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Iran frees 2 soldiers kidnapped in Pakistan

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I have deep suspicion about this claim. this organisation is no different to Al Qaeda or Daesh and usually executes the captures very brutally and makes videos. keeping two soldiers alive for that long seems impossible.
looks like the story and the mission is coming from the imagination of Iranian propaganda machine just to show off to its public and point fingers at Pakistan for being incapable or culpable.

I doubt it, if they were executed, we would probably have heard about it. Especially if IRGC soldiers got executed, they would have taken much stronger action than this.
Hate to say it but PA should have known better than to mess with IRGC. PA is pretty good but IRGC is better. They specialize in stuff like this.

Well they paid the price, now they got nothing.
you are right. PA is no match for their propaganda machine.
check out their videos of "attacks" on terrorists and smugglers.
Oh man. Stop making this a comparison. You seem to hold your own country’s forces in less regard.

I don't think he belongs to Pak.
Lot of people are in denial mode here that this was some propaganda or that this was some joint operation.

This is same IRGC that successfully captured US naval forces in Persian Gulf. They don't take permission from anyone.
I don't think he belongs to Pak.

I am not gonna defend PA when they did the wrong thing. PA should have at least made some attempt to rectify the situation. They didn't. Harsh but its the truth.
Lot of people are in denial mode here that this was some propaganda or that this was some joint operation.

This is same IRGC that successfully captured US naval forces in Persian Gulf. They don't take permission from anyone.

I am not gonna defend PA when they did the wrong thing. PA should have at least made some attempt to rectify the situation. They didn't. Harsh but its the truth.

Lmao. Even they would disagree with you on this matter. You mean the same IRGC that has recieved around 100.000 airstrikes without ever replying plus got scores of high level people killed without ever replying or taking proper revenge.

What makes you think they can just walk right into a Nuclear armed country without any permission which the article is not even stating but it is just you wanting to go off on Pakistan for reasons I don't understand.

The reason India even attempted Pulwama false flag was because of these shameful IRCG they saw them frequently being stroke by Israel without reply they thought they could do the same with Pakistan it almost started Nuclear war due to miscalculation indirectly caused by the IRGC cowardliness. It sets bad example they should attack Israel period! They have to redeem themselves. Tel Aviv or Haifa
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I pray that we never get to that level or never face a situation where our generals and scientists are being killed by the Israel and Americans.
worse still, shooting down a passenger plane that just took off from the same airport.

And we also need to learn how not to fire an anti ship missile on own frigate during a war exercise in peace time

I missed this "capability" of Iran in previous post

I would like to explain from an Iranian perspective. First of all I would like to mention that I see Pakistanis as my brothers and sisters and have no grudges against Pakistan. I think that it is not appropriate to make comparisons at this point by some people here. (This is not only addressed to you, but also to others who have posted here) It is much better to put yourself in the Iranian perspective. Apparently two Iranians were kidnapped and the Iranian secret services determined the location of the hostages after two years. The question is: how should Iran react? Obviously the Pakistanis were unable to free these hostages or to find out anything about them in these 2 years. That Iran is also forced to act should be clear somewhere. The only debate in the room is not whether Iran should act but how.
There are only 2 options here: Either alone or with the cooperation of the Pakistani authorities. I'll be honest with you, I personally would also decide to turn the thing myself. The fact that Iranian units have been detained in Pakistan for more than 2 years without the Pakistani secret service being able to free these hostages themselves is more than reason enough for such an action. There are many other reasons that I will not go into further.
thanks sir
but I think this is a nonevent which is being claimed. this is a feel good story to please the Iranian public.
maybe the reported 2 soldiers were never abducted but there is no independent means to verify the story.
I am questioning it on the basis of the history of the terrorists.

I know the Jundullah and all the other named affiliates. they are very ruthless they dont keep prisoners specially shia prisoners are executed graphically.
they are supported by Saudis and Israelis and even by Americans on both sides of the border for Greater Baluchistan plan.
And we also need to learn how not to fire an anti ship missile on own frigate during a war exercise in peace time

I missed this "capability" of Iran in previous post

insaan bun ja. bus ker day. friendly fire can happen. we do have friendly fire incidents too so lets not rub too much. keep the focus on the news and the details of the raid. its as authentic as the design and capability of their 5th generation 313 jet fighter.
thanks sir
but I think this is a nonevent which is being claimed. this is a feel good story to please the Iranian public.
maybe the reported 2 soldiers were never abducted but there is no independent means to verify the story.
I am questioning it on the basis of the history of the terrorists.

I know the Jundullah and all the other named affiliates. they are very ruthless they dont keep prisoners specially shia prisoners are executed graphically.
they are supported by Saudis and Israelis and even by Americans on both sides of the border for Greater Baluchistan plan.

If this actually happened, I doubt PA would ever admit it so good luck getting verification from Pakistani side.
If this actually happened, I doubt PA would ever admit it so good luck getting verification from Pakistani side.
my lovely friend . dont be so defensive. I said independent verification.
international 3rd party of some sort from one of the secretive and paranoid regime in the middle east.
Pakistan is semi accused party here for allegedly hosting the captors and captives for 2 years. I never suggested Pakistan or its media channels are any independent.
Lot of people are in denial mode here that this was some propaganda or that this was some joint operation.

This is same IRGC that successfully captured US naval forces in Persian Gulf. They don't take permission from anyone.

I am not gonna defend PA when they did the wrong thing. PA should have at least made some attempt to rectify the situation. They didn't. Harsh but its the truth.

Did your beloved IRGC made any attempt to destroy the BLA camps in Iranian territory. Also how many times Iranian soldiers were kidnapped from Iranian territory. This was not the first time. The truth is Iran is all about propaganda. One General was killed and Iran shot down a civilian plane tells the capability of Iranian armed forces.
insaan bun ja. bus ker day. friendly fire can happen. we do have friendly fire incidents too so lets not rub too much. keep the focus on the news and the details of the raid. its as authentic as the design and capability of their 5th generation 313 jet fighter.

We also don't take panga with super prowers neither we send mercenaries to fight our wars thousands of miles away on the name of shrines nor we claim to nuke Israel every other day

We fight our wars and that's it

Dozens of BLA and TTP terrorists have died in Iran and Afghanistan killed by unknown men and not a single time Pakistani military has claimed its responsibility behind any of those deaths
Lot of people are in denial mode here that this was some propaganda or that this was some joint operation.

This is same IRGC that successfully captured US naval forces in Persian Gulf. They don't take permission from anyone.

I am not gonna defend PA when they did the wrong thing. PA should have at least made some attempt to rectify the situation. They didn't. Harsh but its the truth.

Dozens of BLA and TTP terrorists have died in Iran and Afghanistan killed by unknown men and not a single time Pakistani military has claimed its responsibility behind any of those deaths
thats the way aha aha we like it.
stay quiet and do the job.
I would like to explain from an Iranian perspective. First of all I would like to mention that I see Pakistanis as my brothers and sisters and have no grudges against Pakistan. I think that it is not appropriate to make comparisons at this point by some people here. (This is not only addressed to you, but also to others who have posted here) It is much better to put yourself in the Iranian perspective. Apparently two Iranians were kidnapped and the Iranian secret services determined the location of the hostages after two years. The question is: how should Iran react? Obviously the Pakistanis were unable to free these hostages or to find out anything about them in these 2 years. That Iran is also forced to act should be clear somewhere. The only debate in the room is not whether Iran should act but how.
There are only 2 options here: Either alone or with the cooperation of the Pakistani authorities. I'll be honest with you, I personally would also decide to turn the thing myself. The fact that Iranian units have been detained in Pakistan for more than 2 years without the Pakistani secret service being able to free these hostages themselves is more than reason enough for such an action. There are many other reasons that I will not go into further.
Even then going on your own won't justify.
It's quite a possibility pakistani intelligence also doesn't know about the location of those kidnapped guards. Because such terrorist groups also operate against pakistani forces. We too are on the receiving end .
And to be honest I doubt what iran is claiming here . Everything iranian regime speaks is to fool their masses. Just like when general sulamani was killed they said they killed hundreds of US soldiers lol in missile strikes.
Military officials formed a joint committee between Tehran and Islamabad to free the kidnapped guards.
Five of the soldiers were released on Nov. 15, 2018, and four Iranian soldiers were rescued by the Pakistani army on March 21, 2019.
Iran didn`t do it at their own. This was clearly a coordinated op under the committee formed for this objective.
I was only referring to the journalistic style of portraying IRGC as a supreme force that can move around, twist international laws and conduct themselves undeterred.

@Aspen @SecularNationalist @Irfan Baloch @Arash1991
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