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Iran fired cruise missiles in attack on Saudi oil facility: Senior US official

Saudi master? Having a laugh? What are you then? Ameeican co** su****? Because of them you enjoy ingress in Iraq and Afghanistan. Watch your mouth you little pretty boy.

You sound like their slave with your nonsense.

Listen kid, they can hit anywhere in Iran it's not a problem. For your own sake I hope and I do believe you were not involved.

Yeah sure, let them go ahead then, what's stopping them? Iranian proxy just raped them using Iranian hardware.

You can understand what this tweet was about, if you have brains.

Him posting a picture of an SLV that caught fire during the launch process is suppose to mean something only in the mind of you kids

With tin pot military, your odds are worse then David and goliath.

But a fraction of that tin pot military just raped your masters in saudi arabia and even the americans very shocked and impressed by the level of accuracy of those attacks.

They are framing you in and you are gladly offering your arses towards flying arrows. Your government is denying it, Chinese are rejecting American narrative (for obvious reasons), it's just you hyper Persians full of empty bravado are busy in armpit f@rts contest.

What are you blabbering about? So Iran is not to blame? then who is? aliens? saudis themselves? let me guess, Israel?

Like I said, even if Iran is not directly involved itself, it definitely gave the order.

I hope you're trolling, because they can do much better than you if they had Islamist government in Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Al-Saud is actually was is greatly hindering the Saudis and limiting their potential. Iran is dealing with very passive and weak adversaries in the Gulf. Most of them were normal bediouns before they discovered oil, and they don't like wars or want to fight wars. Instead they are trying to focus on developing their nations and economy but now have to deal with many threats/unstable region.

How is this exactly a response to what I said? even if your wish was true regarding them having another form government and its outcome, is that what they have now?

Like I said, they're no match for Iran. If you can't accept that then keep watching this show and see what keeps happening.
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I think the saudis need to understand and accept they're no match for Iran. So the best thing they can do is simply improve their relations with Iran and stop any silly attempts to play a regional game of chess with Iran. The saudis need realise, they're not a player, but something that is being played by the real players, in their case, the US. They therefore need to weigh whether them being used in this way is worth the ultimate price. This ultimate price without a doubt will be the end of that al saud family. If the saudis improve their relations with Iran, I do genuinely believe, they would be much more secure in the long term. Iran may not like them and may (not guaranteed to happen) eventually dispose them, but should they pursue to appease Iran, then at least for a while they don't need to keep checking under the beds every-night for Iran.

One thing's for sure, Iran can offer them much more security than these pathetic americans have offered thus far.

I hope you're trolling, because they can do much better than you if they had Islamist government in Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Al-Saud is actually greatly hindering the Saudis and limiting their potential. Iran is dealing with very passive and weak adversaries in the Gulf. Most of them were normal bediouns before they discovered oil, and they don't like wars or want to fight wars. Instead they are trying to focus on developing their nations and economy but now have to deal with many threats/unstable region.
How is this exactly a response to what I said? even if your wish was true regarding them having another form government and its outcome, is that what they have now?

Like I said, they're no match for Iran. If you can't accept that then keep watching this show and see what keeps happening.

I already know they are no match for Iran, because of their war with Sunni Islamists and losing all their allies in the region and general incompetence. If an Islamist government took over they could actually make something out of Saudi Arabia. In the meantime, it seems like Saudi's will ignore this attack out of fear. And their state media is talking about the conflict in Libya. So they are still focused on Muslim Brotherhood more than anything. And Iran would need to up the ante again.
@Falcon29 I'm not trying to intimidate KSA or spread anti Saudi propaganda, i am telling the truth. US want to rebuild it's economy and is willing to sacrifice some allies, not just PGCC they are doing it with Europeans too. they want Iran to target Saudis and they want all of their money meaning complete destruction. it is not good for them to start a war with Iran.
I already know they are no match for Iran, because of their war with Sunni Islamists and losing all their allies in the region and general incompetence. If an Islamist government took over they could actually make something out of Saudi Arabia. In the meantime, it seems like Saudi's will ignore this attack out of fear. And their state media is talking about the conflict in Libya. So they are still focused on Muslim Brotherhood more than anything. And Iran would need to up the ante again.

That's why I made that statement. Them appeasing Iran is one of the way I see them coming out of this mess.
Don't forget, the al saud family fears such islamist government. It will be their death warrant.
@Falcon29 I'm not trying to intimidate KSA or spread anti Saudi propaganda, i am telling the truth. US want to rebuild it's economy and is willing to sacrifice some allies, not just PGCC they are doing it with Europeans too. they want Iran to target Saudis and they want all of their money meaning complete destruction. it is not good for them to start a war with Iran.

Go tell that to Saudi's , but I'm not stupid and don't need to hear your conspiracy theories. A war would be in best of interest of Saudi and Arab Sunni people for their long term. Arab Sunnis need to establish a Caliphate and say bye bye to their current governments and never allow them back again.

That's why I made that statement. Them appeasing Iran is one of the way I see them coming out of this mess.
Don't forget, the al saud family fears such islamist government. It will be their death warrant.

Considering how low and pathetic Al-Saud is I won't be surprised if they give de-escalatory messages to Iran under the table. Which is just another reason why Saudi's need to overthrow them.
Go tell that to Saudi's , but I'm not stupid and don't need to hear your conspiracy theories. A war would be in best of interest of Saudi and Arab Sunni people for their long term. Arab Sunnis need to establish a Caliphate and say bye bye to their current governments and never allow them back again.
i knew you guys think my words are just conspiracy theories, but just remember i warned you.
Iranians are smart people, they have plan in place to conquer Gulf/Saudi Arabia with help of Shia proxies of course. And they will not take it far with the US or Israel. Once they succeed with their plan, all that will be left of Arabs to repel them are Moroccans, Tunisians, Libyans, Algerians and Egyptians from the West. And in order to get to Saudi Arabia they have to come from the West and get through Israel and the US.

So ironically, the country screaming 'death to Israel and USA' is actually relying on Israel and the US as a shield to protect them from the only possible Arab reprisal which will come from the Islamic West(Maghreb).
You sound like their slave with your nonsense.

Only if you pull your head out of your arse, you might understand what I am saying.

I am PROUD slave of PAKISTAN, end of.

Him posting a picture of an SLV that caught fire during the laugh process is suppose to mean something only in the mind of you kids

That is the problem with you Persian turds, you simply do not get the message.

But a fraction of that tin pot military just raped your masters in saudi arabia and even the americans very shocked and impressed by the level of accuracy of those attacks.

The way you are going about, it seems you lot are more bootlickers of Zionists then bedoins. Seems like a competition going on between Persians and arabs as to who can please the master more.

What are you blabbering about? So Iran is not to blame? then who is? aliens? saudis themselves? let me guess, Israel?

Like I said, even if Iran is not directly involved itself, it definitely gave the order.

Why dont you ask your own government who is denying, as to who is behind this?

Not a single Persian, alteast on this forum is grasping the bigger picture. It's about containment of China, and timing couldn't have been more obvious when literally days after China pledged around 290 billion dollars in Iran energy sector to secure its energy supplies. As an extension of CPEC,and that's where Pakistan interest lies. So pretty please, dont fuk it up.
i knew you guys think my words are just conspiracy theories, but just remember i warned you.

No we're not gonna 'remember' anything, calm down , you're irrelevant. Although I know Iran and its allies have been preparing to do harm to Arabs more than anyone else. As they see the region as historically Persian territory.
Only if you pull your head out of your arse, you might understand what I am saying.

I am PROUD slave of PAKISTAN, end of.

You're a slave of the saudis through and through.

That is the problem with you Persian turds, you simply do not get the message.

Only when the message is a brain fart.

The way you are going about, it seems you lot are more bootlickers of Zionists then bedoins. Seems like a competition going on between Persians and arabs as to who can please the master more.

Yeah sure, we please them by having them slaughtered, like in 06.

Why dont you ask your own government who is denying, as to who is behind this?

If you weren't brain dead, you'd know no government would ever come and and just take responsibility for something like this, even if they are obviously behind it.

Not a single Persian, alteast on this forum is grasping the bigger picture.

You don't even have the IQ to understand simple concepts, you're telling us about the bigger picture? kid, we are the regional superpower you clown.

It's about containment of China,

LMAO what?

and timing couldn't have been more obvious when literally days after China pledged around 290 billion dollars in Iran energy sector to secure its energy supplies. As an extension of CPEC,and that's where Pakistan interest lies. So pretty please, dont fuk it up.

lol what? so Iran ordered this attack because Chinese are investing billions in Iran :rofl:
Even a donkey could come up with better conspiracy theory.
A tiny tiny fraction of that tin pot military just wiped out 50% of your saudi master's oil capacity.

Even the Americans were highly impressed in the accuracy of those attacks.

Saudis just got raped by a small Iranian proxy. Israel can't eve handle hezbollah and the americans don't have the balls to start a conflict, even after being humiliated by Iran again and again.

Anyone with a brain knows Iran was involved, but your saudi masters are too weak and pathetic to respond.

High probability' Saudi attack launched from Iranian base near Iraq


Even if the attacks did not come directly from Iran, they were 100% ordered by it. So stop embarrassing yourself clown.
You are simply talking anything without understanding. The question is about why would Iran do such a thing and how did the missile go unnoticed?
Secondly, Iran doesn't have such precision missiles which can cause minimal damage due to high accuracy. Such accuracy needs MEMS based inertial navigation which is semiconductor technology. Also, the excellent terrain hugging capabilities is also too complex and needs semiconductor technology. Iranian attack on ISIS in Iraq showed how Iran lacked the ability to launch accurate long distance attacks. Iranian accuracy is limited to short range weapons going by the semiconductor capabilities and previous track records.

I have argued several times about this that Iran simply doesn't have such semiconductor to target that far and accurate. So, it is not likely to be Iranian missile.

I think the saudis need to understand and accept they're no match for Iran. So the best thing they can do is simply improve their relations with Iran and stop any silly attempts to play a regional game of chess with Iran. The saudis need realise, they're not a player, but something that is being played by the real players, in their case, the US. They therefore need to weigh whether them being used in this way is worth the ultimate price. This ultimate price without a doubt will be the end of that al saud family. If the saudis improve their relations with Iran, I do genuinely believe, they would be much more secure in the long term. Iran may not like them and may (not guaranteed to happen) eventually dispose them, but should they pursue to appease Iran, then at least for a while they don't need to keep checking under the beds every-night for Iran.

One thing's for sure, Iran can offer them much more security than these pathetic americans have offered thus far.
Don't simply brag about it without knowing the basis. Simply implicating Iran without understanding motives of various power houses is not reasonable.

@Falcon29 I'm not trying to intimidate KSA or spread anti Saudi propaganda, i am telling the truth. US want to rebuild it's economy and is willing to sacrifice some allies, not just PGCC they are doing it with Europeans too. they want Iran to target Saudis and they want all of their money meaning complete destruction. it is not good for them to start a war with Iran.
Yes, I understand this. I too think in similar lines. USA has reached a situation of desperation. USA has been asked to stop buying middle east oil and USA doesn't have enough indigenous oil to sustain for long. Hence USA will sacrifice anyone and everyone for pursuing their goal of securing oil. USA would prefer Middle east to be destroyed as tht themselves don't depend on middle east oil as of now and hence only others would suffer. But USA can use this opportunity to secure entire oil for itself under pretext of protection and hence secure its oil supply for the future.

i knew you guys think my words are just conspiracy theories, but just remember i warned you.
I don't think it is conspiracy theory. Your words have logical consistency and are factually consistent with the current time.
You are simply talking anything without understanding. The question is about why would Iran do such a thing and how did the missile go unnoticed?
Secondly, Iran doesn't have such precision missiles which can cause minimal damage due to high accuracy.

Iran literally has dozens and dozens of missile with such capability. If you're clueless, then maybe quiet down.

Such accuracy needs MEMS based inertial navigation which is semiconductor technology. Also, the excellent terrain hugging capabilities is also too complex and needs semiconductor technology. Iranian attack on ISIS in Iraq showed how Iran lacked the ability to launch accurate long distance attacks. Iranian accuracy is limited to short range weapons going by the semiconductor capabilities and previous track records.

What are you even blabbering? Iran has demonstrated long range percision strike capability mutiple times already, even against ISIS, the most recent attack was against the Kurds. Listen to the Israeli expert and learn something:

I have argued several times about this that Iran simply doesn't have such semiconductor to target that far and accurate. So, it is not likely to be Iranian missile.

You're the ignoramus that claimed fateh-110 was a liquid fuelled missile :lol:

You have as much credibility in these topics as a hamster.

You have zero clue what you're blabbering about.

Literally almost all of Iranian missiles these days have pin point capability.

How many times have you been educated already by the likes of @Mithridates @skyshadow in this topic but it seems you just can't accept reality.

Don't simply brag about it without knowing the basis. Simply implicating Iran without understanding motives of various power houses is not reasonable.


Someone who does not even know the difference between a liquid and solid fuelled missile should not be questioning the understanding/ reason of others.
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