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Iran fired cruise missiles in attack on Saudi oil facility: Senior US official

For Iran to do this from their territory most certainly means they want a Saudi response so they have an excuse to wreak havoc on Saudi/UAE/Bahrain oil facilities and that way will force the US either to get back into nuclear deal or deescalate or that doesn't work out and a regional war erupts. Question is who will back Saudi and Iran in such a scenario.

Iran upped the ante big time and is making it clear it is close to igniting or going to war but there is nothing being done in regards to the oil sanctions/nuclear deal. So Trump administration policy does not make sense here. They should have expected this.

For Saudis they are learning the hard way that they can't continue being passive in the region and to have a more offensive strategy and secure as many allies as it can in the region. Saudis are now realizing they can't look outside the region for their security. As ultimately they need allies in their local area and proxies like Iran has.

US military on other hand is always ready. But, US political establishment and economy, and US public are not. Much of this has to do with incompetence of these Arab regimes, US can't rely on them to do the work that is necessary on the ground if they provided aerial support for them and greatly weakened Iranian infrastructure. So problem for US is most likely Iran and proxies will invade Saudi Arabia and and US will have to clean that up which is the last thing they want.

So the US has no reliable/competent Arab partner on the ground which can mobilize proxies or its own troops to do what would be necessary in Yemen, Syria or Iraq. As more than one country will get dragged into such a war. This is why war would be deadly. Arab incompetence is much more powerful than what Iran can do.

You are a walking cliche.
even Putin is trolling them now... LOL

Saudis have told the americans this is their "9/11"

just imagine the shock and insecurity this sends thru the Saudi regime. This was literally their most economically vital asset in the country. Half your oil gets processed here and everything in your country depends on oil exports.

you spend 10s of billions on supposedly "top of the line" American garbage. And a bunch of barefooted militia men can wipe out your most strategic asset, and shut down half your government revenue without even knowing which direction you got hit from, (let alone having the American junk intercept anything)

no wonder Putin is piling on with the trolling. Where are all the military analyst to analyze this catastrophic failure of American wunder weaponry?
You're a slave of the saudis through and through.

I pi** on both Persians and bedoins , both are horn of devil stuck in muslim world. Happy now?

If you weren't brain dead, you'd know no government would ever come and and just take responsibility for something like this, even if they are obviously behind it.

Lol. Persian keyboard warriors like yourself must a real pain to deal with by Iranian establishment. Hell bend on fuking up country own interest.

LMAO what?

Exactly! A typical clueless Persian. Lol

lol what? so Iran ordered this attack because Chinese are investing billions in Iran :rofl:
Even a donkey could come up with better conspiracy theory

Mate, you are extraordinarily thick. :D
I pi** on both Persians and bedoins , both are horn of devil stuck in muslim world. Happy now?

But people like you are slaves for those Bedouins kid. Don't bad mouth your masters.

As for Persians, don't forget what language your national anthem is.

Lol. Persian keyboard warriors like yourself must a real pain to deal with by Iranian establishment. Hell bend on fuking up country own interest.

Right now Iran is a regional superpower that is pawning your masters. Not bad interests to look out for, hey?

Exactly! A typical clueless Persian. Lol

Donkey IQ statements like that only deserve the comment I made.

Mate, you are extraordinarily thick. :D

Says the moron that think Iran attacked the saudis right after Chinese investment plans to what? sabotage the deal? either that or you think the attack was made by the US or something. Either way, retarded level thinking.
This sounds like what you say when you know i've won the argument. at least you didnt attack me.

an argument is not to be won or lost. Why do you Think your truth is the only Truth and others dont get to have theirs?

Infallible Authority only belongs to Ayatullah Khamanei.
"Should" implies a suggestion, not a dictation!

should implies dictation.

however you MAY choose to disagree

But people like you are slaves for those Bedouins kid. Don't bad mouth your masters.

As for Persians, don't forget what language your national anthem is.

Right now Iran is a regional superpower that is pawning your masters. Not bad interests to look out for, hey?

Donkey IQ statements like that only deserve the comment I made.

Says the moron that think Iran attacked the saudis right after Chinese investment plans to what? sabotage the deal? either that or you think the attack was made by the US or something. Either way, retarded level thinking.

hahaha nice to see you knock some sense in these pro Arab trolls
an argument is not to be won or lost. Why do you Think your truth is the only Truth and others dont get to have theirs?
because I disproved yours and you failed to disprove mine? we had an argument about something and instead of arguing your point or discounting mine, you've gone philosophical. pls. im out of this now.
because I disproved yours and you failed to disprove mine? we had an argument about something and instead of arguing your point or discounting mine, you've gone philosophical. pls. im out of this now.

You can simply tell me how ISIS made its way from Syria to Afghanistan via Iran.

Argument will be yours.
General Ghassem needs to teach these fools a lesson

Qassem is just a poster boy, lol.

I pi** on both Persians and bedoins , both are horn of devil stuck in muslim world. Happy now?

Lol. Persian keyboard warriors like yourself must a real pain to deal with by Iranian establishment. Hell bend on fuking up country own interest.

Exactly! A typical clueless Persian. Lol

Mate, you are extraordinarily thick. :D

They attacked weak Saudi Arabia with a well know cowardly government and it was a big achievement for them it doesn't mean nothing when it comes to the US or Israel. There's a reason why they keep taking hits from Israel over and over again in Syria and Iraq without responding. Because they know Israel is competent and during the same day they will announce culprits and retaliate.
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