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Featured Iran drops India from Chabahar rail project

Ok, they shit themselves, but where do you think they wash the pants after? You actually believe Kashmir has running water in taps? Nope, Indus river is the only hope. So the turd eventually gets transferred from the pants to the River. Thank god for the river
Reported @BHarwana @LeGenD @Foxtrot Alpha i prefer that you guys banned him permanently
Uber driver is not too bad. At least they are earning food and money for their families. The term for you is very different through and perfectly describes your people and their habits.

Ok man whatever. There are plenty of racial slurs for Indians as well as Pakistanis. If you don't think canadians have racial slurs for Pakistanis, then you are in for a surprise. I have been called a racial slur meant for Pakistanis a couple of times, it's pretty easy to guess what it is, though 99% of the people here are extremely nice.
Thread being taken off track. Please stick to the topic.

What's there to talk about my friend? the Hindus have started crying so that means something is being done right. They will resort now to talking about shit, racism, and other things that have no meaning.

India is an abomination on this planet and finally, Modi is taking of that. Good on Iran to side with China for its economic future. This guy is saying that 5-star hotels don't have toilets in India why would you ever want to hedge your bets with them?

Ok man whatever. There are plenty of racial slurs for Indians as well as Pakistanis. If you don't think canadians have racial slurs for Pakistanis, then you are in for a surprise. I have been called a racial slur meant for Pakistanis a couple of times, it's pretty easy to guess what it is, though 99% of the people here are extremely nice.

:yahoo: Do you want a tissue?
Indus River here I come too... Lol

More than welcome friend.

I have seen many Chinese tourists on Lahore. Always glad to see them and I always let them know they are welcome.

Typical emotional response that I’ve come to expect of you. You expect two ports separated by a few hundred miles not to compete with each other? Chabahar is easier to access by existing railroad lines from China-completely bypassing a treacherous and expensive journey over the Himalayan mountain range.

According to Kazakhstan Railway, the volume of traffic along the China-Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran corridor in 2018 was 1,000 TEU. The total length of the route China-Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran is about 10,000 km. The total travel time is about 14 days. Travel time by sea is 25-30 days.

why do you think China is funding the rail link from Chabahar to the China-Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran corridor?
In the words of Don Vito Corleone - it’s just business.


My point still stands. Nothing emotional about revealing your biases against China, Pakistan, and Kashmiris.

Irans policy of non alignment meant that just as it tried to have equally good relations with BOTH india and china so too did it try to have equally good relations with BOTH india and pakistan.Personally I think that this shows commendable political maturity on the iris part as one would`ve naturally expected the iri to heavily favor relations with india over pakistan instead,as both the iri and india were non aligned nations,whereas pakistan by comparison had been a us vassal state dating all the way back to the early 50s,not to mention the extremely close ties that had existed between the former us puppet pahlavi regime and pakistan.
I would imagine that Kashmir probably didnt even really come into the iris political calculations to any great degree during the first few decades of its existence,no doubt to iran[and to a great many other nations as well] this was simply just another part of the eternal india-pakistan pi$$ing match thats been going on ever since india was partitioned and which the iri very sensibly in my opinion just didnt want to touch with a barge pole[for obvious reasons].However that view does now appear to have changed over the last decade,likely in no small part because of indias abandonment of non alignment in favor of us vassalage and the rise of so called hindu "nationalism",however this does not necessarily mean that the iri supports the idea that indian controlled kashmir should become a part of pakistan.

Nice flipflopping, turning Iranian support of Indian atrocities in Kashmir as some positive thing. Your mindset is really twisted. Have some shame when you talk about dead bodies and disgraced females of Kashmir by your Indian allies.

Iran should be ashamed. It was on the wrong part of history in both Kashmir and Afghanistan.
DONE DONE DONE. I completely agree - based on actions, India hasnt been reliable or steadfast in its support of Iran during hard time. I just hope those Pakistanis on PDF who say Iran and India are best friends accept the harsh reality now.


@Nilgiri above has made some really good points about how India has put its lot with the West which yield India hundreds of billions of $ yearly. And so for India to let go of that, to be part of some Asia-centric potential future alliance with Russia/China etc etc is a risk not worth taking. As they say, why fix it if ain't broken?! And so Iran was always an expendable ally for India. The backstabbing done to Iran some years ago during the nuclear vote (I am forgetting exact date/event), the delays in projects inside Iran, the backing out of the oil purchase, and the not-so-secret admiration for Israel--a mortal enemy of Iran!!-- were not forgotten by the planners of Iran.

But Iran still trolled India and milked India for whatever can be gained!! Iran even bankrolled some Talibans in Afghanistan whose target could have been Indian proxies. And Iran's topmost leadership still teased India with public support for the subjugated people of Kashmir! Indians were grasping for the straws--hoping that somehow Iranian regime would change to be pro-Western or some other fancies. Until the Chinese UNSC support and the Chinese deep pockets convinced the Iranians to stop trolling Indians.

As to the much touted civilizational ties between Iran and India--oh, please!! Pakistan and Pakistanis are far closer to Iran linguistically, geographically, culturally, ethnically, religiously than India could ever be!!

PS. It's amusing to read some Indian comments not only here but in some Indian blogspace: From shurugging it off as a non-issue--sour grapes-- to outright anger at Iran as being a 'traitor' to wishing that USA/Israel would do something muscular to stop the Chinese influence in Iran...Plus a few are also blaming Modi for losing yet another alliance...

These are indeed sad days for Indian foreign affairs. But, hey, I am only smiling here! <Grin>
I don't understand how Iran decided to partner with India in this project in the first place, when was the last time that anything being delivered on time by India?

It is a grand anti-Pakistan alliance. We saw its function last year in Balakot.


The article just reconfirms what I have stated above in my post. That the only thing Iran is capable of doing effectively is using proxy communities and proxy fighters to extend its influence in the region. And that is where it ends for Iran. In any direct full blown confrontation, Iran's fate will be sealed in a very short time.

I have nothing personal against Pakistan other than the desire that Iran comes out clean and demonstrate it's sincerity towards Pakistan. Prove beyond a doubt that it considers Pakistan as it's ally and not it's enemy. And where Iran has taken this relationship, nothing short of that will suffice.

= = = = = =

Iran will have to apologize to Pakistan and completely reorient its policy on Kashmir and also accept Taliban Afghanistan as a reality.

When ties with India are minimized and cut, and the help İran is giving Indians to establish in Oman stopped, then Pakistan and Iran can again be friends.

Thank you for airing the views which so many Pakistanis have.

Please brother @Philosopher , try to see things from the Pakistani perspective. You are a sensible poster.

Barak Allah feek.
As to the much touted civilizational ties between Iran and India--oh, please!! Pakistan and Pakistanis are far closer to Iran linguistically, geographically, culturally, ethnically, religiously than India could ever be!!

Indeed, Iranians are our racial cousins and co-religionists. We share deep historical ties with Iran, unfortunately they have not been expanded into political ties in the modern age.

We are opposed to Iranian policies against Pakistan only, and bear no ill will to Iranians as a whole, their state, or their identity.

But Iran still trolled India and milked India for whatever can be gained!! Iran even bankrolled some Talibans in Afghanistan whose target could have been Indian proxies. And Iran's topmost leadership still teased India with public support for the subjugated people of Kashmir! Indians were grasping for the straws--hoping that somehow Iranian regime would change to be pro-Western or some other fancies. Until the Chinese UNSC support and the Chinese deep pockets convinced the Iranians to stop trolling Indians.

Many pro-Iranian voices in Pakistan had relayed this sentiment to Pakistanis. They said that Chabahar is only a ruse to take Indian money, but unfortunately we saw Kulbushan Yadav, Uzair Baloch, plus official support for BLF and BLA, coming from there.

there you go getting personal again, argue the facts my perceived bias is irrelevant to the topic.

In your grand analysis, just like what you said about Galwan, you left out Pakistan yet again.

Just by wishing we don't exist, doesn't make it so.

Gwadar is a secure route for China and Pakistan to develop and control trade. It won't go away or lose relevance because of Chabahar.

China is neutralizing Indian influence in Iran, and doing Pakistan a big favor.

:pakistan::china: Pak China Dosti Zindabad
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It is a grand anti-Pakistan alliance. We saw its function last year in Balakot.


Iran will have to apologize to Pakistan and completely reorient its policy on Kashmir and also accept Taliban Afghanistan as a reality.

When ties with India are minimized and cut, and the help İran is giving Indians to establish in Oman stopped, then Pakistan and Iran can again be friends.

Thank you for airing the views which so many Pakistanis have.

Please brother @Philosopher , try to see things from the Pakistani perspective. You are a sensible poster.

Barak Allah feek.
I would imagine that iran would also have its own set of conditions for pakistan in this regard,indeed one could say that what india is to pakistan america is to iran,so naturally that would involve some severing of ties on pakisans side as well:
1.The cutting of ALL ties completely with the united states,BOTH military and political.
2.The cutting of ties with saudi and the gulf states and an end to saudi/gulfie backed anti iranian terror groups operating on pakistani territory.
Once these things are done then there should be nothing to stop both nations from being the very bestest of bffs.
Not to mention a double poke in the eye for BOTH nations enemies.
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This significant drop (minus India) will result in better and positive development of region.
Previously some RATS were dreaming and claiming isolation of Pakistan - this drop is a slap on their faces.
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