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Iran fired cruise missiles in attack on Saudi oil facility: Senior US official

The House of Saud are the biggest problem causing instability in the region that's a given, and now with MBS as crown prince they're now much more toxic, Iran had many times reached out to them to come to an understanding and improve ties, but we know that did not come to fruition, both sides need to engage in deescalating the situation, even if one side has to swallow their pride.

I seriously don't know what the hell these sick oil sheikhs are doing.. I mean like you said destroying countries around you only empowers Israel and the US war machines. I also think it was idiotic of your president volunteering to destabilize Syria, what did that get Turkey? up to 4 million refugees? Syria was a strong buffer state, you talk about a 'gateway' that gateway was Syria, now its an open proxy playground and Israel and other powers go in and out when ever they want, Israel recently bombed Iraq, I'm pretty sure it was through the Syrian Airspace. Syria now is pretty much destroyed and many of its people are either displaced or killed. Just look at Afghanistan, its been nearly 20 bloody years and the Americans still don't want to leave due to its strategic significance, which is a very big liability to Pakistan.

The Zionists and western warmongers, have successfully played Muslims against each other through divide and conquer the oldest trick in the book, but illiterate dullards keep falling for it, we're pretty much doing their job for them. The last standing Muslim powers are Turkey, Iran and Pakistan, of which two are already facing existential threats. I also agree if Iran is attacked, then the two lasting powers are next e.g. with the recent Indian annexation of Kashmir, and Saudi Arabia calling out Turkey on Cyprus sovereignty.. all this is being carefully orchestrated to eventually allow Israel to go ahead and build the temple, without any friction.

As for turkey to begin producing better rockets/ cruise missiles, that's a given... I think Pakistan and Turkey should work closer on offensive/ defensive weapons with like minded countries like Ukraine, South Africa and China who all have a strong independent military industrial base, especially with the latter.

that is some Propaganda.

its fashionable these days to bring Israel in every Argument as means of psyops on Muslims
that is some Propaganda.

its fashionable these days to bring Israel in every Argument as means of psyops on Muslims

Some more propaganda for you there pal.

Christian evangelicals harvest land in settlements Israel hopes to annex

Maayan Lubell, Elana Ringler

SEPTEMBER 12, 2019

SHILO, West Bank (Reuters) - It’s harvest time in vineyards atop the hills of Shilo settlement in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. But it’s not Jewish settlers picking the grapes, it’s evangelical Christians.


They are volunteers for the devout U.S. evangelical group HaYovel which brings Christians to help Jewish farmers in settlements that Israel has built on land that Palestinians seek for a state.

Evangelicals have been a core support base for U.S. President Donald Trump since the 2016 election. Many are also staunch supporters of Israel, feeling a religious connection with the Jewish people and the Holy Land.

The West Bank holds special importance to evangelicals who see a divine hand in the modern-day return of Jews to a Biblical homeland - and who call the territory by its Hebrew Old Testament name, Judea and Samaria.

The founder of HaYovel, Tommy Waller, is fond of quoting a passage from the book of Jeremiah, which reads: “Again I will build thee, and thou shalt be built, O virgin of Israel...Thou shalt yet plant vines upon the mountains of Samaria.”

But that land is also at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

It is the heartland of what the Palestinians see as a future state, along with East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, territories that Israel captured in the 1967 Middle East war.

For the Tennessee-born Waller, helping the Jewish settlers cultivate the land means taking part in the fulfillment of a prophecy. “As a Christian, as a person who believes in the Bible, it was an amazing thing to get to a place where my faith was touchable,” Waller said.

“We share a commonality between Christianity and Judaism and that’s our Bible, our scripture,” said Waller at a vineyard on the outskirts of Har Bracha, another settlement whose farmers his volunteers assist.


Most of the international community regards the Israeli settlements as illegal, a view that Israel disputes.

Israeli hawks, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, claim the West Bank is vital to Israel’s security. Relinquishing it to the Palestinians could put large swaths of Israel under threat of militant attacks, they say. Palestinians say there can be no viable Palestinian state without it.


FILE PHOTO: Volunteers of the U.S.-based Christian group HaYovel harvest grapes at a vineyard on the outskirts of Har Bracha settlement in the Israeli-occupied West Bank August 26, 2019. Picture taken on August 26, 2019.

In the run-up to Israel’s election next Tuesday, Netanyahu has renewed his pledge to annex parts of the West Bank if he wins.

It’s a position that the politically powerful U.S. evangelicals have embraced.

“Evangelicals believe Judea and Samaria is Bible land, because it is,” said Mike Evans, the Texas-based founder of ‘Friends of Zion Museum’ which sits in Jerusalem. “Do we think giving up Judea and Samaria is going to bring peace? No way,” said Evans, who is a member of Trump’s Faith Initiative.

The prospect of annexation has alarmed the Palestinians, who fear that Netanyahu is likely to have Trump’s backing.

“We are worried about losing our lands,” said Izzat Qadous, a retired school teacher from the Palestinian village Irak Burin, across the way from Har Bracha.

“The same way they have annexed Jerusalem, they want to annex the West Bank and soon we will hear of Trump acknowledging the annexation of the West Bank.”

About 2.9 million Palestinians live in the West Bank, according to official Palestinian figures and more than 400,000 Israeli settlers live there, according to the Israeli statistics bureau.

Evangelical leaders lobbied Trump earlier in his presidency for his 2017 recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and his relocation of the U.S. Embassy to the holy city in 2018.

“He (Trump) is rewarding moral clarity and I believe the Jewish people should be rewarded for moral clarity with recognizing more of their land,” said Evans, referring to the West Bank.


Trump’s administration includes evangelicals at some top positions - his vice president Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who in an interview to the Christian Broadcast Network in March said that “the Lord was at work here” in respect to Trump’s Israel policies.

Evangelical support for Israel goes back decades, with political lobbying, fundraising and organized tours to the Holy Land. But some see the ties growing far stronger under both Trump and Netanyahu.

Hanan Ashrawi, a senior official of the Palestine Liberation Organization, said the evangelical base “has been wielding unprecedented and enormous influence within the United States for the sake of the “fulfillment of the prophecy,” thereby giving Israel a free hand to carry out its most hardline and destructive policies against the Palestinian people.”

Dore Gold, President of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, said Netanyahu began cultivating ties with evangelicals during his first stint as prime minister in the 1990s.

“The Prime Minister has a keen sense of trendlines in the U.S.,” said Gold.

That effort may have paid off. “Benjamin Netanyahu among the evangelicals of the world is a rock star,” Evans said.

Critics, however, say Netanyahu has alienated many liberal American Jews by embracing Christian conservatives. Even in Israel’s settlements, the evangelicals are sometimes greeted with suspicion.

Some Israelis there fear that the Christians may have a missionary agenda - seeking to convert them. Evans said his mission in life is to defend the Jewish people.

Others are nervous about some evangelical readings of the scriptures in which the Jews’ return to the Biblical land is instrumental in bringing about the end of the world, at which point those who do not accept Jesus Christ will not be saved.

“These people are pursuing God like we’re pursuing God,” said Waller. “Obviously we have our own messianic belief, but those are future things, in the kingdom to come.”

On the other hand, some settlers see the evangelicals as helping them out in fulfilling their own vision.

Nir Lavi, the owner of Har Bracha winery, says Hayovel’s contribution to his business has been more than financial.

“We are grateful,” said Lavi. “It’s a totally different phase of our own journey - the Jewish people’s redemption in their land.”

Some more propaganda for you there pal.

Christian evangelicals harvest land in settlements Israel hopes to annex

Maayan Lubell, Elana Ringler

SEPTEMBER 12, 2019

SHILO, West Bank (Reuters) - It’s harvest time in vineyards atop the hills of Shilo settlement in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. But it’s not Jewish settlers picking the grapes, it’s evangelical Christians.


They are volunteers for the devout U.S. evangelical group HaYovel which brings Christians to help Jewish farmers in settlements that Israel has built on land that Palestinians seek for a state.

Evangelicals have been a core support base for U.S. President Donald Trump since the 2016 election. Many are also staunch supporters of Israel, feeling a religious connection with the Jewish people and the Holy Land.

The West Bank holds special importance to evangelicals who see a divine hand in the modern-day return of Jews to a Biblical homeland - and who call the territory by its Hebrew Old Testament name, Judea and Samaria.

The founder of HaYovel, Tommy Waller, is fond of quoting a passage from the book of Jeremiah, which reads: “Again I will build thee, and thou shalt be built, O virgin of Israel...Thou shalt yet plant vines upon the mountains of Samaria.”

But that land is also at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

It is the heartland of what the Palestinians see as a future state, along with East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, territories that Israel captured in the 1967 Middle East war.

For the Tennessee-born Waller, helping the Jewish settlers cultivate the land means taking part in the fulfillment of a prophecy. “As a Christian, as a person who believes in the Bible, it was an amazing thing to get to a place where my faith was touchable,” Waller said.

“We share a commonality between Christianity and Judaism and that’s our Bible, our scripture,” said Waller at a vineyard on the outskirts of Har Bracha, another settlement whose farmers his volunteers assist.


Most of the international community regards the Israeli settlements as illegal, a view that Israel disputes.

Israeli hawks, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, claim the West Bank is vital to Israel’s security. Relinquishing it to the Palestinians could put large swaths of Israel under threat of militant attacks, they say. Palestinians say there can be no viable Palestinian state without it.


FILE PHOTO: Volunteers of the U.S.-based Christian group HaYovel harvest grapes at a vineyard on the outskirts of Har Bracha settlement in the Israeli-occupied West Bank August 26, 2019. Picture taken on August 26, 2019.

In the run-up to Israel’s election next Tuesday, Netanyahu has renewed his pledge to annex parts of the West Bank if he wins.

It’s a position that the politically powerful U.S. evangelicals have embraced.

“Evangelicals believe Judea and Samaria is Bible land, because it is,” said Mike Evans, the Texas-based founder of ‘Friends of Zion Museum’ which sits in Jerusalem. “Do we think giving up Judea and Samaria is going to bring peace? No way,” said Evans, who is a member of Trump’s Faith Initiative.

The prospect of annexation has alarmed the Palestinians, who fear that Netanyahu is likely to have Trump’s backing.

“We are worried about losing our lands,” said Izzat Qadous, a retired school teacher from the Palestinian village Irak Burin, across the way from Har Bracha.

“The same way they have annexed Jerusalem, they want to annex the West Bank and soon we will hear of Trump acknowledging the annexation of the West Bank.”

About 2.9 million Palestinians live in the West Bank, according to official Palestinian figures and more than 400,000 Israeli settlers live there, according to the Israeli statistics bureau.

Evangelical leaders lobbied Trump earlier in his presidency for his 2017 recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and his relocation of the U.S. Embassy to the holy city in 2018.

“He (Trump) is rewarding moral clarity and I believe the Jewish people should be rewarded for moral clarity with recognizing more of their land,” said Evans, referring to the West Bank.


Trump’s administration includes evangelicals at some top positions - his vice president Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who in an interview to the Christian Broadcast Network in March said that “the Lord was at work here” in respect to Trump’s Israel policies.

Evangelical support for Israel goes back decades, with political lobbying, fundraising and organized tours to the Holy Land. But some see the ties growing far stronger under both Trump and Netanyahu.

Hanan Ashrawi, a senior official of the Palestine Liberation Organization, said the evangelical base “has been wielding unprecedented and enormous influence within the United States for the sake of the “fulfillment of the prophecy,” thereby giving Israel a free hand to carry out its most hardline and destructive policies against the Palestinian people.”

Dore Gold, President of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, said Netanyahu began cultivating ties with evangelicals during his first stint as prime minister in the 1990s.

“The Prime Minister has a keen sense of trendlines in the U.S.,” said Gold.

That effort may have paid off. “Benjamin Netanyahu among the evangelicals of the world is a rock star,” Evans said.

Critics, however, say Netanyahu has alienated many liberal American Jews by embracing Christian conservatives. Even in Israel’s settlements, the evangelicals are sometimes greeted with suspicion.

Some Israelis there fear that the Christians may have a missionary agenda - seeking to convert them. Evans said his mission in life is to defend the Jewish people.

Others are nervous about some evangelical readings of the scriptures in which the Jews’ return to the Biblical land is instrumental in bringing about the end of the world, at which point those who do not accept Jesus Christ will not be saved.

“These people are pursuing God like we’re pursuing God,” said Waller. “Obviously we have our own messianic belief, but those are future things, in the kingdom to come.”

On the other hand, some settlers see the evangelicals as helping them out in fulfilling their own vision.

Nir Lavi, the owner of Har Bracha winery, says Hayovel’s contribution to his business has been more than financial.

“We are grateful,” said Lavi. “It’s a totally different phase of our own journey - the Jewish people’s redemption in their land.”


Hope is all everyone have. Just like you hope Muslims can be united.
It does look like US is not eager to fight another devastating war for allies that are largely incompetent in this domain.

For reference: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/why-...ans-regional-domination.635775/#post-11772949

If US will do something, it will be for its allies such as Israel and Turkey as these two are capable in their own right.

But its getting obvious Iran is "decapitating" US's tentacles and appendages in the Middle eat. US ME proxies are either getting attacked, financially drained, or extorted, etc. Weird times. Iran took a big risk, but it looks like no one(so far) wants to worsen this situation...
All the sophisticated weapons being used against Saudi Arabia have the following footprints,

Russian weapons technology ==> Iran (weapons assembling) ==> Yemen (weapons firing site)

It is all Russian weapons technology, a third world country like Iran cannot produce/develop any kind of drones from scratch.

Go back to sleep kid.

Iran is one of the top drone powers.

Iran is becoming a drone superpower


Russia is new to the club. Matter of fact, they're interested in importing Iranian UAV tech:

Russia to import drone technology from Iran


I sense your behind is burning. It's okay. Go sooth your burning behind.

LOOOOOLs ... What do you smoke bro ?

What ever it is ... very good stuff :enjoy:


This forum should have an IQ test as part of the registration process. Most of these clowns don't have an IQ above 60.
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From Afghanistan to Syria, Iran has helped US otherwise ISIS would not have relocated from Syria to Afghanistan so smoothly.

Even in Iraq Iran war, the Contra affair is not hidden.
Iran has helped US????LMAOOOOOOOOOOO. is this intentional or unintentional trolling? Pakistan has helped US more than Iran. you guys gave them drone bases to go after "terrorists" aka your govts enemies, but they still killed civilians. YOu guys took US aid for development and instead used ita for military activities and technology, and US didnt even cut you guys off completely. you should be grateful to US. YOu've harbored AQ leadership, and US hasnt sanctioned you guys. I think Pakistan and US are actually good friends, you both just say some mean things that are pre-planned in public. go think about that.

Iran hasn't been banned from agriculture or medicine imports. Iran can also export fertiliser and other essential goods. Iran has enough foreign exchange accumulated to sustain itself. What is being chokes is funds to intervene globally. Starvation would another issue when sanctions on food is applied
You have a hard time undertanding the BIG picture. and you're stubborn, so i'll let you rest this one out. If you were trolling Pakistanis like this on PDF you would've been banned already. thank your lucky stars you're only trolling Iranian.
Iran has helped US????LMAOOOOOOOOOOO. is this intentional or unintentional trolling? Pakistan has helped US more than Iran. you guys gave them drone bases to go after "terrorists" aka your govts enemies, but they still killed civilians. YOu guys took US aid for development and instead used ita for military activities and technology, and US didnt even cut you guys off completely. you should be grateful to US. YOu've harbored AQ leadership, and US hasnt sanctioned you guys. I think Pakistan and US are actually good friends, you both just say some mean things that are pre-planned in public. go think about that.

Pakistan and US historically been good friends. Pakistan is quite open about it unlike the Iranian Regime who sells the Satan Mantra for internal consumption and does the opposite on ground level.

From the Invasion of Afghanistan to Syria, US and Iran both play in Tandem and even the Kurdish scenario with Turkey.
Pakistan and US historically been good friends. Pakistan is quite open about it unlike the Iranian Regime who sells the Satan Mantra for internal consumption and does the opposite on ground level.

From the Invasion of Afghanistan to Syria, US and Iran both play in Tandem and even the Kurdish scenario with Turkey.
coincidence of state interests =/= alliance.

Only a rookie will seriously make comments like "Iran and US are working together". When i read that it only tells me that 1) you dont know whats currently happening and 2) You cant see beyond the conspiracy theories you believe in that give your weird brain confirmation bias. Read and learn more.
Trump says we expect Saudi's to do bulk of work and that includes money too or something along those lines. Trump is making international community doubt that the US will come to aid of Saudi Arabia in this tense era and if a war broke out.
Trump says we expect Saudi's to do bulk of work and that includes money too or something along those lines. Trump is making international community doubt that the US will come to aid of Saudi Arabia in this tense era and if a war broke out.
Because US govt doesnt want to tell the world it has "bigger fish to fry" aka containing China.
Trump says we expect Saudi's to do bulk of work and that includes money too or something along those lines. Trump is making international community doubt that the US will come to aid of Saudi Arabia in this tense era and if a war broke out.

Iran shot down a us drone. And the yanks did nothing. If iran blows up riyadh america wont do shit. Their commander in chief is sheep. Timid witless sheep. iran knows this. That's why they can hijack tankers, and bomb oil facilities with no problems
Iran shot down a us drone. And the yanks did nothing. If iran blows up riyadh america wont do shit. Their commander in chief is sheep. Timid witless sheep. iran knows this. That's why they can hijack tankers, and bomb oil facilities with no problems

What are Saudi Arabia's options if attacks continue? Are you Saudi btw? I think I remember you.

Anyhow, it's not doom and gloom for Saudi Arabia, but they have to take corrective steps soon and make preparations in consultation with their Arab allies regarding a scenario where Iranian attacks continue and might escalate.
It does look like US is not eager to fight another devastating war for allies that are largely incompetent in this domain.

For reference: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/why-...ans-regional-domination.635775/#post-11772949

If US will do something, it will be for its allies such as Israel and Turkey as these two are capable in their own right.

Lool at turkey. The americans distrust the turks now especially since erdogan became a beta loser and sold turkey to putin and russia in exchange for leniency in syria. And israel does not need america to fight for it. Israel has enough to destroy iran on its own. The only thing israel needs from america is ammunition when their stockpiles gets depeleted in any war.

In any case what this incident proved is that abu minshar or mr bone saw MBS only knows how chain saw journalists, arrest women activists and religious scholars.

When it comes to defending his country from the ayatollahs he is just like trump. A coward. And that will be his undoing. A leader who can't muster a fightback is seldom respected in jazira al arab

What are Saudi Arabia's options if attacks continue? Are you Saudi btw? I think I remember you.

Anyhow, it's not doom and gloom for Saudi Arabia, but they have to take corrective steps soon and make preparations in consultation with their Arab allies regarding a scenario where Iranian attacks continue and might escalate.
I am not saudi.

If the saudis had any smarts, they would mobilise their airforce and air defense batteries. Put them all on their coast facing iran and then use their F15 SAs that they paid millions for to destroy iran's oil facilities. Iran will strike back with missiles and it would be carnage on both sides. But the message will be sent to khamenei and sulaimani. Right now khamenei knows he can bomb MBS's palace at will
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