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Iran fired cruise missiles in attack on Saudi oil facility: Senior US official

MBS is certainly in a bad domestic position now. Saudi's are openly expressing their frustrations following this attack. He needs to now come out of this with an achievement. Either by responding militarily or by getting his allies to pledge a military response against Iran if one more attack happens. Otherwise he is at risk of a coup.
Please continue defending Iran,because cavemen are able to make drones and cruise missiles now.

You see my friend, despite my clear comments, you still laid the accusation of supporting Iran.
I only asked to share proofs. I am sceptical that's all.
The timing is very peculiar. IF Iran has done that, then it is the most stupid nation on earth.
You see my friend, despite my clear comments, you still laid the accusation of supporting Iran.
I only asked to share proofs. I am sceptical that's all.
The timing is very peculiar. IF Iran has done that, then it is the most stupid nation on earth.

It's not stupid, they have diplomatic back channels and may have got an impression that the US will not come to the aid of Saudi Arabia. They also are in a good geographic and political position to take such military action right now. Whole of Europe wants the US to get back into nuclear deal and whole of Asia doesn't want war in their backyard. And due to Saudi tensions with Qatar and Turkey, even now UAE to some extent. Saudi is in a unfortunate position with everything going wrong for them so Iran gonna attack the weak player as expected.

Keep in mind Egypt as well does not want any Saudi-Iranian war. Arabs are threatened by both expansionist Israel and Iran and they waited too long to address both threats and they are facing consequences today.
This again proves the old wise saying "It is NOT the gun, it is the MAN behind the gun". You can acquire all the weapons in the world but if you are incompetent to the core then none of those weapons is going to help you in case of an armed conflict.
My concern isn't about the competence or incompetence of the players involved. My concern is that geopolitically speaking...it would be bad for Pak if a war broke out between Iran/GCC.
I am not saudi.

If the saudis had any smarts, they would mobilise their airforce and air defense batteries. Put them all on their coast facing iran and then use their F15 SAs that they paid millions for to destroy iran's oil facilities. Iran will strike back with missiles and it would be carnage on both sides. But the message will be sent to khamenei and sulaimani. Right now khamenei knows he can bomb MBS's palace at will

If Saudi's were smart they would do a strike on some Iranian targets and it would automatically drag everyone into the war if Iranians aren't bluffing about responding. Saudis need to make a decision for their future of for future of Arabs in region. Saudi's certainly won't be alone and won't be only ones suffering casualties. Other Arab nations will be involved and so will Israel.

They need to push Iran to the test and realize there is no avoiding this war. The longer you push it off the more costly the war will be. It's an existential threat to them that they can't ignore.
If Saudi's were smart they would do a strike on some Iranian targets and it would automatically drag everyone into the war if Iranians aren't bluffing about responding. Saudis need to make a decision for their future of for future of Arabs in region. Saudi's certainly won't be alone and won't be only ones suffering casualties. Other Arab nations will be involved and so will Israel.

They need to push Iran to the test and realize there is no avoiding this war. The longer you push it off the more costly the war will be. It's an existential threat to them that they can't ignore.

Basically the Saudis and GCC have entered the blind ally. The war is inevitable.
Similarly, the war is inevitable between Pakistan and India.

The Gulf Arabs and Pakistan both are making blunders. You cannot please bullies by keeping quiet and avoiding the confrontation. It gives them further time and space to plan how to destroy you.
If Saudi's were smart they would do a strike on some Iranian targets and it would automatically drag everyone into the war if Iranians aren't bluffing about responding. Saudis need to make a decision for their future of for future of Arabs in region. Saudi's certainly won't be alone and won't be only ones suffering casualties. Other Arab nations will be involved and so will Israel.

They need to push Iran to the test and realize there is no avoiding this war. The longer you push it off the more costly the war will be. It's an existential threat to them that they can't ignore.
there was a post in iranian chill thread regarding how US see Iranian-Saudi conflict, unlike us people here in PDF that look to history and gossips that Persians want to revenge qadissiah or they are shias trying to enslave Sunnis, the analyzer person looks at numbers. the short version of story is US wants to sacrifice PGCC by our hand to make profit and it's vital for them to keep their position against rival china and their plan includes the EU and china too.
this plan is so important for them that even if Iran loose they will directly arm us to maintain balance. they want money and not just a piece of it they want all. it's a desperate time for them and they are willing to sacrifice some of their allies even Europeans.
the war is the only thing they want.
Its no joke. It was a sophisticated attack which houthis themselves cannot engineered unless provided technological and hardware help from Iran directly. Iranis are good at drone tech and the attack at Saudis facilities just proved that.
It also proves they are pussies..i mean i would have exepected them to drop couple of 100s guide bombs in iran but nothing
I dont see any good in this

I had constantly warned against Iran than I was called a wahhabi Isis whatever.. than I began to warn about another rising problem wich managed to be eaqually worse and concerning me more than iranian madness.. we are currently on a sunni shia regional war where the powerhungry sauds really exploit the situation.. by constantly warning against them I earned the name shaitan the ultra nationalist arab hater..

but let it go I see further destruction coming if it goes further this directionthe Lebanon may be in the same situation like yemen.. and egypt with trumps best dictator may also face a real blow and war they call them Isis I do not think that isis is in egypt just some muslims fighting against a bloody dictator and labeled as isis to gain support.. where all this is happening and threatening the stability in ME the EU US and Israel will gain more and more power.. also al sauds extrem hate and agression against anyone who could have a say in this region (qatar, egypt turkey) is extreem dangerous and could end in destruction.. I say if sauds would be sucessfull and unite some arabs under their throne than definitivly they will form an army against turkey because turkey is the last wall..

the romans need a gateway to enter ME and they need to pass turkey so I really think there is a great chance (if Sauds would form an alliance) that turkey would be hit by a coalition of arabs and europeans (if all goes bad direction) I dont think we would have any helper from the human side

all this would depend on sauds to be successfull dispite the illusions of some iotic ppl there wont be any friendly move from saudi arabia towards turkey.. for those brining me in iranian corner they are clueless I dont think iranians as friends.. but for strategic issues we should not allow and support any instability that would cause also harm to our state.. (refugees and if iran is gone than it would mean we are next)

so I think turkey should begin with better rockets or cruise missles wich also could be build in a garage to travel 1000 km I am not against extreem high tech but low tech is also valueable und usefull we need both

our missle industry is ok but it needs some boost and specially bigger warheads

I don't it is only Turkey, but Pakistan wouldn't want destruction of Iran and upheaval in its back waters and borders. In recent jostling with India, Pakistanis are learning the lessons from the Arabs.
I think all three countries should wise up and start close cooperation.

Another angle everyone is missing is the involvement of Russians and Chinese in any ME turmoil. I am certain as day, that both countries wouldn't sit idle and watch USA create havoc in the region. Recent Chinese announcement of investment in Iran is a clue and indicator given to the aggressors by the Chinese.
As for Russia, it had stood its ground in Syria and have stopped fall of Asad for years now. I think it is going to play the same role for Iran.

Things are complicated without shadow of a doubt. But I think the wars are inevitable. Americans didn't come to ME and Afghanistan without a reason.

The preparation for the third temple are in full swing. There is the reason, if you have forgotten. Don't forget the name Kushner.

No one should forget the "Hadiths" of our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW in this connection. These things will come to pass, without shadow of a doubt.
Of course they will. Give me 1 million dollars, I will take the responsibility too. In fact I will also provide the story that how I did that.
Money talks.

It’s not like the Houthis have a legit Instagram, facebook, or twitter account. Media can literally say any group claimed any attack. It’s not like they are going to come out and say “no we did not bomb that place” or “we did not kill that person” I mean, if CIA were to detonate a bomb in New York tomorrow, and media would say Houthis have claimed responsibility. How can we know whether they did actually claim responsibility or not? I always wondered about this

All the sophisticated weapons being used against Saudi Arabia have the following footprints,

Russian weapons technology ==> Iran (weapons assembling) ==> Yemen (weapons firing site)

It is all Russian weapons technology, a third world country like Iran cannot produce/develop any kind of drones from scratch.

Jealous? Our drone tech is much better than Russia’s. They even asked for our expertise in drone tech many times... unlike you. We are not a third world country
It’s not like the Houthis have a legit Instagram, facebook, or twitter account. Media can literally say any group claimed any attack. It’s not like they are going to come out and say “no we did not bomb that place” or “we did not kill that person” I mean, if CIA were to detonate a bomb in New York tomorrow, and media would say Houthis have claimed responsibility. How can we know whether they did actually claim responsibility or not? I always wondered about this

Jealous? Our drone tech is much better than Russia’s. They even asked for our expertise in drone tech many times... unlike you. We are not a third world country
Yes sir that exactly was my point. But people think it were really houthis who did that.
coincidence of state interests =/= alliance.

Only a rookie will seriously make comments like "Iran and US are working together". When i read that it only tells me that 1) you dont know whats currently happening and 2) You cant see beyond the conspiracy theories you believe in that give your weird brain confirmation bias. Read and learn more.

I have always said Satan and Mullah cannot survive without each other. Both sell blood
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