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Iran collabrate with Israel


Jun 23, 2012
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Iran’s deputy foreign minister reportedly said on Saturday that his country has exchanged messages with the US about the fight against Islamic State (Isis) militants in Syria and Iraq.

Hossein Amir Abdollahian was quoted by Iranian media, in what would be a rare confirmation of Iran-US discussions over Isis, as saying Iran had warned Washington that Israel would be at risk should the US and its allies seek to topple the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, while fight ...

Iran warns of risk to Israel's security should US seek overthrow of Assad ▪ Iranian.com

Didnt you wanted to destroy Israel or are you acting?:-)

Assad is more beloved than destroying Israek? Where is ahmedinjad ahahahah?
They're all fake, when it comes to $$$$$, everybody is your friend. Pakistan should always stay alert, whether its China, Iran or India.
Iran’s deputy foreign minister reportedly said on Saturday that his country has exchanged messages with the US about the fight against Islamic State (Isis) militants in Syria and Iraq.

Hossein Amir Abdollahian was quoted by Iranian media, in what would be a rare confirmation of Iran-US discussions over Isis, as saying Iran had warned Washington that Israel would be at risk should the US and its allies seek to topple the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, while fight ...

Didnt you wanted to destroy Israel or are you acting?:-)

Assad is more beloved than destroying Israek? Where is ahmedinjad ahahahah?
Israel actually armed Iran in the 1980s during the war with Iraq. Saddam Hussein was seen as a greater enemy.
Iran had warned Washington that Israel would be at risk should the US and its allies seek to topple the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad
You can also interpret this as a threat.
We already know, they are low people, much much lower than you think. BTW, this is the guy who is so worried about Israeli security in secret while calls for it's destruction in public:

We already know, they are low people, much much lower than you think. BTW, this is the guy who is so worried about Israeli security in secret while calls for it's destruction in public:

View attachment 127771

Well, nobody among the 500 million Arabs aside from a few brainwashed sheep think any differently. Being two-faced is a very famous characteristic for many of them. Just look at Palestine. All that barking and nothing more than supporting 1-2 militant groups with some largely useless weapons in Palestine. Never have they thought against Israel nor will they. I think that everyone now knows outside of those brainwashed sheep.

Anyway the radicals among them would probably love to destroy Israel the problem is that they can never do that so they stick to the barking to influence the often stupid Muslim masses (in this case the Shia masses at home and abroad) and as we can see on even PDF, then it works among such people. Behind all that talk they are desperate to escape their sanctions and safe a failing state from collapsing. Hence the constantly ongoing talks with the West. The "Evil Satan" is now not so evil anymore it seems.:lol:

I wonder if they stop shouting "death to America and Israel" each Friday or day when they make a deal with the West? Man, what will they tell to people who attended those rallies/prayers for 35 straight years? What will replace that? "Death to Mullah's"?!

I find the Iranian regime utter comical. It's one of the biggest questions in life how come sane people can follow or believe what they say. I mean if they managed to rule Iran somewhat successfully (no sane person can say that they have) I might have understood it but otherwise……Man.

But after all the Supreme Leader and Grand Ayatollah is "the representative of God on this earth" in their eyes so difficult NOT to follow such a holy man. Right? If an Iranian, regardless of being Arab, Baluch, Lur, Kurd, Turkmen, Azeribaijani, Farsi etc. oppose them he will either die or be jailed for life. Fair enough this also happens in other dictatorships of the world but at least in some of them people live relatively good lives or at least better than in the Mullah paradise.

They can't have it both ways but they think that they can.
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Iran: We Can Destroy 'Every Spot' in Israel - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva

Iran general: 'Our hands are on the trigger' to destroy Israel | The Times of Israel

They are good.:lol: That "trigger" has been held for 35 years now and nothing has happened. Can one pay to watch them live? A Mullah cabaret sounds promising.

Nah, we rather prefer that their Kurdish Pahlavi peasant dynasty comes back or maybe an Zartosht (copy of ancient Semitic Assyrian Gods etc.) will return.

Zarif says Iran can defeat US and Israel - Iranian American Forum

Go, Mullah, go Mullah. You can do it! Just have belief.

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This is so sad that some even senior members have either English comprehension problems or purpose of trolling.


I expected more from you. This is a warning that if you 'go for Assad', then we go for Israel, as the sentence clearly mentions.

This is indeed an embarrassment.

Iran is against Al-Assad are they not? After all he is an Arab nationalist and secular while Iran is ruled by Islamists. Or what? Contradictory politics here?

Iran Daily, May 3: A Warning to the US Not to “Meddle” | EA WorldView

The Iranian regime is very good at giving warnings out. Have you not noticed this also? I believe that you would be a better ruler @Serpentine .
Any thing could happen , So every country should stay alert.
Iran is against Al-Assad are they not? After all he is an Arab nationalist and secular while Iran is ruled by Islamists. Or what? Contradictory politics here?

Iran Daily, May 3: A Warning to the US Not to “Meddle” | EA WorldView

The Iranian regime is very good at giving warnings out. Have you not noticed this also? I believe that you would be a better ruler @Serpentine .

That's the political aspect you are talking about and I already know you and I are worlds apart. But the problem was in interpreting the main naration, not our differences on the political side.

This article doesn't mean that Iran is doing Israel a favor by warning it, it is a threatennig. Whether you agree or not that it's real is another thing.
Isn't that just Iran saying Assad is the one keeping the out of control" freedom fighter" terrorists at bay and while obviously U.S.A. wants to destablize the region and enfore regime change, they would make things worse for Israel this time.

They are critizising the U.S. terror policies as stupid and just making everything worse, not just for others this time.
I love how the wahabis sect call to destroy Iran because they collaborate with Israel with few words, not authentified

When they collaborate with Israel with a lot of weapons and be the soldiers of the iraeli's wars
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