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Iran fired cruise missiles in attack on Saudi oil facility: Senior US official

You can kiss Iran's butt all you want dude, I don't care. Iran is thriving thanks to Eastern and Western strategic interest of having a powerful Iran in the Middle East to prevent rise of Sunni Muslims. And it has nothing to do with security threat. They just don't like God, Prophet Mohammed and puritarian Islam. If Iranians weren't vehement anti-Islam/Muslim entity, they wouldn't be allowed to get away with these acts of war by the international community. Everyone knows they are Persians deep down who share common interest of subjugating Sunni Muslims. This is why Iran never got a war with Israel or the US but the Arabs on other hand did.

Iran did not touch US influence anywhere it is in the region. It is just vying for influence in Sunni Arab nations.

One of the founders of Hezbollah said something similar to the part in bold. I don't think he's a member now though.
One of the founders of Hezbollah said something similar to the part in bold. I don't think he's a member now though.

I have nothing against Iranian people but its true. They offer a powerful front against any possible united Sunni front in the region. Arab regimes face dissent all the time and things change quickly in the Middle East. The world should not fear a united Sunni front anyway if it was a professional one it would bring stability and prosperity to the region.

Anyhow Saudi's are afraid of responding and no one should expect anything to happen. Iran will continue asserting its dominance over them and push them into seeking understandings privately with Iran like they did with the UAE.
Asking Address !!!!!!

Brother! Where's Aramco? and the Americans gave you directions?

Many a true word is spoken in jest!
EU wants to invest in Iran and import natural gas from them. They really wanted nuclear deal and do not want any kind of tensions in the Middle East. US is coming out of various wars, is trying to focus on countering China and US public is strongly opposed to any US involvement in the Middle East or even places like Afghanistan.

Russia and China do not want a war to break out either. Russia is based in Syria as well. Turkey is based in Qatar. So with this situation, and weak Saudi Arabia that has alienated its allies, it's no surprise Iran was bold enough to carry out this attack and they likely will carry out future attacks on Saudi Arabia with no consequences. Iran has a lot of help from the world and it would not be in this standing without help of the world. Remember just in 2014 Syria and Iraq were on verge of falling to militants. Until US/Russia/EU intervened.
He said many idiotic things, that was one of them. No one in Pakistan speak, understand or even bothered about your gay lingo. End off.

And yet he is the PM of the country. He represents your people. That "gay lingo" is the language of your forefathers. You're insulting your own ancestors here kid.

Let me know when you change your script. As I said, effect of Arab slavery runs deep in your culture.

Sure it does, that's why Iran is controlling so many arab nations today LOL.

In Pakistan, No one speak, understand or bother about your gay lingo.

You mean other than your ancestors? LOL

HAHA that's the biggest joke I have heard in a long time. Everyone knows that Iran was hand in glove with America in the occupation of Afghansitan and Iraq.

And yet Iran is responsible for slaughtering thousands of their soldiers.

Iran killed more US troops in Iraq than previously known, Pentagon says


Meanwhile Pakistan helped NATO with their routes into afghanistan. If anything, pakistan played a slavish role in helping the west.

Lol, what a moron. Learn history, current and past events and afghan war your clueless Majoosi.

LOL what? so they have not slaughtered countless of your people? dude, stop making a fool out of yourself.

So many? we are 220 million strong nation, not a midget nation like you. Some fight for the religious cause and faith, NOT for you dumb arse. LOL

Iran is:

1- Much larger than Pakistan
2- Much more educated and advanced

Your population mostly live in slums.

My serious advise to you, get a doc appointment for your mental health. While the whole world was begging Pakistan to bring Taliban on the peace table, seems like you turd were having your head buried in the sand, like usual I must add. :D

You mean the same taliban that has killed countless of your people?
pakistan is an irrelevent nation.

Taliban delegation visits Iran to 'discuss latest developments'

India did what you moron ? India came in Afghansitan riding yanks shoulders. that's about it. and now we have stuffed them all.

Your low IQ prevented you to see the content properly. It meant you did not do jack in afghanistan. It's all in your fantasy.

Ofcourse when you fight a proxy war against such big force and odds stack against you, you are bound to get hit in return, but hey , we have fked them all . Period. and that is where penny drop. And those mercenaries who tried to terroris our people, they were not Talibans , just CIA/RAW/MOSSAD paid mercenaries that we have now neutralised.

You did not fight jack, you people only know how to surrender to India:

As I said, first try to take on the powers to be properly then come and talk. "Down with USA" non sense mean bullcrap in real life.

Yeah sure, we just saw few days ago what we did to your saudi masters.

You should lick the boots of your forefather, the people of Indus, the people who were first to civilized that lands that you now inhibit. LOL

Let me know when in our history we were actually influenced by your kind lol. You were basically our satrapes. We ruled your kind.
As for indus civilisation. That is an Indian civilization that you're taking credit for LOL.

What a turd, and you think you are the only one in Iraq? wakey wakey!! Also, anything that is coming from north , north west , can also come directly from Israel as well.

Israel is more than 2000km away, you low IQ ape. You think they could have done this?

This attack was done from near the Iranian border according to the intelligence and Iranian systems were used.

You will probably end up blaming India soon.

Have you not noticed that even Saudis are treading with caution, Chinese are not toeing American line. This script has been repeated so many times over and one thought that people will wisen up by now but hey, you lot are one of the kind! :D

Saudis are treading carefully because they just received a serious shock after being raped by a small Iranian proxy.
In Pakistan, No one speak, understand or bother about your gay lingo
what language are the following lines (a mix of)?

پاک سرزمین شاد باد
كشور حسين شاد باد
تو نشان عزم عالي شان
ارض پاکستان!
مرکز یقین شاد باد
پاک سرزمین کا نظام
قوت اخوت عوام
قوم ، ملک ، سلطنت
پائندہ تابندہ باد
شاد باد منزل مراد
پرچم ستارہ و ہلال
رہبر ترقی و کمال
ترجمان ماضی شان حال
جان استقبال!
سایۂ خدائے ذوالجلال​

Your population mostly live in slums
in the meanwhile let's visit some Irani palaces for awaam (19 million people --almost a quarter of the 81 million population-- live in Iran’s slums, I mean palaces):





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You country is even worst than Kenya and south africa :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
My country is England you stupid retard!

As for Pakistan a fifth of population lives in slums compared to your oil rich country's forth (a quarter)
My country is England you stupid retard!

As for Pakistan a fifth of population lives in slums compared to your forth (a quaerer)

your a pakistani living in the uk. who are you trying to fool you imbecile? uk is riddled with your kind.

As for Iranian slums, provide a single source for your claim.
pakistan is by far the biggest slum state. Even worst than kenya and south africa :rofl::rofl::rofl:
what language are the following lines (a mix of)?

پاک سرزمین شاد باد
كشور حسين شاد باد
تو نشان عزم عالي شان
ارض پاکستان!
مرکز یقین شاد باد
پاک سرزمین کا نظام
قوت اخوت عوام
قوم ، ملک ، سلطنت
پائندہ تابندہ باد
شاد باد منزل مراد
پرچم ستارہ و ہلال
رہبر ترقی و کمال
ترجمان ماضی شان حال
جان استقبال!
سایۂ خدائے ذوالجلال​

in the meanwhile let's visit some Irani palaces for awaam (19 million people --almost a quarter of the 81 million population-- live in Iran’s slums, I mean palaces):






Bro ... you failed big time !

This is The historical town of Masouleh :D




Iran - 11/12/1978 (Shah era ! :D) - slums and poor areas in - Tehran


LOL you're right, that's from Brazil :rofl::rofl:

Sure ... there are slums in Iran ... But our situation is not comparable with pakistan !
And yet he is the PM of the country. He represents your people. That "gay lingo" is the language of your forefathers. You're insulting your own ancestors here kid.

He is the PM that doest mean he is right all the times, though he got your army chief fired in the aftermath of his visit to Iran when he told the Iranian leadership to behave in their dealing with Pakistan.

None of my forefathers spoke this gay lingo mate, We all speak Urdu.

Sure it does, that's why Iran is controlling so many arab nations today LOL.

Arab did civilize you at the end of the day. And before them, we did. :D

You mean other than your ancestors? LOL

None of my ancestors spoke your gay lingo, its sounds very gay to be spoken in Pakistan tbh.

And yet Iran is responsible for slaughtering thousands of their soldiers.

Iran killed more US troops in Iraq than previously known, Pentagon says


Meanwhile Pakistan helped NATO with their routes into afghanistan. If anything, pakistan played a slavish role in helping the west.


Following the 9/11 attacks, Iran assisted the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan

U.S.-Iran cooperation was unprecedented


[URL='https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwji_8ravNrkAhWbVBUIHYewBd0QFjAAegQIAhAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nytimes.com%2F2016%2F03%2F07%2Fworld%2Fmiddleeast%2Fus-conferred-with-iran-before-iraq-invasion-book-says.html&usg=AOvVaw0-XxGFmDFJCbWi2e_WDpJ8']U.S. Conferred With Iran Before Iraq Invasion

Anyone with slight common sense and the ability to see as to how things panned out after the invasion of both Afghanistan and Iraq will call spade a spade. Iran-America collusion is for all to see.[/URL]

LOL what? so they have not slaughtered countless of your people? dude, stop making a fool out of yourself.

LOL, what a moron. Hey Majoosi, we are fighting a war, people die, what matter is that we won.

Iran is:

1- Much larger than Pakistan
2- Much more educated and advanced

Your population mostly live in slums.

Iran is punny, with punny military and jokers all around who are only good at empty bravado and silly rants. nothing more, nothing less.

This is your SLUM in Tehran. We are no first world country buddy but when times comes, we know how to knock other nations out.


World would be a happy place if nations start to look at themselves before looking at flaws of other. :D

You mean the same taliban that has killed countless of your people?
pakistan is an irrelevent nation.

Taliban delegation visits Iran to 'discuss latest developments'

Punny nations like majooses are irrelevant. Do you know who Mullah Baradar is? He the head of Taliban negotiating team. And guess which nation released him for the peace talks? LOL. Clueless baboons.

As for the mercenaries who used to attack in Paksitan, they can call them whatever they like, they were the paid agents of cia/raw/mossad. Your lack of knowledge about geopolitics and current affairs is not my problem. Educate yourself.

Your low IQ prevented you to see the content properly. It meant you did not do jack in afghanistan. It's all in your fantasy.

We stuffed soviets before and now doing the same to American and its lackies. Your ignorance is not my problem. Learn history my boy.

You did not fight jack, you people only know how to surrender to India:

Ah yes, that rebellion thousands of miles away from the mainland with no communication in between. Who are these btw? LOL


I have lost count on how many times Israelis have bombed the shit out of your IGRC in middle east with Iranian military in return hiding with whimpers. Its getting boring now.

If WE don't know how to fight then no one can. We face enemy many times bigger then us yet we stuff it proper.



Watch and learn, this is how it is done. SHOCK AND AWE. THUG LIFE.

Yeah sure, we just saw few days ago what we did to your saudi masters.

HAHA. sucking on hindu cow worshipers have really done your brain cells.

Let me know when in our history we were actually influenced by your kind lol. You were basically our satrapes. We ruled your kind.
As for indus civilisation. That is an Indian civilization that you're taking credit for LOL.

Indus extended in your lands buddy, we were the first in the region to civilized your lands. If you exsisted as a nation during that time, you must be wiping your arse with leaves back then. LOL.

And no, its not Indian . its Indus, build and sustained for thousands of years BEFORE you, by the people of Indus basin and that would be us.

Israel is more than 2000km away, you low IQ ape. You think they could have done this?

This attack was done from near the Iranian border according to the intelligence and Iranian systems were used.

You will probably end up blaming India soon.

Majoosi turd, do some research before opening your filthly mouth.


If rag tag houthis can be blamed for somehow hitting a target thousand miles away, Israel with all the technology and capability cannot be ruled out. And Besides, you shitholes are not the only one in Iraq.


Saudis are treading carefully because they just received a serious shock after being raped by a small Iranian proxy.

Maybe, and I hope they are wisening up to the situation unlike you majoosis?
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