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Iran builds aircraft carrier!

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I thought alcohol is banned in Iran. :undecided:
If it is like the aircraft they showed last year, we don't have anything to fear.



What do you make of this, a Chafagh cockpit and a bit old at that, so what Iran has now and what they can put in the Qaher, no one knows.
They show you what you like to believe for two reasons: first, you will criticise it anyhow, and second, they do not want you to know what kind of tech they have.
If it is like the aircraft they showed last year, we don't have anything to fear.


You may know many things by as it seems you Are not aware how we are playing with your mind .... making others confused about our ability while we are making progress in our plans is the best thing one can do ....

Do you think a country which could overhaul it's fighter is incapable of designing an advanced cockpit?
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It is most likely a floating target(it even has the number 68 painted on it, referring to CVN 68 Nimitz) for our AShBM(Anti ship ballistic missile)

Iran MOD recently showed a larger electro optics which will be fitted on our larger ballistic missile(MRBMs like Sejil) so maybe they want to test our newest medium range anti ship ballistic missile(if i am right).

PressTV is troll master. Hot damn, who eats this gullible shit?
Press tv never claimed that this is Iran's Aircraft carrier, it was Oldman own take on the pic
No need to test it on an actual size carrier, Iran tests its missiles on smaller targets and do not miss, so obviously a bigger target is easily hit.
Iranian officials have talked about building an aircraft carrier a while ago, but they have only said that they have the technology and the know how. Now they are proving it.
For what reason ? this is an open question
No need to test it on an actual size carrier, Iran tests its missiles on smaller targets and do not miss, so obviously a bigger target is easily hit.
Iranian officials have talked about building an aircraft carrier a while ago, but they have only said that they have the technology and the know how. Now they are proving it.
For what reason ? this is an open question
my DEAR sir where will they bought defenses of an god damn air craft carrier ? its not only carrier but world most advanced defensive fleet move along with air craft carrier . or they think USS Nimitz are just floating dead targets ? world best jammers missiles aircrafts radars sonars torpedo's electronics and avionics are their for protect an damn ACC if you remember :o::o::o::o::o:


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my DEAR sir where will they bought defenses of an god damn air craft carrier ? its not only carrier but world most advanced defensive fleet move along with air craft carrier . or they think USS Nimitz are just floating dead targets ? world best jammers missiles aircrafts radars sonars torpedo's electronics and avionics are their for protect an damn ACC if you remember :o::o::o::o::o:
Well, even AEGIS ships can't do much against a ballistic missile, the downside to using ballistic missiles against ships is that ship are moving targets(most of the time)
Well, even AEGIS ships can't do much against a ballistic missile, the downside to using ballistic missiles against ships is that ship are moving targets(most of the time)
that I why no one still hit it in modern real missiles wars ?:lol: try your all missiles only SM-3 is enough :rolleyes:
that I why no one still hit it in real war ?:lol: try your all missiles only SM-3 is enough :rolleyes:
Because there has been no war which involved AShBMs(only Iran and china have developed AShBM), Americans only attack those who can't defend themselves.

I highly doubt that even SM-3 will be capable of intercepting all of our Ballistic missiles.

Obama's 'Proven' SM-3 Missile Interceptor May Only Succeed 20 Percent of the Time, Say Physicists | Popular Science

A Flawed and Dangerous U.S. Missile Defense Plan | Arms Control Association
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my DEAR sir where will they bought defenses of an god damn air craft carrier ? its not only carrier but world most advanced defensive fleet move along with air craft carrier . or they think USS Nimitz are just floating dead targets ? world best jammers missiles aircrafts radars sonars torpedo's electronics and avionics are their for protect an damn ACC if you remember :o::o::o::o::o:



I am looking at the pictures shown before in the Iranian naval duct, it looks like an aircraft carrier and they said before that they are capable of building it, my open question was about the same thing you wrote but as you should know by now the iranians won't built aircaft carriers without taking into account the means to defend them.
Also they might build them with specific and different aims as the superpowers, they might just want to project their naval power not too far from their country and still have a powerful presence there, the reasons are too many, that is why my question is open, there is the propulsion too.
All in all if Iran is building aircraft carriers, it is because they are at that stage.
Because there has been no war which involved AShBMs(only Iran and china have developed AShBM), I highly doubt that even SM-3 will be capable of intercepting all of ou Ballistic missiles.
as I remember folk land gulf wars sino india war - Kosovo war even Libya many of them have missiles and some even used them in past . I disagree that someone can hit easy ACC . only few nations like china Russia USA UK france have such capability
as I remember folk land gulf wars sino india war - Kosovo war even Libya many of them have missiles and some even used them in past . I disagree that someone can hit easy ACC . only few nations like china Russia USA UK france have such capability
In all of these conflicts none of the said nations had Anti ship ballistic missiles(in a matter of fact most of them didn't have any AShM) but it is proven in conflicts like Falkland war and even 2006 Lebanon war that AShMs are highly effective.

AShBM(Anti ship ballistic missiles) are a recent development which only China and Iran are known to have built such missiles, Iran has invested a lot of money in AShM and AShM sector.
see:Fajre darya, Raad, Kowsar, Nasr, Zafar, Noor, Qader and Qadir AShM(Anti ship missile) and Khalij Fars AShBM
Fajre Darya







Khalij fars


Defeating Ballistic missiles is a daunting task(much more difficult than your average Anti ship cruise missile) so this is why china and Iran chose this path.

Obama's 'Proven' SM-3 Missile Interceptor May Only Succeed 20 Percent of the Time, Say Physicists | Popular Science

A Flawed and Dangerous U.S. Missile Defense Plan | Arms Control Association

I hadn't said that it will be easy to sank a carrier but it is not impossible(specially in an area like Persian Gulf)
See below:
Millennium Challenge 2002 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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