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Iran fired cruise missiles in attack on Saudi oil facility: Senior US official

I have always said Satan and Mullah cannot survive without each other. Both sell blood
remember how this discussion first started : YOU said Iran and US are friends and work together. After i confronted your bs propaganda, you admitted : "Pakistan and US have historically been friends". You accuse Iran of doing what your country does,which makes you a hypocrite. I have nothing else to say about this. Trolling seems to be your lifestyle.

CNN says Saudi-US investigation came to conclusion that attack came from Iranian region bordering Iraq. Other media outlets say the UK is discussing with Germany the need to do a joint response with their allies(US and Saudi). Now it all depends on if Saudi Arabia comes out publicly and implicates Iran. That will mean we may have something then.
Problem with this is that as of today, Persian gulf is death trap for any anti-Iran forces. Once EU + US troops and ships enter persian gulf and there is conflict, they will be lucky to escape unscathed. THis is not to say Iran wont take hits or get strikes, but western countries dont care to attack if the attack will lead to their soldiers facing real life threats.
remember how this discussion first started : YOU said Iran and US are friends and work together. After i confronted your bs propaganda, you admitted : "Pakistan and US have historically been friends". You accuse Iran of doing what your country does,which makes you a hypocrite. I have nothing else to say about this. Trolling seems to be your lifestyle.

Problem with this is that as of today, Persian gulf is death trap for any anti-Iran forces. Once EU + US troops and ships enter persian gulf and there is conflict, they will be lucky to escape unscathed. THis is not to say Iran wont take hits or get strikes, but western countries dont care to attack if the attack will lead to their soldiers facing real life threats.

unlike Iran, Pakistan does not label US as Great Satan
I read Saudi will continue producing oil at its normal rate within 2-3 weeks. Price of oil is down 4%
Problem with this is that as of today, Persian gulf is death trap for any anti-Iran forces. Once EU + US troops and ships enter persian gulf and there is conflict, they will be lucky to escape unscathed. THis is not to say Iran wont take hits or get strikes, but western countries dont care to attack if the attack will lead to their soldiers facing real life threats.

If there is actually an strike it will an aerial strike of the base or area where this attack originated from. I don't see Iran responding. If it does, then the situation from there depends on how Iran responds.

This attack was more of a warning. You could see by the incredible accuracy they were proving point that if they wanted, they could have wiped out those containers. saudis got the message.

Saudi's got message for what? You are trying to send a message to the US and your supreme leaders statements today confirms that. However, I'm getting no impression that the US is lifting the 'maximum pressure' sanctions.
If there is actually an strike it will an aerial strike of the base or area where this attack originated from. I don't see Iran responding. If it does, then the situation from there depends on how Iran responds.

What are you talking about? You think Iran would not respond? Are you insane? dude, Iran even did not let a tanker hijacking go without a response, you think if the yankees attack it will not retaliate?

Saudi's got message for what?

That answer to that question is literally in the comment you quoted. o_O
What are you talking about? You think Iran would not respond? Are you insane? dude, Iran even did not let a tanker hijacking go without a response, you think if the yankees attack it will not retaliate?

You will respond against Saudi's only. I doubt you have guts to target US bases in the region or even Israel. That's assuming you guys aren't bluffing. Since Iran knows well that there will be no winner in such a war. It wants to continue its current path and play its cards to get nuclear deal reinstated. It does not want a war.
And who going to dare to target such facilities in Iran?

Lol, you won't be saying that with your tin pot military.

America can, Israel can, Saudi can and their proxies can. It's not big deal.

If you are involved you will get the same in response but as your government has denied it, and rightly so, it will be foolish to do any such act. Chinese will not like it at all since they are going against American led efforts to block any investment in Iran. Mullah regime is stupid but not this much.
You will respond against Saudi's only. I doubt you have guts to target US bases in the region or even Israel. That's assuming you guys aren't bluffing. Since Iran knows well that there will be no winner in such a war. It wants to continue its current path and play its cards to get nuclear deal reinstated. It does not want a war.

That's your conjecture. Mark my words, if the americans make a move, they will be spanked, then it's up to them how much they want to escalate further. This is why americans have not dared to initiate a conflict.
That's your conjecture. Mark my words, if the americans make a move, they will be spanked, then it's up to them how much they want to escalate further. This is why americans have not dared to initiate a conflict.

How about we just leave it to Saudi, Iranian, US leadership. Deterrence is not built on a forum. I still don't expect Saudi's to publicly announce that the attack came from Iranian territory as they too want to avoid an war. However, they are more in need of a response, so they would be making a mistake. Let's wait and see what the Saudi's say and go from there.
Lol, you won't be saying that with your tin pot military.

A tiny tiny fraction of that tin pot military just wiped out 50% of your saudi master's oil capacity.

Even the Americans were highly impressed in the accuracy of those attacks.

America can, Israel can, Saudi can and their proxies can. It's not big deal.

Saudis just got raped by a small Iranian proxy. Israel can't eve handle hezbollah and the americans don't have the balls to start a conflict, even after being humiliated by Iran again and again.

If you are involved you will get the same in response but as your government has denied it, and rightly so, it will be foolish to do any such act. Chinese will not like it at all since they are going against American led efforts to block any investment in Iran. Mullah regime is stupid but not this much.

Anyone with a brain knows Iran was involved, but your saudi masters are too weak and pathetic to respond.

High probability' Saudi attack launched from Iranian base near Iraq


Even if the attacks did not come directly from Iran, they were 100% ordered by it. So stop embarrassing yourself clown.
For Iran to do this from their territory most certainly means they want a Saudi response so they have an excuse to wreak havoc on Saudi/UAE/Bahrain oil facilities and that way will force the US either to get back into nuclear deal or deescalate or that doesn't work out and a regional war erupts. Question is who will back Saudi and Iran in such a scenario.

Iran upped the ante big time and is making it clear it is close to igniting or going to war but there is nothing being done in regards to the oil sanctions/nuclear deal. So Trump administration policy does not make sense here. They should have expected this.

For Saudis they are learning the hard way that they can't continue being passive in the region and to have a more offensive strategy and secure as many allies as it can in the region. Saudis are now realizing they can't look outside the region for their security. As ultimately they need allies in their local area and proxies like Iran has.

US military on other hand is always ready. But, US political establishment and economy, and US public are not. Much of this has to do with incompetence of these Arab regimes, US can't rely on them to do the work that is necessary on the ground if they provided aerial support for them and greatly weakened Iranian infrastructure. So problem for US is most likely Iran and proxies will invade Saudi Arabia and and US will have to clean that up which is the last thing they want.

So the US has no reliable/competent Arab partner on the ground which can mobilize proxies or its own troops to do what would be necessary in Yemen, Syria or Iraq. As more than one country will get dragged into such a war. This is why war would be deadly. Arab incompetence is much more powerful than what Iran can do.
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As ultimately they need allies in their local area and proxies like Iran has.

I think the saudis need to understand and accept they're no match for Iran. So the best thing they can do is simply improve their relations with Iran and stop any silly attempts to play a regional game of chess with Iran. The saudis need realise, they're not a player, but something that is being played by the real players, in their case, the US. They therefore need to weigh whether them being used in this way is worth the ultimate price. This ultimate price without a doubt will be the end of that al saud family. If the saudis improve their relations with Iran, I do genuinely believe, they would be much more secure in the long term. Iran may not like them and may (not guaranteed to happen) eventually dispose them, but should they pursue to appease Iran, then at least for a while they don't need to keep checking under the beds every-night for Iran.

One thing's for sure, Iran can offer them much more security than these pathetic americans have offered thus far.
A small fraction of that ton pot military just wiped out 50% of your saudi master's oil capacity.

Saudi master? Having a laugh? What are you then? Ameeican co** su****? Because of them you enjoy ingress in Iraq and Afghanistan. Watch your mouth you little pretty boy.

Funny though , watching you Persian keyboard warriors having wankfest while your government vehemently denying any involvement.

Listen kid, they can hit anywhere in Iran it's not a problem. For your own sake I hope and I do believe you were not involved.

Saudis just got raped by a small Iranian proxy. Israel can't eve handle hezbollah and the americans don't have the balls to start a conflict, even after being humiliated by Iran again and again.

You can understand what this tweet was about, if you have brains.

With tin pot military, your odds are worse then David and goliath.

Anyone with a brain knows Iran was involved, but your saudi masters are too weak and pathetic to respond.

High probability' Saudi attack launched from Iranian base near Iraq


They are framing you in and you are gladly offering your arses towards flying arrows. Your government is denying it, Chinese are rejecting American narrative (for obvious reasons), it's just you hyper Persians full of empty bravado are busy in armpit f@rts contest.
This attack was more of a warning. You could see by the incredible accuracy they were proving point that if they wanted, they could have wiped out those containers. saudis got the message.

Yeah I read that also somewhere. It’s exactly same as when the uae tanker got blasted without even spilling oil. They say the strike was so accurate and precise that it sent a message without causing any spill at all. Now same happened to Saudi. Message sent without causing real damage
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