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Iran collabrate with Israel

see I keep mentioning gcc, because gcc countries have American bases on Arab soil, and America has been invading and destroying Arab countries such as Iraq and Libya, and now Syria... which is why I keep saying gcc...

and you are right, non of the super powers want see a united Arab world... but I don't see Russia as a big obstacle compared to the west... again Russia influence in the Arab world is not strong, it is only in Syria ( since Russia is standing with Syria against western invasion)... come to think about it, a non Arab country, Russia, stopped a western invasion of an Arab country, while Arab countries asked the west to invade Syria... THAT IS THE DIVISION MY FRIEND...

and George Galloway is saying the truth...

and don't worry about grammar, because I myself not correcting anything I write.. no time...

I am saying that the model of creating regional cooperation that might turn into something bigger is good. I disagree with the GCC on many fronts. I blame our rulers for much too. But the ordinary women and man cannot do much. We have not chosen this. We did not elect anyone.

What is happening in Syria is a tragedy and soon I do not know what to think anymore. Maybe it is all a game of thrones and we are fooled with. Maybe they want neither sides to win and just continue making our lands unstable. Somehow this is very probable.

I am not against Russian people or Russia. I just don't believe that they will be much better than USA should they get as much influence.

What I am waiting for is one strong Arab leader that will speak AND act. Not only speak and do nothing.

Anyway what is important is not as Galloway said to blame others but look within. In the past few days I have been thinking about what is going on and some views I held before I am not so convinced about anymore.

Most importantly the entire leadership has disappointed me a lot on many fronts.

What I hope we can agree with is that we need to cooperate closer. Not necessary a formal unity but much better cooperation. More unity means strength and nobody will help us but ourselves.

What I care most about right now is peace in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Lebanon, Egypt and a new generation that will see what we wailed to see or wailed to do for the betterment of our countries, regions and the Arab world as a whole. Even if we disagree politically we must respect each other and some of the problem with past Arab nationalism was that the rulers only accepted their versions and had love tolerance of opposite views. I hope this sincerely changes.

EU is a very good system to emulate. I mean the fact that people who killed 50 millions of each other can support each other and work so close today.

When did any Arab country fight each other outside Iraq and Kuwait? I don't remember much similar conflicts since WW2 if any.

Take care and although we disagree on some issues I hope the best for Syria and for peace to prevail.

Our lands are home to the oldest civilizations on the planet and we were a leading part of the world for literary millenniums. We got the history, land, resources, location etc. to succeed. EVerything is in front of us almost. If our ancestors could we should too.
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I am saying that the model of creating regional cooperation that might turn into something bigger is good. I disagree with the GCC on many fronts. I blame our rulers for much too. But the ordinary women and man cannot do much. We have not chosen this. We did not elect anyone.

What is happening in Syria is a tragedy and soon I do not know what to think anymore. Maybe it is all a game of thrones and we are fooled with. Maybe they want neither sides to win and just continue making our lands unstable. Somehow this is very probable.

I am not against Russian people or Russia. I just don't believe that they will be much better than USA should they get as much influence.

What I am waiting for is one strong Arab leader that will speak AND act. Not only speak and do nothing.

Anyway what is important is not as Galloway said to blame others but look within. In the past few days I have been thinking about what is going on and some views I held before I am not so convinced about anymore.

Most importantly the entire leadership has disappointed me a lot on many fronts.

What I hope we can agree with is that we need to cooperate closer. Not necessary a formal unity but much better cooperation. More unity means strength and nobody will help us but ourselves.

What I care most about right now is peace in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Lebanon, Egypt and a new generation that will see what we wailed to see or wailed to do for the betterment of our countries, regions and the Arab world as a whole. Even if we disagree politically we must respect each other and some of the problem with past Arab nationalism was that the rulers only accepted their versions and had love tolerance of opposite views. I hope this sincerely changes.

EU is a very good system to emulate. I mean the fact that people who killed 50 millions of each other can support each other and work so close today.

When did any Arab country fight each other outside Iraq and Kuwait? I don't remember much similar conflicts since WW2 if any.

Take care and although we disagree on some issues I hope the best for Syria and for peace to prevail.

Our lands are home to the oldest civilizations on the planet and we were a leading part of the world for literary millenniums. We got the history, land, resources, location etc. to succeed. EVerything is in front of us almost.

we don't disagree on most of the aspects, in terms of Arab unity and that we need to improve, I'm glad that we see that we have problems, that is the first step, acknowledging that we do have problems and that we need to solve it on our own, because no foreign power want to see Arabs succeed...

I think EU would be a perfect example for Arab cooperation... however, as we both know, non foreign power want to see unity.. even the west created a mess within GCC ( Qatar)... the west will keep trying to distract Arabs, as we see now, the ISIS conflict, that the west mess created...

anyways, having difference in political views, should make us strong, however, we Arabs don't know how to utilize that difference to improve...

:wave: Peace..
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Let me repeat it once again. I do not care about leaders/dictators. They come and go. I care about the Arab world, our countries and people. This is my primary interest. Not the rulers.

GCC supported Iraq (as every sane Arab country should have done but not all did so (Syria and Libya says hello) . What you talk about happened 3-4 years later.

I ask you why did a Ba'athi ruled Syria chose an stranger (Iran) over an neighboring brother (Iraq) during the Iraq-Iran war? It is a simple question. Why?

I tell you why. Because of lack of unity. This is our main problem and until those idiotic leaders are not gone (all of them ) this will not change. You want this nonsense to continue. All those silly political differences that you mention should not have come before defending your brother. I will defend an Al-Assad supporter over an Farsi anti-Assad supporter every day of the week. We Arabs ourselves do not understand our potential. If we wanted we could unite and then we would be in a totally different position.

There is nothing like your own kin. I will always trust an fellow Arab before a foreigner no matter how much my own kin will disappoint me. For the past decades if not centuries we have disappointed each other. Brother against brother. Like we now discuss this instead of working together. Trying to change the Arab world. Do something. In the meantime our enemies laugh and conspire against us. West, Israel, Iran etc.

You think that I am sectarian because I engage with trolls or troll sometimes but I do not care about that.
Because saddam was against the unity of Syria and Iraq they were should have formed one country but saddam would be the third person in that country ahmad hassan al bakri was suppose to be the president and hafiz al Assad would be the Vice President saddam didn't like the idea
And hafiz al Assad is alawi and saddam is sunni
we don't disagree on most of the aspects, in terms of Arab unity and that we need to improve, I'm glad that we see that we have problems, that is the first step, acknowledging that we do have problems and that we need to solve it on our own, because no foreign power want to see Arabs succeed...

I think EU would be a perfect example for Arab cooperation... however, as we both know, non foreign power want to see unity.. even the west created a mess within GCC ( Qatar)... the west will keep trying to distract Arabs, as we see now, the ISIS conflict, that the west mess created...

anyways, having difference in political views, should make us strong, however, we Arabs don't know how to utilize that difference to improve...

:wave: Peace..

You are fully correct in what you say here bro. In our past discussions when we disagreed then I never meant what I wrote in terms of silly comments. My comments on this front are just what they are. I am not angry when I write either.

Because saddam was against the unity of Syria and Iraq they were should have formed one country but saddam would be the third person in that country ahmad hassan al bakri was suppose to be the president and hafiz al Assad would be the Vice President saddam didn't like the idea
And hafiz al Assad is alawi and saddam is sunni

But similar things happened when Egypt and Syria were united and before Jordan and Iraq. it is always those silly differences and fight because those in power want more power and do not want to lose it I am afraid.

Similar in Yemen (communist, Arab nationalist, Zaydi monarchy). Lots of examples of silly differences.

I am not sure about the generation that is being born now? I wonder what their aspirations will be?! Will they work together or be selfish and fight each other over silly differences?
Dumb? You guys are North Korea 2. You got the biggest brain drain in the world. Judging from the behavior/posts of your fellow Farsis on PDF you are at the lowest bottom in that category as well.

No, it just shows that your Islamic system is pure nonsense and contradictory. Thanks for exposing something that was already well-known.

It must feel really good to support Arab nationalist and Ba'athist. The same Ba'athist who killed almost 1 million of you Iranians.

Sout of Lebanon "liberated".:lol: You mean occupied by a similar branch of moronic Mullah's that would not be able to clean their asses if they wanted.

Well, Arabs conquered Palestine 3-4 times in history and ruled it for more than 1000 years. Went to all the wars against Israel. in recent times Where were you? For all that barking about destroying Israel you are doing a very, very bad job.

It's not KSA that is jumping around like a wild monkey shouting death to Israel and when it comes to it doing nothing when 1500 Palestinian civilians died.

Remember that it is your regime that claims to fight the "Great evil Satan". Not KSA.


Guess what, those Mullah's "liberated" your Lebanon. Can you believe it?:lol:

Du er fan mig en lille røv.
Iran Warns of Israel Attack If US Hits Assad
Iranian deputy FM makes veiled hint against toppling Iran's Syrian ally, while confirming discussions with US on fighting ISIS.

Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian on Saturday warned the US that if America and its coalition tries to topple Syrian President Bashar Assad, Israel will be attacked, reports Associated Press.

Iran: Israel would be at risk if Assad falls
Senior official says US, Tehran exchanged messages concerning fight against Islamic State

Israel at risk if U.S. overthrows Assad, senior Iran official warns
Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian confirmed that his country and the U.S. exchanged messages over the fight against the militant Islamic State group.
lol @ people who dont get the article.

That Iranian minister is saying if you keep on harassing Assad then expect few blows against Israeli targets.

Reading problems, guys ?
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