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Iran frees 2 soldiers kidnapped in Pakistan

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Death can visit any of us and it will visit you as well. Wonder if that would be a death of a diseased dog?
diseased dog hmmm .... i have no plans of igniting insurgency in any country neither i sell the churan of "kill america & israel".

Iran frees 2 soldiers kidnapped in Pakistan

Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) said on Wednesday it had freed two soldiers in an intelligence operation inside Pakistan’s territory.

“A successful operation was carried out last Tuesday night to rescue two kidnapped border guards who were taken as hostages by Jaish ul-Adl organization two and a half years ago,” the IRGC said in a statement.

According to the statement, the soldiers were successfully transferred back to Iran.

On Oct. 16, 2018, Jaish ul-Adl organization kidnapped 12 IRGC guards to Pakistani territory in the city of Merkava in Sistan and Baluchestan Province on the border between the two countries.

Military officials formed a joint committee between Tehran and Islamabad to free the kidnapped guards.

Five of the soldiers were released on Nov. 15, 2018, and four Iranian soldiers were rescued by the Pakistani army on March 21, 2019.

Jaish ul-Adl organization, which Tehran declared a terrorist organization, is waging an armed struggle against the Iranian government, saying it defends the rights of Baloch Sunnis in Iran.


All of these articles are copy and paste. It seems like it's written by same person.

Indian are obsessed with Pakistan, tons of Indian Youtubers have made videos on these.
I dont understand what the hypes here. As of now this is unconfirmed but even if it was true then the fact of the matter is:

- During the Shahs time Pakistan/Iran had great relations to the point that Iran/Pakistan were allow to carry out strikes against Baloch terrorist in eachothers land. Many times the Shah supported by Pakistan via Cobras in Balochistan. Such operations were carried out under the completely knowledge of the military.

- Pakistan carried forth such an agreement by supplying Iran critical weaponry against Iraq during Iran-Iraq war.

- Things turned sour in the 90s but in the last few years Iran-Pakistan ties have improved significantly. I am prob the most anti-Iranian policy hawk but I will admit Pakistan personally has not budged from its policy of unilaterally supporting Iran on many occassions when no one else did.

- Recently Iran has taken a more forceful stance not just regarding Kashmir but Indias overally treatement of muslims, which no arab country has done till date.

If Iran works with Pakistan we should all be for it. They are neighbors with no issues, cultural, civilizational ties. Even Irans martyrs such as Solaimani were trained in Pakistan. Even Irans nuclear program originates from Pakistani scientist.

If such agreement has been re-established then it would be good. Balochistan is completely lawless and even the fences they are building are in remote areas. It is fairly easy for people to still be able to cross anyways.

One less terrorist is good for everyone
UAE is behind all the IRGC guard kidnappings happening since 2016.
Even before that Riggi's network was operating from UAE It was ISI that tipped off Rigis presence in a flight laying over in Tehran and thats how Iranians got him.

UAE is the devil here.It needs to be understood.
I have deep suspicion about this claim. this organisation is no different to Al Qaeda or Daesh and usually executes the captures very brutally and makes videos. keeping two soldiers alive for that long seems impossible.
looks like the story and the mission is coming from the imagination of Iranian propaganda machine just to show off to its public and point fingers at Pakistan for being incapable or culpable.
was not in Pakistani territory.
It's a border where $billions go out and other stuff comes in.
Once you are appointed as commander southern command or minister of ports, you can retire in US /UK and your generations to come will enjoy your empire.
After blowing up 1000 of their soldiers by proxy in Levant and Iraq, they're mad
If that is the yard stick then you should wonder what Pak has done in Afg. and even Kabul is not friendly to Pak whereas Baghdad is to Iran..
Come to realize it I think many of us have not looked at the infrastructure aspect of this as well. In the last few years Pakistan has built large infrastructure projects only a few miles from the Iranian border for the first time in history...

Think about it, in just a decade we have developed Gwadar Port, Gwadar international airport, Makkran costal highway, multiple roads of high quality in parrallell with the iranian border, and now multiple fencing barriers. We have seen the level of conflict increase rapidly between India/China just due to a few small roads along the border. With Pakistan/Iran the development is possible x1000 fold in cost and complexity.

In theory all these development also have a military/strategic aspect to them and could be used in military ways. For example airports can be used for fighter jets, highways to transport equipment, ports for increase naval capacity, etc. There is also tangible evidence that the Pakistani military is building large army camps, naval bases, and other installation in balochistan...

Compare this with Iran which has been far more focus on its western borders.

Pakistan could rapidly mobilize if things turned sour very quick with Iran and they are beginning to take notice.. We could have as many as x10 the number of troops/equipment to the Iranian border in less time than them...example being we managed to get 100k+ soldiers post 9/11 to the afghan border with far less infrastructure fairly rapidly. Now compare that to the world class infrastructure that we have built right along the Iranian border.

thus we see chest thumping statements that are meant to send a signal to Pakistan, they see we can have them by their throat before they know it.
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Come to realize it I think many of us have not looked at the infrastructure aspect of this as well. In the last few years Pakistan has built large infrastructure projects only a few miles from the Iranian border for the first time in history...

Think about it, in just a decade we have developed Gwadar Port, Gwadar international airport, Makkran costal highway, multiple roads of high quality in parrallell with the iranian border, and now multiple fencing barriers. We have seen the level of conflict increase rapidly between India/China just due to a few small roads along the border. With Pakistan/Iran the development is possible x1000 fold in cost and complexity.

In theory all these development also have a military/strategic aspect to them and could be used in military ways. For example airports can be used for fighter jets, highways to transport equipment, ports for increase naval capacity, etc. There is also tangible evidence that the Pakistani military is building large army camps, naval bases, and other installation in balochistan...

Compare this with Iran which has been far more focus on its western borders.

Pakistan could rapidly mobilize if things turned sour very quick with Iran and they are beginning to take notice.. thus we take chest thumping statements that are meant to send a signal to Pakistan.
Nothing happened buddy. IRGC did nothing without Pakistan's blessing or knowledge.

Notice how NOBODY (whether Iranian or Pakistani posters in this useless thread) has actually provided any evidence that a strike was carried out by Iran in defiance of Pakistan. If IRGC swapped their gangsters for some terrorists, Pakistan approved it. Why should Pakistan lift a finger for some buffoon non-Pakistanis who got kidnapped? Why, when IRGC itself kidnaps Pakistanis to use as slave soldiers for their own middle east projects?

Some guy here was posting pure circumstantial conjecture as evidence of this operation having taken place - some terrorist got hanged in Iran, so it's impossible for Iran to negotiate with other terrorists of the same group?? Don't make us laugh buddy. Even USA negotiates with the exact same groups it carpet bombs - everything is dependent on the specific scenario.
Nothing happened buddy. IRGC did nothing without Pakistan's blessing or knowledge.

Notice how NOBODY (whether Iranian or Pakistani posters in this useless thread) has actually provided any evidence that a strike was carried out by Iran in defiance of Pakistan. If IRGC swapped their gangsters for some terrorists, Pakistan approved it. Why should Pakistan lift a finger for some buffoon non-Pakistanis who got kidnapped? Why, when IRGC itself kidnaps Pakistanis to use as slave soldiers for their own middle east projects?

Some guy here was posting pure circumstantial conjecture as evidence of this operation having taken place - some terrorist got hanged in Iran, so it's impossible for Iran to negotiate with other terrorists of the same group?? Don't make us laugh buddy. Even USA negotiates with the exact same groups it carpet bombs - everything is dependent on the specific scenario.

I am sure nothing happened but the fact is the Iranians purposes misconstrued the info in their official news media to make it look as if they may have done something. This was quickly picked up by the Indian media. Even 90% of it is false their is basis that the IRGC intended to send a message to Pakistan.

I see the reason being is that Pakistan is rapidly building major infrastructure fairly close to their border. Remember infrastructure can also be used to project power.

Under this we are beginning to see Gulf relations improve, relations with the US expected to improve, talk of Israeli relations, crackdown on shia terrorist etc... The Iranians appear very uncomfortable with recent developments pertaining to Pakistan.

At the end of the day IF IRAN WAS a rational state they would want good relations with Pakistan but Iran has not been very rational lately....
Porous nature of border and wider gaps in development are being exploited by terrorists, smugglers, narco and human traffickers, creating security problems besides causing serious economic losses to both countries.

Pakistan is going to complete fencing Pak-Iran border in December 2021. We need to build forts, posts, use radar, Cameras and sensors to monitor the border.

if this terrorist group is getting funding from UAE. Our agency meet catch them expose UAE dirty game. We don’t need to take sides between UAE and Iran. I hope that we let UAE and Iran fight each other and not play any mediation role. We should worry about our own internal problems.
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Sometimes, it is not that good to claim as such and expect that nothing will come out. Unfortunately, Iranian ruling class is doing no good but misleading the masses with fake claims or letting such fake news with concocted story/headline is a deliberate & disservice to the public. It will be really indigestible for many in Iran but it was a prisoner exchange of 4 released for 2 IRGC personnel.
The ISPR chief, while responding to a question, rejected as “false and fake” reports that Iran had conducted an intelligence operation in Pakistani territory to free its soldiers abducted in October 2018. The ‘fake news’ about the alleged Iranian operation began circulating after Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) claimed to have freed two guards from the captivity of terrorist group Jaishul Adl through a “successful operation” in southeastern Iranian province of Sistan-Baluchestan.

Turkey’s Anadolu agency first gave a spin to the news and reported that IRGC had claimed an operation in Pakistani territory. The news was then picked up by the Indian media.

Maj Gen Iftikhar said that “fake news has become India’s forte”. “The news regarding Iran is absolutely false. It could not have happened, it didn’t happen,” he emphasised. The spokesman regretted that India’s mainstream media too was becoming part of the fake news and was losing its credibility.

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