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Iran destroys Israel (israeli propaganda)

Ronen Barany is just another guy like you and me. He never made any real film. Maybe thanks to this youtube video he will became famous like Justin Biber. :lol:

You made a claim that your ancestors lived in Egypt for 7000 years. Prove it. I am still waiting.

Have fun in Egyptian New York :lol:
I made a claim, prove to me that i am wrong, or shut up. The ball is on your court. Look in your bible, histroy books, it actually talks about my ancestors, they enslaved the ones that you claim to be yours.... New York is amazing, it has a lot of people of your kind, you should be in touch with them, soon you will have to ask them to host you.
This guy just created youtube video. Now you are helping to promote his video :) Are u a Zionist agent? :eek:

Your dad fled from Israelis leaving his boots. You surprased him by fleeing to New York. Now all you can do is masturbate imagining mass murder of Israelis. By the way there are tens of thousands of Arabs living in Tel Aviv. You wish to kill them too?
Well, i don't just imagine stuff, your claimed grand parents fled from my grand parents, and it will happen again..... I don't masturbate about imagining mass murdering you people, you guys are so cowrd to let that happen. You will just escape to Europe or the US, if they let you in again thu.

Edit: My dad actually did pretty well in 1973 also, killed couple of your people. You were about to get killed also, but your daddy saved your ***.
I made a claim, prove to me that i am wrong, or shut up.
When you made claim the burder of proof is on you. In another words u just invented it thanks for admitting.

Look in your bible, histroy books, it actually talks about my ancestors, they enslaved the ones that you claim to be yours....
First of all the overwhelming majority of Egyptian population were slaves themselves. And unlike the Jews they were slaves for thousands years, not for very brief period. Secondly you are an Arab.

New York is amazing, it has a lot of people of your kind, you should be in touch with them, soon you will have to ask them to host you.
I wont leave my land not in good and not in bad. :wave:

Edit: My dad actually did pretty well in 1973 also, killed couple of your people.
1973 ended with encyrclement of entire Egyptian army. :lol:

Read what Egyptian head of army wrote:
The rest, as they say, is history. Sadat, who had rejected the advice of the Soviet Union on October 12 to seek a ceasefire, and who continued to reject that advice until, too late, he accepted it on October 19, now found himself begging for Soviet help.

25 Oct 1100 hours: A meeting of the Armed Forces Supreme Council, the first since the outbreak of war. ...The main topic was, of course, how to open the road to Third Army. But though everyone spoke with passion, nobody could come up with a realistic plan.

"My men and I are ready to die to open the road to the Third Army," Qabiyl (Brigadier of the 4th Armored division) said. "But I have to say I do not think we will succeed. And if our division is destroyed the road to Cairo will be wide open."

To stay alive the Third Army needed rather over 150 tons of supplies a day. The vast column of soft-skinned vehicles needed to carry such quantitiies would simply be an added burden on the tank crews of 4th Division as they fought their way down the road.

Egypt had no choice but to accept every humiliating condition. By such tactics the Israelis kept Third Army on the brink of collapse, the better to use it as a hostage against the conditions they now wanted to impose.
When you made claim the burder of proof is on you. In another words u just invented it thanks for admitting.

First of all the overwhlelming majority of Egyptian population were slaves themselves. And unlike the Jews they were slaves for thousands years, not for very brief period. Secondly you are an Arab.

I wont leave my land not in good and not in bad. :wave:
Again, my ancestors been in Egypt for more than 7000 years, as hard as it is for you to understand since your bible claim that the world is 6000 years old, but it is the truth, and i know it hurts!! Can you prove otherwise ? My Passport prove so.

No, Egyptians were not enslaved, just you people. Its written in your bible... I am an Egyptian, wanna see my passport ? An Egyptian who speaks Arabic and proud of his Egyptian and Arabic heritage/culture. Arabic is not a race, i been trying to educate you all day, please pay attention!!

You got no land, you stole something, and you will be forced to give it back, like it or not!!
When you made claim the burder of proof is on you. In another words u just invented it thanks for admitting.

First of all the overwhelming majority of Egyptian population were slaves themselves. And unlike the Jews they were slaves for thousands years, not for very brief period. Secondly you are an Arab.

I wont leave my land not in good and not in bad. :wave:

1973 ended with encyrclement of entire Egyptian army. :lol:

Read what Egyptian head of army wrote:
After we killed a big percentage of your population. Also, it forced you to give back Sinai, regardless of the mistakes that me made in the war. Who controls Sinai now ? Who did before 1973 war ?
After we killed a big percentage of your population. Also, it forced you to give back Sinai, regardless of the mistakes that me made in the war. Who controls Sinai now ? Who did before 1973 war ?
We gave you back the land in search of peace but no one in Egypt tried to stop the deep rooted hatred even after the peace agreement.
2800 Israelis died in the war of 73' but 18500 died in the Arab union(15000 Egyptians). Through your mighty skills of delusion claimed this complete domination by Israel as a victory because we killed less of you this time.

If you knew anything you`d know that Egypt was conquered by Arabs and most of the population of Egypt before 640 AD was not Arab. You are an egyptian today because Arabs conquered Egypt.

That is why you find blondes and European looking people in Alexandria, because Egypt kept getting conquered and the races mixed.
We gave you back the land in search of peace but no one in Egypt tried to stop the deep rooted hatred even after the peace agreement.
2800 Israelis died in the war of 73' but 18500 died in the Arab union(15000 Egyptians). Through your mighty skills of delusion claimed this complete domination by Israel as a victory because we killed less of you this time.
No domination what so ever, by us, or by you..... We achieved what we wanted from the war, even with the huge mistakes we made, what did you achive ? Peace or a piece of paper ?? The hate we have for you is because of the killing you been doing since 1948, do you want us to just love you althu you didn't stop killing since we signed peace with you ? If you do, then you are crazy. Stop kiling, give the people the land you stole, apologize for your crimes, and we will forgive you.
After we killed a big percentage of your population. Also, it forced you to give back Sinai, regardless of the mistakes that me made in the war. Who controls Sinai now ? Who did before 1973 war ?
And who controlled it after it the 1973 war?
We gave you back the land in search of peace but no one in Egypt tried to stop the deep rooted hatred even after the peace agreement.
2800 Israelis died in the war of 73' but 18500 died in the Arab union(15000 Egyptians). Through your mighty skills of delusion claimed this complete domination by Israel as a victory because we killed less of you this time.

If you knew anything you`d know that Egypt was conquered by Arabs and most of the population of Egypt before 640 AD was not Arab. You are an egyptian today because Arabs conquered Egypt.

That is why you find blondes and European looking people in Alexandria, because Egypt kept getting conquered and the races mixed.
Wrong, as usual... I am from Alexandria, and people in Alexandria don't look diff. than people from anywhere else in Egypt... Let me educate you again, "Blonde" Egyptians are either of mixed Egyptian, and Turkish ancestors(Musims), or Greek and Egyptian ancestors(Christians). All that happened after the Othmans conquired Egypt. It has nothing to do with Arabs conquiring Egypt, or not. They are very few people just so you know, and they are as Egyptian as me..... The total Arab poulation in 640 AD was not even 1/8 of the Egyptian population back then, stop your crazy thinking, and educate yourself please.
Egypt controled more land after the war eneded than before the war :-).... Who controls Sinai now ?
Actually you're wrong:

Wikipedia said:
By the end of the war, the Israelis had advanced to positions some 101 kilometers from Egypt's capital, Cairo, and occupied 1,600 square kilometers west of the Suez Canal.[141] They had also cut the Cairo-Suez road and encircled the bulk of Egypt's Third Army. The Israelis had also taken many prisoners after Egyptian soldiers, including many officers, began surrending in masses towards the end of the war.[142] The Egyptians held a narrow strip on the east bank of the canal, occupying some 1,200 square kilometers of the Sinai.[143]

With a simple math problem we can easily conclude that the Israelis have controlled more lands than the Egyptians did. Sadly I don't have enough posts so I cannot illustrate it with a picture.

Basically, Israel have utterly crushed the Egyptian army - not only entering Egypt's mainland and occupying a huge bulk from the Western bank of the Suez canal, but it also trapped a whole army (the 3rd Egyptian army). And a field army - to remind you - consists of around 150,000 soldiers. Due to Western (mainly American) pressure, Israel didn't destroy the third army.

To your question, "who controls Sinai now?", I'll respond: Who controls Germany now? The Germans. That - according to your logic, proves the Germans defeated the Allies in WWII. Think about it.

edit: Here is the picture (notice the Syrian region as well. Israel got very close to Damascus as well):
Wrong, as usual... I am from Alexandria, and people in Alexandria don't look diff. than people from anywhere else in Egypt... Let me educate you again, "Blonde" Egyptians are either of mixed Egyptian, and Turkish ancestors(Musims), or Greek and Egyptian ancestors(Christians). All that happened after the Othmans conquired Egypt. It has nothing to do with Arabs conquiring Egypt, or not. They are very few people just so you know, and they are as Egyptian as me..... The total Arab poulation in 640 AD was not even 1/8 of the Egyptian population back then, stop your crazy thinking, and educate yourself please.
Educate yourself.
Muslim conquest of Egypt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Egyptians are arab today because the country was arabized, much like most of North Africa. Egypt today is a mixed race of indo-europeon ,nubian and arabic descent.
Go read a history book of where Arabs came from.
Actually you're wrong:

With a simple math problem we can easily conclude that the Israelis have controlled more lands than the Egyptians did. Sadly I don't have enough posts so I cannot illustrate it with a picture.

Basically, Israel have utterly crushed the Egyptian army - not only entering Egypt's mainland and occupying a huge bulk from the Western bank of the Suez canal, but it also trapped a whole army (the 3rd Egyptian army). And a field army - to remind you - consists of around 150,000 soldiers. Due to Western (mainly American army), Israel didn't destroy the third army.

To your question, "who controls Sinai now?", I'll respond: Who controls Germany now? The Germans. That - according to your logic, proves the Germans defeated the Allies in WWII. Think about it.
I spoke about this war online over a thousand time, i am not interested in talking about it again, check my older posts, you might find something interesting... You guys won, and gave us Sinai back because you are so nice and generous..... Me, as most Egyptians know what happened in the war, what mistakes we did, and what we achived, and what we didn't... I really don't need some baby killers to teach me my histroy.
Actually you're wrong:

With a simple math problem we can easily conclude that the Israelis have controlled more lands than the Egyptians did. Sadly I don't have enough posts so I cannot illustrate it with a picture.

Basically, Israel have utterly crushed the Egyptian army - not only entering Egypt's mainland and occupying a huge bulk from the Western bank of the Suez canal, but it also trapped a whole army (the 3rd Egyptian army). And a field army - to remind you - consists of around 150,000 soldiers. Due to Western (mainly American) pressure, Israel didn't destroy the third army.

To your question, "who controls Sinai now?", I'll respond: Who controls Germany now? The Germans. That - according to your logic, proves the Germans defeated the Allies in WWII. Think about it.
You will find THAT kind of 'logic' prevalent here.
I spoke about this war online over a thousand time, i am not interested in talking about it again, check my older posts, you might find something interesting... You guys won, and gave us Sinai back because you are so nice and generous..... Me, as most Egyptians know what happened in the war, what mistakes we did, and what we achived, and what we didn't... I really don't need some baby killers to teach me my histroy.
Don't makes statements, and than flee when you are asked the stand behind them. You were proven factually wrong. The Arab conception of the war is filled with propaganda. One glimpse in the Arab Wikipedia in the article about the war - which says, for instance, that 10,000 (!!!) Israeli soldiers were killed - is enough to realize what's the general conception of the war among the Arabs. You are not an unusual case, so I can tell.
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