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Iran frees 2 soldiers kidnapped in Pakistan

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I would like to explain from an Iranian perspective. First of all I would like to mention that I see Pakistanis as my brothers and sisters and have no grudges against Pakistan. I think that it is not appropriate to make comparisons at this point by some people here. (This is not only addressed to you, but also to others who have posted here) It is much better to put yourself in the Iranian perspective. Apparently two Iranians were kidnapped and the Iranian secret services determined the location of the hostages after two years. The question is: how should Iran react? Obviously the Pakistanis were unable to free these hostages or to find out anything about them in these 2 years. That Iran is also forced to act should be clear somewhere. The only debate in the room is not whether Iran should act but how.
There are only 2 options here: Either alone or with the cooperation of the Pakistani authorities. I'll be honest with you, I personally would also decide to turn the thing myself. The fact that Iranian units have been detained in Pakistan for more than 2 years without the Pakistani secret service being able to free these hostages themselves is more than reason enough for such an action. There are many other reasons that I will not go into further.

Yeah I agree with everything you said. Ideally Pakistan should cooperate, I would expect the same if the situation was vice versa.
The Guards are one of the best fighting units in Asia. One of the reasons why Zionist israel and USA have not attaked Iran.
But USA killed their General
Yeah I agree with everything you said. Ideally Pakistan should cooperate, I would expect the same if the situation was vice versa.
Then plz don't say the op word what do want next time an armoured strike corps goes into your country with complete air superiority ?
Obviously the Pakistanis were unable to free these hostages or to find out anything about them in these 2 years
And here's the Bollywood sequel.

Where do you folks come up with these theories?

What if Pakistan simply didn't wish to expend a whole load of effort to free them without certain assurances in return e.g. more action against RAW operatives with Iranian passports?
Then plz don't say the op word what do want next time an armoured strike corps goes into your country with complete air superiority ?

Hate to say it but PA should have known better than to mess with IRGC. PA is pretty good but IRGC is better. They specialize in stuff like this.
What if Pakistan simply didn't wish to expend a whole load of effort to free them without certain assurances in return e.g. more action against RAW operatives with Iranian passports?

Well they paid the price, now they got nothing.
Hate to say it but PA should have known better than to mess with IRGC. PA is pretty good but IRGC is better. They specialize in stuff like this.

Well they paid the price, now they got nothing.

Oh man. Stop making this a comparison. You seem to hold your own country’s forces in less regard.
testing our limits...i hope in future we will be doing the same thing whenever they massacre hazaras or provide sanctuaries to our most wanted terrorists. its time to tell them enough is enough. btw which elite revoloutionary guards they are talking about the same ones who could brake a vase.
A true solider doesn't make speeches doesn't talk.
he carries out the task that needs to be done.
Iranians know that we cant do any thing because they have the example from Afghanistan. where the entire leadership of TTP resides which has killed Pakistani soldiers and civilians alike but apart from rants on this forum and the hot air from our news media nothing much has been done beyond protesting with the Afghan hosts of TTP.
But USA killed their General
Yes, USA did. In case you did not know it is a superpower that spends more on it's military then half the world combined. Don't forget it's the same country that came at night, killed Bin Laden, left a destroyed heli in Abottabad and then flew back to Afghanistan before COAS Kiani got a chance to get off his wife.
Hate to say it but PA should have known better than to mess with IRGC. PA is pretty good but IRGC is better. They specialize in stuff like this.

Well they paid the price, now they got nothing.

This guy is deluded? PA could smash the entirety of Iran and run thru them in matter of Months. The people located in that area truly fold easily under hostilities history proves this to be the case
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We should also learn how not to shoot down own civilian airliner while firing ballistic missiles on enemy to avenge a dead general and how to make sure that enemy doesn't kill your top nuclear scientist right under your nose

Funny people are talking about "capabilities" just to defend Iran
I pray that we never get to that level or never face a situation where our generals and scientists are being killed by the Israel and Americans.
worse still, shooting down a Ukrainian passenger plane that just took off from the same airport from Tehran.
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Oh man. Stop making this a comparison. You seem to hold your own country’s forces in less regard.

No I don't. PA is one of the best and I have a lot of respect for them.

But in all due respect if PA can't free these hostages in 2 years, we should not be surprised if the Iranians do it for us since they have the capability.

If I was Iran, I would not have waited 2 years for Pakistan to do this, they have a lot of patience with us when you view this from their perspective.
I dont understand what the hypes here. As of now this is unconfirmed but even if it was true then the fact of the matter is:

- During the Shahs time Pakistan/Iran had great relations to the point that Iran/Pakistan were allow to carry out strikes against Baloch terrorist in eachothers land. Many times the Shah supported by Pakistan via Cobras in Balochistan. Such operations were carried out under the completely knowledge of the military.

- Pakistan carried forth such an agreement by supplying Iran critical weaponry against Iraq during Iran-Iraq war.

- Things turned sour in the 90s but in the last few years Iran-Pakistan ties have improved significantly. I am prob the most anti-Iranian policy hawk but I will admit Pakistan personally has not budged from its policy of unilaterally supporting Iran on many occassions when no one else did.

- Recently Iran has taken a more forceful stance not just regarding Kashmir but Indias overally treatement of muslims, which no arab country has done till date.

If Iran works with Pakistan we should all be for it. They are neighbors with no issues, cultural, civilizational ties. Even Irans martyrs such as Solaimani were trained in Pakistan. Even Irans nuclear program originates from Pakistani scientist.

If such agreement has been re-established then it would be good. Balochistan is completely lawless and even the fences they are building are in remote areas. It is fairly easy for people to still be able to cross anyways.

One less terrorist is good for everyone
IRGC: All abducted Iranian border guards freed from Pakistan

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The two remaining Iranian border guards who had been kidnapped at a border post and taken into Pakistan back in 2018 were released on Tuesday night, the IRGC said.

According to Tasnim news agency, the Quds Base of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Ground Force announced in a statement that its constant efforts and intelligence activities resulted in the release of the two border guards from Pakistan.

The repatriated servicemen were the last two from a group of 14 Iranian border guards who had been held hostage by the so-called Jaish-ul-Adl terrorist group since 2018.

The Pakistani-based terrorists kidnapped the 14 Iranian forces at a border post in Mirjaveh region in Iran’s southeastern Province of Sistan and Balouchestan in October 2018.

Iranian military forces along the southeastern border areas are frequently attacked by terrorist groups coming from Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Tehran has frequently asked the two neighbors to step up security at the common border to prevent terrorist attacks on Iranian forces.

I have deep suspicion about this claim. this organisation is no different to Al Qaeda or Daesh and usually executes the captures very brutally and makes videos. keeping two soldiers alive for that long seems impossible.
looks like the story and the mission is coming from the imagination of Iranian propaganda machine just to show off to its public and point fingers at Pakistan for being incapable or culpable.

Iran frees 2 soldiers kidnapped in Pakistan

Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) said on Wednesday it had freed two soldiers in an intelligence operation inside Pakistan’s territory.

“A successful operation was carried out last Tuesday night to rescue two kidnapped border guards who were taken as hostages by Jaish ul-Adl organization two and a half years ago,” the IRGC said in a statement.

According to the statement, the soldiers were successfully transferred back to Iran.

On Oct. 16, 2018, Jaish ul-Adl organization kidnapped 12 IRGC guards to Pakistani territory in the city of Merkava in Sistan and Baluchestan Province on the border between the two countries.

Military officials formed a joint committee between Tehran and Islamabad to free the kidnapped guards.

Five of the soldiers were released on Nov. 15, 2018, and four Iranian soldiers were rescued by the Pakistani army on March 21, 2019.

Jaish ul-Adl organization, which Tehran declared a terrorist organization, is waging an armed struggle against the Iranian government, saying it defends the rights of Baloch Sunnis in Iran.


Joint operations between with two brotherly countries, no big deal,
they came with permission, Pakistan trusted them to behave responsibly,
title does not match the story.

Although, I always wonder, why do the Iranian soldiers get themselves kidnapped, it always seems to be in the news.
There are terrorist on their side, who come to Pakistan for terror activities, but our soldiers manage not to get kidnapped.
Perhaps the Iranians need to improve their training, just a thought.
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