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Iran gas pipeline: Saudi offer

First of all, and before anyone jumps to silly conclusions and considers me a Saudi basher or Saudi hater or pro-Iranian and that i'm not being neutral (i'm trying my best to be as neutral as possible), please read the following:

Saudis are our brothers in Islam, they have given us a helping hand during times of calamity and disaster, they played an important part in the development of our nul<e program, not to mention the time they saved our economy from sanctions. From what i have read about the experience of Pakistanis in Saudi Arabia, Saudis are hospitable people and well wishers of Pakistan. The majority of Pakistanis are thankful to the Saudi government and people for their assistance and we will never be ungrateful to our brothers, and as Muslims we have nothing but love and respect for the Land of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the home of the two holiest Cities in Islam, we pray for your well being and that you continue to prosper.

I'm not accusing the Saudis of anything, i'm not saying all of them do this or that even the ones who do donate the money do it with the intentions of harming anyone, for only God knows what's in the heart, so i will not make any comments with regards to the intentions of the people who donate money which ends up in the wrong hands and funds the wrong people.

After what Somebozo said by making a unjust accusation against Iran that Pakistan completing the Iranian gas pipeline will "let Iranian terrorist proxies run lose in Pakistan", i have to disagree, for one, tell me if these are Iranian:

Saudi Arabians caught in Mohmand - 21May2009 - YouTube

So please, don't make accusations like that. And once again, i will repeat myself; By posting this video i'm not in anyway suggesting that all Saudis are like that, but those guys were caught in Pakistan with Guns and expIosives, the TTP made an effort to rescue them but the Pakistan Army managed to apprehend them and hold on to them for further investigation/interrogation.

They do not represent the Saudi people because after that incident did not affect Pakistan-Saudi relations, however please don't make silly accusations against another country, i have yet to read about any Iranians indulging in nefarious activities within Pakistan.
If these guys were arrested in S.Arabia they would not see the sun again. In case you are not aware, we suffered from Al-Qaeda too, the crucial difference is that unlike Iran don't sponsor ANY terrorist organization whatsoever. What would we gain other that ruining relations with Pakistan?
I think that while gas coming from Iran might be expensive, the IP gas pipeline is the only feasible & reliable solution in the long-run for Pakistan's energy woes. It also helps us foster ties with our neighbor, a huge strategic geopolitical advantage for us.

I think both options (the Saudi & Iran options) need to be looked at from an economic sense, not just for the short term, but the long term as well. In the short term, with impending international sanctions on Iran (& anyone that imports gas from them apart from Europe), the Saudi Arabia option might sound like a better proposition. But in the long run, Iran is a more reliable and feasible option, given that it does not implode from US/Israel/West's interventions. The geopolitical arena is changing, the US is quickly losing out on its influence in the region; India wants to import from Iran, Pakistan wants to import from Iran, Russia-China-Pakistan ties are becoming more influential. The US is being sidelined, & is losing its influence internationally. Its enormous military strength is the only thing that is letting them hold on to whatever they have in the region.
Iranians seem more united than Arabs- look at Egypt Libya Syria maybe Arab spring will reach Saudi-Allah knows the future
But whether a revolutions happens in Saudi Arabia or not,whether the new government is anti American or not, it wont make a difference to Pakistan. Unlike Iran.
But whether a revolutions happens in Saudi Arabia or not,whether the new government is anti American or not, it wont make a difference to Pakistan. Unlike Iran.

Well like the mice of been praying that the cat dies and the cant don't. Same with Americans they can pray and I think they have been praying for thirty plus years and it has not happened lets see time will tell. But I do also think Iran regime change and destabalising Pakistan both US aims are red lines for Russia and China. It is sad that just like house of Saud relies on US support to stay in power we have our allies as well. I read in Arab media the following:

China: 'Pakistan is our Israel' - Features - Al Jazeera English

China: 'Pakistan is our Israel'
The world's most populous country is showing more international assertiveness, which bothers the US.

And you our ally is going up. America is in demise and a debtor of our ally
Iranians seem more united than Arabs- look at Egypt Libya Syria maybe Arab spring will reach Saudi-Allah knows the future

Thats because the Khamnaei thugs were brutal enough to crush the revolution..Will you say the same about Syria too?
Well like the mice of been praying that the cat dies and the cant don't. Same with Americans they can pray and I think they have been praying for thirty plus years and it has not happened lets see time will tell. But I do also think Iran regime change and destabalising Pakistan both US aims are red lines for Russia and China. It is sad that just like house of Saud relies on US support to stay in power we have our allies as well. I read in Arab media the following:

China: 'Pakistan is our Israel' - Features - Al Jazeera English

China: 'Pakistan is our Israel'
The world's most populous country is showing more international assertiveness, which bothers the US.

And you our ally is going up. America is in demise and a debtor of our ally
I actually welcome the demise of the US and the rise of China, After all Israel's existence as a state relies on America., while only the Saudi government relies on them. Partially.
Saudi money and US technology can help Pakistan develop its vast shale gas reserves on an accelerated schedule in exchange for dropping Iran pipeline.

US natural gas prices have fallen below $2 per million BTU (approx 1000 cubic feet), about one-sixth of the price Pakistan has agreed to pay for Iranian gas. With over 50 trillion cubic feet of known shale gas reserves in Sindh alone, Pakistanis can also enjoy the benefits of cheap and abundant source of energy for decades via the shale gas revolution already sweeping America.

Haq's Musings: Pakistan's Energy Security Via Shale Gas Revolution

its pretty obvious why Saudis are doing this they have no interest in helping Pakistan as this isn't that old of a news.

Brotherly&#8217; countries turn down Pakistan&#8217;s request


All rhetoric of brotherhood notwithstanding, two &#8216;friendly&#8217; Arab countries have refused to supply oil to Pakistan on long-term credit.

Plagued by circular debt, and faced with high international oil prices, Pakistan had requested Kuwait and Saudi Arabia to extend their credit term for oil payments.

During his two-day visit in August last year, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani had requested Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz to either restore &#8216;free oil facility&#8217; or extend the credit term for oil payment from the existing 30 days to one-year.

Saudi Arabia had granted Pakistan a &#8216;free oil facility&#8217; in 1998, in the aftermath of the nuclear tests and subsequent economic sanctions from the United States and Europe.

&#8220;Saudi Arabia has turned down Pakistan&#8217;s request on grounds that since it exports oil to other countries, they may demand similar treatment,&#8221; said sources, quoting Saudi officials.

Saudi authorities also said that oil export is a commercial business for them and they would offer Pakistan the same terms that are offered to other countries, sources added.

Pakistan had also requested Kuwait to extend its credit terms for oil payments to six months, from the current two-month deferral period.

A formal request in this regard was made during President Asif Ali Zardari&#8217;s visit to Kuwait on May 7, 2011. At that time, Kuwait said it would discuss the matter with concerned authorities and let Pakistan know later.

Kuwait is the only country that supplies oil to Pakistan on a two-month deferred payment plan, an arrangement secured during the 2008 financial crisis. Other Middle Eastern countries, including Saudi Arabia, export oil on 30-day credit term.

â&#8364;&#732;Brotherlyâ&#8364;&#8482; countries turn down Pakistanâ&#8364;&#8482;s request &#8211; The Express Tribune

please stop living in LA LA land and dream where you think Arabs are there for you when you need them.
How much more do they have to do against Pakistan for you and others like you can see reality
.Every decision that's made from now on should be made with Pakistan first.
I actually welcome the demise of the US and the rise of China, After all Israel's existence as a state relies on America., while only the Saudi government relies on them. Partially.

Thanks to Allah. Brother I switched my computer of and was about to sleep. I just looked on my ipod to see if you were going to respond. when I saw your response I had to respond to you. We in Pakistanis have been brought up to love our Muslim brothers whether they be Iranian Arab or Turkish. but all the Arabs that come on here are blinded by their hate for Iranians. This morning i sent a private message to a supporter of Arab position and said that we should promote peace and dialogue between Iranians and Arabs, I was sick and shocked not only did he respond with a no he sent shivers into me by saying he wishes to see all 80 million Iranians burn.

we need to recognise our enemies. Problem we have with saudi position is that they are very close to Americans and you must try to understand the Americans favour Pakistani subservience yo India. i have had relatives killed and we have many martyrs in Pakistan for their sake we can never let the matter over Kashmir rest.

I wish you and Iranians peace and prosperity
for their sake we can never let the matter over Kashmir rest.

Sir that is what India also wants, in terms of realpolitik. The obsession with Kashmir has done some wonderful things to Pakistan.

Aman ki Tamasha can go to hell.
Thanks to Allah. Brother I switched my computer of and was about to sleep. I just looked on my ipod to see if you were going to respond. when I saw your response I had to respond to you. We in Pakistanis have been brought up to love our Muslim brothers whether they be Iranian Arab or Turkish. but all the Arabs that come on here are blinded by their hate for Iranians. This morning i sent a private message to a supporter of Arab position and said that we should promote peace and dialogue between Iranians and Arabs, I was sick and shocked not only did he respond with a no he sent shivers into me by saying he wishes to see all 80 million Iranians burn.

we need to recognise our enemies. Problem we have with saudi position is that they are very close to Americans and you must try to understand the Americans favour Pakistani subservience yo India. i have had relatives killed and we have many martyrs in Pakistan for their sake we can never let the matter over Kashmir rest.

I wish you and Iranians peace and prosperity

You are the hub of racism and hatred in this forum. You spend about 18 hours daily trying to spread hate all over the forum. Every time we (Iranian & Arab members) are close to peace here, you open an inflaming thread to instigate hatred again. Arab members haven't once opened a thread in intention to mudsling any country or people, do you know why? because we don't care. I am wondering, don't you have a life?:disagree:
Yes, for now.
But after Iranians topple their current fanatic government(probably within a few years), the new secular pro American government would (together with India) be very helpful to the US in their effort to contain China through Pakistan.
Long term vision is needed.

I think that is very unlikely.

If these guys were arrested in S.Arabia they would not see the sun again. In case you are not aware, we suffered from Al-Qaeda too, the crucial difference is that unlike Iran don't sponsor ANY terrorist organization whatsoever. What would we gain other that ruining relations with Pakistan?

I understand what you are saying. Regarding Iran, so far they haven't sponsored any terrorist organization in Pakistan.
You are the hub of racism and hatred in this forum. You spend about 18 hours daily trying to spread hate all over the forum. Every time we (Iranian & Arab members) are close to peace here, you open an inflaming thread to instigate hatred again. Arab members haven't once opened a thread in intention to mudsling any country or people, do you know why? because we don't care. I am wondering, don't you have a life?:disagree:

I have already noted that your level of education knowledge and intellectual prowess inhibits discussions.

You may add one more feather to your cap:

You actually have no idea but your submissions on this forum actually encourages neutrals to go to the Iranian point of view
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