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Iran fired cruise missiles in attack on Saudi oil facility: Senior US official

I think this will all end with the Saudis blaming the Houthis. If the Saudis blame Iran then they are left with three options:

1. Do nothing (except perhaps diplomatic actions) and look incredibly weak.
2. Respond directly, and be decimated in a war.
3. Ask the US to respond on their behalf, appearing weak whilst still suffering the consequences of an Iranian counteroffensive.

I think that they’ll choose the first option because all other options are devastating for them. The Emiratis has a similar dilemma and chose to diffuse tensions.
All the sophisticated weapons being used against Saudi Arabia have the following footprints,

Russian weapons technology ==> Iran (weapons assembling) ==> Yemen (weapons firing site)

It is all Russian weapons technology, a third world country like Iran cannot produce/develop any kind of drones from scratch.

LOOOOOLs ... What do you smoke bro ?

What ever it is ... very good stuff :enjoy:

This seems like a false flag, if you are student of history then you will remember the oil embargo of 1973... if that had continued it would have eventually destroyed America's economy, long story short, America yielded and pressured Israel into making a deal and Israel withdrew from the territories they had occupied.

Today, Saudi just can't outright stop oil production, so a false flag is the best option to go with. And doesn't it seem suspicious that the Houthis claimed responsibility? Remember when the Las Vegas shooting happened by that one crazy white man, guess who claimed responsibility before they figured who the culprit was, ISIS. I don't believe in this "claiming responsibility" until all the evidence is available.

Saudi is basically saying this to USA "Look, we can destroy our facilities if you are not going to take action against Iran, sure it will hurt us, but at the same time it will hurt you, so if you care about your interests then it is in our best interest that you take care of Iran". The question now is whether or not this tactic will work and whether or not US will fall into pressure and attack Iran?
Iran is the old zororatrian empire which has grudge against the Arabs for defeating their persian empire and ending it.
The murderer of our Second Caliph Hazrat Umer Raziullah, is a hero in Iran, because he was the caliph who defeated their Persian empire.
They are always plotting to destroy the arabs and takeover our holy cities.
So that their revenge can be completed
both samanids and buyids were powerful than Abbasid caliphate if they wanted to revenge qadissiyah they could to do so. stop your nonsense.
أنا لم أجزم قط إن السعوديه ستخرج منتصره ، فقط قلت لك إن من يلتجي بعقيدة غير الاسلام سيهلك ، والتهلكه والعقاب في الطريق، على المسلمون إن يعلموا إن عليهم بلتوبه إلي الله ، وكما قلت دائما، إيران ستغلب في الحرب لاكن لم تنتهي الوضع عند ذالك وسترون كل ذالك غدا

I didn’t read all your posts before, I agree with some of your input. However coming from a fragile country which just came out of war and has large Iranian influence, the last thing we need is another war because we’ll be dragged into it one way or another.
iranians are not aware of incoming danger, hey wake up! your house will burn!
US can crush Iran if it uses it's all military capability, but Iran, US, PGCC and every one know they will not because first of all they lost nothing in this attack they are becoming world largest oil producer. also china almost got them in economy and thriving in tech, so how much the war with Iran will cost to them?? you think they will risk their position over Saudis??

These silly faces will not make the likes of you understand the game being played. China just pledged to pour substantial investment in Iran to secure its energy supplies, hook Iran to CPEC, considering China is the biggest oil consumer, Mullah regime in Iran is not that stupid that it will jeopardise all this by targeting Saudi oil facility , which will in return make it own oil facilities vulnerable to attack , which in return make China investment redundant. Its got America/Zionist foot print all over it, and perhaps Saudi deep state as well.

Keep on making silly faces.. :tup:
china can buy our oil, it does harm those who do not buy our oil...
I dont see any good in this

I had constantly warned against Iran than I was called a wahhabi Isis whatever.. than I began to warn about another rising problem wich managed to be eaqually worse and concerning me more than iranian madness.. we are currently on a sunni shia regional war where the powerhungry sauds really exploit the situation.. by constantly warning against them I earned the name shaitan the ultra nationalist arab hater..

but let it go I see further destruction coming if it goes further this directionthe Lebanon may be in the same situation like yemen.. and egypt with trumps best dictator may also face a real blow and war they call them Isis I do not think that isis is in egypt just some muslims fighting against a bloody dictator and labeled as isis to gain support.. where all this is happening and threatening the stability in ME the EU US and Israel will gain more and more power.. also al sauds extrem hate and agression against anyone who could have a say in this region (qatar, egypt turkey) is extreem dangerous and could end in destruction.. I say if sauds would be sucessfull and unite some arabs under their throne than definitivly they will form an army against turkey because turkey is the last wall..

the romans need a gateway to enter ME and they need to pass turkey so I really think there is a great chance (if Sauds would form an alliance) that turkey would be hit by a coalition of arabs and europeans (if all goes bad direction) I dont think we would have any helper from the human side

all this would depend on sauds to be successfull dispite the illusions of some iotic ppl there wont be any friendly move from saudi arabia towards turkey.. for those brining me in iranian corner they are clueless I dont think iranians as friends.. but for strategic issues we should not allow and support any instability that would cause also harm to our state.. (refugees and if iran is gone than it would mean we are next)

so I think turkey should begin with better rockets or cruise missles wich also could be build in a garage to travel 1000 km I am not against extreem high tech but low tech is also valueable und usefull we need both

our missle industry is ok but it needs some boost and specially bigger warheads

The House of Saud are the biggest problem causing instability in the region that's a given, and now with MBS as crown prince they're now much more toxic, Iran had many times reached out to them to come to an understanding and improve ties, but we know that did not come to fruition, both sides need to engage in deescalating the situation, even if one side has to swallow their pride.

I seriously don't know what the hell these sick oil sheikhs are doing.. I mean like you said destroying countries around you only empowers Israel and the US war machines. I also think it was idiotic of your president volunteering to destabilize Syria, what did that get Turkey? up to 4 million refugees? Syria was a strong buffer state, you talk about a 'gateway' that gateway was Syria, now its an open proxy playground and Israel and other powers go in and out when ever they want, Israel recently bombed Iraq, I'm pretty sure it was through the Syrian Airspace. Syria now is pretty much destroyed and many of its people are either displaced or killed. Just look at Afghanistan, its been nearly 20 bloody years and the Americans still don't want to leave due to its strategic significance, which is a very big liability to Pakistan.

The Zionists and western warmongers, have successfully played Muslims against each other through divide and conquer the oldest trick in the book, but illiterate dullards keep falling for it, we're pretty much doing their job for them. The last standing Muslim powers are Turkey, Iran and Pakistan, of which two are already facing existential threats. I also agree if Iran is attacked, then the two lasting powers are next e.g. with the recent Indian annexation of Kashmir, and Saudi Arabia calling out Turkey on Cyprus sovereignty.. all this is being carefully orchestrated to eventually allow Israel to go ahead and build the temple, without any friction.

As for turkey to begin producing better rockets/ cruise missiles, that's a given... I think Pakistan and Turkey should work closer on offensive/ defensive weapons with like minded countries like Ukraine, South Africa and China who all have a strong independent military industrial base, especially with the latter.
Saudi Arabia calling out Turkey on Cyprus sovereignty.. all this is being carefully orchestrated to eventually allow Israel to go ahead and build the temple, without any frictio

we have faced many ME arab countries siding with cypros greekos: Egypt, UAE, Saudis, Palestinians.. whos left? :)
US can crush Iran if it uses it's all military capability, but Iran, US, PGCC and every one know they will not because first of all they lost nothing in this attack they are becoming world largest oil producer. also china almost got them in economy and thriving in tech, so how much the war with Iran will cost to them?? you think they will risk their position over Saudis??

china can buy our oil, it does harm those who do not buy our oil...
It does look like US is not eager to fight another devastating war for allies that are largely incompetent in this domain.

For reference: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/why-...ans-regional-domination.635775/#post-11772949

If US will do something, it will be for its allies such as Israel and Turkey as these two are capable in their own right.
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This seems like a false flag, if you are student of history then you will remember the oil embargo of 1973... if that had continued it would have eventually destroyed America's economy, long story short, America yielded and pressured Israel into making a deal and Israel withdrew from the territories they had occupied.

Today, Saudi just can't outright stop oil production, so a false flag is the best option to go with. And doesn't it seem suspicious that the Houthis claimed responsibility? Remember when the Las Vegas shooting happened by that one crazy white man, guess who claimed responsibility before they figured who the culprit was, ISIS. I don't believe in this "claiming responsibility" until all the evidence is available.

Saudi is basically saying this to USA "Look, we can destroy our facilities if you are not going to take action against Iran, sure it will hurt us, but at the same time it will hurt you, so if you care about your interests then it is in our best interest that you take care of Iran". The question now is whether or not this tactic will work and whether or not US will fall into pressure and attack Iran?
Yes,absolutely correct. This is an indirect threat of cutting oil supply through self-sponsored sabotage. Saudi Arabia wants to threaten EU and west about oil supply. These countries simply bloat their currency an get oil for cheap. USA, however, has been insulated due to its domestic production an Canadian oil supply. USA already got the threats several years back and hence decided to use its own oil reserves which it was hiding under environmental restrictions as war time reserves. This means that USA reserves will empty fast but till then it will be immune to middle east problems.
Yes,absolutely correct. This is an indirect threat of cutting oil supply through self-sponsored sabotage. Saudi Arabia wants to threaten EU and west about oil supply. These countries simply bloat their currency an get oil for cheap. USA, however, has been insulated due to its domestic production an Canadian oil supply. USA already got the threats several years back and hence decided to use its own oil reserves which it was hiding under environmental restrictions as war time reserves. This means that USA reserves will empty fast but till then it will be immune to middle east problems.
American extraction is SHALE whereas Saudi extraction is CRUDE. Thanks in part to 'shale revolution', US no longer depend upon supply of oil from ME. US is also slowly but surely shifting to alternative sources of energy including electric vehicles. So no, US is no longer depending upon ME to fulfill its energy needs.
American extraction is SHALE whereas Saudi extraction is CRUDE. Thanks in part to 'shale revolution', US no longer depend upon supply of oil from ME. US is also slowly but surely shifting to alternative sources of energy including Electric-powered transportation. So no, US is no longer depending upon ME to fulfill its energy needs.
Shale is also crude but in tighter rocks. GCC crude is in porous rocks. So, it is just difference in rock structure. USA shale started in 1980 itself. But USA then saw that Arabs were foolish to give free oil in the petrodollar deal and hence decided to save their own oil. But now Arabs have wisened up and are not willing to let USA get free deals. So, USA is compelled to use its own oil reserves. USA does not have an alternative but simply compelled. None of alternative energy like electric vehicles are working well. Only media is hyping up.
The House of Saud are the biggest problem causing instability in the region that's a given, and now with MBS as crown prince they're now much more toxic, Iran had many times reached out to them to come to an understanding and improve ties, but we know that did not come to fruition, both sides need to engage in deescalating the situation, even if one side has to swallow their pride.

I seriously don't know what the hell these sick oil sheikhs are doing.. I mean like you said destroying countries around you only empowers Israel and the US war machines. I also think it was idiotic of your president volunteering to destabilize Syria, what did that get Turkey? up to 4 million refugees? Syria was a strong buffer state, you talk about a 'gateway' that gateway was Syria, now its an open proxy playground and Israel and other powers go in and out when ever they want, Israel recently bombed Iraq, I'm pretty sure it was through the Syrian Airspace. Syria now is pretty much destroyed and many of its people are either displaced or killed. Just look at Afghanistan, its been nearly 20 bloody years and the Americans still don't want to leave due to its strategic significance, which is a very big liability to Pakistan.

The Zionists and western warmongers, have successfully played Muslims against each other through divide and conquer the oldest trick in the book, but illiterate dullards keep falling for it, we're pretty much doing their job for them. The last standing Muslim powers are Turkey, Iran and Pakistan, of which two are already facing existential threats. I also agree if Iran is attacked, then the two lasting powers are next e.g. with the recent Indian annexation of Kashmir, and Saudi Arabia calling out Turkey on Cyprus sovereignty.. all this is being carefully orchestrated to eventually allow Israel to go ahead and build the temple, without any friction.

As for turkey to begin producing better rockets/ cruise missiles, that's a given... I think Pakistan and Turkey should work closer on offensive/ defensive weapons with like minded countries like Ukraine, South Africa and China who all have a strong independent military industrial base, especially with the latter.

This is probably the best post I have ever read on PDF.
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