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Iran builds aircraft carrier!

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and about the airplanes , well I don't think our airplanes are carrier capable , it's not fair to want them to tolerate the stress of landing and flying from carrier . But on other hand what if it's not intended for a manned airplane just now and the plan is to use UAV on it ? we have shown some interesting UAV recently .

Technically Iran can build AC but the systems, engine and other stuff would be vintage compared to modern ACs. Second iran is not in hurry ACs can be upgraded later on and has always longer life so it could be used for helicopters/UAV/UCAVs and it makes sense initially. I think Iran should not entirely ditch russians now that russians are back in relative stronger position they might sell aircrafts...what is UN nothing!
according to western sources, that ship is one third of the original carrier and has wooden deck, obviously it's just for targeting purpose. it's best measure for testing our optical seekers on an actual target.
Iran's Navy chief commander in his last statement said there is not any active aircraft carrier project. a troll has seen that mock AC news and decided to show his troll character by posting an one year old denied news about Iran's plan for AC.
Iran doesn't need such carrier because all of our potential enemies plus their bases are in our missile range and we don't have any plan to be like the US and send our fleets everywhere .

The reason Iran focused on accuracy of the missiles after reaching 2500 km range was that we didn't need to attack further as we have Israel and all of the US bases in region under our missile fire .

And there is 1 other reason as well , Iran has a few good islands in Persian Gulf which are far better than any carrier . So why should Iran waste it's money and energy in such field when we can spend it in other programs ?

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Old news and obviously opened for troll purpose.

The news has been denied by officials numerous times.
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