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Iran Doesn’t Deny the Holocaust, New Foreign Minister Says on Twitter

Not JUST gassing but worked to death, starved, shot... The Germans kept very detailed records. The Holocaust is one of the best documented 'events' in history.

It is a much rehearsed straw-man by neo-Nazis that you can find on their sites. The Holocaust denier or negationist distorts the opponents argument (6 million Jews have been gassed) for the purpose of more easily attacking it, levels the argument, and then concludes that the opponents real argument has been torn down. The fallacy lies in the fact that no historian of repute today has ever claimed that 6 million Jews have been gassed, but that the total amount of Jews killed, irrespective how they were killed, totalled around 6 million. It is child's play to spot this type of wilful misrepresentation.
well ,did Ahmadinejad himself denied Holocaust ?
by my understanding he denied the extent and criticized the use of it as propaganda .

here the problem arises when he said that holocaust become a myth and sadly I must say , the English people seems have forgot the English language , Just remains me of the movie Humanity stain.
myth here is not equaled with lie .a myth also can be a factual incident that have been heavily influenced by not factual content

no denied in the fact he organized an event in Tehran and invited the people who were saying it didn't happen

he never said directly but when you repeat such words about "exageration" that means you want to attack this fact

that's one of the worst crime against humanity. that means we should respect it . and respect Jews and other ethnics or people (resistance) who suffered from this methodic cleansing by nazis
iran denys the crap out of holocaust !!! even if it existed the ones who should pay for it are germans not palestinian
What paying are you talking about? Palestinians live much BETTER than majority of Arabs and Muslims in the world. Also if there was not Holocaust, Israel would be much bigger and stronger today.
It has been repeatedly said that History is written by the victors. Hitler was not there to counter for what has been projected by victors of WWII. So whatever material is available is one sided. Media being the fastest and lethal-est of the propaganda weapon was in the hands of victors and it did the trick.
What paying are you talking about? Palestinians live much BETTER than majority of Arabs and Muslims in the world. Also if there was not Holocaust, Israel would be much bigger and stronger today.

im talking about this paying:



bigger israel??!! lolz!!
im talking about this paying:

bigger israel??!! lolz!!
Spare me of your necrophilia. Mortality level of Palestinians is much lower than average Arab/Muslim countries. If your mullahs were not sponsoring crazy terrorists it would be even lower.
Good! Now Nejad is gone, let's see what the new Gov't is going to do.
In 1923 there were 9.3 million Jews in Europe, In 1950 there were 3.2 million. Real Life
Population growth almost 0 for 15 years tell you any thing. At a normal population growth rate there should have been 21 million in 15 years.
It means lot of Jews were leaving to go to Israel. That's all. for the US data.

For the world data of course it would be more if no holocaust.
Can i ask how many Iranians we were 20 years ago ? ah
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