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Iran fired cruise missiles in attack on Saudi oil facility: Senior US official

So why won't they show this proof? why hide it?

I would assume it is because that would embarrass Saudi Arabia and pressure it to militarily respond. Which they are not interested in.

NSC meeting is supposedly taking place but it appears Trump has his mind made up with the direction he will take to deal with this situation.
George Bush was also a pusssy as well? It's funny how all American presidents seem to be pussiesss when it comes to Iran :lol:

All of those would also end up being pussiesss.

That tinpot country has existed thousands of years before you subhumans even came out of your caves.
All we do is humiliate you subhumans and in return you can only sanction. :rofl:

dude enough false bravado. George bush the clown opened the doors for you when he toppled saddam and let you guys inside iraq. You should thank him.

You saw what ronald reagan did to your decrepit navy. ANd that was just a taster by the us navy.

you are a tinpot country. where all the riches are exported to scum like bashar al assad who murders women and children instead of spending it on iranian citizens. no jobs, no money no prospects. it is why you have iranian refugees scurrying to europe because life is so bad in iran. That's why khamenei and irgc need america and israel. the fight. the illusion because without it, fools like you will see iran for what it is. a totalitarian repressive regime which can't even build schools or hospitals in balouchistan. All the mony goes to clergy and their proxies outside.

Like i said. iran is lucky that they are not faced by trigger happy american president. or else the first time you atatcked oil tankers would have been the last thing your navy does in the gulf

Iran has mountainous terrain and borders America's rival Russia via Caspian sea. Very difficult to invade militarily.

No one is taking about an invasion. This is not some qadisiyah battle. This is an air and missile war. In a real war, iran faced with the might of the american airforce and navy would be smoking ruins.
dude enough false bravado. George bush the clown opened the doors for you when he toppled saddam and let you guys inside iraq. You should thank him.

LOL so now George Bush was working deliberately in Iran's favour?
Go back to sleep kid.

You saw what ronald reagan did to your decrepit navy. ANd that was just a taster by the us navy.

Yeah an Iran that was in middle of an 8 year war and barely had any offensive capability had a defenceless frigate sunk. What a wonderbar performance :lol:
Only an utter imbecile would compare Iran then to Iran now.

A more recent and representative story is the so called Millenium challenge:

And even that is not representative given Iran is now vastly stronger.

you are a tinpot country.

See my previous comment to this.

where all the riches are exported to scum like bashar al assad who murders women and children instead of spending it on iranian citizens. no jobs, no money no prospects.

We should instead waste it like you subhumans do? you're what? 20 trillion in debt?

it is why you have iranian refugees scurrying to europe because life is so bad in iran.

Refugees exists everywhere and from everywhere.

That's why khamenei and irgc need america and israel. the fight. the illusion because without it, fools like you will see iran for what it is. a totalitarian repressive regime which can't even build schools or hospitals in balouchistan. All the mony goes to clergy and their proxies outside.

Iran has plenty of schools and hospitals. You should lay off al arabiya for while.

Like i said. iran is lucky that they are not faced by trigger happy american president. or else the first time you atatcked oil tankers would have been the last thing your navy does in the gulf

Sure it would. According to you all US presidents in recent memory have been pussiesss LOL.

Fact is this kid:

None of them have the balls to make a move against Iran. Even when we do this:




So why won't they attack? Answer is simple. This is not the 80's clown. Iran today would humiliate them.

No one is taking about an invasion. This is not some qadisiyah battle. This is an air and missile war. In a real war, iran faced with the might of the american airforce and navy would be smoking ruins.

In Hollywood maybe. In real life, things are different. If it was not, you would have seen an attack looooooong ago.
LOL so now George Bush was working deliberately in Iran's favour?
Go back to sleep kid.

Yeah an Iran that was in middle of an 8 year war and barely had any offensive capability had a defenceless frigate sunk. What a wonderbar performance :lol:
Only an utter imbecile would compare Iran then to Iran now.

A more recent and representative story is the so called Millenium challenge:

And even that is not representative given Iran is now vastly stronger.

See my previous comment to this.

We should instead waste it like you subhumans do? you're what? 20 trillion in debt?

Refugees exists everywhere and from everywhere.

Iran has plenty of schools and hospitals. You should lay off al arabiya for while.

Sure it would. According to you all US presidents in recent memory have been pussiesss LOL.

Fact is this kid:

None of them have the balls to make a move against Iran. Even when we do this:




So why won't they attack? Answer is simple. This is not the 80's clown. Iran today would humiliate them.

In Hollywood maybe. In real life, things are different. If it was not, you would have seen an attack looooooong ago.
George was a fool. Its the law of unintended averages. Bush gave you iraq. Obama gave you syria.
LOL so now George Bush was working deliberately in Iran's favour?
Go back to sleep kid.

Yeah an Iran that was in middle of an 8 year war and barely had any offensive capability had a defenceless frigate sunk. What a wonderbar performance :lol:
Only an utter imbecile would compare Iran then to Iran now.

A more recent and representative story is the so called Millenium challenge:

And even that is not representative given Iran is now vastly stronger.

See my previous comment to this.

We should instead waste it like you subhumans do? you're what? 20 trillion in debt?

Refugees exists everywhere and from everywhere.

Iran has plenty of schools and hospitals. You should lay off al arabiya for while.

Sure it would. According to you all US presidents in recent memory have been pussiesss LOL.

Fact is this kid:

None of them have the balls to make a move against Iran. Even when we do this:




So why won't they attack? Answer is simple. This is not the 80's clown. Iran today would humiliate them.

In Hollywood maybe. In real life, things are different. If it was not, you would have seen an attack looooooong ago.

Bush gave you iraq unintentionally. Just as obama has given you syria, though obama gave syria willingly. Obama was khamenei's greatest asset. But that is a different story.

Operation mantis was a taster, and it finished half the navy.


The united states navy is the second biggest airforce on earth after the american one. Two aircraft carriers will ruin your country never mind the navy. You talk about hollywood. You are the one in thrall by it. This is not a david goliath battle. You won't have a chance. the cruise missiles will lay waste to your worthless air defences. The airforce led by the B2 spirt, b52s and b1s will carpet bomb your critical civilian infrastructure. Your airforce will be shot down by f22s, f35s and f15s. There will be nothing left.

Don't make the mistake that when you captured some american sailors off bahrain that is it. Obama is your coward. Obama will sell his mother to get a meeting with khamenei. The american military in the hands of say a mccain would be monster.

It is funny you talk about refugees as if they are everywhere. Do you see saudi refugees running to euope? or emaratis? or kuwaitis? The problem with you is that you live in england and you know the truth of problems faced by people in iran. I mean look at this and weep


Though i suspect you are not the weeping type. you are the bravado type. you keep talking about subhuman this subhuman that. I think treating your citizens like trash is pretty subhuman. In that you resemble the saudis. They may not put their kids through drought and open air schools like you guys do but their oppression is of a different kind.

In many ways you and the saudis are a mirror of each other. A heirarchy that rules and the rest serve. No accountability no justice. And you both have turned the middle east into a hot mess.
Saudi Col al-Maliki spokesman for Islamic NATO alliance press conference claim of evidence Iran attack on Aramco oil-processing facility Abqaiq

Iran leadr adviser IRGC Major Gen. Safavi: we will respond to any American conspiracy against us from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. In response to U.S. threat after the Saudi Aramco oil refinery attack, and Secretary Pompeo

George was a fool. Its the law of unintended averages. Bush gave you iraq. Obama gave you syria.
Bush was not the real power it was Dick Cheney and he was many thing but not a fool

Bush gave you iraq unintentionally. Just as obama has given you syria, though obama gave syria willingly.
Our relation with Syria date back to first term of Ronald Reagan and has nothing to do with Obama .

Now guess you want to say Reagan was a fool.

Operation mantis was a taster, and it finished half the navy.

Operation prying manitis showed us Harpoon can't hit ships and we learned you can't fight American with American weapons.

the cruise missiles will lay waste to your worthless air defences. The airforce led by the B2 spirt, b52s and b1s will carpet bomb your critical civilian infrastructure. Your airforce will be shot down by f22s, f35s and f15s. There will be nothing left.
What's the name of the movie ? I also am a fan of Hollywood, but let be honest the way you described it ,it's more like Bollywood.
so houthis just made a major announcement:

they will cease all attacks on Saudi arabia. and wait for Saudi's to reciprocate.

At this point what are the houthis supposed to do if the Saudi savages continue to bomb their famished people?

just stand by and do nothing? Saudi arabia has a right to bomb yemen into a famine, and any response is unjustified aggression? you really need to be a special breed of stupid not to see who the real aggressors are at this point.
so houthis just made a major announcement:

they will cease all attacks on Saudi arabia. and wait for Saudi's to reciprocate.

At this point what are the houthis supposed to do if the Saudi savages continue to bomb their famished people?

just stand by and do nothing? Saudi arabia has a right to bomb yemen into a famine, and any response is unjustified aggression? you really need to be a special breed of stupid not to see who the real aggressors are at this point.

Why do you care ? you are a pakistani and you have no connection to wars in middle east. Its like I start jumping up and down about what is happening in Bangladesh


This quds-1 is Houthis designation for Soumar or ya Ali LACM ?

I still cant believe our boys crossed US provided AD layers of the kingdoms.


this is U.S. official analysis back in June

U.S. Special Representative Brian Hook: Iran photoshops images of missile launches to try and show an increased missile capability, 12:00 pm - 7 Jun 2019

WTH, please dont use sectarian language.
All of us are Muslim, does it matter who rule???? Lets allow people of above countries to held elections and themselves chose their leaders. All of us are in favor of free elections for all countries.

And for your understanding,
Yemen is Shia majority country, Ali Abdollah saleh was Shia and all rulers before him.
Syria like Lebanon is 50-50 country with huge christian population.

You believed your own lies that they are Sunni majority countries while that is false.
It is funny you talk about refugees as if they are everywhere. Do you see saudi refugees running to euope? or emaratis? or kuwaitis? The problem with you is that you live in england and you know the truth of problems faced by people in iran. I mean look at this and weep


Though i suspect you are not the weeping type. you are the bravado type. you keep talking about subhuman this subhuman that. I think treating your citizens like trash is pretty subhuman. In that you resemble the saudis. They may not put their kids through drought and open air schools like you guys do but their oppression is of a different kind.
To be honest, vast majority of Iranians immigrants abroad are very anti Islamic Republic. They despise the mullahs and the current system. This is from my personal experience with almost all Iranian colleagues/friends I have met over the years. Not one had a positive view of their current regime(which really surprised me). So I think people like the other guy you were replying to seem to be a minority.

I agree that it's surprising seeing Iranians being one of the largest immigrants to the West , they constitute one of the largest immigrants groups from a country that is not in war seeking asylum or fleeing to the West for a better life. Just one example, Iranians last year made more asylum applications to the UK than war torn countries like Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, or any other country. I guess it's because they country has been closed off and isolated for so many years. So people have less opportunities and thus try to emigrate abroad. It's normal though, Human beings always migrate for better pastures if they can.



It's kind of sad, since the country's youth are quite smart, educated and liberal in their views than those from other countries in the middle East (from my own experiences)
It's kind of sad, since the country's youth are quite smart, educated and liberal in their views than those from other countries in the middle East (from my own experiences)

Thanks. That is has been my experience as well.
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