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Iran fired cruise missiles in attack on Saudi oil facility: Senior US official

It's Iran and war will break out sooner or later. I think instead we should be discussing what should people of region do afterwards. Will they seek different form of governance or where do they want to take their future?
Trump and his Neocon masters need something for the elections.
All the sophisticated weapons being used against Saudi Arabia have the following footprints,

Russian weapons technology ==> Iran (weapons assembling) ==> Yemen (weapons firing site)

It is all Russian weapons technology, a third world country like Iran cannot produce/develop any kind of drones from scratch.
I do not see why Iran, would carry out such a large attack, The Persians are rational people.. they would not want to escalate to a war, because that would be suicide for them. It's most likely a false flag operation, carried out by the US-Zionist axis with the help of their oil sheikhs..

- Keep Pakistan busy with Kashmir
- Make Turkey Irrelevant via Sanctions and isolation
- NATO, Israel and GCC countries finish off Iran
- Netanyahu annexes rest of occupied territory and prepares for the temple..

Time for another 'CENTO' alliance.. minus the Crown

Ah yes, more 'false flag' conspiracy. Sigh, we are never to get out of this mess with no shortage of people like you. Iran can't export oil and will not accept that precedent. Iran has more than enough justification to lash out and the reason Iran has not been attacked yet is because majority of world doesn't agree with US pulling out of deal. Saudi Arabia is scared to death and does not want to even implicate Iran publicly. Houthi's also claimed the attack. But, the actual attack came from Iran. So much for your 'false flag' theory.

Reality is people of ME need to find better form of governance suitable for them because what they have for decades now is not working.

Trump and his Neocon masters need something for the elections.

Actually US public, media and think tanks all don't want to get into another war. And if war broke out US might provide air support but they will not do any ground war against Iran. Trump wants economy to continue to prosper and wants to get reelected.

So the short term way out of this is US rejoining the nuclear deal loaned lifting oil sanctions. Otherwise Iran will continue to attack oil installations in the Gulf region. In the long term, however, even if it that happens, the region is still a mess and will continue to be that way. So people of ME need to start brainstorming for better alternatives.
Why don't you share evidence. I for one do not visit the Iranian blogs or sites. I wouldn't not known if someone from Iran claimed responsibilities of the attacks in SA. I am definitely talking based on common sense, why would Iran makes such stupid mistake to call for troubles!!
Please continue defending Iran,because cavemen are able to make drones and cruise missiles now.


Saudi's are still doing an 'investigation', as if they have equipment and expertise to determine where the attack originated from. The US already knows and the US is more capable to determine. It is up to the Saudi's if they are ready for war. Otherwise they will just attribute this to the Houthi's to avoid a conflagration with Iran and we will back by next attack.
It's Iran and war will break out sooner or later. I think instead we should be discussing what should people of region do afterwards. Will they seek different form of governance or where do they want to take their future?

There’s no doubt Iran is helping the North Yemenis develop weapons. If I were a Yemeni I wouldn’t say no to it neither. They probably have provided blueprints and got most of them manufactured in Yemen.

However, Saudi Arabia is the in the wrong here. They escalated the Yemen conflict from the beginning and refused to negotiate. At this point I highly doubt the northern Yemenis aka “houthis” will listen to Iran even if it asked them to stop targeting Saudi Arabia. They have been under attack, blockaded/ starved for the past 5 years. What else do you expect them to do? They will only stop when the blockade is removed and the Saudi aggression is stopped.

Either way. I think the gulf is too fragile. Qatar, UAE, Bahrain will all be a target. Any country which will allow US forces to strike from its land will be a target. So far Kuwait and Oman have been keeping low profile and I highly doubt they’d want to involve themselves in the conflict. Iran doesn’t have much to loose compared with the Arab gulf countries. They’re oil exports are very low, their economy is devastated.
I have a few relatives which went to Iran lately and things have been bad. Theft, kidnappings, drugs, prostitution are becoming more widespread.
It’s probably not a good idea to fight someone who has little to loose. If Iran were to go down, they’ll take the entire region down with them, and they can.

Imagine what a few missiles or drones at Dubai airport or jebel Ali port would do. It’ll have most of the foreign residents flee and basically the entire economy will collapse within days.

Bluffing is one thing, reality is another thing. The best thing to do is find a way out and not find a reason for war.
There’s no doubt Iran is helping the North Yemenis develop weapons. If I were a Yemeni I wouldn’t say no to it neither. They probably have provided blueprints and got most of them manufactured in Yemen.

However, Saudi Arabia is the in the wrong here. They escalated the Yemen conflict from the beginning and refused to negotiate. At this point I highly doubt the northern Yemenis aka “houthis” will listen to Iran even if it asked them to stop targeting Saudi Arabia. They have been under attack, blockaded/ starved for the past 5 years. What else do you expect them to do? They will only stop when the blockade is removed and the Saudi aggression is stopped.

Either way. I think the gulf is too fragile. Qatar, UAE, Bahrain will all be a target. Any country which will allow US forces to strike from its land will be a target. So far Kuwait and Oman have been keeping low profile and I highly doubt they’d want to involve themselves in the conflict. Iran doesn’t have much to loose compared with the Arab gulf countries. They’re oil exports are very low, their economy is devastated.
I have a few relatives which went to Iran lately and things have been bad. Theft, kidnappings, drugs, prostitution are becoming more widespread.
It’s probably not a good idea to fight someone who has little to loose. If Iran were to go down, they’ll take the entire region down with them, and they can.

Imagine what a few missiles or drones at Dubai airport or jebel Ali port would do. It’ll have most of the foreign residents flee and basically the entire economy will collapse within days.

Bluffing is one thing, reality is another thing. The best thing to do is find a way out and not find a reason for war.

معي لف ودوران يا زلمه ، إيران من قامت بلهجوم وهذا شي واضح، وستحصل حرب شامله في المنطقه وتسقط الدول وحينها يخرج المومنين من أجل إقامة الخلافه وبيعه المهدي، أتمني إن تشتعل المنطقه، إنت ليش خايف ومتمسك في المشاريع الفاشلة القائمه

There’s no doubt Iran is helping the North Yemenis develop weapons. If I were a Yemeni I wouldn’t say no to it neither. They probably have provided blueprints and got most of them manufactured in Yemen.

However, Saudi Arabia is the in the wrong here. They escalated the Yemen conflict from the beginning and refused to negotiate. At this point I highly doubt the northern Yemenis aka “houthis” will listen to Iran even if it asked them to stop targeting Saudi Arabia. They have been under attack, blockaded/ starved for the past 5 years. What else do you expect them to do? They will only stop when the blockade is removed and the Saudi aggression is stopped.

Either way. I think the gulf is too fragile. Qatar, UAE, Bahrain will all be a target. Any country which will allow US forces to strike from its land will be a target. So far Kuwait and Oman have been keeping low profile and I highly doubt they’d want to involve themselves in the conflict. Iran doesn’t have much to loose compared with the Arab gulf countries. They’re oil exports are very low, their economy is devastated.
I have a few relatives which went to Iran lately and things have been bad. Theft, kidnappings, drugs, prostitution are becoming more widespread.
It’s probably not a good idea to fight someone who has little to loose. If Iran were to go down, they’ll take the entire region down with them, and they can.

Imagine what a few missiles or drones at Dubai airport or jebel Ali port would do. It’ll have most of the foreign residents flee and basically the entire economy will collapse within days.

Bluffing is one thing, reality is another thing. The best thing to do is find a way out and not find a reason for war.

No we want a war, LOL. Why you guys so scared. Both Saudis are so scared for Al-Saud and pro-Iran folk are scared for Iranian led axis. They should instead be scared that Islam isn't implemented and for Islam.

Just one year ago Al-Saud folk and Al Khomeini folk were very boastful and feeling like they are asserting their dominance over everyone. Now that they see Allah is a better planner than them, they are freaking out. I told you guys the big war is gonna happen and no one can run or hide from it. It's Allah's will to prepare the people for the Caliphate.

You guys don't learn from your arrogance and continue pushing Islam aside and this is what will happen. Your agendas and projects will fail. You should have listened to Allah(SWT) and the Prophet(SAW).

Allah(SWT) will not lift the tribulation until the people repent and come back to him. He's doing it for your own good , people, if only you knew.
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معي لف ودوران يا زلمه ، إيران من قامت بلهجوم وهذا شي واضح، وستحصل حرب شامله في المنطقه وتسقط الدول وحينها يخرج المومنين من أجل إقامة الخلافه وبيعه المهدي، أتمني إن تشتعل المنطقه، إنت ليش خايف ومتمسك في المشاريع الفاشلة القائمه

No we want a war, LOL. Why you guys so scared. Both Saudis are so scared for Al-Saud and pro-Iran folk are scared for Iranian led axis. They should instead be scared that Islam isn't implemented and for Islam.

السعوديه شبه محاصره. الإمارات تشتغل ضدها بليمن و ما بدها مشاكل مع إيران لانو اقتصاد الإمارات معتمد على التجارة و السياحه. قطر ضدها تركيا ضدها . الكويت ما تشترك باي حرب معاها بحكم قربها للعراق و ايران و لا عُمان بدها تدخل. اذا السعوديه دخلت حرب هي تكون خسارنه. يعني خمس سنين ما قدرت على الحوثيين مصدق تقدر على إيران؟ ياخي خليك عقلاني. انت ما شايف الحرب و ويلات الحرب. الحرب خساره بخساره يعنو مو عبالك لعبة ببحي.

No we want a war, LOL.

Most of my of relatives in Basra close to the Iran border. Your more than welcome to pass by. You can stay for a few days have fun and chill. Then we can drop you off by the border when your ready, you can fight all you want. Lol.
I do not see why Iran, would carry out such a large attack, The Persians are rational people.. they would not want to escalate to a war, because that would be suicide for them. It's most likely a false flag operation, carried out by the US-Zionist axis with the help of their oil sheikhs..

- Keep Pakistan busy with Kashmir
- Make Turkey Irrelevant via Sanctions and isolation
- NATO, Israel and GCC countries finish off Iran
- Netanyahu annexes rest of occupied territory and prepares for the temple..

Time for another 'CENTO' alliance.. minus the Crown
I also think it is not done by Iran but by the Houthis but definitely Houthis do not have this technology.
معي لف ودوران يا زلمه ، إيران من قامت بلهجوم وهذا شي واضح، وستحصل حرب شامله في المنطقه وتسقط الدول وحينها يخرج المومنين من أجل إقامة الخلافه وبيعه المهدي، أتمني إن تشتعل المنطقه، إنت ليش خايف ومتمسك في المشاريع الفاشلة القائمه

Iran has carried out an attack and this is clear, and there will be an all-out war in the region and the countries will fall.

السعوديه شبه محاصره. الإمارات تشتغل ضدها بليمن و ما بدها مشاكل مع إيران لانو اقتصاد الإمارات معتمد على التجارة و السياحه. قطر ضدها تركيا ضدها . الكويت ما تشترك باي حرب معاها بحكم قربها للعراق و ايران و لا عُمان بدها تدخل. اذا السعوديه دخلت حرب هي تكون خسارنه. يعني خمس سنين ما قدرت على الحوثيين مصدق تقدر على إيران؟ ياخي خليك عقلاني. انت ما شايف الحرب و ويلات الحرب. الحرب خساره بخساره يعنو مو عبالك لعبة ببحي.

Saudi Arabia is almost besieged. The UAE is working against it and what seems to be problems with Iran because the UAE economy is dependent on trade and tourism. Qatar against Turkey against. Kuwait is not involved in any war because of its proximity to Iraq, Iran and Oman must intervene. If Saudi Arabia entered a war is to be lost. I mean, five years, what have the Houthis certified for Iran? My brother, be rational. You do not see the war and the scourge of war. The loss of the war means losing your game Bbhi.

أنا لم أجزم قط إن السعوديه ستخرج منتصره ، فقط قلت لك إن من يلتجي بعقيدة غير الاسلام سيهلك ، والتهلكه والعقاب في الطريق، على المسلمون إن يعلموا إن عليهم بلتوبه إلي الله ، وكما قلت دائما، إيران ستغلب في الحرب لاكن لم تنتهي الوضع عند ذالك وسترون كل ذالك غدا

I never asserted that Saudi Arabia would emerge victorious. All that tomorrow

english please..
I also think it is not done by Iran but by the Houthis but definitely Houthis do not have this technology.

Guess we should call it what it really is.. a proxy war, they most likely got the technology/ manufacturing capabilities from a third party from the likes of Iran, but it was SA which escalated the problem from the start when they mercilessly attacked Yemen and backed Iran into the corner via isolation and calling for further sanctioning..etc

Either way, I hope all this commotion dies down.. because it's going to create a huge bloodbath and its directly going to affect our Kashmir issue, and also have dire consequences on Palestine.
Anyone can claim the attack. if one thinks logically and strategically, such an escalation is designed to set the pretext for tit for tat against Iran. This is not the first time in history people have done this for engaging a wider conflict. Knowing Clown Salman and his croonies, they are capable of all this work to justify wider engagement.
Well it needs to be investigated by neutral agency but the problem is that both parties won\t agree on that.

Guess we should call it what it really is.. a proxy war, they most likely got the technology/ manufacturing capabilities from a third party from the likes of Iran, but it was SA which escalated the problem from the start when they mercilessly attacked Yemen and backed Iran into the corner via isolation and calling for further sanctioning..etc

Either way, I hope all this commotion dies down.. because it's going to create a huge bloodbath and its directly going to affect our Kashmir issue, and also have dire consequences on Palestine.
Of course it was wrong for any external force to interfere into the internal affairs of Yemen be it overt or covert. None has the right to use the innocent Yemeni people for furthering the political agendas and shedding blood. These countries should fight their wars directly instead of using other countries...be it Yemen, Syria or Pakistan.
Iran hasn't been banned from agriculture or medicine imports. Iran can also export fertiliser and other essential goods. Iran has enough foreign exchange accumulated to sustain itself. What is being chokes is funds to intervene globally. Starvation would another issue when sanctions on food is applied
Looks like you've missed the point.
Zionist are in full try to break out war.india pakistan. iran ksa etc
Guess we should call it what it really is.. a proxy war, they most likely got the technology/ manufacturing capabilities from a third party from the likes of Iran, but it was SA which escalated the problem from the start when they mercilessly attacked Yemen and backed Iran into the corner via isolation and calling for further sanctioning..etc

Either way, I hope all this commotion dies down.. because it's going to create a huge bloodbath and its directly going to affect our Kashmir issue, and also have dire consequences on Palestine.

I dont see any good in this

I had constantly warned against Iran than I was called a wahhabi Isis whatever.. than I began to warn about another rising problem wich managed to be eaqually worse and concerning me more than iranian madness.. we are currently on a sunni shia regional war where the powerhungry sauds really exploit the situation.. by constantly warning against them I earned the name shaitan the ultra nationalist arab hater..

but let it go I see further destruction coming if it goes further this directionthe Lebanon may be in the same situation like yemen.. and egypt with trumps best dictator may also face a real blow and war they call them Isis I do not think that isis is in egypt just some muslims fighting against a bloody dictator and labeled as isis to gain support.. where all this is happening and threatening the stability in ME the EU US and Israel will gain more and more power.. also al sauds extrem hate and agression against anyone who could have a say in this region (qatar, egypt turkey) is extreem dangerous and could end in destruction.. I say if sauds would be sucessfull and unite some arabs under their throne than definitivly they will form an army against turkey because turkey is the last wall..

the romans need a gateway to enter ME and they need to pass turkey so I really think there is a great chance (if Sauds would form an alliance) that turkey would be hit by a coalition of arabs and europeans (if all goes bad direction) I dont think we would have any helper from the human side

all this would depend on sauds to be successfull dispite the illusions of some iotic ppl there wont be any friendly move from saudi arabia towards turkey.. for those brining me in iranian corner they are clueless I dont think iranians as friends.. but for strategic issues we should not allow and support any instability that would cause also harm to our state.. (refugees and if iran is gone than it would mean we are next)

so I think turkey should begin with better rockets or cruise missles wich also could be build in a garage to travel 1000 km I am not against extreem high tech but low tech is also valueable und usefull we need both

our missle industry is ok but it needs some boost and specially bigger warheads
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