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Featured Iran drops India from Chabahar rail project

This is strange, why not a rail line from Pakistan Gawadar to Kandahar to kabul, mazar sharif into central asia, or from gawadar to kandahar to herat into central asia...
how is this going to impact Gawadar,

you are missing out Pakistan region with 5000 BC worth of civilization of indus valley with major cities like harrappa, moen jo daro and Taxila...

Through, probably because most history books associate the Indus civ. with India, although it is in Pakistan.
Many Chinese firms do not do business in the US so the US can sanction them all they want, it won't affect their operations. The ironic thing is that the few Chinese corporations that were making inroads into the West, like Huawei, have gotten shut out, so Trump is removing the few incentives they had in cooperating.

US sanctions on a company means that they can't do business anywhere, if someone deal with sanctioned firm/country, US sanction the clients as well.
US sanctions on a company means that they can't do business anywhere, if someone deal with sanctioned firm/country, US sanction the clients as well.

I think more and more countries no longer care about sanctions. Its been overused and has created great resentment from the rest of the world. Obviously if China is signing a 400 billion dollar deal with Iran, it knows it will face sanctions and doesn't care anymore.

Trump's policies are backfiring. His hostility removes any incentive for other countries to cooperate.

Thats the amount that shit power South Of Pakistan and North Of Sri lanka has in Forex reserves and was calling to be next superpower to completely eliminate the CPEC - OBOR project with baniya investment, LOL and China is investing that amount in Iran. Chinese are finding innovative ways to humiliate and insult the shit power India every day.

this 400 billion was 600 billion when President Xi met Iranian leadership few years ago, Such numbers are made up by Iranian media.

They didn't even decided the projects they will undertake or did they? I am missing something?
Iran with India have signed agreement infront of international media

Yes we know, this is just about rail link part of it to AFG being shelved as joint project for IND-IRN.

Chabahar port and FTZ around it will continue as per plan....in fact the investment grows this year mightily and increases more in years to come.

Echo chamber nitwits (with no real life or purpose or consequence on the matter) here can blab and extrapolate all they want....thats the purpose of echo chamber after all.

Best way to deal with that is let passage of time happen and let reality unfold. Reality is cruel to them.
They didn't even decided the projects they will undertake or did they? I am missing something?
missing the big picture here, as long as Iran is out of india sphere of influence and with China that is fine by us.

Secondly, Iran has Hige natural resources like oil and Gas which China needs, Iran can provide those to Chian and china in turn can build there worn-out infrastructure all win-win with loser India can only dream of isolating us now
Modi and the BJP are strategic idiots. Their strategy has largely backfired on India's interests. China/Russia/Iran are the primary civilization states that span the humongous Eurasian continent and their alliance is solidifying this massive bloc into an indestructible fortress. India, instead, has chosen to become an appendage to the Anglo axis in the hope that it can get the crumbs from the declining Anglo world, OEM manufacturing, access to American universities, access to Silicon Valley, etc. But in the end, the costs will be heavy because India is becoming isolated in its own neighborhood and is the only American ally that shares a land border which makes it especially vulnerable to China's bully tactics. Whenever China gets pissed, it can lash out and punk India just like it did in Ladakh. Trump doesn't even deliver on his promises as evidenced by him cancelling H1B visas, which are dominated by Indians in Silicon Valley. By losing this port, India is losing any strategic foothold they had in the Middle East. It is losing its one attempt to compete with China and Pakistan's efforts in Gwadar.

Modi is truly an idiot when it comes to strategy.

China has actually reached where it is due to these "crumbs" from the western world. China is really nothing without Western companies setting up factories in China. Has China reached this GDP level due to new innovations or inventions? No, only by mass manufacturing goods for the west. The so called decline of the anglo world is the kind of bullshit we orientals tell each other to feel good about ourselves. If the west was declining, there wouldn't be millions of Chinese. Indians or Pakistanis etc waiting in line for a Canadian or American visa.

All innovation takes place in the west. Has China ever produced a new drug that really made a difference? No. Does China have an equivalent of Microsoft/Google/Apple/AMD/Tesla/SpaceX/Intel/Qualcomm? No. Name a single innovation attributed to China in the last 100 years. Everything you see today from cellphones to laptops were designed in the west, the westerners taught you to produce them and you produced them. Japan produced them earlier and when it got too expensive, production moved to China, i don't really see what your point is about western crumbs when China literally owes everything to these crumbs.

Russia now on the other hand does have an excellent history of innovation and contribution of sciences, they almost won the space war, but now it's a different picture after the cold war. 70-80% of Russian economy is oil or defense products. The entire population is hooked on vodka and declining.

There is no Russia/China/Iran super civilizational block, nothing more than a fancy term for a bunch of countries where China will build roads, bridges and dump super cheap products and in return will get cheap oil(maybe even free once the 400 billion debt gets too much as it did in Africa, Sri Lanka, Malaysia etc etc). Russia and Iran don't really have a choice since they are sanctioned by the west, so this is their only hope of getting some hard cash. If they weren't sanctioned, this bloc wouldn't exist. In terms of Civilization ties, Russia doesn't have any grandiose history of civilisational ties with China and is far far closer to the west. Russia is basically moscow and surrounding regions(which are in Europe, thousands of km from the last Chinese outpost) Funny enough, the Pakistani members who are jumping the highest have the lowest status in this block. They neither have oil, nor do they produce anything, Pakistan is simply a transit point for Chinese goods to reach Iran and Central Asia and for Iranian oil to reach China and at the same time, a market for Chinese products due to their large population. Any gains in infrastructure will most likely be undone due to the decimation of local industry that obviously can't compete with Chinese imports( I highly doubt China will allow Pakistan to keep tariffs).

We are not losing anything, Modi made the right choice.
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Chahbahar was granted exemption from sanctions. India has just been delaying and delaying wasting Iranian time. I'm surprised it took Iran this long to get rid of that. But then again they don't have much choice since it was the only major project exempt from sanctions.
Finally Iran has seen what the Indians are: treacherous , devious and cowardly.
I don't get the big fuss here. India is obviously financially weaker compared to China. India is not even in the question here. It's between the US and China. mann.. This forum just can't get the idea that the world doesn't revolve around India and Pakistan. Even living in Sri Lanka, we hardly care about either of them. Any question of power struggle always revolves around the US and China. Nothing else.
I don't get the big fuss here. India is obviously financially weaker compared to China. India is not even in the question here. It's between the US and China. mann.. This forum just can't get the idea that the world doesn't revolve around India and Pakistan. Even living in Sri Lanka, we hardly care about either of them. Any question of power struggle always revolves around the US and China. Nothing else.

Yet here you are on PDF?
So? If I am in a Canadian forum, am I supposed to believe that the world revolves around Canada? You live in a fantasy world. That's not very healthy for you homie.

We are on a Pakistani website, talking about things which concern us, yet here you are deriding Pakistan in absolutely every thread.

You need to find a better hobby.
We are on a Pakistani website, talking about things which concerns us, yet here you are deriding Pakistan in absolutely every thread.

You need to find a better hobby.
Right now I am listening to Russian music, eating German biscuits and staring at a Taiwanese monitor. Go figure.

Also you people, Indians etc. need to understand that the world doesn't revolve around you. Forget about Pakistan, I lived in Sri Lanka for some time. Even there, despite India being the big fat neighbour it has, people hardly care anything about India. It's just famous as a flat out broke poverty stricken country but nobody for once believe India is some "superpower" influencing far away countries like Iran lol.
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