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Iran blames US, UK, Pakistan

I'm talking about iranians not all shias.
I have personally talked to iranians and the fellow told me many things about sunni beliefs which were simply untrue.

There is no limit to chanting of minority.... i have heard more people chanting that BB is shaeed!!! bhutto is shaeed!!!
so don't base your reactions on street chanting.....

I do not value a person based on his religon.
Best person for me is who do not conspire against fellow humans and worst is hypocrite.

Minority deeming shias as kafirs? This is not street chanting. Mainstream sunni ulema like Dr Israr spread propaganda against Shias. You should go out more often.

The wahabis have lots of propaganda literature against shias than you can imagine; have a look at this:

Wahabi propaganda literature

I as a shia myself laugh when I read this kind of stuff; and many sunnis actually believe this stuff :woot:

Sadly we have to bring religion into every discussion because of that bigot zia...
In general iran is not the 'bortherly' country that many in Pakistan think them to be. They have very deep rooted ethnic and sectarain views , we need to be watchfull of them. Some of them also support the seperation of Frontier and Balochistan from Pakistan.
There is nothing on earth called "brotherly damn country",every one is working for there(own) national interests,except us( practically being the most stupid).I really hate it when some nuckle heads through in slogans of pan islamism,and brother nations crap etc. its time for the people of this land to grow up, and seriously leave behind all the emotional crap we have been doing in the past. i dont know if accepting isreal is bad for palistien,but certainly not accepting it proved very expensive for us far,made an enemy for no good reasons, and can any one explian,if all the arab states are accepting it then why the heck we are having problem them( mudai susth,gawah chusth). we are crazy people, if today,some arabs through in some penuts towards us, we well start marching and dancing in the streats, and prasing them for being so called brotherly nation, tomorrow if some other nation do this, they will deserve the same and even more. have you ever noticed when their leaders come to pakistan our president and prime minister both will be present like jacka$$ to recieve them and show their loyality, and when they go their,they recieved by hospitality minister:tdown: what i am saying is to get out of this kind of maintality, keep things strictly in our own interests, because they dont give damn about us.:pakistan::pakistan:
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Well no offence meant but :

India : Bad
Af :Bad
Iran : Bad

I thought India was the one in the region having probs with its neighbors .

We dont try to break countries with terrorist activities unlike our neighbor which feels proud in doing such activities.
Whichever way you look at it, though the highlighted part above is not understood..

We ALL seem to be having probs with ALL our neighbors. Right ?

you may be right, but in your case its extreem, you faught wars with your neighbours and still in the same mindset, while we arent going to fight wars with them, our situation is not as sever as yours.
We dont try to break countries with terrorist activities unlike our neighbor which feels proud in doing such activities.

The issue here is not abt breaking or joining countries.

Its about having probs with ALL ur neighbors, something attributed to India only all along here.
Bloody attack in southern Iran: US-British-Israeli terror attack

18 / 10 / 2009

MOSCOW, 18 Oktober (RIA Novosti). Behind today's bomb attack on a high military in southern Iran, that killed 31 people, according to the latest data to suspect Iranian authorities of Great Britain.

The Iranian state television circulated a statement for an "informed source" who said Britain "immediately" was behind the attack. The London-based Foreign Office condemned the atrocity in Iran, without commenting on allegations from Tehran.

The assassination of a high commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards had been committed in the south of the country. The high military was killed. A suicide bomber had detonated his bomb outside a conference hall in the city of Sarbaz, when there commanders and tribal elders had gathered for a meeting. Among the casualties, there are several officers.

To the suicide attack, apparently the worst in the Islamic Republic for years, yet no one claimed responsibility. The Iranian parliament chief and ex-Atomchefunterhändler Ali Larijani in turn made the U.S. responsible for the attack, as reported the AFP. Before that had already expressed a spokesman for the Revolutionary Guard that were behind the murder "foreign elements" who are "connected with the U.S.."

In 1979 gebldete the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is a conservative special unit of the army, which is tasked with monitoring the regime loyalty. They had also come in the war against Iraq (1980/88) are used.

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Minority deeming shias as kafirs? This is not street chanting. Mainstream sunni ulema like Dr Israr spread propaganda against Shias. You should go out more often.

The wahabis have lots of propaganda literature against shias than you can imagine; have a look at this:

Wahabi propaganda literature

I as a shia myself laugh when I read this kind of stuff; and many sunnis actually believe this stuff :woot:

Sadly we have to bring religion into every discussion because of that bigot zia...

Why are you turning this into Shia vs Sunni stuff?

Someone killed in Iran is completely Iran's problem, view it as Iran's problem and let it take care of it. You don't have any proof of "SUNNI" involvement in it and if there is then why blame all the SUNNI's? Remember, foreign powers are investing big time against the government of Iran.
We strongly Condemn this audacious attack, they have killed countless of innocent lives our thoughts and prayers go to the familes of the deceased..

-Yeah, we obviously had a hand in your foreign affairs.. -_-"
The issue here is not abt breaking or joining countries.

Its about having probs with ALL ur neighbors, something attributed to India only all along here.

and India has no problems with any neighbors :coffee:
1. China Boarder issue
2. Bangladesh Boarder and water issue
3. Sri lanka LTTE issue
4. Pakistan a long list (no time)
5. Nepal , please stop changing governments there

You know I replied, as I don't hate Indian its just because I love Pakistan.
TEHRAN: A suicide bomber blew himself up on Sunday at a meeting in southeastern Iran of the elite Revolutionary Guards, killing seven commanders and 23 other people in an attack Tehran blamed on Washington.
Several tribal leaders at the meeting in Sistan-Baluchestan province — a hotbed of Sunni insurgency — also died in the blast which officials said additionally injured 28 people.
The attacker set off his explosives belt as the meeting got underway around 8.00 amin front of a gymnasium in the city of Pisheen, near the border with Pakistan, the state broadcaster said.
Iran’s parliament speaker said the United States was behind the attack while the Guards accused Western powers for the assault.
Meanwhile, the ISNA news agency reported that Iran has summoned Islamabad’s envoy to Tehran over the bombing, claiming the attack had been launched from Pakistani soil.
The chief prosecutor in Sistan-Baluchestan said Abdolmalek Rigi, the head of the shadowy Sunni rebel group, Jundallah (Soldiers of God) had ‘accepted the responsibility’ for the attack.
‘Based on the latest information... between 30 to 35 people, including military officers, tribal leaders and local citizens, have been martyred in the attack,’ the chief prosecutor, Mohammad Marziah, said, as quoted by ISNA news agency.
‘So far no one has been arrested, but terrorist Malek Rigi has accepted the responsibility for this terrorist attack,’ he said.
Rigi’s group has regularly attacked the Guards, the elite military force set up after the 1979 Islamic revolution to protect the regime from internal and external threats.
Fars news agency said the bomber struck when Guard officers were meeting local leaders of the Shia and Sunni communities, adding some tribal chiefs were among the dead.
Fars said that among the dead were General Nur-Ali Shushtari, deputy commander of the Revolutionary Guards ground forces, General Mohammad-Zadeh, commander of the Revolutionary Guards in Sistan-Baluchestan province, the Guards’ commander for the town of Iranshahr and the commander of the Amir al-Momenin unit.
Three other commanders from the adjacent province of Kerman were also killed, according to Fars.
One of the victims, Mohammad Ayoub Dehghani, who was wounded in the stomach, said the bomber ‘must have walked through the people to where the commanders and tribal heads were sitting.’The enemies of the Islamic Republic of Iran cannot tolerate the unity, so they hire mercenaries who are supported by the Zionists and arrogant powers to carry out these terrorist attacks,’ IRNA quoted him as saying.
Another victim, Qader Bakhsh Tajdari, who was hurt in the arm said: ‘What have the ordinary people and local chiefs done to be murdered like this?’ President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad warned of swift retribution against those who carried out the attack.
‘I am ordering the relevant officials to identify quickly the elements of this terrorist crime and hand them over to the judiciary,’ Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying by IRNA.
‘I assure the Iranian people, especially the dear people of Sistan-Baluchestan that the criminals will receive very soon a response to their inhuman acts.’ Parliamentary speaker Ali Larijani said the United States was implicated in the deadly attack.
‘We consider the recent terrorist attack to be the result of US action.
This is the sign of America’s animosity against our country,’ Larijani said.
‘Mr. Obama has said he will extend his hand towards Iran, but with this terrorist action he has burned his hand,’ he said referring to US President Barack Obama’s repeated diplomatic overtures to Tehran.
The United States condemned the suicide bombing and denied any involvement in the attack.
‘We condemn this act of terrorism and mourn the loss of innocent lives,’ State Department Spokesman Ian Kelly said in a statement in Washington.
‘Reports of alleged US involvement are completely false,’ he added.
DAWN.COM | World | At least 29 killed in Iran blast, Jundollah claims attack

Iranian officials have previously accused Britain and the United States of supporting ethnic minority rebels such as Jundallah operating in the sensitive border areas, especially in Sistan-Baluchestan province.— AFP
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According to pakistani media Iranian President blames Pakistan Security guard(intelligence agency) behind sistan attacks on revolutionary guards officials.Now Iran is demanding of handover of culprits!!!! What th hell is this!!! .After india,afghansitan now Iran starts blame game without any concrete evidence.Thanks God there is Arabian sea in south of Pakistan....:rofl: :rofl:
It proves now that the nexus of Iran and India is on the move now. Ahmedinejad is nothing but a coward like Karzai. How could he blame this to us. What a characters we are having in our neighbours.
According to pakistani media Iranian President blames Pakistan Security guard(intelligence agency) behind sistan attacks on revolutionary guards officials.Now Iran is demanding of handover of culprits!!!! What th hell is this!!! .After india,afghansitan now Iran starts blame game without any concrete evidence.Thanks God there is Arabian sea in south of Pakistan....:rofl: :rofl:

Would this affect the Iran-Pakistan natural gas pipeline? Any news on that?
Now claim islamic brotherhood and all.....its weird how you people used to boast iran against the zionist evil israel,and now the same iran accusing pak of the attacks.....weirdiest thing i have ever seen!......will look closely for furthur developments.......and its damn serious when the president says so,and there must be some reason behind too......not good for pak at all

---------- Post added at 01:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:35 AM ----------

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