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Iran can now officially buy modern aircraft

QUOTE="Daneshmand, post: 7398870, member: 165025"]I am sorry but the quality of your post dropped significantly. You did not answer the questions I raised in response to your initial challenge to me. Rationally, you should have. Here are some points to keep in mind:

* Please when writing, make sure you format it in neat paragraphs. It makes it easier for a reader to read them since the visual field is not overwhelmed. You are about to become an engineer, and this must show in your writing. Not only your writing should be in a coherent and neatly styled blocks instead of one long fused text, but also it must be scientific and logical.[ QUOTE]

I apologize for that. I'm writing on my ipad screen ( extremly frustrating) and to be honest I don't attache that much importance to writing or paragraphing since this is a leisure type online forum.

* Please do understand that, Iran is neither a communist nor a capitalist system or any variations of. Neither Iran can be. These are Western systems, invented by West. Iran is still living in dark ages when it comes to politico-economic theory implemented in society (there is no formal economic system in Iran). So calling me a communist againand again has no bearing. If Iran was actually a communist country then you would expect to see such things in Iran which you actually do not:

I didn't say Iran is a communist country I said the mentality that you presented in your previous post was communist to the core. I'll explain further.

* From job creation point of view, a company like Bombardier or such do not employ "200" engineers. There is a supply chain, manufacturing components, assembly, oversight systems in manufacturing, design, test, prototyping, PM, etc etc and while in one site, it is possible there might be only 200 employed but over all there will be thousands of engineers who will be directly connected to such a company and tens of thousands indirectly. To say Iran should not have an aerospace industry because, it wont employ people is a dishonest opinion in my view, unless you believe it to be true for every other country out there in which case then it becomes just an opinion not an argument.

I don't know if you are read my post or just scanned through it. I did not say the company I said The assembly line. Our discussion was not over a new aerospace start up company that manufactures planes, rather we were talking about assembly lines like the one I mentioned in Tianjin, China. " Supply chain, Manufacturing components, assembly, design, test", Only an Aerospace and Transportation Company would need such divisions. If you want to talk about Iran's potential for an aerospace start-up company we could have that debate, but currently we are more concerned about Assembly lines and technology transfer.
Most people who work on assembly lines are technicians not engineers. Engineers would supervise the design, development, manufacturing, and even participate in flight test operations. Assembly of the parts they design would be an important portion of their job but they supervise the assembly, not do it themselves. At least in aircraft manufacturing that is the case.

* First you start building something and then overtime you improve on quality. You can not build something to be of extremely high quality on your first try, or your 10th try. It will take the formation of a manufacturing culture about to mature, that realizes ways to improve quality. No manufacturing, no quality.

For some maybe but not for us. We are talking about Iran. Since 1963 Iran has had an auto manufacturing industry, for nearly 52 years. Iran Khodro and Saipa are the living proofs that unless you have clear cut policies for quality-improvement and government dedication they will bear no fruit. Tell me where Korean cars were 52 years ago and where they are now. Iran-140 was proof of Iran's aircraft manufacturing's poor management and lack of responsibility. Iran-140 was not a High-Quality top of the line aircraft, it followed the soviet philosophy of "simple design but tough ". It's good aircraft but not for Iran. The engines were not compatible with Iran's weather condition. The engines have to be re-designed and reconfigured so they become compatible with Iran's weather condition. But they don't do it, they have been trying to upgrade the IR-140 cockpit to glass cockpit for 7 years now. We know the Iranian work ethics and our lack of responsibility. I could write a report at least 10 pages long about why Iran-140 is not a good aircraft for Iran. I would say An-72/74 would have been much better options. In Iran we don't have a culture of quality improvement this is the difference between us and other industrialized nations.

Iran does not need, neither can nor will become Airbus. Iran just needs to meet its own demand with maybe a small export. Just assembling 30 planes a year will do fine.

Sorry professor. But you have surface level understanding of how this industry works. I have talked to Iran-140 pilots, though they were captains on Iran-140, They said they rather be first officers on Western airplanes. If you actually talk to experts who work in Iran's aviation industry or even the Arta Kish flying school, they show no interest in Iranian made airplanes. Iran air tour basically ran away from the 10 ordered Ir-140. As I said demand is the fuel in this industry's engine just like other industries.

* Iran needs to industrialize. No matter what. Even if it has to come at the price of not sacrificing but actually slaughtering and barbecuing the quality. Without industrialization, Iran has no chance to improve the quality of life for its citizen, since the natural resources are depleting, population is increasing and rapidly aging with Iran's population pyramid inverting in the next 20 years as population growth become negative. If Iran is to avoid a catastrophic social collapse, then this is the only way. You are worried about the quality of planes and I am worried about if Iran will come out in one piece after this pyramid inversion.
* I do not think Iran should form an economy based on exports of manufactured goods.
* Iran does not have any potential for R&D in any sector be it aerospace or something else. The max Iran can do (I repeat the MAX), is to reverse engineer something

I'm sorry but as I said you have a surface level understanding of how industrialization works. you three posts contain multiple contradiction. You want Iran to be industrialized but the country doesn't have any potential for R&D. R&D is the reason why Korean and Japanese cars are not what they were 40 years ago. R&D is the basis for industrialization. The reason Turkey's economy has progressed so rapidly has been precisely because of export, the domestic market is too small for it to cause an industrial revolution. Bombardier is Canada's biggest R&D spender, China is slightly under US in R&D spending. Check out R&D productivity growth in Japan. Professor, if you can't do R&D you deserve to be a backward crippled country. R&D is what sets Germany apart from others in Manufacturing. Iran has tons of potential for export from agriculture products to industrial machinery, telecommunication, and engineering services. But you have to invest in R&D. The reason Israel has the best agriculture technology is because they spend more money on Agriculture R&D than any other nation. In Iran we still have a problem in connecting Universities to Industries let alone R&D.

* Iran's aviation industry must be weaned off their ridiculous attitude, expectation and sense of entitlement to fly only the best world has to offer. They should start to learn flying made in Iran planes. If they were patriotic enough, they would have themselves demanded for it. This third world mentality that ascribes the sense of entitlement to fly and drive the best world has to offer without ever having any desire to design and manufacture their own, is the root cause of Iran's problems as well as the rest of the third world.

Well another country tried that and failed miserably it was called The Soviet Union. After their collapse they washed their national flag carrier with Western Airplanes. This was Russia with a century old Aircraft manufacturing history. You want to take that path again There is no such thing as made in Iran planes. Just like Boeing 65 to 70 percent is made outside of USA.

* You said: "صنعت هوانوردی ایران با هواپیمای غربی خو گرفته". First of all what is خو ? In engineering we do not have anything like خو. And even if this is the case, it is now the time to change this خو. They should start to train their خو to love what they can produce with their own hands and abilities.

Aviation industry is not engineering it's economics. That's why most Airline CEOs in the middle east or the West are all economic majors. Airplanes are made to be make money. The خو means pilots were trained according to the western standards and procedures on western airplanes. The Training that Iranian pilots and maintenance technicians and engineering have gone thorough has been western-based training to operate western made airplanes. Iran's aviation has been based on this system for over 80 years. Changing it would be extremely costly. There are literally hundreds of articles online written by Iranian pilots about why Russian planes are not good for Iran. one thing I have seen all them point out to is the lack of familiarity and the Russian companies insufficient training techniques for foreign crews.

* Iran's aim should not be to compete with Airbus or with Germany. Iran's aim should be to join 21st century while this century is still here. There is only one way to do that. Set up all kinds of industries and hook up the society on them. As Shah did with auto industry. Now Iranians no matter how much they complain about Iranian autos, can not and will never be able to get rid of this industry even if they wanted. Because if they get rid of it, the economy would shrink by so much that there will even be a possibility of state melt down and civil war. Now Iranians have the choice to improve the quality of these cars and go into auto R&D or alternatively continue on with their lives as they are doing now. But Iran can not go back to importing Fords and Chevrolets. The same thing should happen with every other industry. From aerospace to electronics and from biotech to energy. This is Iran's only salvation since this nation only progresses and starts to work when this becomes the only possibility in life. Not out of choice but out of misery.

Aircraft manufacturing is different. There are dozens of other fields in aerospace that they can hook up on. I agree with everything there but under the current leadership and management that is not doable. IR-140 was a good test. they failed and they failed miserably. They ignored the most basic technical requirements that an aircraft has to have prior to flying in Iran's weather condition. These are basic management principles and yet it failed.
QUOTE="Daneshmand, post: 7398870, member: 165025"]I am sorry but the quality of your post dropped significantly. You did not answer the questions I raised in response to your initial challenge to me. Rationally, you should have. Here are some points to keep in mind:

* Please when writing, make sure you format it in neat paragraphs. It makes it easier for a reader to read them since the visual field is not overwhelmed. You are about to become an engineer, and this must show in your writing. Not only your writing should be in a coherent and neatly styled blocks instead of one long fused text, but also it must be scientific and logical.[ QUOTE]

I apologize for that. I'm writing on my ipad screen ( extremly frustrating) and to be honest I don't attache that much importance to writing or paragraphing since this is a leisure type online forum.

I didn't say Iran is a communist country I said the mentality that you presented in your previous post was communist to the core. I'll explain further.

I don't know if you are read my post or just scanned through it. I did not say the company I said The assembly line. Our discussion was not over a new aerospace start up company that manufactures planes, rather we were talking about assembly lines like the one I mentioned in Tianjin, China. " Supply chain, Manufacturing components, assembly, design, test", Only an Aerospace and Transportation Company would need such divisions. If you want to talk about Iran's potential for an aerospace start-up company we could have that debate, but currently we are more concerned about Assembly lines and technology transfer.
Most people who work on assembly lines are technicians not engineers. Engineers would supervise the design, development, manufacturing, and even participate in flight test operations. Assembly of the parts they design would be an important portion of their job but they supervise the assembly, not do it themselves. At least in aircraft manufacturing that is the case.

For some maybe but not for us. We are talking about Iran. Since 1963 Iran has had an auto manufacturing industry, for nearly 52 years. Iran Khodro and Saipa are the living proofs that unless you have clear cut policies for quality-improvement and government dedication they will bear no fruit. Tell me where Korean cars were 52 years ago and where they are now. Iran-140 was proof of Iran's aircraft manufacturing's poor management and lack of responsibility. Iran-140 was not a High-Quality top of the line aircraft, it followed the soviet philosophy of "simple design but tough ". It's good aircraft but not for Iran. The engines were not compatible with Iran's weather condition. The engines have to be re-designed and reconfigured so they become compatible with Iran's weather condition. But they don't do it, they have been trying to upgrade the IR-140 cockpit to glass cockpit for 7 years now. We know the Iranian work ethics and our lack of responsibility. I could write a report at least 10 pages long about why Iran-140 is not a good aircraft for Iran. I would say An-72/74 would have been much better options. In Iran we don't have a culture of quality improvement this is the difference between us and other industrialized nations.

Sorry professor. But you have surface level understanding of how this industry works. I have talked to Iran-140 pilots, though they were captains on Iran-140, They said they rather be first officers on Western airplanes. If you actually talk to experts who work in Iran's aviation industry or even the Arta Kish flying school, they show no interest in Iranian made airplanes. Iran air tour basically ran away from the 10 ordered Ir-140. As I said demand is the fuel in this industry's engine just like other industries.

I'm sorry but as I said you have a surface level understanding of how industrialization works. you three posts contain multiple contradiction. You want Iran to be industrialized but the country doesn't have any potential for R&D. R&D is the reason why Korean and Japanese cars are not what they were 40 years ago. R&D is the basis for industrialization. The reason Turkey's economy has progressed so rapidly has been precisely because of export, the domestic market is too small for it to cause an industrial revolution. Bombardier is Canada's biggest R&D spender, China is slightly under US in R&D spending. Check out R&D productivity growth in Japan. Professor, if you can't do R&D you deserve to be a backward crippled country. R&D is what sets Germany apart from others in Manufacturing. Iran has tons of potential for export from agriculture products to industrial machinery, telecommunication, and engineering services. But you have to invest in R&D. The reason Israel has the best agriculture technology is because they spend more money on Agriculture R&D than any other nation. In Iran we still have a problem in connecting Universities to Industries let alone R&D.

Well another country tried that and failed miserably it was called The Soviet Union. After their collapse they washed their national flag carrier with Western Airplanes. This was Russia with a century old Aircraft manufacturing history. You want to take that path again There is no such thing as made in Iran planes. Just like Boeing 65 to 70 percent is made outside of USA.

Aviation industry is not engineering it's economics. That's why most Airline CEOs in the middle east or the West are all economic majors. Airplanes are made to be make money. The خو means pilots were trained according to the western standards and procedures on western airplanes. The Training that Iranian pilots and maintenance technicians and engineering have gone thorough has been western-based training to operate western made airplanes. Iran's aviation has been based on this system for over 80 years. Changing it would be extremely costly. There are literally hundreds of articles online written by Iranian pilots about why Russian planes are not good for Iran. one thing I have seen all them point out to is the lack of familiarity and the Russian companies insufficient training techniques for foreign crews.

Aircraft manufacturing is different. There are dozens of other fields in aerospace that they can hook up on. I agree with everything there but under the current leadership and management that is not doable. IR-140 was a good test. they failed and they failed miserably. They ignored the most basic technical requirements that an aircraft has to have prior to flying in Iran's weather condition. These are basic management principles and yet it failed.

Good. Since, your only argument here is your personal opinion, and since your only belief here is West is Best, Iran is Germany and Iranian pilots are French, then there is nothing more left to be said.

You failed to bring in a single coherent argument why Iran should not have a complete aerospace industry. You failed to bring any data comparison (eg. why aviation accident deaths should be treated more importantly than Iran's DALY rates in other things). Your only reply was semantics. You fail to understand that a country like Iran is not South Korea, Japan and Germany. Not at a socio-cultural level and nor at knowledge level. Now you can go and live in your cocoon that Iran has the capacity to do R&D for Airbus. Ridiculous in my view.

There are too many Iranians like you who think Iran is part of the West. So I do not blame you. The truth is, Iran is a natural resource export based agrarian society. With no amount of dalghak-bazi, this fact can be changed. To change this fact, Iran must "hoard" as much technology as possible from abroad as Iran itself can not create technology through R&D. As I said above the max Iran can do is to have R&D for reverse engineering.

Because the quality of your post again dropped, and because you had challenged me and attacked me personally accusing me and others of ignorance, communism and what not, but when you were rationally answered then you failed to rationally reply to issues I raised, I see no reason to continue this discussion.

You can go on believing Iran is Germany. Good day.
نظرتون درباره شرکت تو این پروژه چیه؟
whether civilian or fighters Iran should buy only from Russia and China
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