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Iran gas pipeline: Saudi offer



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Jun 3, 2011
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Iran gas pipeline: Saudi offer

SAUDI Arabia looks at Pakistan’s commitment to pursue energy cooperation with Iran with doubt and is asking the government to reconsider its decision.

Quoting diplomatic sources based in Islamabad, your news report ‘S. Arabia offers help to tide over energy crisis’ (April 11) said that the above-mentioned was the gist or essence of a message from the Saudi king that had been conveyed by his visiting Deputy Foreign Minister Prince Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah in his meetings with Pakistani leaders.

Saudi Arabia, in an effort to persuade Pakistan to abandon the Iran gas pipeline and electricity/oil import deals, was reported to have offered an ‘alternative package’ to meet its growing energy needs.

In addition, the Arab kingdom was also said to have offered a loan and oil facility to bail Pakistan out of its financial and energy crises.

Pakistan has good brotherly relations with Saudi Arabia as well as with Iran.

The Saudi offer for help to tide over the energy crisis would be viewed by the people as a highly friendly gesture in accordance with the famous dictum ‘a friend in need is a friend indeed.’

However, Pakistan is a sovereign country and, as such, it has every right to maintain relations with others in its national interest.

Maintaining good neighbourly relations with Iran did not mean endorsing its position or action on every issue.

Pakistan is faced with the worst energy crisis of its history. Not only that the industry is at a standstill, even the common man’s needs remain unfulfilled with continuing electricity and gas loadshedding.

Under these circumstances, the country has no option but to take any step that it deems fit for its economic survival.

Iran gas pipeline: Saudi offer | DAWN.COM

If Saudis were true friends they should make the offer without it being reliant on our relations with Iran
This pipeline is mess......

Why Iranian side is done. Gazprom will finance Pakistan side which has started. Putin coming to Pakistan

I am surprised, why has Saudi Arabia all of a sudden brought this offer to the table, when Pakistan-Iran have become serious about the IP pipeline?

It is not really an offer is it. It is bribery for hurting Iranians
Saudi money and US technology can help Pakistan develop its vast shale gas reserves on an accelerated schedule in exchange for dropping Iran pipeline.

US natural gas prices have fallen below $2 per million BTU (approx 1000 cubic feet), about one-sixth of the price Pakistan has agreed to pay for Iranian gas. With over 50 trillion cubic feet of known shale gas reserves in Sindh alone, Pakistanis can also enjoy the benefits of cheap and abundant source of energy for decades via the shale gas revolution already sweeping America.

Haq's Musings: Pakistan's Energy Security Via Shale Gas Revolution
King Faisal was the only good Saudi King.. and he was assassinated by his own nephew. Now, Saudi is just a ***** of Israel and US. I thank Saudi for the relief work they have in Pakistan but they are also sponsoring the taliban and sending agents to kill Shia's in Gilgit.
Why can we not do both?

I am sure Iranians would assist also if necessary lol

Help from Saudis and Americans will be conditional...choose one or the other. Besides, IP is likely to trigger sanctions against Pak banks and companies involved in the project.
Help from Saudis and Americans will be conditional...choose one or the other. Besides, IP is likely to trigger sanctions against Pak banks and companies involved in the project.

Well we must not accept conditional we must do what is Pakistan's national interest. In any event American sanctions in the 90's meant that in the following 10 years we became self reliant to the extent of making jets, tanks and cruise missiles. sanctions never work when significant countries like China will continue to deal with you
Quoting an article from the letters to editor section of dawn. Not creditable at all.
From the rest all media, Saudi did not offer an alternate to Iran energy deal but an offer of their own to provide meet energy needs on deferred payment / loans.

How blind can one go to do his job of propaganda agent.

Saudi Arabia just making a diplomatic effort, that does not mean they are dictating or pressurizing us. Remember we refuse to partake in Gulf War 1 against Iraq despite repeated Saudi requests because we put our own interest first and this is going to be the same case. By the way can someone post the landing cost of Iranian gas.

Here is the actual article.


ISLAMABAD: Saudi Arabia looks askance at Pakistan’s commitment to pursue energy cooperation with Iran and is nudging the government to reconsider its decision.

This was the essence of a message from the Saudi King conveyed by Saudi Deputy Foreign Minister Prince Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz in his meetings with Pakistani leaders on Tuesday, Arab diplomatic sources based in Islamabad said.

Riyadh is said to have offered an ‘alternative package’ to meet Islamabad’s growing energy needs in an effort to persuade it to abandon the Iran gas pipeline and electricity/oil import deals.

The deputy foreign minister’s visit closely follows a trip by Saudi Culture and Information Minister Dr Abdul Aziz bin Mohiuddin Al-Khoja last week, which coincided with Chief of Army Staff Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani’s visit to Saudi Arabia.

The exchanges took place against the backdrop of an intensifying cold war between Tehran and Riyadh over Syria with smaller versions of the proxy being played out in Bahrain, Yemen and other parts of the region. The meetings are also taking place at a time when diplomatic efforts for dealing with the Syrian crisis have picked momentum.

Riyadh sees the situation in Syria as key to the future of the Middle East and has been spearheading efforts to isolate Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

The statements issued by the Presidency, Prime Minister’s Office and the Foreign Office all spoke about the cordial ties between the two countries and noted the discussions on “regional and international challenges”.

Mr Aziz also had a one-to-one interaction with Prime Minister Gilani, besides the delegation meeting, during which, a prime ministerial aide said, a “special message” from the Saudi monarch was delivered.

A senior Foreign Ministry official confirmed that Iran and the situation in Syria were on the agenda of the talks.

“They have a position. We reiterated our desire for the issues relating to Muslim Ummah to be peacefully resolved through dialogue,” he added.

President Zardari, in his meeting with Mr Aziz, also stressed the need for regional countries to find regional solutions to their problems.The Saudi delegation was informed that maintaining neighbourly relations with Iran did not mean endorsing its position or actions on other issues.

Mr Aziz was quoted in a Foreign Office statement as having said: “Pakistan and Saudi Arabia enjoyed commonality of views on regional and international challenges and the visit afforded him an opportunity to discuss these, and how to address them.”

Saudi Arabia is said to have offered a loan and oil facility to bail Pakistan out of its financial and energy crises.

A Pakistani official said the offer would be discussed at the Pak-Saudi joint ministerial meeting, which is being planned.

Referring to the ministerial meeting, Prime Minister Gilani told the Saudi minister that it was important for “working out mechanism to give impetus to trade compatible with the exemplary relations between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.
Quoting an article from the letters to editor section of dawn. Not creditable at all.
From the rest all media, Saudi did not offer an alternate to Iran energy deal but an offer of their own to provide meet energy needs on deferred payment / loans.

How blind can one go to do his job of propaganda agent.

No No let them they are doing their best with the disaster of public opinion Iran gained itself in Syria. It is almost too funny actually.
They also breath fire and shoot thunderbolts out of their arse.

More words of wisdom from Mossa

Quoting an article from the letters to editor section of dawn. Not creditable at all.
From the rest all media, Saudi did not offer an alternate to Iran energy deal but an offer of their own to provide meet energy needs on deferred payment / loans.

How blind can one go to do his job of propaganda agent.

Saudi Arabia just making a diplomatic effort, that does not mean they are dictating or pressurizing us. Remember we refuse to partake in Gulf War 1 against Iraq despite repeated Saudi requests because we put our own interest first and this is going to be the same case. By the way can someone post the landing cost of Iranian gas.

Well that is not what is in the public domain. But if that is the case fantastic, we will accept pipeline and Saudi offer (if Saudi offer is genuine without strings)
most of muslim world problems are just due to saudia
sorry to say
i really miss king Faisal and zulfiqar ali bhutto when i was read the history
We need Pakistan to try to act as mediator between Arabs and Iranians but we ourselves are blessed with donkeys as leaders
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