners

I don't qualify as fanatical Shia

1) I don't practice Islam.

2) I never use derogatory language against other sects of Islam , now compare this with Wahhabi extremist on this forum, They frequently refer to Iranians/Shia as Majoos, Rafidah,etc..

3) I never express hatred for other religion, Wahhabi extremist on this forum have repeatedly said they will kill all Shias.


Whatever you say but you do admit to fanatical nationalism for Iran which is probably worse for some around here. :P
Sure....whatever..... and I'm a Bahai there's no discrimination against Bahais in Iran.

Why are you such a Liar? Seems like Taqiyaa to the max is embroiled in Iranian blood.


You first claim your part of Mut3atas. I remember you saying your "12ver Brothers". Now your claiming your a Baha'i?
Whatever you say but you do admit to fanatical nationalism for Iran which is probably worse for some around here. :P

I do agree that extreme nationalism is worse than religious extremism!

I try to keep my Nationalism in check! sometimes it gets out of hand:P
About 2.7 million healthy, adoptable cats and dogs—about one every 11 seconds—are put down in U.S. shelters each year. Often these animals are the offspring of cherished family pets. Spay/neuter is a proven way to reduce pet overpopulation, ensuring that every pet has a family to love them

Pet Overpopulation : The Humane Society of the United States Truthseeker can see whats happening in Iran yet he is blind at home.
Dogs aren't "Family members" in many countries as they are in the west...Its just another animal..
They should have humanely killed the dog,starving them to death (if true) is wrong.
About 2.7 million healthy, adoptable cats and dogs—about one every 11 seconds—are put down in U.S. shelters each year. Often these animals are the offspring of cherished family pets. Spay/neuter is a proven way to reduce pet overpopulation, ensuring that every pet has a family to love them

Pet Overpopulation : The Humane Society of the United States Truthseeker can see whats happening in Iran yet he is blind at home.

If people wanted to adopt them they would not be put down. There are more important things to spend money on then animals around here and so there is not always enough funds to keep them all.

However if you try to even kick an animal around here you will probably face jail time, a lot of people here say they care more about dogs than humans when it comes to convictions. I tend to agree. :lol:
Not only nationalism. Fake hegemonic thoughts, extreme racism and lack of knowledge about world.

perfect description of Azizam.

Your lack of knowledge about Iran, yet you try to drag it into every conversation.

Extreme ideas about race , your obsession with Skin color.

You thinking anyone here actually cares about what a sri Lankan thinks! We don't. Don't waste your time expressing them.
perfect description of Azizam.

Your lack of knowledge about Iran, yet you try to drag it into every conversation.

Extreme ideas about race , your obsession with Skin color.

You thinking anyone here actually cares about what a sri Lankan thinks! We don't. Don't waste your time expressing them.

Then why are you replying? :omghaha: In first few posts, you called my country racist then posted some pictures of tamil women. I could've easily insulted those women and divert the topic but I chose not to because Tamils are considered as Sri Lankan citizens too. My obsession with skin colour? I was born with a ligh skin colour, what's your problem about it? seems like you don't have anything to take pride of so you take skin colour as an element of pride :laugh:

Anyway I have seen some ghetto iranians here shouting in streets as if they are talking to tehran. LOLOL
Even pets weren't spared from the twisted Mullahs.

Dubai: Have we fallen out of love with our pets? Going by what animal rescuers tell XPRESS, it looks like we certainly have.

Beaten, burnt, stabbed, hanged, shot and starved to death - animals in the UAE are suffering as never before. The catalogue of savage and vicious acts of deliberate cruelty and torture on defenceless animals is horrifying: a cat shot with a gun in Al Barsha, a dog hung by its neck in Satwa, a cat left with no face after an acid attack in Abu Dhabi, a puppy thrown out of a moving car in Al Aweer, a dog slashed so badly with a machete it had to be put down...

New Petition Calls for End to Animal Cruelty in Saudi Arabia

“It is a shame that there is no law for the protection of animals in KSA even though Islam has given animals their rights,” the petition continues.

“What is more shameful is that if any one of us passed by a person hitting or kicking a stray cat even if we stopped him, this person wouldn’t be held legally responsible for his despicable actions,” Nyan adds.

Animal rights activists have been pushing for greater protection of animals in Saudi and across the Gulf region for some time.

New Petition Calls for End to Animal Cruelty in Saudi Arabia | Green Prophet

I guess Truthseeker and BLACKEAGLE have some thing in common .

If people wanted to adopt them they would not be put down. There are more important things to spend money on then animals around here and so there is not always enough funds to keep them all.

However if you try to even kick an animal around here you will probably face jail time, a lot of people here say they care more about dogs than humans when it comes to convictions. I tend to agree. :lol:

My point was he is worried about 30 dogs in Iran and cant see 2.7 million dying right at home.
only a fool would compare iran with sri lanka, as your country is nothing but one big pool of misery. stop reacting in this topic iranigirl.

Who compared? Your country worth nothing to me. Actually until Arash became popular, I thought Iranians were Arabs. :P

After all, actions speak louder than words. If we are better we would develop the country soon. If you are better you would develop your country. Only time will answer.

I don't have anything against Iran but I dislike how it is being ruled by this government. This idiocy of Iran encourages religious extremism all around the world.
Dogs aren't "Family members" in many countries as they are in the west...Its just another animal..
They should have humanely killed the dog,starving them to death (if true) is wrong.

I guess this is what Americans mean when they say dogs are like family. Some how it seems they are fond of dogs sexually approaching them or something.


PS: I won't be surprised if one day Americans accuse Iranians of denying their dogs animals rights by not letting their dogs hump them (humans).
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